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Watch Video – IAS Coaching Current Affairs (15th August)
Video Source – Shankar IAS Academy
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IAS Coaching Current Affairs 15-08-2019 are followed in the part below:
IAS Current Affairs and News Analysis 15-8-2019
Swachh Survekshan Grameen
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS-II – Government policies and interventions for development in various sectors and issues arising out of their design and implementation.
In News
- The administration propelled the ‘Swachh Survekshan Grameen 2019’, which will be multiple times greater in scale than the past version of the provincial sanitation overview.
- It’s a review as well as a chance to support conduct change and take sanitation to the auxiliary level, past the idea of ODF towns.
- In the main release in 2018, the overview secured more than 6,000 towns the nation over.
- This year the study means to cover 18,000 example towns — around 30 for every rustic region — and take input from over 2.5 crore townspeople.
- The exertion is to look past toilets and to commence the Open Defecation Free Plus (ODF+) stage — focussing on strong and fluid waste administration
- The ODF-Plus program has four verticals — biodegradable waste administration, plastic waste administration, greywater (family unit wastewater) the board and faecal ooze the executives.
- For Swachh Survekshan Grameen 2019, Citizen criticism will represent 35% of the positioning of regions.
- Another 30% weight is being given to coordinate perceptions by surveyors from outsider Ipsos, who will take a gander at the predominance of plastic litter and water-logging just as the accessibility and use of toilets.
- The staying 35% will be drawn from administration level advancement estimating the last exercises of the first Swachh Bharat crucial.
Do you know?
- As far back as the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan was propelled on Gandhi Jayanti in 2014, its principle spotlight has been on wiping out open poo by developing toilets and advancing their utilization through broad conduct change programs.
- With the October 2, 2019 cutoff time approaching close, and the first objective is nearly accomplished and the crucial proceeding onward to its next stage (ODF+).
Register of Indigenous Inhabitants of Nagaland (RIIN)
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS III – Issues in Indian Federalism
In News
- A joint board of trustees of Naga common society gatherings has cautioned the Nagaland government against changing the cut-off date for incorporating individuals in the RIIN.
- The Nagaland government had, through a notice on June 29, 2019, chose to attempt the activity to refresh the RIIN with December 1, 1963, as the cut-off date for the incorporation of individuals in the register.
- RIIN is an ace rundown of every indigenous occupant of the State of Nagaland with the point of anticipating counterfeit indigenous occupants’ authentications.
- In light of a definite overview, it will have records of indigenous occupants from rustic and urban territories.
- The procedure will be done as a feature of the online arrangement of Inner Line Permit (ILP), which is as of now in power in Nagaland.
- This temporary rundown will at that point be grouped and distributed on the administration sites by September 11, 2019.
- Exceptional Identity: All indigenous occupants of Nagaland would be given a barcoded indigenous occupant authentication.
Do you know?
- Nagaland was cut out of Assam as a State on December 1, 1963.
- The State government had in April 1977 given a notice that set out the criteria for giving indigenous occupant testaments to the inhabitants when the State was framed.
- Internal Line Permit (ILP) is an official travel archive required by Indian residents dwelling outside certain “secured” states while entering them.
- ILP’s birthplace goes back to the Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulations, 1873, which secured the British Crown’s enthusiasm for tea, oil and elephant exchange. It denied “English subjects” or Indians from going into these ensured zones.
- After Independence, in 1950, “English subjects” was supplanted by Citizens of India and the focal point of the prohibition on free development was disclosed as an offer to secure inborn societies in north-eastern India.
India’s water scarcity challenge
Part of: Mains GS III- Environmental Conservation
In News
- India, the world’s biggest groundwater client, is seeing levels declining the nation over with ranchers in Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan confronting the possibility of having no groundwater left for water system by 2025.
- Over 90% of the rice-wheat zones in north-west India are inundated utilizing groundwater.
- Groundwater, the wellspring of 40% of India’s water needs, is exhausting at an unsustainable rate, as indicated by Niti Aayog.
