Importance of Current Affairs in IAS Preparation

Watch Video – IAS Preparation Current Affairs 02-07-2019
Video Source – Shankar IAS Academy
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IAS Coaching Current Affairs 02-07-2019 are followed in the part below:
Current Affairs and News Analysis 02-07-2019
AFSPA in Nagaland broadened
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains Paper II and III – Polity, Governance issues, and Internal Security
In News:
- The Ministry of Home Affairs has expanded the activity Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act in Nagaland for an additional half-year.
- The Center had announced the express an “upset zone” to broaden the Act.
Significant Value Additions:
About Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act (AFSPA)
- AFSPA was sanctioned in 1958 to manage what the administration of India considered ‘upset’ zones.
- The state or focal government considers those regions as ‘upset’ by reason of contrasts or questions between individuals from various strict, racial, language or local gatherings or positions or networks.
- Segment (3) of AFSPA enables the legislative leader of the state/A union area to give an official warning pronouncing the state or a district inside as an “upset territory”, after which the middle can choose whether to send in the military.)
Do you know?
- The AFSPA offers forces to the Army and Central powers sent in upset territories to murder anybody acting in repudiation of law, capture and search any premises without a warrant.
- These military are insusceptible from arraignment except if the Union Government gives approvals to the indicting organizations.
- Right now, AFSPA Act, 1958 is operational in the entire of Nagaland, Assam, Manipur (barring seven get together voting public of Imphal) and parts of Arunachal Pradesh.
Panel of CMs to suggest agriculture reforms
Part of: Main GS Paper III – Government Policies & Interventions; Agriculture
In News:
- The Centre has set up a high powered committee of seven chief ministers, led by Maharashtra’s CM as its convenor, to suggest measures to transform Indian agriculture and raise farmers’ income.
Terms of reference (ToR) of the panel
- The board will recommend on modalities for the reception and time-bound execution of two key model Acts (an) agribusiness market changes act and (b) contract to cultivate act by the states.
- The board will likewise look at different arrangements of Essential Commodity Act (ECA),1955 and recommend a component for connecting of market changes with e-NAM, GRAM and other important midway supported plans.
- The board will likewise prescribe strategy measures to help farming fares, raise development in nourishment handling and draw in interests in present-day advertise foundation, esteem chains, and coordinations.
- The board will likewise recommend measures to overhaul agri-innovation to worldwide principles and improve access of ranchers to quality seed and proposing some other applicable changes for change of horticulture part and raising ranchers pay.
- The board will likewise consider different recommendations of the between ecclesiastical council on Doubling Farmers’ Income (DFI) which had proposed explicit activity focuses for changes in the homestead and associated part.
EWS quota: SC to hear pleas for Constitution Bench
Part of: Main GS Paper II– Indian Polity – Constitution and Amendment; Fundamental Rights
In News:
- The Supreme Court has consented to hear the request to have a Constitution Bench to inspect the legitimacy of a sacred revision giving 10% financial reservation in government employments and instructive foundations.
- The Constitution (103rd Amendment) Act accommodates 10% reservation in government occupations and instructive establishments for the monetarily more fragile segment in the open class.
- The Act alters Article 15 and 16 to accommodate reservations dependent on monetary backwardness.
Do you know?
- The solicitor has said that financial reservations disregarded the half reservation roof point of confinement fixed by a nine-judge Bench in the Indra Sawhney case. Further, the 1992 judgment had banished reservations exclusively on the financial model.
- The candidate has likewise said that the bill abuses the essential element of the Constitution as reservation on financial grounds can’t be restricted to the general class.
- The Center has shielded the revision by expressing that the recently embedded arrangements are incongruity with the rule of governmental policy regarding minorities in society.
- The administration said that the contention that EWS quantity will break half restrain of reservation isn’t valid at this point of confinement forced by the Supreme Court in Indira Sawhney case isn’t material after constitution correction.
- The Center likewise invalidates the solicitor’s contention that booking can’t be given distinctly based on monetary criteria.
- It featured that few Committees have been set up wherein quantifiable information has been gathered featuring the requirement for having booking for the monetarily more fragile areas of the general public.
Go Tribal campaign
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains Paper II – Issues Related to SCs & STs
Key PT pointers:
- The battle means to make mindfulness and advance innate expressions and artworks as a guide in the financial welfare of more than 700 Indian clans.
Central focus:
- The Tribal Affairs Ministry and Trifed has propelled the Go innate crusade in relationship with Amazon Global.
