Highlights |UPSC Exam Current Affairs 05-12-2019
Current Affairs and News (05-12-2019)- The following article contains all the updated events and news for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.
- Nod for Data Protection Bill
- World Malaria Report 2019
- Delhi to get 11,000 hotspots across city
- Political Parties Registration Tracking Management System (PPRTMS)
- Water regulation
- PM-AASHA scheme
- Global Climate Risk Index 2020
- Bharat Bond ETF
- Citizenship Amendment Bill
- Transgender Persons’ Bill, 2019
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UPSC Exam Current Affairs 05-12-2019 are followed in the part below:
UPSC Exam Current Affairs and News Analysis (05-12-2019)
Nod for Data Protection Bill
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III- Security
In News
- The Union Cabinet endorsed the presentation of the Personal Data Protection Bill in Parliament.
- The draft charge, the Personal Data Protection Bill, 2018, was set up by an elevated level master board of trustees headed by previous Supreme Court judge B.N. Srikrishna.
Some of the features of the proposed bill are:
- The bill characterizes ‘touchy individual information’ as including passwords, money related information, wellbeing information, sexual coexistence, sexual direction, biometric information, hereditary information, transgender status, intersex status, position or clan, and strict or political conviction or association.
- The draft Bill says that such touchy individual information can be prepared distinctly with the express assent of the individual, and this agree should be educated, clear, and explicit, as characterized by the Bill itself.
- The draft bill additionally has an arrangement for the privilege to be overlooked, where the individual “will reserve the option to limit or forestall proceeding with exposure of individual information”.
- There is additionally an arrangement for the focal government to advise classes of individual information as basic individual information, which will at that point be just prepared in a server or server farm situated in India.
- Individual information is to be put away in India, however can be prepared outside with the assent of the individual.
- The draft Bill likewise indicates punishments for not following its arrangements, including a punishment of ₹5 crore or 2% of turnover, whichever is higher, if no move is made on an information spill.
World Malaria Report 2019
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains II- Health
In News
- World Malaria Report 2019 was as of late discharged by the World Health Organization (WHO).
- Internationally, there were 228 million instances of intestinal sickness in 2018, down from 251 million cases in 2010
- 20 nations in sub-Saharan Africa and India represented 85 percent of the worldwide intestinal sickness trouble in 2018
- Contrasted with 2017, India detailed 2.6 million less cases in 2018. This makes India the nation with the biggest total decreases among the nations that offer 85% of the intestinal sickness trouble.
- The significant difficulties in India stays diminished subsidizing, treatment disappointments and vector protection from pyrethroids, the insectides utilized against the vectors
Do You Know?
- Intestinal sickness is for the most part brought about by Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax parasites.
- It is transmitted to individuals through the chomps of tainted female Anopheles mosquitoes.
- Jungle fever is transmitted by blood, so it can likewise be transmitted through an organ transplant, a transfusion and utilization of shared needles or syringes.
- It is preventable and treatable.
Delhi to get 11,000 hotspots across city
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III- Infrastructure
In News
- Delhi government declared the establishment of 11,000 hotspots crosswise over Delhi as a major aspect of the free Wi-Fi plot guaranteed by the AamAadmi Party in its 2015 declaration.
- Of the 11,000 hotspots, around 4,000 would come up close to transport stands and the staying 7,000 crosswise over commercial centers with every voting demographic to get 100 hotspots each
- The all out consumption on the establishment will be around ₹100 crore,
- The individuals of Delhi will have the option to find a Wi-Fi association after each 500 meters, with the hotspot associations supporting a sweep of 100 meters.
- Each client will get free 15 GB information for each month, with an information breaking point of 1.5 GB every day.
- On a normal, the most extreme speed of the association will be 200 Mbps, yet the evaluated speed will be somewhere in the range of 100 and 150 Mbps
- Every hotspot would have the option to help 150-200 clients at the same time.
- The Delhi government will pay the lease each month to the organization for every hotspot introduced
Political Parties Registration Tracking Management System (PPRTMS)
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-II – Polity
In News
- The Election Commission of India has audited the framework and procedure of enlistment of ideological groups.
- As needs be, the PPRTMS will be actualized through an online entry, to encourage following of status of utilization by candidates.
- The striking element in the PPRTMS is that the candidate (who is applying for party enlistment from first January, 2020 onwards) will have the option to follow the advancement of his/her application and will get announcement through SMS and email.
- The candidate is required to give contact portable number and email address of the gathering/candidate in his application in the event that he/she wishes to follow the advancement of the application.
