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AIR-4 Aishwarya Verma IAS Topper Mock Interview | UPSC Topper 2021

Aishwarya Verma IAS, the UPSC Topper 2021 with All India Rank-4, in his exclusive Mock interview with Vajirao and [...]

AIR-6 Yaksh Chaudhary UPSC Topper Mock Interview | IAS Topper 2021

UPSC sixth rank holder Yaksh Chaudhary IAS Topper y has lately shared his success story with India Today's Aaquil [...]

AIR-12 Yasharth Shekhar UPSC Topper Mock Interview | IAS Topper 2021 

UPSC Results 2021: The outcomes for the a accurate deal eagerly awaited and coveted Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) [...]

Rank-26 Pulkit Singh UPSC Topper Mock Interview | IAS TOPPER 2020

The civil services examination remaining outcomes had been released on September 24, 2021, and Pulkit Singh from Chandigarh bagged [...]

AIR-23 Sadaf Choudhary UPSC Topper Mock Interview | IAS Topper 2020

Roorkee resident Sadaf Choudhary IAS Topper secured the 23rd rank in the UPSC Exam topper 2020, and she is [...]

AIR-9 Preetam Kumar UPSC Topper Mock Interview | IAS Topper 2021

Preetam Kumar has secured All India Rank 9 in the UPSC Civil Services Examination 2021 on his third attempt. [...]

AIR-9 Apala Mishra UPSC Topper Mock Interview | UPSC Topper 2020

The arrival of the UPSC test result for 2020, the names of the multitude of top scorers are being [...]

AIR-10 Satyam Gandhi UPSC Topper Mock Interview | UPSC Topper 2020

UPSC announced the consequences of 2020. Satyam Gandhi topped the UPSC exam and secured AIR 10. Satyam Gandhi IAS [...]

AIR-5 Srushti Deshmukh UPSC Topper Mock Interview | IAS Topper 2018

Out of the 759 candidates who have qualified for the UPSC Civil Services Exam 2018, 182 are women. And [...]

How Many Civil Services Are There in India?

How Many Civil Services Are There in India? You will find that sparkle and pride in individuals’ eyes when [...]

How Much Marks Required for IAS?

The UPSC main exam assumes the basic part in qualifying civil service evaluation in general. How Much Marks Required [...]

How To Start Preparation For IAS After 12th?

The basic instructional ability that is expected in the IAS exam is matriculation. You must have a degree from [...]