Highlights |IAS Current Affairs 20-08-2019
IAS Coaching Current Affairs 20-08-2019- The following article contains all the updated events and new for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.
- Sulphur dioxide Pollution
- Direct Tax Code 2.0
- Legislative Councils
- Parker Solar Probe
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IAS Coaching Current Affairs 20-08-2019 are followed in the part below:
Sulphur dioxide Pollution
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III – Environmental Pollution
In News
- Another report by Greenpeace India shows that India is the biggest producer of sulfur dioxide on the planet.
- Over 15% of all the anthropogenic sulfur dioxide hotspots identified by the NASA OMI satellite (Ozone Monitoring Instrument) lies in India.
- Practically these outflows in India are a direct result of coal-consuming.
- Most by far of coal-based power plants in India need vent gas desulphurisation innovation to diminish air contamination.
- The Singrauli, Neyveli, Talcher, Jharsuguda, Korba, Kutch, Chennai, Ramagundam, Chandrapur and Koradi warm power plants or groups are the significant emanation hotspots in India.
- India had presented, just because, sulfur dioxide discharge limits for coal-terminated power plants in December 2015.
- In any case, the cutoff time for the establishment of pipe gas desulphurisation (FGD) in power plants has been reached out from 2017 to 2022.
- Of the world’s significant producers, China and the United States have had the option to decrease discharges quickly. They have accomplished this accomplishment by changing to clean vitality sources.

Direct Tax Code 2.0
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III – Economy
In News
- The Taskforce headed by Akhilesh Ranjan presented its Direct assessment code (DTC) report to Finance Minister.
- So as to audit the Income-charge Act, 1961 and to draft another immediate duty law in consonance with the financial needs of the nation, a Task Force was established by the Government in November 2017.
- Proposed DTC to have far fewer areas than more than 700 in the Income Tax Act.
- Tending to interruption brought about by the US assessment changes a year ago, the board has squeezed for a corporate tax reduction for local and outside firms to 25 %. By and by it is 30 % for enormous organizations and 40 % for remote firms.
- Be that as it may, remote firms may need to settle branch benefits government obligation on the sum repatriated to their outside accomplice.
- The board has prescribed Dividend dissemination expense might be discarded.
- The team proposed supplanting the idea of evaluating official with appraisal units, other than the anonymous investigation of cases picked through the midway and haphazardly dispensed instrument.
- Planned for diminishing charge case, it proposes another idea of settling questions through intervention between the citizen and a collegium of officials.
Do You know?
- The US had cut the rate from 35 to 21 % a year ago.
- FM in 2019-20 Union spending plan had cut corporate expense for firms with a yearly turnover of up to Rs 400 crore to 25 from 30 %, covering 99.3 % organizations.
- Enormous organizations (turnover bigger than Rs 400 Crore) keep on being burdened at 30% alongside extra charges and cess.
Legislative Councils
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains II – Indian Federalism
In News
- The Madhya Pradesh government has shown that it intends to start ventures towards the making of a Legislative Council.
- At present, just six states have Legislative Councils.
- Under Article 169, the Union Parliament has the ability to make or nullify the Legislative Council based on goals embraced by an exceptional dominant part in the Assembly of the concerned State.
- Under Article 171 of the Constitution, the Legislative Council of a state will not have more than 33% of the number of MLAs of the state, and at least 40 individuals.
- Like Rajya Sabha, it is a changeless House and its individuals are chosen by implication by individuals.
- Support of Second House: It can help check hurried activities by the straightforwardly chosen House, and furthermore empower non-chose people to add to the administrative procedure.
- Against Second House: A Legislative Council can be utilized to postpone enactment and to stop pioneers who have not had the option to win a political decision.
Do You Know?
- Not at all like Rajya Sabha which has considerable forces to shape non-money related enactment, Legislative Councils come up short on a sacred command to do as such; Assemblies can supersede proposals/alterations made to enactment by the Council.
- Andhra Pradesh’s Legislative Council, set up in 1958, was abrogated in 1985, at that point reconstituted in 2007.
- The Odisha Assembly as of late passed goals for a Legislative Council.
- Recommendations to make Councils in Rajasthan and Assam are pending in Parliament.

Parker Solar Probe
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS III – Science and Technology
In News
- On August 12, NASA’s Parker Solar Probe finished a year in administration.
- It is a piece of NASA’s “Living With a Star” program that investigates various parts of the Sun-Earth framework.
- The test looks to accumulate data about the Sun’s climate which will assist better with getting Sun.
