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The 5 Most Common Mistakes Students Make in CAT Reading Comprehension

Do you know the 5 Most Common Mistakes Students Make in CAT Reading Comprehension? CAT Reading Comprehension can be [...]

What do you see yourself doing on CAT Day?

What do you see yourself doing on CAT Day? One of the most important questions to ask yourself is [...]

Improve CAT Reading Comprehension Accuracy to 100%

How to Improve CAT Reading Comprehension Accuracy? In order to improve reading comprehension accuracy for the CAT exam, it [...]

CAT Preparation: Changing The Default Settings

CAT Preparation: Changing The Default Settings Every year, countless young individuals engage in CAT preparation, aspiring to excel in [...]

How to prepare for the XAT

Preparing for the XAT, or Xavier Aptitude Test, is crucial for scoring well in this competitive examination. Here are [...]

DI-LR: Improving your core strength

Improving your core strength in DI-LR is essential for CAT preparation. To excel in DI-LR, there are two main [...]

CAT Number System Syllabus and Preparation Tips

CAT Number System Syllabus and Preparation Tips? The number system is a crucial topic in the CAT quantitative aptitude [...]

Mixture and alligation Advance Concepts

Presents the Rule of Constant as an example. In Example 4, it asks how many liters of pure water [...]

How to Manage Your 120 Minutes

How to effectively manage your 120 minutes in the CAT exam: We have reached the final stretch of the [...]

How to Prepare for CAT Verbal Ability Section (VARC)

How to Prepare for CAT Verbal Ability Section? While discussing CAT Verbal Ability, we mean CAT Verbal Ability and [...]

Mensuration Formulas for CAT SSC CGL and Other Exams

Mensuration formulas are frequently featured in exams such as CAT, SSC CGL, and other similar exams. These formulas are [...]

CAT Logical Reasoning Syllabus and Preparation Tips

CAT Logical Reasoning Syllabus and Preparation Tips: CAT's Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation (LRDI) section has undergone significant changes [...]