- The Registration of Political Parties is administered by the arrangements of area 29A of the Representation of the People Act, 1951.
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-II – International Affairs
In News
- India has marked the respective yearly Haj 2020 concurrence with Saudi Arabia
- With this understanding India has become the principal nation to make the whole procedure for explorers going on Haj totally computerized.
- An online application, e-visa, Haj portable application, ‘e-MASIHA’ wellbeing office, “e-gear pre-labeling” giving all data in India itself with respect to settlement and transportation in Mecca and Madina will be given to 2 lakh Indian Muslims going for Haj in 2020.
- E-MASIHA (E-Medical Assistance System for Indian Pilgrims Abroad), an online framework to keep up the wellbeing database of Indian travelers has been created to manage any crisis in Mecca and Madina.
- Just because offices were accommodated computerized pre-labeling of travelers’ things.
- An entrance of Haj Group Organizers (HGOs) – http://haj.nic.in/pto/ – has been created which contains every one of the subtleties of HGOs and their bundles.
Water regulation
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III- Environment Conservation
In News
- Punjab Cabinet affirmed the making of the Punjab Water Regulation and Development Authority in an offer to check the exhaustion of groundwater in the State
- The authority would be engaged to give general bearings identified with extraction and utilization of groundwater, other than guaranteeing ideal and productive use of all water assets in Punjab State, including trench water system.
- It will likewise give rules on reusing and reuse of water and its preservation.
- It can’t force any confinements or tax on extraction of water for drinking, residential and farming purposes
- It would, in any case, be required to give levy orders for utilization of water for mechanical and business use.
- The progression is in this way focused on advancement, the executives and guideline of water assets of the State for guaranteeing their sensible, fair and economical usage and the board.
PM-AASHA scheme
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains II –Governance
In News
- Under 3% of this current season’s sanctionedamount of heartbeats and oilseeds have really been obtained so far under the PM-AASHA conspire, Agriculture Ministry information appear
- An aggregate of 37.59 lakh metric huge amounts of obtainment had been authorized under the Centrally-financed scheme.However, just 1.08 lakh tons have been acquired up until now.
- The PM-AASHA or Pradhan MantriAnnadataAaySanrakshanAbhiyan, was declared in September 2018, as a push to guarantee that ranchers developing heartbeats, oilseeds and copra really get the base help costs they are guaranteed for their harvests every year.
- Aside from activities to permit money installment to ranchers or obtainment by private brokers, PM-AASHA’s primary component was a value bolster plot whereby Central offices would get heartbeats and oilseeds legitimately from ranchers.
- The Center had planned ₹15,053 crore more than two years to actualize the plan separated from an extra government credit assurance of ₹16,550 crore for organizations undertaking acquisition.
Global Climate Risk Index 2020
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-III- Environment Conservation
In News
- The Global Climate Risk Index investigations the degree to which nations and areas have been influenced by climate related occasions, for example, serious precipitation, tempests, floods and heatwaves.
- The Index weights on the degree of powerlessness of countries to serious atmosphere occasions, which they should see as alerts for increasingly visit or extreme occasions later on.
- The Global Climate Risk Index 2020 is distributed by International Environmental research organization Germanwatch.
- India was the fifth most atmosphere influenced nation in 2018, which endured water deficiencies, crop disappointments and most noticeably terrible flooding,
- Japan, the Philippines and Germany were seen as the most atmosphere influenced nations in 2018 followed by Madagascar, India and Sri Lanka
- The heatwave was one of the significant reasons for harm in 2018.
- Crosswise over Europe, extraordinary warmth spells are presently up to multiple times almost certain than a century prior, says the report.
- The effect of heatwaves on African nations might be under-spoken to because of an absence of information.
- The file results indicated that the “indications of atmosphere emergency”, on all mainlands, could never again be overlooked.
Bharat Bond ETF
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-III- Economy
In News
- The Union Cabinet endorsed the administration’s arrangement to make and dispatch India’s first corporate security trade exchanged reserve (ETF) — Bharat Bond ETF.
- Bharat Bond ETF will just holdbonds gave by open segment undertaking (PSUs)
- The ETF will contain a bin of securities gave byCentral Public Sector Undertakings (CPSUs), Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs), Central Public Financial Institutions (CPFIs), and other government associations and all will be at first AAA-appraised bonds.
- The point is to make an extra wellspring of subsidizing for the CPSEs, CPSUs, CPFIs, and other government associations.