- India represents 12% of worldwide groundwater extraction, siphoning exactly 230 billion cubic meters every year. In light of current circumstances, by 2030, about 60% of the springs will be in a basic state.
- Continuous long stretches of frail storms, enormous deforestation, poor water gathering and contamination of waterways and lakes have driven the nation to rely upon groundwater.

Paddy stubble burning
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS-III – Environment
In News
- Dispersion of in-situ crop buildup the executive’s hardware to the ranchers on endowment Consuming of paddy crop buildup, one of the significant reasons for air contamination, declined by 41% a year ago more than 2016-level in Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Delhi-NCR with the assistance of a ₹1,151 crore focal plot.
- 23 million tons of rice buildup was being scorched in rice-wheat trimming framework (around 4.1 million ha) in this district to clear the field for traditional wheat planting on account of the tight window (around 10-20 days) between rice gathering and wheat planting.
- Harvest buildup consuming in north-west India adds to air contamination, well-being dangers, disturbance of transportation, school terminations and soil corruption.
- To handle this issue, the administration propelled Central Sector Scheme – ‘Advancement of Agricultural Mechanization for In-Situ Management of Crop Residue in the State of Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and NCT of Delhi’
- The scheme involved
- Dispersion of in-situ crop buildup the executive’s hardware to the ranchers on endowment
- Foundation of Custom Hiring Centers (CHCs) of in-situ crop buildup the executives
- Undertaking Information, Education and Communication (IEC) exercises for making mindfulness among rancher
- ICAR is executing the plan through 60 Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) of Punjab (22), Haryana (14), Delhi (1) and UP (23).
- In excess of 4500 towns in Punjab and Haryana were pronounced as Zero Stubble Burning Villages during 2018 as not a solitary yield consuming occurrence was accounted for from these towns during the year.
- Notwithstanding the above Scheme, separate assets are being designated to the States for crop buildup the board under Sub-Mission on Agriculture Mechanization by the Department of Agriculture Cooperation and Farmers Welfare
TOPIC: General Studies 2 and 3:
- Public health issues
- Science and technology: medical research
Notifiable disease
- A month after Union Health Minister Dr HarshVardhan requested that the Delhi government make jungle fever and dengue notifiable ailments, the South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC) has started the work to advise intestinal sickness in the capital.
What is a Notifiable disease?
- A Notifiable sickness is an illness that is legally necessary to be accounted for to government specialists. The grouping of data enables the specialists to screen the ailment and gives early cautioning of potential flare-ups.
- The World Health Organization’s International Health Regulations, 1969 require illness answering to the WHO so as to help with its worldwide reconnaissance and warning job.
- Making a malady lawfully notifiable by specialists and wellbeing experts takes into consideration intercession to control the spread of profoundly irresistible sicknesses.
- Enrolled restorative experts need to inform such infections in an appropriate structure inside three days, or advise verbally by means of telephone inside 24 hours relying upon the desperation of the circumstance.
- This implies each administration medical clinic, private emergency clinic, research centres, and facilities should report instances of the infection to the legislature.
- The procedure enables the legislature to follow along and detail an arrangement for disposal and control.
- In less irresistible conditions, it improves data about the weight and dispersion of illness.
- The Center has told a few illnesses, for example, cholera, diphtheria, encephalitis, disease, meningitis, pertussis (challenging hack), plague, tuberculosis, AIDS, hepatitis, measles, yellow fever, intestinal sickness dengue, and so forth. The onus of telling any illness and the execution lies with the state government.
- Any inability to report a notifiable infection is a criminal offence and the state government can take vital activities against defaulters.
- As per Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) report titled “India: Health of the Nation’s States”, the commitment of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) to add up to death in the Country was 61.8% in 2016 when contrasted with 37.9% in 1990.
- A few instances of regular NCDs, for example, diabetes, hypertension and malignancies (Oral, Breast and Cervical disease) are on the ascent in India.
- Hazard factors for NCDs entomb Alia incorporate maturing, unfortunate eating regimen, absence of physical action, hypertension, high glucose, elevated cholesterol and overweight.
