Highlights |IAS Current Affairs 17-08-2019
IAS Coaching Current Affairs 17-08-2019- The following article contains all the updated events and new for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.
- Reservations in Chhattisgarh
- Space Commerce
- National Essential Diagnostics List (NEDL)
- Fertility rate
- A Jan Andolan for water
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IAS Coaching Current Affairs 17-08-2019 are followed in the part below:
IAS Current Affairs and News Analysis (17-08-2019)
Reservations in Chhattisgarh
Part of: GS Mains II – Social issues
- Chhattisgarh government declared an expansion in bookings for OBCs and Scheduled Castes in state government occupations and instruction.
- It will expand the quantity for SCs by 1 % while almost multiplying booking for OBCs from 14 % to 27 %. The portion for STs stays at 32 %.
- Once as a result, Chhattisgarh will have an aggregate of 72 % reservation (32 % for STs, 13 % for SCs and 27 % to OBCs), the most noteworthy in the nation and far over the 50 % top on portions ordered by the Supreme Court
- The state government is as yet considering the 10 % focus commanded EWS portion for the general classification. whenever executed, it would take the booking to 82 %.
- As per the government, this has been done to keep it in accordance with the populace statistic in the state. The level of OBCs is near 47 %, who alongside STs structure the significant lump of the populace.
Space Commerce
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS III – Science and Technology
In News
- NewSpace India Ltd propelled a proper quest for industry consortia which can consistently produce and convey whole PSLV satellite dispatch vehicles for its parent association, ISRO.
- NSIL is searching for experienced organizations or consortia to create the launchers start to finish: their activity begins from part getting, gadgets, to enormous stages lastly the gathering, combination and testing (AIT) of the vehicles.
- NSIL is an open division space business organization framed in March 2019 to advance Indian space trade.
- NSIL will at first re-appropriate five PSLVs — Indian rockets that can lift light payloads to ‘low earth circles’ around 600 km in space.
- The four-organize PSLV is expected to put both Indian remote detecting satellites and little satellites of outside clients to space.
- ISRO as of now sources separate rocket parts from around 500 of all shapes and sizes sellers and does the AIT itself at its offices in Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh.
- For right around 10 years, ISRO has been intending to hand the generation over to open and private enterprises and itself centre around its centre employment of room R&D.
National Essential Diagnostics List (NEDL)
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS II – Issues relating to development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to Health
In News
- India has got its first NEDL settled by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR).
- It intends to connect the administrative framework’s hole that doesn’t cover all the restorative gadgets and in-vitro indicative gadget (IVD) as the present framework is prepared to oversee just not many advised gadgets.
- India has become the main nation to accumulate such a rundown, that would give direction to the legislature to choosing the sort of demonstrative tests that diverse medicinal services offices in towns and remote territories require.
- NEDL would empower improved social insurance administrations conveyance through proof-based consideration, improved patient results and decrease in out-of-pocket consumption.
- NEDL would likewise prompt viable usage of general wellbeing offices; successful evaluation of ailment trouble, malady patterns, reconnaissance, and episode distinguishing proof; and address antimicrobial opposition emergency as well.
- NEDL expands upon the Free Diagnostics Service Initiative and different diagnostics activities of the Health Ministry to give an extended bushel of tests at Public wellbeing framework.
- Key difficulties are foreseen during the execution of the National EDL incorporate — Adoption by States and harmonization with neighbourhood standard indicative conventions and treatment rules, the arrangement of the imperative framework, procedures and HR.
Do You know?
- WHO discharged the main version of the basic diagnostics list (EDL) in May 2018 which acts a reference point for the advancement of national EDL.
- To improve the accessibility of open and quality diagnostics in general wellbeing offices, Union Health Ministry under the aegis of National Health Mission (NHM) propelled the Free Diagnostics Service Initiative (FDI) in July 2015.
- Under this activity, the NHM is supporting all states to give fundamental diagnostics – research facility and radiology at their general wellbeing offices, free of cost
Fertility rate
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS I – Social Issues
In News
- During his Independence Day discourse, Prime Minister Narendra Modi underlined difficulties presented by populace development in the nation.
- All out Fertility Rate (TFR), characterized as the number of kids destined to a lady until the finish of her kid bearing age.
- For four progressive years (2013-2016) the TFR had stagnated at 2.3.
- The most recent information gauges (2017) show the TFR dropping to 2.2. This figure is just insignificantly higher than the richness rate (2.1) required for substitution of the current populace.
- TFR is determined from the information of the Sample Registration System (SRS) embraced by the Office of the Registrar General of India.