- The unit size of the security has been kept at just ₹1,000 so retail financial specialists can contribute and develop India’s security showcase
- Every ETF will have a fixed development date and at first they will be given in two arrangement, of three years and 10 years.
- Bond ETF will give wellbeing (fundamental securities are given by CPSEs and other government-possessed elements), liquidity (tradability on trade) and unsurprising duty productive returns
TOPIC: General Studies 2:
- Indian Constitution-authentic underpinnings, development, highlights, corrections, huge arrangements and fundamental structure.
Citizenship Amendment Bill
- The Union Cabinet as of late cleared the disagreeable Citizenship Amendment Bill for Parliament to dominate. The Citizenship Bill is presently prone to be postponed in the LokSabha for freedom.
- The Union Cabinet headed by Prime Minister NarendraModi today cleared the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2019, clearing route for its presentation in Parliament during the ongoingWinter session.
- In its revised structure, the Citizenship Amendment Bill 2019 (CAB) tries to give Indian nationality to six minority networks — Hindu, Christian, Sikh, Parsi, Jain and Buddhist — escaping “mistreatment” from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh.
- As far back as it was first postponed in the Parliament in July 2016, the Bill has been buried in debates for allowing citizenship rights to explicit networks.
- While unlawful vagrants can’t become Indian residents, the legislature had excluded indicated gatherings of illicit transients in 2015 and 2016 from arrangements of The Foreigners Act, 1946 and The Passport (Entry into India) Act, 1920.
- The Center’s intercession implied that these specific classes of unlawful vagrants would not be extradited or imprisoned for being in India without substantial reports.
- The Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2016 was postponed in LokSabhain 2016 during NDA-1 to change The Citizenship Act, 1955 with the goal that these individuals could be made qualified for citizenship of India.
- Nonetheless, enormous fights emitted in the North East and went about as an obstacle for the presentation of the Bill in RajyaSabha.
- RajyaSabha deferred sine pass on in 2019, without the Bill being postponed.
- The Bill slipped by as the sixteenth LokSabha was broken up.
Highlights :
- The bill corrects the Citizenship Act, 1955 to make unlawful vagrants who are Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis and Christians from Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan, qualified for citizenship.
- Under the prior proposed Act, one of the prerequisites for citizenship is that the candidate more likely than not dwelled in India during the most recent a year, and for 11 of the past 14 years.
- The Citizenship Bill 2019 loosens up this 11-year necessity to 6 years for candidates having a place with these six religions, and the previously mentioned three nations.
- The Bill permits that enrollment of Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) cardholders might be dropped for infringement of any law, including minor offenses, for example, stopping in a no-stopping zone.
Why the concern in Northeastern states?
- The North-eastern states have hailed worries over the Citizenship Amendment Bill consistently.
- The possibility of citizenship for monstrous quantities of illicit Bangladeshi vagrants has activated profound tensions, including fears of segment change, loss of job openings, and disintegration of the indigenous culture in the north-eastern states.
- Monstrous fights had emitted fully expecting the presentation of the Bill.
What is the controversy around the Citizenship Amendment Bill 2019?
- The administration has kept up that the bill has essentialness proportional to its choice on Article 370.
- The administration contended that the Bill intends to give citizenship to minorities who have confronted strict abuse in Muslim-greater part outside nations.
- The Opposition has assaulted the legislature for forgetting about Muslims, naming it infringing upon Constitutional arrangements.
- Article 14 of the Constitution ensures the privilege to equity.
- The BJP pioneers have pitched the NRC and the CAB as a bundle that will uncover illicit transients however will give citizenship to abused networks from the neighboring Muslim-lion’s share nations.
Connecting the dots:
- Like NRC, the Citizenship Amendment Bill is imperfect in origination. Break down.
TOPIC: General Studies 2:
- Welfare plans for powerless areas of the populace by the Center and States and the presentation of these plans; instruments, laws, establishments and Bodies comprised for the insurance and advancement of these helpless segments.
Transgender Persons’ Bill, 2019
- RajyaSabha has passed Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Bill, 2019. The bill has just been passed in LokSabha in the progressing Winter Session.
What is this bill about?
- The bill looks to give an instrument to social, monetary and instructive strengthening of transgender people in India.
- The Bill forbids the oppression a transgender individual, including refusal of administration or unreasonable treatment in connection to training, work, human services, access to, or delight in products, offices, openings accessible to people in general, right to development, right to live, lease, or generally possess property, chance to hold open or private office, and access to a legislature or private foundation.