- Additionally In the States of Kerala, Goa and Tamil Nadu, because of epidemiological change, fewer passings are recorded for transmittable, maternal, neonatal and wholesome illnesses, subsequently raising the portion of NCDs in complete passings.
Epidemiologic Transition
- The epidemiologic change is that procedure by which the example of mortality and illness is changed from one of high mortality among babies and kids to one of the degenerative and man-made maladies, (for example, those ascribed to smoking) influencing essentially the older.
Though public health is a State subject, Central Government supplements the efforts of the State Governments.
For Example
- National Program for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases and Stroke (NPCDCS) is being actualized under the National Health Mission (NHM).
- The goals of the program incorporate wellbeing advancement exercises and artful screening for regular Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) including malignancy.
- Key parts of populace based screening incorporates network-based chance appraisal, screening, referral, and follow up of all people of 30 years or more for basic NCDs.
- The activity will help in early finding and will create mindfulness on hazard elements of NCDs.
- Referring to the developing event of malignant growth in India, the Union government looked to improve the offices for tertiary consideration of disease.
- The Central Government is actualizing Strengthening of Tertiary Care Cancer offices plan to help setting up of State Cancer Institutes (SCI) and Tertiary Care Centers (TCCC) in various pieces of the nation.
- Oncology in its different angles has a concentration in the event of new AIIMS and many updated organizations under Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana (PMSSY).
- Moderate Medicines and Reliable Implants for Treatment (AMRIT) Deendayal outlets have been opened at 159 Institutions/Hospitals with a goal to make accessible Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases medications and inserts at limited costs to the patients.
- Jan Aushadhi accumulates set up by the Department of Pharmaceuticals to give conventional drugs at reasonable costs.
- We have to reexamine our ways to deal with water administration.
- We should perceive that the support of progress and activity is with the States.
- For long, water asset offices in States have kept on following the traditional methodologies of supply growth.
- The test is that of reorienting themselves towards conveying procedures of interest the executives, protection and guideline.
- The Center needs to work with States towards an institutional change for the fundamental course-move.
- There is a more prominent need to fitting methodologies State by State as well as now and again region by region to end the malady. It is likewise high time that an aggregate interest for the convenient arrangement of courtesies is made at the network level and a feeling of shared obligation by the populace to guarantee that the additions from government’s endeavours to lessen the frequency of vector-borne illnesses prove to be fruitful.
Connecting the dots:
- Maladies like Dengue and Chikungunya guarantee numerous lives each year. The frenzy produced and the sizes of reaction subsequently give these ailments the basic qualities of a calamity. Talk about. Additionally, analyze the territories that require quick thoughtfulness regarding address such medicinal catastrophes.
TOPIC: General Studies 3:
- Conservation, environmental pollution and degradation, environmental impact assessment
Legal rights to water bodies
- Giving legal rights to water bodies a great leap forward
There are a lot in excess of seven streams in India. Since there is no legitimate meaning of a waterway, it is difficult to respond to this inquiry. One approach to rundown is as far as waterway bowls with the goal that the fundamental stream and its tributaries are both included. For Himalayan Rivers, one will at that point list Indus bowl, Ganga bowl, Brahmaputra bowl, Barak bowl, etc.
Essentially, in the south, one will list bowls of waterways streaming east (Godavari, Krishna, Kaveri, Mahanadi) and that streaming west (Narmada, Tapti). This still leaves some last details, minor waterways along the coast and streams that don’t deplete into seas.
Contingent upon what is incorporated, there can be in excess of 100 waterway bowls and in excess of 600 streams in the posting.
Rivers now have legal rights.
- As it were, it begun with certain streams in Victoria. At that point, in 2017, we had the Whanganui waterway in New Zealand and Ganga and Yamuna.
- As a result of news reports, the vast majority recognize what the Uttarakhand High Court said in March 2017, however, there is presently a stay due to an intrigue under the watchful eye of the Supreme Court.
- Every one of the Hindus has profound Astha in streams Ganga and Yamuna, and they on the whole associated with these waterways.
