Highlights |UPSC Exam Current Affairs 03-12-2019
Current Affairs and News (03-12-2019)- The following article contains all the updated events and news for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.
- NHRC seeks report on assault cases
- Bill banning e-cigarettes passed
- Panel finalises role of Chief of Defence Staff
- Power of Siberia
- Anaemia: Nearly 3 out of 5 babies and children in India are anaemic
- China’s facial recognition roll out
- National Register of Indian Citizens
- Telecom sector changes (PART 1)
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UPSC Exam Current Affairs 03-12-2019 are followed in the part below:
UPSC Exam Current Affairs and News Analysis (03-12-2019)
NHRC seeks report on assault cases
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-II – Polity
In News
- Communicating worry over the ongoing rape cases, NHRC gave notification to the Center, States and Union Territories looking for writes about the standard working methodology (SOP) for managing such cases and the utilization of the Nirbhaya Fund.
- The Commission’s activity comes in the wake of the assault and murder of a specialist in Hyderabad that has prodded a discussion on the state of ladies’ security in the nation indeed
- Taking suomotu cognisance of media reports, the NHRC saw that there was a “critical requirement for all partners to work mutually to dispose of this abhorrence.”
About National Human Rights Commission (NHRC)
- It is a statutory association built up under the Protection of Human Rights Act (PHRA), 1993.
- It is in similarity with the Paris Principles, received at the main worldwide workshop on national organizations for the security of human rights held in Paris in 1991
- The motivation behind the NHRC is, suo moto or through the request of an individual, to explore the infringement of human rights or the disappointments of the state or other to forestall a human rights infringement.
- The commissions may likewise take on inquire about human rights, make mindfulness battles through different mediums, and energize crafted by NGOs.
About Nirbhaya Fund
- It was set up in 2013 for usage of activities planned for improving the wellbeing and security for ladies in the nation.
- It is a non-lapsable corpus finance, set up by Union Finance Ministry
Bill banning e-cigarettes passed
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-II – Health
In News
- A Bill forbidding the production and closeout of electronic cigarettes, yet not their ownership and use, was passed by Parliament
- The Rajya Sabha passed the Prohibition of Electronic Cigarettes (Production, Manufacture, Import, Export, Transport, Sale, Distribution, Storage and Advertisement) Bill, 2019 by voice vote following four hours of exchange.
- The Bill, which was passed by the Lok Sabha on November 27, will supplant a statute brought by the legislature on September 18.
- Resistance MPs, in any case, affirmed that the boycott was ordered to profit tobacco organizations.
Do You Know?
- Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) had in June 2019 prescribed a total prohibition on Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS) including e-cigarettes, saying their utilization can start nicotine enslavement among non-smokers.
- Closures, which incorporates e-cigarettes, Vape and E-Hookah, are gadgets that warmth an answer for make an airborne, which additionally much of the time contains flavors, normally broke up into propylene glycol and glycerin
- E-cigarettes unfavorably influences the cardiovascular framework, hinders respiratory invulnerable cell capacity and aviation routes in a manner like cigarette smoking and is answerable for extreme respiratory infection.
Panel finalises role of Chief of Defence Staff
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III- Security
In News
- A usage board of trustees comprised to settle the obligations of the post of Chief of the Defense Staff (yet to be made) has presented its report
- The administration said the post would come surprisingly close to the RTI Act
- In his 2019 Independence Day address, Prime Minister Modi declared the making of the post of Chief of Defense Staff to give “viable administration at the top level” to the three wings of the military, and to help improve coordination among them
- The CDS will go about as the single-direct military guide toward the administration on military and key issues and manage obtainment, preparing and coordinations
- Compact discs offers consistent tri-administration perspectives and single-guide exhortation toward the Executive on long haul protection arranging and the board, including labor, gear and system, or more all, “jointsmanship” in activities.
Existing scenario in India:
- India has had a weak identical known as the Chairman, Chiefs of Staff Committee (CoSC); however this is a toothless office, given the way where it is organized.
- The senior-most among the three Service Chiefs is selected to head the CoSC, an office that failures with the occupant’s retirement.
Power of Siberia
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains II- International Affairs
In News
- Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Russian partner Vladimir Putin remotely introduced the “Intensity of Siberia” gas pipeline
- Russia has been an essential gas provider to Europe, yet the Power of Siberia is the principal cross-outskirt gas pipeline among Russia and China, adding a conspicuous eastern measurement to Moscow’s vitality outline.
