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Watch Video – IAS Coaching Current Affairs 30-10-2019
Video Source – Shankar IAS Academy
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IAS Coaching Current Affairs 30-10-2019 are followed in the part below:
IAS Current Affairs and News Analysis (30-10-2019)
Kudankulam Power Plant
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III – Energy
In News
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- Hours after a cybersecurity master guaranteed on Twitter that the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant’s (KKNPP) space controller-level access could have been undermined, government has completely denied it
- Cyberattack on the unit was unrealistic as its frameworks were all independent and structures a disconnected system.
- Kudankulam and other Indian atomic power plants, control frameworks were not associated with an outside digital system and Internet
- Government uncovered that a cybersecurity review was directed as of late after a vain endeavor to hack the NPCIL’s segregated system was made.
- At the point when an Iranian atomic power plant went under suspected cyberattack in 2012 (Stuxnet infection), Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd. (NPCIL) took every prudent step however it had just set up a separated system
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III – Economy
In News
- The Competition Commission of India (CCI) has requested a point by point examination concerning on the web travel booking organizations Make My Trip and Goibibo and cordiality supplier OYO
- This request depends on objections by individuals from the Federation of Hotel and Restaurant Associations of India (FHRAI) asserting profound limiting, installment issues and swindling by these organizations.
- CCI said there was a by all appearances case to examine MMT-Go and OYO for supposed infringement of the arrangements of Section 3(4) of the Competition Act — relating to against focused settlements and Section 4 of the Act (identifying with maltreatment of predominant position).
Competition commission of India (CCI)
- A statutory body built up under the arrangements of The Competition Act, 2002.
- It comprises of a Chairperson and 6 Members selected by the Central Government.
- Its command is execute arrangements of The Competition Act, 2002 which –
- denies hostile to aggressive understandings and maltreatment of prevailing situation by endeavors
- controls mergers and obtaining (M&A) which can adversy affect rivalry inside India.
Flood risk
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III –Disaster Management
In News
- New study has indicated that in India, 36 million individuals would confront yearly flooding by 2050 and 44 million by 2100 if discharges keep on rising unabated.
- About 21 million are relied upon to live underneath the High Tide Line, the limit that denotes the most distant to which the ocean ventures into the land at elevated tide.
- All inclusive about 110 million individuals live ashore underneath the ebb and flow elevated tide lines and 250 million ashore beneath yearly flood levels
- Ebb and flow atmosphere studies state that environmental change has caused worldwide mean ocean level to ascend by 11-16 cm in the twentieth century and is relied upon to by as much as 2 m before this present century’s over.
- As the tideline rises higher than the ground individuals call home, countries will progressively go up against inquiries regarding whether, how much, and to what extent beach front safeguards can ensure them

Government to work on relief package for Telecom sector
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III – Economy
In News
- The legislature has established a Committee of Secretaries (CoS), headed by Cabinet Secretary to work out a help bundle for the telecom area.
- This may help alleviate the effect of the more than ₹1.4 lakh crore that the telcos may need to pay the exchequer following an ongoing Supreme Court request.
- The Supreme Court maintained the administration’s situation on including income from non-media transmission organizations in figuring the yearly balanced gross income (AGR) of telecom organizations, a portion of which is paid as permit and range expense to the exchequer.
- Following the request, the telcos may need to pay the administration ₹1.42 lakh crore inside a quarter of a year.
- CoS will survey different requests made by the business, including suspension of range sell off installment due for the following two years, decrease in range use charges and the Universal Service Obligation Fund demand.
Stress in Telecom Sector
- The business’ obligation at present stands at about ₹4 lakh crore
- The gross income of the business had fallen between 2017-18 and 2018-19, the source said the cost of information for the client at a normal of ₹8 per GB is maybe the most minimal on the planet.
- The normal income per client every month has declined from ₹174 in 2014-15 to ₹113 in 2018-19.
- Bharti Airtel’s obligation remains at about ₹42,000 crore while Vodafone Idea may need to dish out about ₹40,000 crore
Modern Humans came from Botswana
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains I – History
In News
- Present day people rose 2,00,000 years prior in a district of northern Botswana, researchers have found.
- While it has for quite some time been realized that cutting edge people — Homo sapiens — began in Africa, researchers have as of not long ago been not able pinpoint the exact area of our species’ origin.
- A group broke down DNA tests from 200 Khoesan individuals to land at the end.

Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains I- Culture
In News
- Assamese Bhaona to make an English debut in Abu Dhabi
- Bhaona — a folklore based dramatic execution – a 500-year old conventional Assamese work of art spread by Vaishnavite holy person and reformer Sankardeva.
- It is just because that Bhaona would be displayed in English for a universal audienceto advance the Vaishnava showy execution for worldwide craftsmanship epicureans, and acquaint them with Assamese culture and conventions
- Sankardeva expected to interface with his Assamese masses, who didn’t anticipate the heavenly characters of his plays to talk in the normal man’s language. So he made the Brajavali, an artistic language constrained to showy utilization
Do You Know?
- Sattriya is one of the eight Indian Classical move conventions. The move was presented in fifteenth Century by an extraordinary Vaishnava Saint MahapurushShankardev in Assam.
- It was fundamentally a religious community move and later on developed as an unmistakable move structure and spread crosswise over Assam.
- It has been for a considerable length of time, supported and saved with extraordinary duty by the Sattras for example Vaishnava maths or religious communities. In light of its strict character and relationship with the Sattras, this move style has been appropriately named Sattriya.
Mountain gorillas
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains II – Conservation
In News
- Rainforest assurance and devoted veterinarians have helped the mountain gorilla populace bob back in Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda
- Frightened by rising paces of poaching and deforestation in focal Africa, specialists anticipated the species could go wiped out by 2000.
- Rather, a purposeful and continued protection battle has deflected the most noticeably terrible and the quantity of mountain gorillas – a subspecies of eastern gorillas – has ascended from 680 per decade back to a little more than 1,000 today
- Switzerland-based International Union for Conservation of Nature changed the status of mountain gorillas from “basically imperiled” to “jeopardized,” an improved if still-delicate assignment.
- It included “extraordinary preservation,” which has involved checking each and every gorilla in the rainforest, intermittently giving them veterinary consideration and financing woodland security by sending cash into networks that may some way or another disdain not having the option to change over the forested areas into cropland.
Do You Know?
- Gorillas share about 98% of human DNA
- Gorillas are really sluggish primates that eat just plants and creepy crawlies, and live in genuinely steady, more distant family gatherings.
- Their quality and chest-pounding presentations are commonly held for challenges between male adversaries.
TOPIC: General Studies 3:
- Indian Economy and issues relating to planning, mobilization of resources, growth, development and employment.
- Inclusive growth and issues arising from it.
Randomised control trials (RCT) (Part 2)
- Three randomistas, Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo and Michael Kremer, were granted the 2019 Nobel prize in Economics for their ‘randomized control preliminaries’ (RCT)- put together investigations with respect to destitution around the world.
- Improvement financial matters has radically changed during the most recent two decades , because of the broad utilization of ‘randomized control preliminaries’ (RCT).