- The occasion likewise observed the worldwide Launch of Tribes India through Amazon Global Selling under which Tribes India and Amazon Global Marketing will dispatch TRIBES India items all around.
- The Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India (TRIFED) was set up in 1987.
- The fundamental goal of the TRIFED is to give a decent cost to the items made or gathered from the backwoods by the inborn people groups.
International Whaling Commission (IWC)
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains Paper III – Coastal Security; Environment and Biodiversity; Conservation of biodiversity
In News:
- Japan has continued business whale chases after over three decades.
- This came after Japan has pulled back from the International Whaling Commission in 2018.
About International Whaling Commission (IWC)
- IWC is a worldwide body set up under the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling (ICRW).
- It intends to accommodate the correct preservation of whale stocks and in this way make conceivable the precise advancement of the whaling business.
- The primary obligation of the IWC is to hold under survey and modify as essential the measures set down in the Schedule to the Convention which administers the direct of whaling all through the world.
- The business whaling was prohibited by the IWC in 1986 after certain species were nearly headed to eradication.
- IWC comprises of 89 nations and all the part nations are signatories to this show. India is an individual from the IWC.
- Body cameras for cops
- Delhi High Court asked the Center and the Delhi government to consider the proposal of a promoter for giving body cameras to police authorities to screen their lead as likewise of people in general. (Model for Police Reforms)
- Body cameras will screen and guarantee appropriate direct, the conduct of authorities just as open and to guarantee secure and straightforward indictment if there should be an occurrence of any infringement.
Do you know?
‘Police mercilessness’ is a social liberties infringement that happens when a cop demonstrations with extreme power by utilizing a measure of power concerning a non-military personnel that is more than should be expected.
- App to track your carbon footprint to be launched
- Maharashtra government to dispatch applications that will follow residents’ carbon impression and reward the individuals who accomplish an emanation nonpartisan status.
- The move expects to decrease contamination and carbon discharge in Maharashtra.
- The possibility of the application was started after Prime Minister Narendra Modi guaranteed global associations to bring India’s contamination levels to 2005 levels by 2030.
- The impressions of a person, according to the application, will incorporate his utilization of power, cooling, kitchen exercises among others.
Do you know?
- India has, as a major aspect of the Paris Summit, vowed to lessen greenhouse gas discharge by 20% to 25%.
TOPIC: General studies 2
- Issues identifying with improvement and the board of Social Sector/Services identifying with Education, Human Resources.
It’s time to act, not do more research: On National Education Policy
- The administration has started to reconsider of advanced education strategies through the draft NEP (National Education Policy) and EQUIP (Education Quality Upgradation and Inclusion Program).
- Before this draft training strategy and EQUIP, there are numerous reports planned for improving advanced education in autonomous India, for example, the Radhakrishnan Commission of 1949, the National Education Policies of 1968 and 1986, the Yashpal Committee of 2009, the National Knowledge Commission in 2007, and so forth.
- The suggestions for a large portion of these reports are comparative. In this way the time, vitality and assets that EQUIP will require can be preferable spent on executing rather over further research.
Challenges before Current Higher Education System
Inadequate allocation of funds
- Advanced education in India has been incessantly underfunded — it spends not exactly most different BRICS nations on advanced education. Lacking financing is apparent at all levels.
- The last Budget designated just ₹37,461 crore for the advanced education part.
- Other related services and offices, for example, Space, Scientific and Industrial Research, Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Science and Technology, Health Research and Agricultural Research have been dispensed just unobtrusive help.
- Financing for fundamental research, which is to a great extent a Central government duty, falls behind friend nations.
Low enrollment and Non-completion
- At present, India’s gross enrolment proportion is 25.8%, altogether behind China’s 51% or quite a bit of Europe and North America, where 80% or progressively youngsters select advanced education. India’s test is considerably more noteworthy in light of the fact that half of the populace is under 25 years old.
- It is intriguing to take note of that while the draft NEP targets expanding the gross enrolment proportion to in any event half by 2035, EQUIP targets multiplying the gross enrolment proportion to 52% by 2024.
- The test isn’t just to select understudies however to guarantee that they can graduate. Non-culmination is a significant issue in the part.
Standard of quality of education
- It is all around perceived that quite a bit of Indian advanced education is of moderately low quality. Businesses frequently grumble that they can’t contract graduates without extra preparing.
Poor quality and commercial interests of the private sector
- The private segment is a key piece of the condition. India has the biggest number of understudies in private advanced education on the planet. Yet, quite a bit of private advanced education is of low quality and monetarily arranged.
