Highlights |UPSC Exam Current Affairs 09-12-2019
Current Affairs and News (09-12-2019)- The following article contains all the updated events and news for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.
- The seas have less oxygen now
- Paika Memorial
- France protests
- Mapathon Keralam
- Pyrolysis
- Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013
- The International Financial Services Centres Authority Bill
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UPSC Exam Current Affairs 09-12-2019 are followed in the part below:
UPSC Exam Current Affairs and News Analysis (09-12-2019)
The seas have less oxygen now
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III–Environment Conservation
In News
- As indicated by the examination discharged by IUCN at Madrid Climate meeting, the degrees of oxygen in seas fell by around 2 percent from 1960 to 2010. Likewise, the water in certain pieces of the tropics had encountered a 40 percent to 50 percent decrease in oxygen.
- The deoxygenation of the seas happened because of environmental change and other human exercises, (for example, the supplement overflow from ranch manures into conduits)
- The loss of oxygen in the seas can influence the planetary cycling of components, for example, nitrogen and phosphorous which are fundamental for life on Earth
- As seas lose oxygen, they become progressively acidic, a marvel that has brought about certain spots in shellfish having their shells debased or broke up — the purported “osteoporosis of the ocean”.
- In numerous pieces of the world,fish have been kicking the bucket as once huge mob — an unmistakable representation of the manners by which deoxygenation is stifling the seas.
- Aside from their declining oxygen content, seas have, since the center of the twentieth century, consumed 93 percent of the warmth related with human-caused ozone depleting substance outflows, prompting mass blanching of coral reefs.
Paika Memorial
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains I – Modern History
In News
- President Ram NathKovind established the framework stone for the Paika Memorial which will come up in a 10-section of land plot at the base of Barunei Hill in Odisha.
- The occasion marks 200 years of the Paika Rebellion of 1817, an uprising against pilgrim decide that originates before the defiance of the sepoys in 1857, and is now and then depicted as the principal war of freedom.
- The Paikas (articulated “paiko”, actually ‘infantry’), were a class of military retainers had been enlisted since the sixteenth century by lords in Odisha from an assortment of social gatherings to render military administrations as a byproduct of inherited lease free land (nish-karjagirs) and titles.
- The appearance of the British and foundation of pilgrim rule brought new land income settlements, which prompted the Paikas losing their estatesmostly to Bengali truant proprietors
- The British changed the cash framework, requesting income installments in rupees, which expanded weight on the seized, minimal tribals.
- The British power over salt — which had pre-1803-4 causes, however was reached out to beach front Orissa in 1814 — additionally implied expanded hardship for the individuals in the locale.
- In 1817, somewhere in the range of 400 Kondhsrose in rebellion against the British under the authority ofBakshiJagabandhuBidyadharMohapatraBharamarbar Rai, the most noteworthy positioning military generalof Mukund Dev II, and recent holder of the worthwhile Rodanga domain
- Paikas took on ridiculous conflicts at a few spots, however the frontier armed force progressively squashed the revolt.
- BakshiJagabandhu got away to the wildernesses, and avoided reach of the British until 1825, when he at long last gave up under arranged terms.
France protests
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III – International Affairs
In News
- Since December first week,hundreds of thousands of dissenters including railroad laborers, instructors, and medical clinic staff, have been organizing probably the greatest strike in France in decades against the administration’s benefits change venture.
- The French government spending on annuities is among the most noteworthy on the planet, at 14 percent of their monetary yield
- Through the annuity changes, Macron means to consolidate the benefits framework which as of now has 42 division explicit benefits plans, with various degrees of commitments and prizes, into one main issues based framework.
- Every day that a laborer works will acquire them a point for future annuity benefits. Macron keeps up that a focuses based single annuity plan will be more attractive and less confused
- Right now, annuity benefits in France depend on a specialist’s 25 most noteworthy procuring a long time in the private area, and the most recent a half year in the open division.