- Under the agreement, Russia will convey 1 trillion cubic meters of gaseous petrol to China throughout the following 30 years.
- From Siberia to China’s Yangtze River delta in Shanghai, the huge pipeline will cover 8,000 km, with 5,111 km inside China, going through nine regions and districts.
- A huge cross-fringe undertaking integral to China’s vitality security as well as for reinforcing exceptional ties among Beijing and Moscow.
- The 30-year venture is secured by a $400 billion gas bargain.
Anaemia: Nearly 3 out of 5 babies and children in India are anaemic
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains II –Health
In News
- The same number of as 58.5% of kids between the ages of a half year and 59 months, and 53.1% of ladies between the ages of 15 and 49 years, are pale in the nation.
- Sickliness implies that either the degree of red platelets or the degree of hemoglobin is lower than ordinary.
- At the point when an individual has weakness, their heart needs to work more earnestly to siphon the amount of blood expected to get enough oxygen around their body.
- The information, in light of the discoveries of the National Family Health Survey (NFHS) IV (2015-16), partition the occurrence of paleness into ‘Gentle’, ‘Moderate’ and ‘Extreme’ sorts for both country and urban India.
- Government had propelled in 2018 Anemia Mukt Bharat (AMB) Strategy under POSHAN Abhiyaan with the plan to diminish iron deficiency predominance by three rate focuses each year till 2022
- AMB is a 6x6x6 procedure that is focusing on six age gatherings, with six intercessions and six institutional systems.
- The six age bunches incorporate pre-younger students (6-59 months), kids (5-9 years), juvenile young ladies (10-19 years), immature young men (10-19 years), ladies of conceptive age gathering (15-49), and pregnant ladies and lactating moms

Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III – Environment Conservation
In News
- As indicated by information gave in Rajya Sabha by Ministry of Environment, At last check, the streams of Assam and Uttar Pradesh separately had 962 and 1,275 Gangetic dolphins (or Platanistagangetica).
- The International Union for Conservation of Nature has recorded the Gangetic dolphin as an imperiled species in India.
- As per the WWF, the fundamental danger to the Gangetic dolphin is the production of dams and water system ventures.
- Notwithstanding the species being India’s national amphibian creature, the Gangetic dolphin has been informed by the Assam government as the state sea-going creature, as well.
- Silting and sand lifting from streams in Assam has been halted to keep up its populace.
China’s facial recognition roll out
- China put into impact new guidelines that require Chinese telecom transporters to check the essences of clients enlisting new cell phone administrations.
- This move the administration says is planned for getting serious about misrepresentation.
- China is home to a portion of the world’s chiefs in facial acknowledgment programming, including Megvii and SenseTime.
- Markets, tram frameworks and air terminals as of now utilize facial acknowledgment innovation. Alibaba gives clients the alternative to pay utilizing their face at its Hema grocery store chain.
- Gathering by people:Surveillance innovations have experienced minimal open restriction inside China, however there has been some for the most part mysterious discussion via web-based networking media stages like Weibo
- A few clients contend that it is an expected to battle misrepresentation, similar to trick calls, however others have voiced worries about its suggestions for individual information, protection and morals.
- Income Potential:Countries from Myanmar to Argentina have obtained observation innovation from any semblance of China’s ZTE Corp and Huawei Technologies as a major aspect of plans to make “shrewd urban areas”
TOPIC:General Studies II
- Indian Constitution-chronicled underpinnings, advancement, highlights, alterations, critical arrangements and fundamental structure
National Register of Indian Citizens
- On November 20, 2019 the Union Home Minister, Mr. Amit Shah, responded to a featured inquiry in the Rajya Sabha hence: “Arrangement of National Register of Indian Citizens (NRIC) is administered by the arrangements of Section 14A of The Citizenship Act, 1955 and The Citizenship (Registration of Citizens and Issue of National Identity Cards) Rules 2003. Area 14A of the Citizenship Act, 1955 accommodates necessary enlistment of each resident of India and support of NRIC. The strategy to plan and keep up NRIC is indicated in The Citizenship (Registration of Citizens and Issue of National Identity Cards) Rules, 2003.”
Rules that authorise an NRIC
- Decide 11 expresses that the “Enlistment center General of Citizen Registration will cause to keep up the National Register of Indian Citizen in electronic or some other structure which will involve its constant refreshing based on separates from different registers indicated under the Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1969 and the [Citizenship] Act [1955].”