- Indeed, even the states that have a higher TFR — Uttar Pradesh (3.0), Bihar (3.2), MP (2.7), Rajasthan (2.6), Assam (2.3), Chhattisgarh (2.4) and Jharkhand (2.5) — have been seeing a declining pattern in fruitfulness rates.
- Two additional states, Gujarat and Haryana, recorded a TFR of 2.2, which is over the substitution rate yet is equivalent to the national normal. Taken together, these nine significant states represent 52 percent of the 2011 populace.
- This implies in the states excepting these nine and representing practically a large portion of the populace, the substitution level is either 2.1 or has gone underneath it.
- States with a lower TFR incorporate Kerala (1.7), Tamil Nadu (1.6), Karnataka (1.7), Maharashtra (1.7), Andhra Pradesh (1.6), Telangana (1.7), West Bengal (1.6), Jammu and Kashmir (1.6) and Odisha (1.9).
Do You Know?
- The SRS likewise takes a gander at different pointers, for example, rough birth rate, general fruitfulness rate, age-explicit/conjugal ripeness rate, net propagation rate alongside sex proportion during childbirth.
- While Census figures give the all out populace consistently, the standard SRS assessments give dynamic patterns hidden the populace development.
General Studies 2:
- Government policies and interventions for development in various sectors and issues arising out of their design and implementation.
General Studies 3:
- Conservation, Environmental pollution and degradation, environmental impact assessment.
A Jan Andolan for water
- Head administrator Narendra Modi declared the Jal Jeevan Mission, which intends to supply water to all families by 2024.
- For a long time, the focal and state governments have been endeavouring endeavours to build access to sheltered and sufficient drinking water.
- While states like Sikkim and Gujarat have figured out how to accomplish elevated levels of HWS, a generally low level of country Indian families approach this administration
- The system so far to expand access to HWS confronted impediments, including not giving enough consideration to supporting or reviving groundwater, the essential source, and treating administration conveyance basically as a designing arrangement, without the satisfactory contribution of the clients.
Challenges and solutions:
- At the policy level:
- The institutional scene for water at both the Center and the state government has been to some degree divided, with a few services in Delhi and offices in states managing various parts of water the board, with covering jobs and duties.
- The formation of the Jal Shakti Mantralaya in the Government of India to incorporate the administration of India’s water assets and supply of drinking water is a milestone step in diagnosing and tending to the issue.
At the implementation level:
- The deficient consideration regarding taking solid measures to continue the wellspring of the water, much of the time groundwater.
- Rather than taking straightforward and nearby measures, such as making water reaping structures and point energize structures in the region of borewells, the accentuation has been more on expanding the siphoning of water and circulating it through funnels.
- This prompted a considerable lot of the frameworks either closing down or working sub ideally due to the groundwater source having evaporated.
- The proposed Jal Jeevan Mission will make source supportability estimates obligatory before siphoning and appropriating water to family units.
- The traditional approach to service delivery:
- The arrangement of drinking water was seen principally as a designing arrangement, with plans being arranged and executed by the general wellbeing and building divisions.
- water is a perfect division for the relevance of the standard of subsidiarity — the possibility that a focal authority ought to have an auxiliary capacity, performing just those undertakings which can’t be performed adequately at a progressively prompt or nearby level.
- The Jal Jeevan Mission’s first inclination will be to have single town ground water-based plans, any place adequate amount and great nature of groundwater exists.
- These plans would be overseen by the network itself through the setting up of a town water and sanitation board of trustees, a sub-council of the gram panchayat.
- It is, accordingly, wanted to incorporate an obligatory arrangement under the Jal Jeevan Mission for the powerful directing and treatment of family unit wastewater (known as dark water), through proper and minimal effort seepage and treatment frameworks.
- On the lines of the Swachh Bharat Mission, broad data, instruction and correspondence will be expected to make a Jan Andolan for water the board.
- The progressing Jal Shakti Abhiyan will help in making mindfulness about the significance of coordinating source supportability and water reuse with the arrangement of family water supply
Jal Shakti Ministry
- The new service has been framed by blending the Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation and Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation.
- All water-related works will be converged under one service.
- The new service will include issues extending from giving clean drinking water, universal and between states water debates, to the Namami Gange venture planned for cleaning Gang and its tributaries, and sub tributaries.
- This coordinated way to deal with decentralized, network oversaw, and reasonable water the board is the foundation of the administration’s arrangement to guarantee that each family unit gets the advantages of water supply. The Jal Jeevan Mission will be a significant advance towards improving our kin’s simplicity of living and meeting their goals of a New India.