- The protestors contend that new benefits rules will constrain them to settle on a decision between working for extended periods of time and getting lower installments.
- The fights are the second during Macron’s administration, after a year ago’s “Yellow Vest” or “gilets jaunes” fights that were activated by general discontent, particularly high fuel costs and average cost for basic items.
Mapathon Keralam
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-II – Governance
In News
- Upwards of 10,130 government workplaces have just been mapped as a major aspect of the ₹4.24-crore-Mapathon Keralam venture which is a piece of the Rebuild Kerala Initiative.
- The venture targets making miniaturized scale level maps of the whole state for recognizing all the regular and physical resources
- Mapswill be valuable for arranging and executing flood control and recovery exercises.
- A publicly supporting mapping initiative:The maps are to be made online with open investment, and anybody with a PC/cell phone and a web association can take an interest in the activity.
About Rebuild Kerala Initiative.
- After harm brought about by floods in the state during August 2018, Keral government propelled Rebuild Kerala Initiativewith the goal of building flexibility and alleviating hazard, embracing the idea of ‘working back better’.
- The point of RKI is to catalyze reconstructing of Kerala such that tends to key drivers of floods, catastrophic events and environmental change chances and fortifies the State’s readiness against future calamities.
- It is the administration’s vision of changing over the emergency into an open door by more unequivocally inserting building a green and flexible Kerala.
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-III- Science & Technology, Environment Conservation
In News
- The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has pulled up 270 tire pyrolysis units in 19 States for utilizing innovation that is dirtying and destructive to the strength of the laborers utilized.
- The CPCB has announced that there were 637 units in 19 States of which 251 units were consistent, 270 resistant and 116 were shut.
- Tire pyrolysis alludes to a strategy of separating utilized tyresin the nonattendance of oxygenat temperatures between 250o C and 500o C. Destroyed tires produce fluid oil and gases.
- While this is viewed as a more secure strategy than consuming tires, pyrolysis leaves fine carbon matter, pyro-gas and oil as buildup and the deficient administration of these results presents wellbeing dangers
Do You Know?
- India is likewise a beneficiary of utilized tires from Australia and the U.K., which are sent for reusing and transfer.
- Starting at 2016-17, official appraisals show 127.34 million tires were delivered in India, which apparently was a 12% expansion from the earlier year.
- The National Green Tribunal in 2014 denied utilized tires from being singed in the open or being utilized as fuel in block furnaces, in view of the dangerous emanations. In any case, it took into consideration pyrolysis system to be utilized for utilized tire transfer.
Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains II – Governance
In News
- Very nearly six years after the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013, was marked into law, a few key arrangements required for the counter debasement ombudsman to work have still not been operationalised.
- The way toward establishing the Lokpal’s request and arraignment wings has not yet started.
- Segment 60 of the Act enables the Lokpal to make guidelines on the way and strategy of leading starter request. Till now, no such guidelines have been made.
- While it affirmed a logo and maxim for itself, the Lokpal has not yet informed an organization for documenting objections.
- The way toward setting up of a unique wing to arraign local officials for debasement, as ordered by the Act, has additionally not moved further
- The guidelines for the exposure of benefits and liabilities by local officials have not been informed either
- The term Lokpal was instituted in 1963 yet it was not until January 2014 that the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act came into power. It was over five years after the fact, in March 2019, that the main director and individuals from the Lokpal were selected.
About The Act
- The Lokpal Act, which visualizes foundation of the counter unite body Lokpal at the Center and Lokayuktas in states to investigate instances of defilement against specific classes of community workers, was passed in 2013.
- The Lokpal determination board of trustees is going by the Prime Minister and comprises of the Lok Sabha Speaker, pioneer of the restriction in the lower house, the Chief Justice of India or a judge of the peak court named by him, and a prominent law specialist who could be designated by the President or some other part.
Composition of Lokpal
- There is an arrangement for an executive and a limit of eight individuals in the Lokpal. Of these, four should be legal individuals.