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RCTs Evolution:
- RCTs can be followed back in the sixteenth century.
- The factual establishment of RCT was created by British analyst Sir Ronald Fisher, around 100 years prior
- In 1995, analysts Marvin Zelen and Lee-Jen Wei represented a clinical preliminary to assess the theory that the antiretroviral treatment AZT lessens the danger of maternal-to-baby HIV transmission.
- Drawing a surmising, regardless of heterogeneity among the patients, was conceivable because of randomisation.
- RCT got its significance in clinical preliminaries since the 1960s, right now any clinical preliminaries without RCT were being considered practically futile.
- RCT was not applied to sociologies then .
RCTs in Social sciences:
- RCTs in Social researchers is intriguing, possible, and successful.
- Nature of sociology gradually changed over from ‘non-trial’ to ‘exploratory’.
- Numerous uses of RCTs occurred in social approach making during the 1960-90s,
- The ‘randomistas’ assumed responsibility for improvement financial aspects since the mid-1990s.
- Almost 1,000 RCTs were directed by Noble laureates 2019 and their associates in 83 nations, for example, India, Kenya and Indonesia.
Case study: Finland’s Basic Income experiment
- Finland’s Basic Income analyze (2017-18), where 2,000 jobless Finns between ages 25-58 were haphazardly chosen the nation over, and were paid €560 per month rather than essential joblessness benefits.
- Results from the main year information didn’t have any critical impact regarding the matters’ work, in examination with the control gathering including people who were not chosen for the test gathering
- Randomisation makes diverse treatment bunches practically identical and furthermore assesses the mistake related in the derivation.
- Except if randomisation is done, the greater part of the standard measurable investigations and deduction methodology become futile.
- Prior social tests needed randomisation and that may be one reason that analysts, for example, Sir Ronald Fisher were reluctant to utilize insights in social tests.
- So as to lead RCTs, the more extensive issue is being cut into littler ones, and any weakening of the logical strategy leaves the ends flawed.
Connecting the dots:
- “RCT or no RCT” may not be just a policy decision to economics; it is the question of shifting the paradigm. justify
Also read: Part 1 :
TOPIC: General Studies 3:
- Indian Economy and issues relating to planning, mobilization of resources, growth, development and employment.
Employment in India
- Since the consequences of the Periodic Labor Force Survey (PLFS) 2017-18 got open — they indicated that joblessness in India was at a 45-year high — there has been fiery open discussion about the genuine condition of joblessness in the nation.
What fuelled debate?
- Long delays in the availability of past employment data, even though PLFS tracks employment annually.
Highlights of survey:
- 6.1% of India’s work power, and 17.8% of youngsters (15-29 years) in the work power are jobless.
- extent of the workforce occupied with standard compensation/salaried occupations expanded by 5 rate focuses between 2011-12 (when the last NSSO business joblessness overview was led) and 2017-18.
- The general workforce declined by 4 rate focuses between 2011-12 and 2017-18).
- Normal specialists expanded distinctly by one rate point to 8% over a similar period.
- India still lingers a long ways behind creating economies, for example, China (53.1%), Brazil (67.7%) and South Africa (84.8%) in the portion of salaried or ordinary employments.

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Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister (EAC-PM)suggested :
- Rather than concentrating on joblessness, it concentrates just on the “work” information.
- It does as such by taking a gander at three equivalent reviews led by the National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO) — the Employment-Unemployment Surveys (EUS) of 2004-05 and 2011-12, and the PLFS of 2017-18.
Mapping of Unemployment:
The NSSO surveys divide the entire population into three categories.
Category 1 comprises of individuals who were associated with monetary action (or work) during the reference time of the study. These people are marked as “Utilized” — and Category 1 can be subdivided into classifications, for example, independently employed, salaried representatives, and easygoing workers.
Category 2 comprises of individuals who were not occupied with any monetary movement during the reference time of the overview, yet were searching for work if work was accessible. These people are marked as “Jobless”.
Category 3 comprises individuals who are neither occupied with work nor accessible for it. This classification — named as “Not in the work power” — would have an enormous number of individuals, including the individuals who have resigned, those examining, those unfit to work because of inability, and those going to “just” to residential obligations.

Connecting the dots:
- Has the rise of the organised sector led to an increase in contractual employment? Analyse
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in comment section)
Q.1)Bhaona, an India performing artis predominant in which region/state of India?
- Gujarat
- Ladakh
- Assam
- None of the above
Q.2)Consider the following statements
- Gorillas share about 98% of human DNA
- Gorillas are actually languid primates that eat only plants and insects, and live in fairly stable, extended family groups.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.3)Consider the following statements about Competition Commission of India (CCI)
- It is a quasi-judicial body.
- It is responsible for enforcing Competition Act, 2002 throughout India.
- It works to protect the interests of consumers.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
- 1 and 2
- 1 and 3
- 2 and 3
- 1, 2 and 3
Q.4)Consider the following statements about Sattriya
- Sattriya is one of the eight Indian Classical dance traditions.
- The dance was introduced in 15th Century by a great Vaishnava Saint MahapurushShankardev in Ladakh.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.5)Consider the following statements
- Current climate studies say that climate change has caused global mean sea level to rise by 11-16 cm in the 20th century and is expected to by as much as 2 m by the end of this century.
- In India, 36 million people would face annual flooding by 2050 and 44 million by 2100 if emissions continue to rise unabated.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
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