Connecting the dots:
- India’s customary water gathering procedures give maintainable water the board elective. Do you concur? Fundamentally look at.
- Why has water become focused on an asset in numerous pieces of the world? Investigate?
- Numerous parts of the nation are confronting serious water emergency and dry season conditions. There are numerous conventional water gathering and preservation rehearses in different pieces of India which can be utilized locally to battle the continuous emergency. Would you be able to recognize scarcely any such practices? Additionally, notice the states where they are more prevalent.
TOPIC: General Studies 2:
- Issues relating to development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to Health
- Government policies and interventions for development in various sectors and issues arising out of their design and implementation
How yoga can boost exports
- Connecting to the wellbeing festival of the International Yoga Day (IDY) on June 21, numerous yoga studios are opening up both in India and all-inclusive.
- As evaluated by the ‘2016 Yoga in America Study’, the US keeps on driving with the ascent in number of yoga experts from 20.4 million out of 2012 to 36.7 million out of 2016.
- Over a similar period, the spending by such experts on yoga classes, apparel, hardware and embellishments has expanded by $6.1 billion ($16.8 billion during 2016).
- Then again, Asia is driving in health trips, where China and India are the top nations, including more than 12 million and 17 million trips, separately, during 2015-17, according to the Global Wellness Economy Monitor 2018.
- Till December 2016, India had prepared and confirmed 799 yoga experts as detailed by the service of AYUSH.
- India is the second-biggest exporter of Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (AYUSH) items with the consent of 100% FDI in that.
- In any case, the administration is yet to completely use the exchange potential yoga industry, which exists in the two administrations and assembling.
Growing trends in Yoga
- Patterns propose a development in cross-fringe development of yoga experts (educators, specialists, mentors, teachers), which can be alluded to as the ‘product’ some portion of yoga.
- Another developing fragment is exchanged yoga frill, managing the ‘equipment’ some portion of yoga (in fact viewed as a component of sports merchandise part).
- With developing requirement for yoga benefits basically post-IDY, the interest of and spending on frill has risen. Extensively, yoga adornments are the instruments that help yoga, for example, mats, blocks, squares, garments and other gear.
- A few outside brands, as well, have presented exceptional yoga mats, and different produces are moving to recyclable, sustainable or eco-accommodating hotspots for making such hardware.
Where India is placed in terms of trade of yoga services and equipment, as compared to the US, Europe and East Asia?
- The government has been opening centres in such regions to promote cultural exchange on yoga, music, dance, etc
For example,
India and Japan focused on advancement, under the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) in 2011, over all administrations modes to cover arrangements identifying with developments of educators and legally binding specialist organizations in the field of yoga, among others.
In July 2018, under India-Korea CEPA, both the nations conceded to specific terms identified with fare of yoga from India—Indian mentors/educators/teachers to be sent to Korea for conferring exercises or giving direction to Korean medical clinics, and so on, and teachers just as Indian yoga establishments permitted to set up focuses in South Korea .
In its outside exchange approach Statement 2017 Mid-Term Review, the administration underlined on utilizing marking/advertising effort to encourage sends out “of products and administrations in which India has customary qualities, for example, handiworks and yoga.”
- The test, however, stays for specialists and policymakers to confirm the exactness of information and data accessible on private sites with authentic government sources. By and by, interest in advancing yoga fares and worth expansion under Make in India can bolster the development of concerned producers and give the nation a necessary fare help.
Connecting the dots:
- In the Indian restorative framework, Yoga is the most well known and broadly acknowledged structure. Would you be able to depict the advantages of Yoga? Likewise, talk about it’s marking the potential for India.
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in comment section)
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Q.1) Consider the following statements about New Space India Ltd (NSIL)
- NSIL is a public sector space business company formed in 1992 to promote Indian space commerce.
- Its parent organisation is ISRO
- NSIL is planning to outsource production of PSLVs to private players
Which of the statement(s) given above is / are correct?
- 1 and 2 only
- 2 and 3 only
- 1 and 3 only
- 1,2 and 3
Q.2) Consider the following statements about National Essential Diagnostic List (NEDL)
- India has become the first country to compile such a list
- NEDL will lead to effective assessment of disease burden, disease trend and helps address antimicrobial resistance crisis too.
Which of the statement(s) given above is / are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.3) Consider the following statements
- Total Fertility Rate (TFR), defined as the number of children born to a woman until the end of her child-bearing age
- The latest data show that TFR in India has dropped from 2.3 to 2.2.
- The replacement fertility rate for India is 1.9.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 and 2 only
- 2 and 3 only
- 1 and 3 only
- 1,2 and 3
Importance of Current Affairs in IAS Coaching

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