- It is additionally the nearest a human-made item has ever gone to the Sun.
- The crucial’s point is to follow how vitality and warmth travel through the Sun’s crown and to consider the wellspring of the sun-powered breeze’s increasing speed.
- The crucial prone to keep going for a long time during which it will finish 24 circles
Do You know?
- Masterminded in layers, the sun changes in temperature: It is most sizzling at its middle, and cooler in its external layers — until it oddly warms at the edges of the sun’s climate (Corona).
- The focal point of the Sun: around 15 million kelvin (K).
- Radiative Zone: Temperature tumbles from around 7 million to around 2 million K over this zone.
- Convection Zone: drops from 2 million K to 5800K in this zone.
- Photosphere: about 5800K, despite the fact that sunspots are around 3800 K.
- Chromosphere: 4300 to 8300 K from inside edge to outside edge.
- Crown (peripheral layer of the Sun): around 2 million K
- General Studies 2: Bilateral, regional and global groupings and agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests
- General Studies 3: Infrastructure: Energy
Renewable hybrid energy systems as a game-changer
- India as of late led two closeouts for wind/sun based half and half undertakings. Both the barterings were under-bought in, with offers totalling 1.56GW granted to SB Energy, Adani Green Energy and Renew Power, against an aggregate of 2.4GW on offer.
- Renewable hybrids can play a key role in helping India accelerate the decarbonisation of power generation and lowering the cost of electricity in the medium term.
India has included 65-70GW of wind and sunlight based limit up until now, with wind and sun based contributing 9.5% of created vitality in May 2019. On the off chance that the administration focus of 175GW is accomplished by 2022, this offer could surpass 15-16%.
Renewable energy has three inherent challenges
- To start with, it depends on discontinuous sources, creating vitality just when the sun is sparkling or the wind is blowing.
- Second, its yield is compelled to explicit hours of the day;
- Third, its utilization prompts lower usage of transmission lines. This can make issues in coordinating pinnacle power request with sustainable yield (for example in night hours when sun based vitality isn’t accessible), and raise expenses of transmission.
Renewable hybrids can be one solution to the above issues.
- A crossbreed framework can consolidate wind, sunlight based with an extra asset of age or capacity.
- Give us a chance to take a model: in India, we see that sun based yield is most extreme between 11 am and 3 pm, while wind yield is most elevated in the late night and early morning. Pinnacle interest for power is come to at night long stretches of 6-9 pm, which can’t be taken into account by either wind or sun based. On the off chance that we can store some vitality during overabundance inexhaustible age hours and discharge it into the network during pinnacle request hours, the joined “crossbreed” framework can deliver 24×7 clean vitality because of changing degrees of interest as the day progressed.
- The capacity can take numerous structures, for example, batteries siphoned hydro or mechanical stockpiling through flywheels.
- The irregularity of wind and sun oriented could likewise be adjusted by including a quick sloping wellspring of intensity; for instance, an open cycle gas turbine.
- The general yield of the mixture framework would thus be able to be coordinated against a necessary burden on an hourly premise. Along these lines, it can give both baseload and adaptable power.
- Half breed frameworks are required to turn out to be progressively cost-focused, driven by lessening expenses of battery stockpiling and sunlight based vitality.
- India’s service of new and sustainable power source discharged a sun based breeze half breed arrangement in 2018. This gives a structure to advance lattice associated cross breed vitality through set-ups that would utilize land and transmission foundation ideally and furthermore deal with the changeability of inexhaustible assets somewhat.
- India isn’t the main nation arranging crossover ventures; 50 or more half and half tasks of MW-scale have just been declared or are under development all around, with Australia and the US being the pioneers.
- For bigger limits or longer length adjusting, siphoned hydro is a reasonable stockpiling arrangement, however, is confined by the absence of appropriate physical areas.
- In the event that the financial matters of half breed frameworks do move toward the above levels, our investigation demonstrates that they can possibly be aggressive with 30-40% of existing coal-terminated stations in India.
- They can, in this way, become a reasonable answer for meeting future baseload control necessities, all at zero carbon emanations and future cost-expansion verification.
- A few driving Indian corporates are likewise demonstrating a functioning enthusiasm for expanding their utilization of clean control if nonstop arrangements are accessible.
Connecting the dots:
- What arrangement and administrative changes should be made so India can completely catch the capability of this intriguing interruption with regards to the vitality division?
- Should India keep on building new coal-terminated plants to meet baseload necessities, or could sustainable mixtures take a noteworthy offer? Talk about.
