Highlights |IAS Current Affairs 18-07-2019
Current Affairs and News (18-07-2019)- The following article contains all the updated events and new for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.
- Kulbhushan Jadhav case and ICJ rulingClose polluting units in critical areas: NGT
- Karnataka crisis: What’s a ‘whip’, and what does it do?
- Bimal Jalan Committee on RBI’s economic capital framework (ECF)
- Ebola outbreak a global health emergency: WHO
- Dam Safety Bill
- National Medical Commission Bill
- The person in news: Hafiz Saeed
- Dibang Multipurpose Project in Arunachal Pradesh
- India’s agenda as a UNSC member
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IAS Current Affairs and News Analysis (18-07-2019)
Kulbhushan Jadhav case and ICJ ruling
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains II – India and its neighborhood- relations; India and Pakistan relations
In news:
- The International Court of Justice decided that Pakistan should “survey and reevaluate” Kulbhushan Jadhav’s conviction and capital punishment.
- ICJ additionally decided that Pakistan should give the Indian government consular access to Kulbhushan Jadhav.
Do you know?
- Jadhav, a resigned Indian Navy official, was condemned to death by a Pakistani military court on charges of “surveillance and fear based oppression” after a shut preliminary in April 2017.
- His condemning evoked a sharp response in India.
- India moved the ICJ around the same time for the “unfortunate infringement” of the arrangements of the Vienna Convention by Pakistan by over and over denying New Delhi consular access to the 48-year-old Indian national.
Important Value Additions:
- ICJ is the “principled legal organ of the United Nations” (ICJ, 1945), and is based at the Hague in the Netherlands.
- Rule of the International Court of Justice, which is a basic piece of the United Nations Charter set up the ICJ.
- The ICJ is comprised of 15 legal advisers from various nations (chose for nine-year terms by Permanent individuals from the UNSC) and no two judges at some random time might be from a similar nation. The court’s sythesis is static yet for the most part incorporates legal scholars from an assortment of societies.
- The capacity of the ICJ is to determine debates between sovereign states.
Karnataka crisis: What’s a ‘whip’, and what does it do?
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains II – Indian Polity; Parliament – Whip
In news:
- In the midst of an approaching trust vote in the Karnataka Assembly, previous boss pastor Siddaramaiah spoke to defer the movement of certainty as the Supreme Court’s choice didn’t reveal insight into his privileges to give a whip
What is a whip?
- A whip in parliamentary speech is a composed request that gathering individuals be available for a significant vote, or that they vote just with a certain goal in mind.
- The term is gotten from the old British act of “whipping in” legislators to pursue the partisan principal.
- In India, all gatherings can give a whip to their individuals.
- Gatherings designate a senior part from among their House contingents to give whips — this part is known as a Chief Whip, and he/she is helped by extra Whips.
Do you know?
- The office of ‘whip’, then again, is referenced neither in the Constitution of India nor in the Rules of the House nor in a Parliamentary Statute. It depends on the shows of the parliamentary government.
- Each ideological group, in the case of administering or Opposition, has its very own whip in the Parliament. He is delegated by the ideological group to fill in as an associate floor pioneer.
- He is accused of the duty of guaranteeing the participation of his gathering individuals in huge numbers and verifying their help for or against a specific issue.
- He manages and screens their conduct in Parliament. The individuals should pursue the mandates given by the whip. Something else, a disciplinary move can be made.
Kinds of whips
A whip can be arranged into three kinds, in light of the occasions it has been underlined.
One-line whip
- A one-line whip, which is underlined once, is given by the gathering to advise its individuals regarding a significant vote in the pipeline, so a majority can be set up. (A majority is the base number of officials that should be available do that a vote can be held.)
- A one-line whip enables the administrators to go without casting a ballot in the event that they choose to conflict with the partisan principal. In any case, they can’t, under any condition, vote against the gathering.
Two-line whip
- A two-line whip, which is underlined twice, requests that gathering individuals be available in the House at the hour of casting a ballot.
- Abstention from casting a ballot, for this situation, welcomes more examination from gathering’s central leadership when contrasted with a one-line whip.
Three-line whip
- A three-line whip, which is underlined thrice, is the gravest of the whips.
- This places the gathering individuals under a commitment to toe the partisan loyalty and is typically utilized when basic bills are postponed in the House or during a movement of no-certainty.
What happens if a legislator does not follow the whip?
- Challenging a three-line whip can not just prompt ejection of the part from the gathering, yet in addition, hazard his/her enrollment in the House.
- Under the Tenth Schedule of the Constitution of India, the Speaker of the House can exclude a part who conflicts with the partisan loyalty under the counter surrender law.
