GIPSA Promotion Exam Officer Scale 1 to 5 Memory based Question: 30 April 2022

GIPSA Promotion Exam Officer Scale 1 to 5 Recollection Question 2022

GIPSA Promotion Exam Officer Scale 1 to 5 Recollection Question 2022

The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) conducts GISPA PE officer Scale 1 to 5 examination. We provide Memory based Questions of GIPSA PE officer Scale 1 to 5. In these papers, maximum questions are repeated in every exam. So, Ambitious baba is providing you with GIPSA PE officer Scale 1 to 5 Memory based Question 2022. These Memory based Questions of GIPSA PE officer Scale 1 to 5 will be very useful in upcoming Exam. These Previous years Questions GIPSA PE Officer Scale 1 to 5  will be very useful in upcoming Exam.

Fire and engineering Excess in sooksham Difference in cover of laghu and sooksham Loss of rent given to whom Non manufacturing risks Additional cost of rent maximum period -36 months Loss of rent calculation, Sum insure 120000, Period opted 6 months, Reinstatement period 4 months, Calculate loss of rent claim Payable MBD declined risk Local authorities clause Is an add on What is not excluded in CAR , 3 exclusions given, One option erection of machinery Standard turnover definition was given and asked which one is it Annual turnover used for in LOP, Adequacy of sum insured Sum insured in LOP, Net profit + all standing charges, Net profit + specified standing charges Underwriting factors for MLOP (a)Machinery importance (b)Location (c)Spares and one more option Sum insured for machinery New replacement value, market value, declared value Claim payment for TL in engineering (a)Replacement value (b)Replacement value minus depreciation (c)Sum insured Architect fees in fire, 3% of claim inbuilt and extended upto 7.5% of claim on extra payment, One option was on 3%of sum insured and 7.5% of sum insured Explosion of boiler in SfSp (a)  Covered (b)  Excluded (c)  Add on Transit from site to site in cpm with floater extension (a)Marine policy (b)Add on in cpm (c)Inbuilt in cpm Terrorism cover is (a)Mandatory in sfsp (b)Optional in sfsp (c)Mandatory for some locations (d)Unlimited cover In EAR, true or false (a)TPL is mandatory (b)Another add on (name forgot) is mandatory (c)Both true, both false type

Fire, stock sum insured 30 lakh, at the time of purchase of stock 20 lakh, at the Time of claim 23 lakh, claim amount payable Fire claim processing method , Depreciation, salvage, underinsurance, excess (jumbled in 4 options) One more question on add ons in fire Mega risk covers ….option was si of more than 2500cr…si 1000 crore, cr, PML 1000 crore, PML 2500 crore Retention of premium in floater declaration policy (a)Less than 75% (b)More than 75% Marine Loss of license geographical limits (including US/ excluding US/ worldwide, India) True of false Rotary wing is safer than fixed wing One more wrong statement

3. Marine, duration commencement and termination both for ITC C two questions Particular average means what (a)Partial loss (b)Particular charge (c)GA charges Particular charges definition Sue and labour paid over above sum insured or not in case of TL Underinsurance applicable in GA, if sum insured is less than contributory values, 4 options given on various percentage One numerical question on the basis of cover but actual it was about whether loss is covered or not in the clauses given Inchmere clause covers when due care was taken by, Owners, masters, employees, assured, managers 3 more options like this which one is sundary vessel, Tramp, barges, ro ro, lash Cyclone covered in ICC B or not, Contamination by weather,  covered in ICC B or not Loss by Grounding covered in ICC C or not Cargo on Sailing vessel, what is not covered (a)Burning (b)Sinking (c)Jettison (d)GA Which liability is covered in ICC other than GA (a)Both to blame collision (b)Contribution to hull damage (c)Contribution to other cargo damage (d)No liability is covered in ICC