TOPIC: General Studies 2
- Bilateral, regional and global groupings and agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests
Bonds, yields, and inversions
As discuss a downturn gets stronger comprehensively, security yields are as a rule acutely viewed. An administration security yield bend most precisely reflects investors’ opinion of present and future financial development possibilities.
What are bonds?
- Security is an instrument to get cash. It resembles an IOU.
- Security could be glided/given by a nation’s administration or by an organization to raise reserves. Since government bonds (alluded to as G-secs in India, Treasury in the US, and Gilts in the UK) accompany the sovereign’s assurance, they are viewed as perhaps the most secure venture.
- Therefore, they additionally give the most minimal rates of profitability (or yield). Interests in corporate securities will, in general, be more dangerous in light of the fact that the odds of disappointment (and, in this way, the odds of the organization not reimbursing the advance) are higher.
What are bonds yields?
- Basically, the yield of a security is the viable pace of return that it gains. Be that as it may, the pace of return isn’t fixed — it changes with the cost of the bond.
- Yet, to get that, one should initially see how bonds are organized. Each bond has a presumptive worth and a coupon instalment. There is likewise the cost of the bond, which could conceivably be equivalent to the presumptive worth of the bond.
What is happening to US govt bond yields at present? What does it signify?
- The worldwide economy has been backing off for the majority of the most recent two years. The absolute greatest economies are either developing at a more slow rate, (for example, the US and China) or really contracting, (for example, Germany).
- Subsequently, a week ago, US Treasury security yields fell strongly as there was the affirmation of a lull in Germany and China.
- Reason: financial specialists, both inside the US and outside, figured that if development possibilities are diving, it looks bad to put resources into stocks or considerably more hazardous resources. It appeared well and good rather, to put resources into something that was both protected and fluid (that is, something that can be changed over into money rapidly). US Treasury bonds are the most secure wagered in such manner. In this way, numerous financial specialists arranged to get US Treasury securities, which prompted their costs going up, and their yields falling forcefully.
- The fall in the yields of 10-year government securities indicated that the security financial specialists anticipated the interest for cash later on to fall. That is the reason future loan costs are probably going to be lower.
- A lower interest for cash later on, thusly, will happen just when development wavers further.
- So government security yields falling ordinarily recommend that financial members “anticipate” development to back off later on.
And what is a yield curve, and what does it signify?
- A yield bend is a graphical portrayal of yields for securities (with an equivalent FICO score) over various time skylines. Normally, the term is utilized for government bonds — which accompany a similar sovereign assurance. So the yield bend for US treasuries shows how yields change when the residency (or the ideal opportunity for which one loans to the administration) changes.
- On the off chance that security financial specialists anticipate that the US economy should develop ordinarily, at that point they would hope to be compensated more (that is, get more yield) when they loan for a more drawn out period. This offers to ascend to an ordinary — upward slanting — yield bend
What then is yield inversion, and what does it mean?
- Yield reversal happens when the yield on a more drawn out residency security turns out to be not exactly the yield for a shorter residency security. This, as well, happened a week ago when the 10-year Treasury yield fell underneath the 2-year Treasury yield.
- A yield reversal ordinarily forecasts a downturn. An upset yield bend shows that speculators anticipate that the future development should fall pointedly; at the end of the day, the interest for cash would be a lot of lower than what it is today and thus the yields are likewise lower.
How good is yield inversion at predicting a recession?
- A yield inversion conventionally gauges a downturn. A resentful yield twist shows that theorists foresee that the future advancement should fall distinctly; toward the day’s end, the enthusiasm for money would be a ton of lower than what it is today and along these lines, the yields are similarly lower.
Connecting the dots:
- What are security yields? For what reason are security yields tumbling far and wide? How rising security yields will affect the reserve funds?
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in the comment section)
Q.1) Consider the following statements
Assertion (A): India is the largest emitter of sulphur dioxide in the world
Reason (R): India does not have sulphur dioxide emission limits for coal-fired power plants.
Select the correct answer from the codes given below?
- Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation for A
- Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
- A is true but R is false.
- A is false but R is true.
Q.2) Consider the following statements
- Nearly half of all States in India have legislative Council
- Under Article 169, the President has the power to create or abolish the Legislative Council
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.3) Consider the following statements about Parker Solar Probe
- It is launched by NASA as part of “Living With a Star” programme
- It is the closest a human-made object has ever gone to the Sun
- The mission’s central aim is to trace how energy and heat move through the Sun’s corona
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 and 2 only
- 2 only
- 1 and 3 only
- 1,2 and 3
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