- The main exemption is when more than 33% of individuals choose to cast a ballot against the order.
Bimal Jalan committee on RBI’s economic capital framework (ECF)
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains III – Indian Economy and issues related to it; RBI
In news:
- Bimal Jalan board was shaped to address the issue of RBI holds, one of the staying focuses between the national bank and the legislature.
- The master board to recommend how the national bank should deal with its stores and whether it can move its surplus to the administration.
- Jalan board to present its report soon.
- The administration has been demanding that the national bank hand over its surplus stores in the midst of a deficit in income assortments.
- Access to the assets will permit money priest to meet shortfall targets, mix capital into feeble banks to support loaning and reserve welfare programs.
- Along these lines, the Jalan board was set up to choose whether RBI is holding arrangements, saves and cradles in excess of the necessary levels.
Ebola outbreak a global health emergency: WHO
In news:
- World Health Organization announced the Ebola flare-up in the Democratic Republic of Congo a general wellbeing crisis of worldwide concern.
About Ebola
- Ebola infection sickness (EVD), previously known as Ebola haemorrhagic fever, is an extreme, regularly lethal disease in people.
- The Ebola infection is transmitted to individuals from wild creatures and spreads in the human populace through human-to-human transmission.
- The Ebola infection causes an intense, genuine sickness which is frequently deadly if untreated.
- There are at present no authorized Ebola immunizations yet 2 potential competitors are experiencing assessment.
Dam Safety Bill
Part of: GS Mains II and III – Government schemes and policies; Disaster Management
In news:
- The Center is set to present the Dam Safety Bill, 2019.
- The Bill means to set up a precise method to guarantee that India’s 5,600 dams are made and kept up securely.
- The Bill accommodates foundation of a National Dam Safety Authority as an administrative body to actualize the arrangement.
- The Bill lays the onus of the dam security on the dam proprietor and accommodates reformatory arrangements for wilful “commission and oversight of specific acts.”
National Medical Commission Bill
Part of: GS Mains II – Health sector; Education reforms; Government schemes and policies
In news:
- Focus intends to present the National Medical Commission Bill (NMC Bill) and nullification the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956.
- NMC Bill was first presented in Parliament in December 2017 and had incited boundless fights over a proposition for connect courses to permit AYUSH specialists to endorse allopathic drugs. Notwithstanding, the 2017 bill passed with the disintegration of the sixteenth Lok Sabha.
- The present Bill proposes to change over the last year MBBS assessment into a licentiate test, which will be a prerequisite for specialists to rehearse medication.
- The assessment, to be known as the National Exit Test (NEXT), will likewise be utilized for entrance into post-graduate therapeutic courses, and go about as a screening test for outside medicinal alumni.
Person in news: Hafiz Saeed
In news:
- Pakistan as of late captured Hafiz Saeed, the supposed brains of the 2008 Mumbai fear assault that murdered 166 individuals.
- Hafiz Saeed has been proclaimed a worldwide fear monger by the U.S. furthermore, the UN
- He is right now held in a fear financing case.
Dibang Multipurpose Project in Arunachal Pradesh
In news:
- Bureau Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) affirmed the ₹1,600-crore pre-speculation consumption for the Dibang Multipurpose Project in Arunachal Pradesh, India’s biggest hydropower venture.
- Dibang River is a tributary of the Brahmaputra that started and courses through the Mishmi Hills and upper east India from the territory of Arunachal Pradesh.
TOPIC: General studies 2
- Role of UNSC; International organization
- International Relations
- India and the World
India’s agenda as an UNSC member
- India verified UNSC non-changeless enrollment for 2021-22 with help from Asia-Pacific gathering including Pakistan and China.
- Every year the 193-part UN General Assembly (UNGA) chooses five non-changeless individuals for a two-year term at the high-table.
- India has been at the front line of the years-long exertion to change the security board saying it properly merits a spot as a perpetual individual from the gathering, which, in its present structure, doesn’t speak to the geopolitical substances of the 21st Century.
- As of now, the world is in a more prominent condition of confusion than whenever since the finish of World War II.
- Dread, populism, polarization, and ultra-patriotism have become the premise of legislative issues in numerous nations.
- The kindhearted and steady universal framework that pursued the Cold War has vanished.
- India ends up in a pained area among West and East Asia – a district with rebellions, fear mongering, human and opiates dealing, and incredible power competitions (extending from unrest in Gulf, Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Daesh), Iraq and Syria issue to Afghanistan’s tranquility procedure).
- India additionally faces issues in Asia, for example, vital question or misperception, uncertain fringes and regional debates, the nonappearance of a skillet Asia security engineering, and rivalry over vitality and key minerals.