HRM  Definition of hr attrition A.lay off B.retrenchment 2.according to 15th amendment seniority marks for promotion for scale 3 3.leave encashment components at retirement 4.subsistence allowance to be calculated from (a)immediate day before suspension (b)Immediate month before suspension (c)Immediately after suspension 5.gratuity limit as per act 6.pension calculation A person was suspended wef 1/1/2016 to 31/12/2018. Absence period not treated as leave and memorial also upheld the same. Total job wef ….31 yrs. Calculate qualifying service 6.pension calculation for vrs at 25 yrs with 4 yrs left. Calculate pension 7.who act as judge (a)None mentioned below (b)Po (c)Charged official (d)Investigating official 8.detained hours for suspension 9.sequence of charges sheet, enquiry, enquiry report, orders of disciplinary authority 10.Memorial authority for rc 11.appealate authority for scale 7 12 appointing authority for scale 3 Officer due for promotion as on Competition of 3 as on confirmation, B as on 31st march, As on completion of 3 yrs 15.Scale 5 Crm diesel car limit (a)1.9.6 (b)2.9.3 (c)3.10.6 (d)4.13.85 Which one is minor below after full para of both penalty definition Suspension Increment down for 6 months In lowere scale 19 proceedings of minor penalty can be initiated by (a)Appointing authority (b)Appealete authority (c)Disciplinary authority (d)None 20.Age limit for vrs for pf optee, 21.One employee goes from HQ to station A and stays 2 days, from A to B stays 3 days, then come back to HQ. Incidental payable (a)150 % if one day dha of C class city (b)50 % of one day dha of C class city (c)100 % of one day dha of C class city (d)200 % of one day dha of c class city 22.Which allowance is not given in leave encampment (a)Hra (b)CCA (c)Conveyance allowance 23.if cr appraisal not submitted (a)Notice/warning (b)Blank (c)Reminding (d) written after reminding him sufficiently 24.Tyres I conveyance scheme after (a)32000 km (b)32000 or 40 months whichever is earlier 25.Which of the following is not a leave (a)Trekking leave (b)Study leave (c)Trade union leave (d)None of the above 26.In CDA rules (a)Overstaying more than 5 days than sanctioned leave is allowed (b)Overstaying….. (c)Both correct (d)Both not correct 27.Maximum El sanctioned upto (a)60 (b)90 (c)30 (d)none 28. serial harassment act …..with act name and yr, maximum duration in which issued has to be resolved …like 29.Maximum period for which maternity benefit can be availed (a)6 months (b)12 months Reinsurance Amount kept on net for insurer, what is it called, (a)Retention (b)Ceded premium, (c)Reinsurance options Treaty between two reinsurers, what is it called Retrocession Gross domestic premium of all general insurers in India in Fy 21 Run off clause definition Clean cut method, confusing options Premium portfolio entry and premium withdrawal entry given to whom Loss reserve deposit maintained for what and who maintains it, (gist of question, not actual wording) Captive insurer, definition based 800Xs200, fac non proportional cover, loss of 600, sum insured 1000, claim paid by reinsurer 10.Questions on excess of loss ROL 11.Loss participation clause, sunset clause, loss corridor 12.Motor questions were based on IMT numbers 13.Calculations on claim payable 14.Tp liability in electric scooter 15.IMT 20 in GCV, govt property damaged for 46000, 16.Claim amount payable 17.GCV, imt 23 taken, 2 months after purchase accident, bonnet damaged of 4200, amount payable without considering excess (a)2100 (b)4200 (c)1100 (d)Nil 18.Taxi (more than 1500), claim calculation, idv 3 lakh, repair cost 250000, salvage 30000 (a)268000 (b)269000 19.Private car (more than 1500cc) claim calculation- 20.Private car, claim calculation, only plastic, windshield and labour given 21.TW claim calculation, 8 months after purchase accident happened, metal parts 6000 based on depreciation 22.TW claim calculation idv 15000, repair 12000 salvage 4000 23.Which one is misc d vehicle (a)Agriculture tractor (b)Dumper (c)Milk van 24.Which is goods carrying vehicle 25.Internal risk policy can be given to whom (a)Petrol pump (b)Manufacturer (c)Showroom 26.Road risk type F, geographical limit from showroom 27.Future prospects for age 65 28.Incorrect pair old MV act (a)163 – structured compensation (b)140- district consumer forum (c)173- appeal against MACT Order 29.Time limit for appeal in supreme court against National consumer forum order 30.Standalone policy can not be given to whom (a)New GCV (b)New private car (c)Old private car (d)New TW 31.Which policies were discontinued in 2020 for TW (some order no was given) (a)5 year OD + 5 year TP (b)3 yr OD + 3 yr TP two more options 32.Who is not covered as TP (a)Passengers in PSV (b)Owner of goods in GCV (c)Any third party (d)Passenger carried for hire and reward in Goods carrying vehicle 33.Which of the following has 3 geographical zone Private car, TW, commerical…

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