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Difference Between PPC And CPC

Paid search marketing, is quite a popular term in the digital world today. It provides businesses the opportunity to [...]

What is the Use of Python at Google

When it comes to the use of Python at Google, Python has been a significant piece of Google from [...]

Evolution of Data Mining

In computer science, data mining, also called knowledge discovery in databases, is the process of discovering interesting and useful [...]

How is Statistics used in Architecture?

When an architectural project is started, gathering data from lots of sources from the clients who want the design [...]

Is Content King? Why?

Bill Gates once famously said, “Content is King”. Content Marketing is not really a new idea in the world [...]

Strategies For Digital Branding

Developing a consistent brand strategy is important for the successful growth of a business today. This may be challenging [...]

Applications Of Data Mining!

Data mining? What is it?It is the process to discover patterns in large data sets which involves the methods at the [...]

Careers After Learning Python

In this dynamic world where everything changes at a rapid rate, the recognition of Python never seems to stop. [...]

How Cyber Forensics Help In Catching Hackers

Cybercrimes are of various kinds. And with the advancement in science and technology, new styles of cyber threats are [...]

Python Projects For Beginners

Python is the fastest growing and preferred programing language among beginners. There are many Python projects for beginners. Compared [...]

Types Of Hackers

Computers became mandatory to run successful businesses. It’s not enough to possess isolated computer systems. They have to be [...]

Popular Apps Using Python In Today’s Time

Introduction Python has gotten one of the most famous programming languages in today’s time. Be that as it may [...]