Role of UNSC:
- The prime capacity of the UNSC ought to be to keep up worldwide harmony and security.
- It ought to likewise concentrate on shared objectives, particularly global social and monetary collaboration.
- Attempt to bring coordination between 193 sovereign part countries.
To this end, the changeless individuals (P-5) as likewise other UN individuals must think of it as worth their time and energy to change the Council.
What should India aim to do?
Studies and reports foresee that – by 2050, China will be the world’s main monetary power, trailed by India. UNSC changeless seat will come India’s much more by greeting and less independent from anyone else peddling.
As a non-permanent member of UNSC, India’s objectives should be –
- to help construct a steady and secure outer condition
- to advance provincial and worldwide security
- to advance development and its very own kin’s flourishing
- to advance a standard based world request
- to rise as an accomplice of decision for creating and created nations the same
India must use this most recent chance to extend itself as a capable country.
Agenda as a member of UNSC
Increase financial contribution
- India should expand its money related commitment, as the allocation of UN costs for every one of the P-5 nations is altogether bigger than that for India.
- Despite the fact that India has been a main supplier of peacekeepers, its surveyed commitment to UN peacekeeping activities is minute.
Provide effective leadership
- When there is a shortage of worldwide authority on worldwide issues, particularly on security, vagrant development, destitution, and environmental change, India has a chance to advance well-adjusted, normal arrangements.
Responsibility to Protect
- India must assistance direct the Council away from the hazards of conjuring the standards of philanthropic interventionism or ‘Duty to Protect’.
Work towards a rules-based global order
- Given the delicate and complex worldwide framework, which can turn out to be considerably increasingly erratic and conflictual, India should progress in the direction of a principles-based worldwide request. Reasonable advancement and advancing people groups’ welfare ought to turn into its new drivers.
Ensure sanctions
- India should push to guarantee that the UNSC Sanctions Committee focuses on each one of those people and elements justifying sanctions.
Rational internationalism
- Having great relations with all the extraordinary forces, India must lead the path by seeking after incorporation, the standard of law, constitutionalism, and sane internationalism.
- India ought to by and by become an agreement manufacturer, rather than the anomaly it has dynamically become.
- It should locate a blended reaction for managing worldwide issues of environmental change, demobilization, fear mongering, exchange, and improvement.
- A principles-based universal request helps instead of blocks India.
- India will be a rich nation later on and will obtain more noteworthy military muscle, however, its kin will remain generally poor.
- India is an incredible country, yet not an extraordinary power.
- India can’t walk the worldwide stage with trust without stable relations with its neighbors.
- Other than anything that else is done inside the UN and the UNSC, India must lift its game in South Asia and its bigger neighborhood.
- India must plan for this possibility, at the same time, simultaneously, it must victor an arrival to the more seasoned standards-based worldwide request.
Connecting the dots:
- What do you comprehend by the term or idea – “Rules-Based International Order”? Additionally, talk about the difficulties to the standards-based worldwide request and its effect on India.
- India is an extraordinary country, yet not an incredible power. Do you concur? Clarify your supposition.
- Does the creation and rights in the Security Council speak to 21st-century world elements? Basically analyze.
- For what reason is the changeless enrollment in UNSC so significant for India? Do you believe India’s case of lasting participation is substantial? Clarify.
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in the comment section)
Q.1) Consider the following statements about ‘International Court of Justice (ICJ)’
- Rule of the International Court of Justice, which is an indispensable piece of the United Nations Charter built up the ICJ
- It is made out of fifteen judges chose for nine-year terms by Permanent Members of the UNSC
Select the correct statements
- 1 Only
- 2 Only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.2) The office of the ‘Whip’ is mentioned in:
- Constitution of India
- Rules of the House
- In a separate Parliamentary Statute
- None
Q.3) In light of the shows of Parliamentary government, we have an office of ‘Whip’ in the Indian parliament. Each ideological group has its very own whip. What is the capacity of a ‘whip’?
- He is answerable for guaranteeing the participation of his ideological group individuals.
- He chooses the plan of his gathering on the floor of the parliament.
- He guarantees the help of his gathering individuals for or against a specific issue.
Select the code from following:
- 1 and 2
- 2 and 3
- 1 and 3
- All of the above
Q.4) Zoonoses are irresistible illnesses of creatures (normally vertebrates) that can normally be transmitted to people. Which of coming up next are zoonoses?
- Ebola virus disease
- Bird flu
- Swine influenza
- Zika fever
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
- 1, 2 and 3 only
- 2 and 3 only
- 2, 3 and 4 only
- All the above
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