- In like manner, while practicing the parens patrie purview, the Rivers Ganga and Yamuna, every one of their tributaries, streams, each regular water streaming with stream ceaselessly or irregularly of these waterways, are pronounced as juristic/legitimate people/living elements having the status of a lawful individual with every single comparing right, obligations and liabilities of a living individual so as to safeguard and preserve stream Ganga and Yamuna.
- The Director NAMAMI Gange, the Chief Secretary of the State of Uttarakhand and the Advocate General of the State of Uttarakhand are thusly announced people in loco parentis as the human face to secure, moderate and save Rivers Ganga and the Yamuna and their tributaries.
- These Officers will undoubtedly maintain the status of Rivers Ganges and Yamuna and furthermore to advance the wellbeing and prosperity of these streams.” Ganga and Yamuna got lawful rights, however as minors. They required gatekeepers. Allowing lawful rights to waterways (and water bodies) opens up another zone of the natural statute.
Why did Ganga and Yamuna need legal rights?
- The core issue is pollution.
- Focal Pollution Control Board (CPCB) brings out gives an account of water quality in our waterways. Carefully, these are proportions of water quality along stretches of streams.
- There is really a pecking order of contamination, in light of levels of biochemical oxygen request (BOD). One can really contend BOD is, best case scenario an incomplete pointer.
- There are different proportions of a waterway’s prosperity. On the off chance that BOD esteems surpass 8 milligrams for each litre, the waterway will be viewed as seriously dirtied. Among Wazirabad and Okhla, Yamuna has a BOD level of 32, 55 and 70, at three better places. Between Kala Amb and Narayan Garh, Markanda stream in Haryana has a BOD estimation of 590.
- Essentially, there are likewise arrangements of most dirtied streams in India and these rundowns will ordinarily incorporate Ganga, Yamuna, Sabarmati, Oshiwara and Damodar. As a rule, these rundowns depend on CPCB discoveries and in this manner mean stretches of waterways, not whole streams.
- To some degree all the more once in a while, there are additional arrangements of cleanest waterways on the planet and cleanest streams in India. For example, stretches of Chambal, Narmada, Brahmaputra, Umngot, Teesta and Tuipui are surprisingly perfect.
What is the reason for Ill-being of rivers?
- Sick being of streams is essential because of crude sewage and mechanical squander. Neither one of the problems is new. In Britain, a Royal Commission on Sewage Disposal was built up in 1898. Somewhere in the range of 1901 and 1915, this delivered ten reports.
- Kashi Ganga Prasadini Sabha, built up by concerned residents of Varanasi in 1886. The Sabha’s goal was to present seepage and tidy up the stream.
- The Royal Commission and Namami Gange are fundamentally about what government does. (Namami Gange has an open mindfulness segment.) The Sabha was about what residents did and notwithstanding the administration at the same time, the resident piece is additionally required.
Connecting the dots:
- What reason haven’t the endeavours to clean the contaminated waterways in India succeeded up until now? Look at by taking the contextual investigation of the waterway Ganga?
- Do you think agreeing the status of ‘living substance’ to streams would help in their restoration? Basically examine.
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in the comment section)
Q.1) Inner Line Permit is operational in which of the following states
- Mizoram
- Nagaland
- Manipur
- Arunachal Pradesh
- Tripura
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct? 1,2 and 3 only
- 1,2,4 and 5 only
- 1,2 and 3 only
- 1,2 and 4 only
- 1,2,3,4 and 5
Q.2) Consider the following statements about Register of Indigenous Inhabitants of Nagaland (RIIN)
- RIIN is a master list of all indigenous inhabitants of the State of Nagaland with the aim of preventing fake indigenous inhabitants’ certificates.
- The list was published when the state of Nagaland was carved out of Assam in 1963.
Select the correct answer from the codes given below.
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.3) Consider the following statements
- Groundwater is the source of 40% of India’s water needs
- More than 90% of the rice-wheat areas in north-west India are irrigated using groundwater.
- Consecutive years of weak monsoons, massive deforestation, poor rainwater harvesting and pollution of rivers and lakes have led the country to depend on groundwater.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 and 2 only
- 2 and 3 only
- 1 and 3 only
- 1,2 and 3
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