Amrit Brikshya Andolan 2023: Registration, Objectives and Benefits

Assam Amrit Brikshya Andolan: Greening Assam for a Sustainable Future


The Assam Government has embarked on a significant endeavor known as the Amrit Brikshya Andolan, under the leadership of Chief Minister Shri Hemanta Biswa Sarma. This initiative aims to foster a greener and more sustainable environment in the state by planting one crore seedlings. The Andolan, officially launched on June 8, 2023, holds the promise of enhancing the state’s green cover and promoting a tree-based economy.

Objectives of Assam Amrit Brikshya Andolan

The Assam Amrit Brikshya Andolan is a massive tree planting initiative launched by the Assam government in 2023. The Andolan has four main objectives:

  • Planting 1 Crore Seedlings: The primary goal of the Amrit Brikshya Andolan is to plant one crore seedlings across Assam, contributing to a significant increase in the state’s greenery.
  • Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT): The initiative seeks to provide financial aid to participants through a Direct Benefit Transfer scheme, incentivizing their active involvement in tree planting.
  • Promoting Tree Economy: By encouraging the growth of trees, the Andolan aims to stimulate the tree-based economy within the state, generating sustainable livelihoods and income opportunities.
  • Enhancing Green Coverage: A key objective is to surpass previous levels of green coverage, contributing to the overall environmental well-being of the state.

Benefits of Assam Amrit Brikshya Andolan

  • Improved Green Landscape: The state will witness a marked improvement in its green landscape, contributing to a healthier and more vibrant environment.
  • Free Seedlings: All participating individuals and groups will receive seedlings free of cost, eliminating financial barriers and ensuring widespread participation.
  • Boost to Tree Economy: The Andolan will actively promote and stimulate the tree-based economy, unlocking various economic opportunities for the people of Assam.
  • Financial Grant: Upon planting a seedling and uploading a geotagged photo onto the dedicated portal/app, participants will receive a financial grant of Rs. 100 from the State Government. Additionally, an extra Rs. 200 will be awarded by the government in the third year to support plant survival.
  • Community Engagement: Amrit Brikshya Andolan will engage a diverse range of participants, including Self Help Groups, ASHA workers, educational institutions, and various community bodies.

Eligibility and Participation

  • Residency: Applicants must be permanent residents of Assam to be eligible for participation.
  • Geotagged Photos: Participants must upload geotagged photos to access the financial grant.
  • Eligible Groups: The Andolan invites participation from various groups, including Self Help Groups, ASHA workers, educational institutions, Village Defence Party members, Anganwadi Workers, Tea Garden Workers, and individuals.

Registration Process

  • Visit the Portal or App: To initiate the registration process, access the Amrit Brikshya Andolan Portal or ABA App.
  • Category Selection: Choose the appropriate category that corresponds to your affiliation.
  • Provide Basic Information: Fill in essential details such as name, age, father’s name, and mobile number.
  • Address Details: Enter your complete address for accurate seedling distribution.
  • Seedling Collection and Bank Details: Specify your preferred seedling collection point and furnish your bank details.
  • Identity Verification: Upload the necessary identity documents for verification.
  • Mobile Number Verification: Confirm your mobile number and finalize your submission.


The Assam Amrit Brikshya Andolan stands as a testament to the state’s commitment to environmental preservation and sustainable growth. With its innovative approach to tree planting and nurturing, coupled with generous financial incentives, the Andolan has the potential to create a profound impact on Assam’s green ecosystem while uplifting local communities and promoting a more prosperous and sustainable future.

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