Structure and governance of higher education system
- There is an excessive amount of administration at all levels, and in certain spots, political and different weights are monstrous. Teachers have little power and the hand of government and administrations is excessively overwhelming. Simultaneously, responsibility for execution is commonly deficient.
Way forward
India needs;
- Significantly expanded subsidizing from assorted sources, and the NEP’s proposal for another National Research Foundation is an inviting step toward this path;
- Essentially expanded access to post-optional training, however with cautious regard for both quality and moderateness, and with better paces of degree consummation;
- Longitudinal contemplates on understudy results;
- To create “world-class” inquire about serious colleges, with the goal that it can go after the best cerebrums, produce top research, and be completely occupied with the worldwide information economy;
- To guarantee that the private advanced education area works for the open great;
- To build up a separated and coordinated advanced education framework, with establishments serving complex cultural and scholarly needs;
- Changes in the administration of school and colleges to allow independence and development at the institutional level;
- Better coordination between the University Grants Commission and services and divisions engaged with advanced education, aptitude improvement, and research.
Connecting the dots:
- What are the difficulties before the current advanced education arrangement of India? Fundamentally break down in the setting of draft national instruction approach 2019.
TOPIC: General studies 2
- Issues relating to the development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to Health, Human Resources, etc.
Self-care in India: Miles to go
- World Health Organization has released self-help guidelines for sexual and reproductive health.
Need of self care
- With the capacity to forestall ailment, keep up wellbeing and adapt to disease and handicap with or without dependence on medicinal services laborers, self-care mediations are increasing more significance.
- A great many individuals, incorporating into India, face the twin issues of intense deficiency of social insurance laborers and the absence of access to basic wellbeing administrations.
- As indicated by WHO reports more than 400 million over the world as of now need access to fundamental wellbeing administrations and there will be a lack of around 13 million medicinal services laborers by 2035.
About Self care
- Self-care would mean various things for individuals living in very differing conditions.
- While it would mean accommodation, protection, and simplicity for individuals having a place with the upper strata who have simple access to human services offices whenever, for those living in states of weakness and need access to medicinal services, it turns into the essential, convenient and dependable type of care.
- The WHO perceives self-care intercessions as a way to grow access to wellbeing administrations. Before long, the WHO might grow the rules to incorporate other self-care intercessions, including for counteractive action and treatment of non-transferable ailments.
Self care in India
Pregnancy and abortion
- India has some separation to go before making self-care mediations for sexual and regenerative wellbeing uninhibitedly accessible to ladies.
- Locally established pregnancy testing is simply the most usually utilized assistance diagnostics around there in India. Mediations incorporate self-guided premature births utilizing endorsed drugs that can be had without the supervision of a human services supplier.
- While the next day contraceptives are accessible over the counter, mifepristone and misoprostol are booked medications and need a solution from a medicinal expert, therefore invalidating the very point of the medications.
HIV self test
- The following usually expended medication to avoid ailment and illness is the pre-introduction prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV counteractive action. India is yet to concoct rules for PrEP use and incorporate it into the national HIV avoidance program.
- One reason why individuals avoid getting tried for HIV is disgrace and segregation.
- The locally situated testing gives security. WHO endorsed the HIV individual test to improve access to HIV analysis in 2016.
Self-care, which generally occurs outside the proper wellbeing framework, is the same old thing. India has some separation to cover before making self-care intercessions uninhibitedly accessible.
Connecting the dots:
- Self-care mediations can go about as a way to grow access to wellbeing administrations. Remark.
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in comment section)
- Included Comments and remarks Up-casted a ballot by are the “right answers”.
Q.1) With reference to the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA), which of the following statements is/are incorrect?
- AFSPA is currently operational in Assam, Nagaland, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh, and Jammu and Kashmir
- Section (3) of the AFSPA empowers the governor of the state or Union Territory to declare a region ‘disturbed’
Select the correct statements
- Only 1
- Only 2
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.2) Consider the following statements:
- Index of Industrial Production (IIP) is released by the Central Statistics office.
- The Eight Core Industries comprise more than 60% of the weight of items included in the Index of Industrial Production (IIP)
Select the correct statements
- Only 1
- Only 2
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.3) Consider the following statements about the International Whaling Commission (IWC)
- India is a member of the IWC
- It is one of the United Nations Agencies
- It acts under the Law of the Sea Convention
Select the INCORRECT statements
- 1 and 2
- 2 and 3
- 1 and 3
- All of the above
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