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Can I clear the UPSC by 5 hours of study in a day?

Can I clear the UPSC by 5 hours of study in a day- The UPSC examination is highly competitive [...]

7 Steps to Solve Logical Reasoning Puzzles for CAT Level Exam

Which Steps to Solve Logical Reasoning Puzzles for the CAT Level Exam? Logical reasoning puzzles are a common question [...]

How to read India Year Book effectively

How to read India Year Book effectively- The India Year Book is a comprehensive guidebook that provides information on [...]

How do I clear IAS without reading NCERT books? Is there any substitute for it?

Are you looking for an alternative to reading NCERT books in order to clear the IAS exam? Here are [...]

7 Easy Tips for CAT Reading Comprehension

7 Easy Tips for CAT Reading Comprehension: While preparing for CAT reading comprehension, the aspirant must keep the following [...]

What Should be My Strategy for Sure Shot Selection in UPSC Prelims?

When preparing for the UPSC prelims, it is crucial to have a strategic approach in order to increase your [...]

Is a Whole Night Study Good for the UPSC?

Whole Night Study Good for the UPSC? can be quite challenging and may have both advantages and disadvantages. One [...]

How to avoid silly mistakes that you make in the UPSC Prelims Exam?

Making silly mistakes in the UPSC Prelims Exam can cost you valuable marks. Here are some Points to help [...]

How can I learn to focus well?

How can I learn to focus well- Learning how to focus effectively is a valuable skill that can be [...]

How Do You Read History and Remember it Efficiently for the UPSC CSE?

The UPSC Civil Services Examination (CSE) requires a thorough understanding and retention of historical knowledge. Here are some tips [...]

CAT Verbal Section: Ideal Attempt in Mocks?

CAT Verbal Section: Tips for Effective Attempt in Mocks: When it comes to the CAT Verbal section, it is [...]

How are Cadre and State Allocation Done by the UPSC?

The UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) ensures a systematic cadre and state allocation process. Their methodology involves the following [...]