- At the very least 50 percent of the individuals from the Lokpal will be from among the people having a place with the SCs, the STs, OBCs, minorities and ladies.
Terms of Office
- Upon determination, the director and individuals will hold office for a term of fiveyears or till they accomplish 70 years old.
- The compensation and stipends of the executive of the Lokpal will be same as that of the Chief Justice of India, and that of individuals will be same as that of a judge of Supreme Court.
- The boss and individuals from the Lokpal are not qualified for reappointments.
- They will likewise not be qualified for any conciliatory task, arrangement as chairman of a Union domain and for additional work to some other office of benefit under the legislature of India.
TOPIC: General Studies 2:
- Impact of arrangements and legislative issues of created and creating nations on India’s inclinations, Indian Diaspora..
- Since December 5, a huge number of dissidents including railroad laborers, instructors, and emergency clinic staff, have been organizing perhaps the greatest strike in France in decades against the administration’s annuity change venture.
- The strike is relied upon to proceed for at any rate the following scarcely any days, and
- It will influence intercity drives also.
- The dissenters contend that President Emmanuel Macron’s proposed annuity changes will compel them to settle on a decision between working for extended periods of time and getting lower installments.
- The fights are the second during Macron’s administration, after a year ago’s “Yellow Vest” or “gilets jaunes” fights.
Yellow Vest Protests
- Yellow vest fights were activated by general discontent, particularly high fuel costs and average cost for basic items.
- The development was a populist, grassroots political development for monetary equity that started in France in October 2018.
- The development was at first propelled by rising fuel costs and a significant expense of living;
- It guarantees that a lopsided weight of the administration’s duty changes were falling on the working and white collar classes, particularly in provincial and peri-urban zones.
- The nonconformists called for lower fuel assesses, a reintroduction of the solidarity charge on riches, a lowest pay permitted by law increment, the usage of Citizens’ drive choices, in addition to other things.
- Rising fuel costs at first started the showings.
- Yellow high-perceivability vests, which French law required all drivers to have in their vehicles and to wear during crises, were picked as “a binding together string and invitation to battle” in view of their comfort, perceivability, pervasiveness, and relationship with common laborers businesses.
Pension Reforms:
- Through the annuity changes, Macron means to consolidate the benefits framework — one of his center political decision guarantees — which right now has 42 division explicit annuity plans, with various degrees of commitments and prizes, into one main issues based framework.
- The French government spending on annuities is among the most elevated on the planet, at 14 percent of their monetary yield.
- According to the improved annuity conspires, every day that a laborer works will win them a point for future annuity benefits.
- Macron keeps up that a focuses based single benefits plan will be more pleasant and less confused.
- Right now, annuity benefits in France depend on a laborer’s 25 most noteworthy procuring a very long time in the private segment, and the most recent a half year in the open segment.
- Also, the retirement age in France is 62, one of the most reduced among the Organization for Economic Co-activity and Development (OECD) nations.
- While Macron has not demonstrated that the retirement age will be pushed back, he has, in reality, said that laborers in France will be required to work for more.
- This isn’t the first occasion when that French individuals are challenging an adjustment in the annuity conspire.
- In 2007, rail and open vehicle laborers organized a comparative negative mark against then President Nicolas Sarkozy’s arrangements for annuity changes.
Connecting the dots:
- France Protests are powerful on all sides of the political range. Basically remark.
TOPIC: General Studies 3:
- Indian Economy and issues identifying with arranging, preparation of assets, development, advancement and business.
The International Financial Services Centres Authority Bill
- The International Financial Services Centers Authority Bill, 2019 is probably going to be taken up by Parliament for dialog.
- Account Minister Nirmala Sitharaman presented the Bill in LokSabha as of late.
- The Bill accommodates the foundation of an Authority to create and direct the budgetary administrations showcase in the International Financial Services Centers in India.
Who is covered?
- The Bill will be appropriate to all International Financial Services Centers (IFSCs) set up under the Special Economic Zones Act, 2005.
