The Hindu Editorial Analysis : 25th November 2023

The Hindu Editorial Analysis

The Importance of Reading The Hindu Editorial: Reading The Hindu newspaper has several benefits, including improving reading skills, facilitating comprehension, staying informed of current events, enhancing essay writing, and more. For individuals aiming for a career in banking, reading editorials is crucial for vocabulary building. In this article, we will examine today’s editorials, provide practice questions, and highlight important vocabulary words.

The Hindu is now synonymous with civil services aspirants. What brought on this cult readership?

Story or history!

  • The government may want kids in school to learn about ancient epics like Ramayana and Mahabharat in their history class as part of India’s “classical past.”
  • However, mixing myths with history might not be helpful. History is often just names and dates of empires and battles, full of violence.
  • Many cultures, including ours, prefer timeless truths found in myths over historical facts. Indians may not remember exact historical events, but we connect with life lessons in stories like the epics.
  • Studying history is a Western idea, and they say it helps understand and learn from the past. But does it really? Focusing on history often leads to grievances and more violence, rather than understanding.
  • In contrast, India’s lack of interest in strict history might be an advantage. Our calm indifference and focus on myths instead of past conflicts have kept us from being trapped by history.
  • These timeless stories, told in various forms, have nourished our spirit. Instead of sticking to absolute facts, we are comfortable with different perspectives and relative truths.
  • This flexibility has helped us thrive as a diverse nation. History can be a dangerous tool, easily weaponized.
  • Dramatic historical narratives can become seductive stories, fueling current conflicts. We often draw misguided lessons from the past and turn against our fellow citizens.
  • There’s a saying that a land needing a hero is unhappy, but a nation not obsessed with its history is happy.

Practice Questions:

  • Focusing on history often leads to grievances and more violence, rather than understanding.Discuss
  • There’s a saying that a land needing a hero is unhappy, but a nation not obsessed with its history is happy.Explain

Important Vocabs:

  • Grievances -Complaints or feelings of resentment due to a real or perceived injustice.
  • Seductive-Tempting, attractive, or alluring in a way that is hard to resist.
  • Nourished-Provided with the necessary elements for growth, development, or well-being
  • Flexibility-The ability to adapt or change easily, showing versatility and openness to different perspectives.
  • Obsessed-Excessively preoccupied or fixated on a particular idea, person, or thing.

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