- Rule 4 places the obligation to do a statistics like exercise on the Central government and not on residents. This arrangements with the “Planning of the National Register of Indian Citizens” which gives that the Central Government will complete a “house-to-house identification for assortment for points of interest identified with every family and Individual including the citizenship status”.
- Decide 6 gives that each individual must get himself/herself enrolled with the Local Registrar of Citizen Registrations during the time of initialisation (the period indicated as the beginning date of the NRIC). Note this doesn’t start with a non-obstante condition or words that give it abrogating impact over every single other proviso. This means this standard is surrounded by different statements in the Act.
Do you know?
NRC :The National Register of Citizens (NRC) is a register kept up by the Government of India containing names and certain important data for ID of Indian residents First began in Assam province of India.
Who are illegal migrants?
- Movement of individuals into a nation disregarding the migration laws of that nation, or the proceeded with living arrangement of individuals without the legitimate right to live in that nation.
What is the Passport Act?
- The Passport (Entry into India) Act, 1920, was one of the early arrangement of rules made against unlawful vagrants,
- It engaged the administration to make rules requiring people entering India to be in control of travel papers.
- It likewise allowed the administration the ability to expel from India any individual who entered without a visa.
- The idea of “weight of evidence” was presented in Foreigners Act, 1940.
- Segment 7 of the Act furnished that at whatever point an inquiry emerged with respect to the nationality of an individual, the onus of demonstrating that he was not an outsider lay upon the individual.
When was the Foreigners Act made more stringent?
- The governing body sanctioned the Foreigners Act, 1946, by canceling the 1940 Act.
- It presented wide powers to manage all outsiders.
- It enabled the administration to make arrangements for denying, managing or confining the section of outsiders into India.
- It likewise limited the rights delighted in by outsiders as far as their stay in the nation if any such requests are passed by the power.
- The 1946 Act engaged the legislature to make such strides as are vital, including the utilization of power for protecting consistence with such bearings.
- The ‘weight of confirmation’ lies with the individual, and not with the authoritiesis still relevant in all States and Union Territories.
- This has been maintained by a Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court.
What about the Foreigners (Tribunals) Order?
- In 1964 the Foreigners (Tribunals) Order was acquired.
- The court has the power to choose whether an individual is an outsider inside the ambit of the Foreigners Act, 1946.
- The council has powers like those of a common court.
- It gives sensible chance to the individual claimed to be an outsider to create proof on the side of his case, before passing its request.
- In June this year, the Home Ministry made certain alterations in the Foreigners (Tribunals) Order, 1964.
- It was to engage locale officers in all States and Union Territories to set up councils to choose whether an individual staying wrongfully in India is an outsider or not.
Why did the IMDT Act fail?
- The Illegal Migrants (Determination by Tribunals) Act, 1983, was additionally alluded to as the IMDT Act.
- It was presented for the identification and expulsion of unlawful transients who had entered India on or after March 25, 1971.
- It was fruitless.
- One factor for its disappointment was that it didn’t contain any arrangement on ‘weight of verification’ like the Foreigners Act, 1946.
- This put an extremely substantial weight upon the specialists to build up whether an individual is an illicit vagrant.
- The consequence of the IMDT Act was that various non-Indians who may have entered Assam after March 25, 1971 without ownership of substantial archives, keep on living in Assam.
- Iin the Supreme Court milestone decision on an appeal by Sarbananda Sonowal (presently the Chief Minister of Assam), testing the IMDT Act in 2005 the top court subdued the IMDT Act.
- The decision likewise shut all courts in Assam working under the Act.
- It moved every single pending case at the IMDT courts to the Foreigners Tribunals established under the Foreigners (Tribunals) Order, 1964.
- Any individual prohibited from the National Register of Citizens (NRC) as of late finished up in Assam can move toward The Foreigners Tribunals, set up just in Assam, inside 120 days of getting an affirmed duplicate of dismissal.
- In different States, an individual suspected to be an outsider is delivered under the steady gaze of a neighborhood court under the Passport Act, 1920, or the Foreigners Act, 1946.
Connecting the dots:
- The NRC mess in Assam should fill in as a wake up call for an across the nation work out. Remark.
TOPIC:General Studies III
- Infrastructure: Energy, Ports, Roads, Airports, Railways etc.