- The first IFSC in Quite a while has been set up at the Gujarat International Finance Tec-City (GIFT City) in Gandhinagar.
- As indicated by a discharge gave by the legislature when the Bill was first cleared by the Union Cabinet, “An IFSC empowers bringing back the budgetary administrations and exchanges that are as of now done in seaward money related focuses by Indian corporate elements and abroad branches/backups of monetary foundations (FIs) to India by offering business and administrative condition that is practically identical to other driving universal money related focuses on the planet like London and Singapore”.
- IFSCs are expected to furnish Indian corporates with simpler access to worldwide budgetary markets, and to supplement and advance further improvement of monetary markets in India, the discharge said.
Authority to be set up:
- The International Financial Services Centers Authority will comprise of nine individuals, designated by the focal government.
- They will incorporate the administrator of the power, a part each from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI), and the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA); and two individuals from the Ministry of Finance. Moreover, two different individuals will be named on the proposal of a Search Committee.
- All individuals from the IFSC Authority will have a term of three years, subject to reappointment.
Functions of Authority:
- The Authority will direct budgetary items, for example, protections, stores or agreements of protection, money related administrations, and monetary foundations which have been recently affirmed by any suitable controller, for example, RBI or SEBI, in an IFSC.
- It will follow all procedures which are material to such money related items, budgetary administrations, and monetary organizations under their individual laws.
- The fitting controllers have been recorded in a Schedule to the Bill, and incorporates the RBI, SEBI, IRDAI, and PFRDA.
- The focal government may change this calendar through a notice.
- Among different elements of the Authorityare the guideline of some other money related items, monetary administrations, or budgetary establishments in an IFSC, which might be told by the focal government.
- Another capacity is to prescribe to the focal government some other monetary items, budgetary administrations, or money related foundations, which might be allowed in an IFSC.
Need for such an Authority:
- The discharge gave by the administration clarified that presently, the banking, capital markets and protection parts in IFSC are controlled by various controllers, for example RBI, SEBI and IRDAI.
- It requires standard explanations and continuous alterations in the current guidelines overseeing money related exercises in IFSCs.
- The improvement of money related administrations and items in IFSCs would require focussed and devoted administrative intercessions.
- Consequently, a need is felt for having a bound together budgetary controller for IFSCs in India to give world class administrative condition to money related market members.
- This would likewise be basic from a simplicity of working together viewpoint.
- The bound together authority would likewise give the genuinely necessary catalyst to encourage improvement of IFSC in India in a state of harmony with the worldwide accepted procedures.
Connecting the dots:
- The dynamic idea of business in the IFSCs requires a high level of between administrative coordination. Remark.
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in comment section)
Q.1) Consider the following statements
- The levels of oxygen in oceans fell by around 2 per cent from 1960 to 2010
- As oceans lose oxygen, they become more acidic that has resulted in shellfish having their shells degraded or dissolved
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.2) Consider the following statements about Paika rebellion
- The rebellion took place around present day Maharashtra State in 1817 and is sometimes considered as first war of independence.
- It was led by BakshiJagabandhu who fought the battle against British primarily for its land revenue & land settlement policies which disrupted Tribal way of life.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.3) Consider the following statements about Yellow Vest movement that was recently in news
- The protestswere triggered by general discontent, especially high fuel prices and cost of living.
- It took place in Iran during early 2019 against the ruling government.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.4) Consider the following statements about Pyrolysis of Tyres
- It refers to a technique of breaking down used tyres at high temperatures (between250o C and 500o C) in the presence of abundance of oxygen
- It leaves fine carbon matter, pyro-gas and oil as residue and the inadequate management of these by-products poses health risks
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.5) Consider the following statements about Composition of Lokpal
- It consists a chairperson and a maximum of eight members of which four need to be judicial members.
- Not less than 50 per cent of the members of the Lokpal shall be from amongst the persons belonging to the SCs, the STs, OBCs, minorities and women.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
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