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Mobile App Architecture

Mobile has made connectivity between people fast and easy. Similarly, mobile apps have made connectivity between companies and users [...]

Anatomy of an Android App

Before starting to learn android app development, it is helpful to know about the anatomy of the android app. [...]

IoT Access Technologies

There is no uncertainty that IoT is driving a ton of changes in the network (among numerous other framework [...]

Difference Between IoT And WoT

The difference between the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Web of Things (WoT) may show up as a [...]

Brand Building Tools In Marketing

Branding is important for a business because it is the visual identity of a business. If done properly, it [...]

7 Channels For Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing is an umbrella term, and it includes several channels like Search Engine Marketing(SEM), Paid Search, as well [...]

Different Types of Edge Computing

Before looking into types of edge computing you should know what is edge computing and why do we need [...]

Reasons Behind The Success Of Digital Media

Introduction To Digital Media In earlier times, messages were once circulated by one specific source to their crowd. The [...]

Will Digital Marketing Trend Die In Future?

Introduction Digital Marketing is the part of marketing that uses web and online-based computerized innovations, for example, work stations, [...]

Certificate Courses In Machine Learning

Introduction With solid roots in statistics, Machine Learning is getting one of the most fascinating and quick-paced software engineering [...]

Application of Wireless Communication

Today, the application of wireless communication is developing consistently in practically all areas, which incorporate the home and individual [...]

How To Create Ads?

There is a change in advertising – in fact, 2020 reported companies will spend more than 150$ on media [...]