Telecom sector changes (PART 1)
- The broadcast communications division has developed at a quick pace with developing interest and expanding rivalry that has pushed down costs to levels not seen anyplace else on the planet.
- The area is in a difficult situation
- Because of the quick paced development previously and guideline that expanded tele-thickness by pushing down normal income per user(ARPU) which lead the organizations to work with a solitary personality center around buyer obtaining as the base of users increased
- SC controlling on income sharing understanding
- India is looked with the possibility of a telecom restraining infrastructure or duopoly.
- In 1990s
- India had only 7 million phones with a holding up time of seven to eight years to get a connection. The reason was that the expense of introducing a landline phone was excessively high and the necessary normal income per client (ARPU) just to equal the initial investment was ₹1,250 every month, which was unreasonably high for most Indians around then.
- Indian telecom developed at a moderate pace.
- In 1995,
- Remote communication was presented which cut down the capital cost, made phones moderate in India, acquired private speculations.
- The main telecom barters for private players through “Permit Fee Model”
- The budgetary offers were fantastically high which proceeded to be financially impractical.
- A few legitimate ploys were utilized to stop the installment against offers, cases duplicated
- In 1999, “Income Share Model” was presented
- The establishment cost of remote communication was short of what one-fourth of a landline phone.
- Low ARPU was never again a major concern.
- 2003-2007
- Market developed at a moderate pace
- After 2007,
- government discovered approaches to give new GSM licenses utilizing basically income share.
- Newcomers, fundamentally Reliance Communications (RCOM) and Tata Teleservices, dropped levies and presented per-second charging. Others needed to follow.
- The market developed rapidly to 900 million lines.
- The administrators were profiting, even with lower taxes.
- India was all the while utilizing just 2G communication. Information and Internet was at exceptionally low speed;
- 3G communication was simply being presented and administrators were wheeling and dealing for more 3G range in 900 MHz and 1800 MHz groups.
- The administration was intermittently leading sales since 2010, bringing huge range offers.
- After 2013,
Government made accessible some range in the 2300-2500 MHz band which was not viewed as appropriate for 3G communication at that point
4G development
- Government made accessible some range in the 2300-2500 MHz band which was not viewed as appropriate for 3G communication at that point
- 4G development
- It was in its early stages and there was some worry about innovation norms and innovation availability.
- Another organization, Reliance Jio, betted on it and won the entire range skillet India through an accomplice organization at a generally lower cost as there was little enthusiasm from built up administrators.
- After 2016,
- Jio needed to hold up four years to prepare the innovation and propelled the 4G administration late in 2016 and got the creative mind of clients.
- It made voice calls practically free and offered great quality video on savvy handsets at extremely low levies.
- Others followed suit yet paid higher sums for range in later sales.
- Jio has been picking up piece of the pie from that point forward.
- The more seasoned administrators have been on edge, confronting genuine disintegration in piece of the overall industry and gainfulness.
- RCOM and Tata Teleservices have been cleared out
- Vodafone and Idea converged to pretty much endure.
- Airtel, the most grounded administrator two years back, keeps on losing piece of the pie and benefit.
- 2019,
- SC governing on income sharing understanding
Connecting the dots:
- What are the difficulties being looked by the Telecom area? Talk about.
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in comment section)
Q.1) Consider the following statements about Gangetic dolphin
- The International Union for Conservation of Nature has listed the Gangetic dolphin as an endangered species in India.
- The main threat to the Gangetic dolphin is the creation of dams and irrigation projects.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.2) Consider the following statements about Anaemia Mukt Bharat
- It is Strategy under POSHAN Abhiyaan with the aim to reduce anaemia prevalence by three percentage points every year till 2030
- Itis a 6x6x6 strategy that is targeting six age groups, with six interventions and six institutional mechanisms.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.3) Consider the following statements about Power of Siberia
- It is the first cross-border gas pipeline between Russia and China
- It is not only central to China’s energy security but also for bolstering special ties between Beijing and Moscow
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.4) Consider the following statements about National Human Rights Commission (NHRC)
- It is a statutory organization established under the Protection of Human Rights Act (PHRA), 1993
- It can investigate the violation of human rights or the failures of the state to prevent a human rights violation only through a petition of a person and cannot take suo moto cases.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.5) Consider the following statements about Chief of Defence Staff (CDS)
- It was created in 2000 post 1999-Kargil conflict.
- The postwill act as the single-point military adviser to the government on military and strategic issues and oversee procurement, training and logistics.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
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