- The Bill likewise looks to give privileges of wellbeing offices to transgender people including separate HIV observation focuses, and sex reassignment medical procedures.
- The Bill likewise has an arrangement of authentication of personality for a transgender individual by making application to the District Magistrate for a declaration of character, showing the sexual orientation as ‘transgender’.
- An updated authentication might be gotten just if the individual experiences medical procedure to change their sexual orientation either as a male or a female.
- It likewise calls for building up a National Council for Transgender people (NCT).
- Offenses against transgender people will draw in detainment between a half year and two years, notwithstanding a fine.
Why the transgender community is protesting against it?
- The Bill, which should secure the privileges of transgender individuals, was drafted and went without moving toward anybody from the network. Accordingly, suppositions were made dependent on generalizations.
- It requires a transgender individual to move toward a District Magistrate to acquire a declaration expressing that they are transgender. It’s simply after this that they will have the option to change their sex to either Male or Female on officially sanctioned distinguishing proof cards.
- The procedure to get this authentication is to show evidence of sex reassignment medical procedure, which An) isn’t something every transgender individuals need B) is a pricey technique, which many aren’t ready to manage the cost of C) doesn’t have a reasonable definition with respect to how the District Magistrate will really analyze the individual or their archives D) is an infringement of security.
- It likewise doesn’t determine the sort of medical procedure they are expecting, on the grounds that there is more than one kind.
- This likewise negates the 2014 NALSA (National Legal Services Authority of India) judgment by the Supreme Court, which gave transgender individuals the privilege to self-recognize, and didn’t command medical procedure.
- The bill likewise says that a transgender individual is somebody with intersex varieties. Be that as it may, only one out of every odd intersex individual distinguishes as transgender, and few out of every odd transgender individual is intersex.
- The Bill makes sexual maltreatment against a transgender individual a culpable offense. Anyway it neglects to unmistakably characterize what establishes sexual maltreatment. Additionally, the base sentence is a half year and can reach out to a limit of only two years.
- The Bill doesn’t give any reservations to transgender individuals, who frequently originate from impeded foundations and think that its difficult to land standard positions or quality training.
- On the off chance that the group of a transgender individual can’t deal with them, the individual might be set in a recovery focus, with orders from the court. This prevents the privilege from securing an individual to join other transgender networks, for example, the hijra network.
- The Bill doesn’t have any arrangements to capture the individuals who victimize, menace, or bother transgender individuals at instructive establishments, working environments or anyplace else.
- The Bill additionally has no notice of things like marriage rights, selection rights, property rights, government managed savings, or benefits. This denies the transgender network of probably the most central rights.
- The facts confirm that not all issues can simply be administered away. At the core of the issue here is social preference and trans-fear. Except if this is tended to at an essential cultural level, no law will have the option to engage the underestimated and aggrieved transgender network.
Connecting the dots:
The Transgender Persons Act ought to have calculated in recommendations from the network. Legitimize.
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in comment section)
Q.1) Consider the following statements
- Political Parties Registration Tracking Management System (PPRTMS) has been introduced by NITI Aayog which will enable applicants to track the status of their application of registration with Election Commission of India.
- The Registration of Political Parties is governed by the provisions of section 29A of the Representation of the People Act, 1951.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.2) Global Climate Risk Index is released by which of the following organisation/body?
- United Nations
- World Economic Forum
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- International Environmental think tank Germanwatch
Q.3) Consider the following statements about Bharat Bond -ETF
- It is India’s first corporate bond exchange traded fund
- It will hold bonds issued by public sector undertaking (PSUs) and also Corporates having market Capitalization of more than 10000 Crore Rupees.
- It will provide safety, liquidity (tradability on exchange) and predictable tax efficient returns
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 and 2 only
- 2 only
- 1 and 3 only
- 1,2 and 3
Q.4) Consider the following statements about World Malaria Report 2019
- It is released by World Health Organisation
- 20 countries in sub-Saharan Africa and India accounted for 85 per cent of the global malaria burden in 2018
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 and 2 only
- 2 only
- 1 and 3 only
- 1,2 and 3
Q.5) Consider the following statements
- India has become the first country to make the entire process for pilgrims going on Haj completely digital.
- E-MASIHA (E-Medical Assistance System for Indian Pilgrims Abroad), an online system to maintain the health database of Indian pilgrims has been developed to deal with any emergency in Mecca and Madina.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 and 2 only
- 2 only
- 1 and 3 only
- 1,2 and 3
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