College-A time when everyone intends to be at a level of enjoyment, where no one is there to discipline you all around as it used to be in school. To generalize a simple college life, it is a fusion of career development and a overall development. It’s a phase where one can either make or destroy one’s career. Enjoyment is necessary but it shouldn’t rise above the importance of a career. Career goals, in 90% of the cases over weighs enjoyment necessities. Entering into the dream course in your dream college is a boon for motivation but the opposite can be true in many cases where the seekers don’t get what they dreamt about. However, as per their own destiny, everyone adjusts in their respective courses. As the time goes by, different things are conquered including studies.
The decisions regarding coordination is necessary. As per survey conducted in most of the universities, this time is spent enjoying various societies that develops and endures one. Participation in these places is required for continuing your passion beyond studies but this should not hinder the main goal. Discipline as followed in schools are not forced on you. It’s a personal choice to study or not. A fresher gets about thousands of opinions from seniors all around. It is all on them what to take in and what to reject.
For an overall growth, following are the crucial additions that a student can look upto while pursuing studies side by side.
1. Joining Societies

Universities provide a number of extracurricular societies where a group of students collectively participate to pursue their passion and enrich their personalities. The range varies from dance society to music and various other cultural societies.There are also departmental societies. A student after entering college life, should explore his/her talents and spend his/her time in societies that suits them the best. Also, it is best advised that the student should learn balancing their time and passion for the society and studies side by side.
2. Part time jobs

Earning for your own expenses is a sense of bliss. A student, provided he/she has time should look around as a freelance worker in the fields they think they are capable of doing something professionally. Various coaching institutes provide jobs on a part time basis to teach students backup classes and look over various other tasks. Loosening your parents’ burden of providing you with pocket money is always an accomplishment.
3. Internships and Trainings

Looking for courses and training are always in trend. This adds to your Curriculum Vitae (C.V) and experience as a student. Sitting idly gets you nothing but training and internships can provide you a scope to boost your coordination between studies and enjoyment. This may include things like an english proficiency course, language course and many other internships and trainings.
These were some of the crucial additions that one can opt for a healthy career. Adding to this, there is a variety in the number of opportunities that a student can avail. A good coordination thereby holds a high significance in college life as well as at any other stage of life where a student should look up with full determination because success not only counts as hard work but hard work along with smart work.