Highlights |UPSC Exam Current Affairs 11-12-2019
Current Affairs and News (11-12-2019)- The following article contains all the updated events and news for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.
- Appointment of judges
- Land Boundary Agreement
- Defamation Case
- Gandhipedia
- U.S. International Commission on Religious Freedom (USCIRF)
- Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI)
- Context
- Arms Amendment Bill, 2019
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UPSC Exam Current Affairs 11-12-2019 are followed in the part below:
UPSC Exam Current Affairs and News Analysis (11-12-2019)
Appointment of judges
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains II–Judiciary
In News
- 213 names prescribed for arrangement to different High Courts are pending with the administration/Supreme Court Collegium
- Incomparable Court has said in a legal request, at any rate the names on which the Supreme Court Collegium, the High Courts and the legislatures had settled upon ought to be selected inside a half year.
- The High Courts are working at almost half of their endorsed legal quality. Of an all out 1,079 judges endorsed in the High Courts, there are 410 opportunities.
- There were three SC decisions which made it completely clear that the legislature had no choice however to make the arrangements if the collegium repeated them after the administration restored the names with complaints.
- On the Supreme Court collegium clearing the recommendees, the Union Law Ministry needs to set up inside three weeks the suggestions to the Prime Minister who might prompt the President on the arrangement. Nonetheless, no time limit has been recommended for activity by the Prime Minister and the President.

Land Boundary Agreement
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains II – International Relations
In News
- Over four years after the notable Land Boundary Agreement (LBA) among India and Bangladesh, a report discharged by social equality association – Masum-on the circumstance in past enclaves expresses that dissent and opposition have become a fundamental piece of their endurance in India.
- The report says that the state of the individuals is a long way from what they had envisioned. They are yet to get land records and nothing has been accomplished for giving them work
- The report requires a thorough study ought to be attempted to recognize and acclimatize the individuals whose names have been let well enough alone for the headcount beforehand, and every one of the advantages of being a resident in India ought to be stretched out to them
- LBA settles land limit contest which goes back to pilgrim times as India moves 111 fringe enclaves to Bangladesh in return for 51 enclaves.
- It additionally settles the topic of citizenship for more than 50,000 individuals in these enclaves.

Defamation Case
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains II – Governance
In News
- Preeminent Court has held that web middle people like Google can’t be shielded from criminal criticism arguments enrolled against them before October 27, 2009.
- It was uniquely on October 27, 2009 that Parliament altered the Information Technology Act of 2000 to shield online middle people from obligation for criminally abusive substance distributed in them by outsiders.
- The altered Section 79 of the 2000 Act gave that “a middle person will not be obligated for any outsider data, information, or correspondence interface made accessible or facilitated by him.”
- The correction gave practically cover assurance to middle people from lawful activity under Section 499/500 (criminal slander) of the Indian Penal Code.
- In India, maligning cases can be recorded under two heads. It is either considerate or criminal.
- In common maligning, an individual who is stigmatized can move either the High Court or the subordinate courts and look for harms as money related remuneration. There is no discipline as prison sentence
- In criminal slander, the individual against whom a criticism case is recorded may be condemned to two years’ detainment or fined or both.
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains I- Society
In News
- The Government is creating ‘Gandhi Encyclopedia’ to spread mindfulness in the general public.
- Service of Culture has affirmed a task for advancement of GandhiPaedia by National Council of Science Museums, Kolkata.
- The goal of the activity is advancement of Gandhian way of thinking and contemplations through web based life stages
- Government is giving monetary help of Rs. 5.25 cr for this undertaking and has discharged a measure of Rs. 2.95 cr against first portion.
U.S. International Commission on Religious Freedom (USCIRF)
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-II – International Affairs
In News
- In the wake of the entry of the Citizenship Amendment Bill (CAB) in the Lok Sabha, USCIRF has communicated worry over it and considered suggesting sanctions against Home Minister Amit Shah and other top pioneers.
- USCIRF fears that the Indian government is making a strict test for Indian citizenship through CAB that would take citizenship from a great many Muslims
- Accordingly, the External Affairs Ministry said India had the right to approve its populace through different arrangements like some other nation.
- The USCIRF is an autonomous, bipartisan US central government commission-a warning body, which exhorts the US Congress and the organization on issues relating to universal strict opportunity
- Practically speaking, the USCIRF has little teeth in usage, yet goes about as an inner voice manager for the two branches in the US government — the lawmaking body and the official.
- It frequently takes maximalist or extraordinary positions, and has been utilized by common society gatherings to put pressure on US Congress individuals and organization authorities.
Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI)
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-III – Environment Conservation
In News
- CCPI measures the discharges, sustainable power source offer and atmosphere arrangements of 57 nations and the European Union, all in all liable for about 90% of the worldwide GHG emanations.
- It is discharged every year subsequent to investigating four parameters – ozone harming substance (GHG) emanations, sustainable power source, atmosphere arrangement and vitality use
- The CCPI 2020 is discharged by three universal NGOs – German watch, New Climate Institute and Climate Action Network
- India just because positions among the best ten nations in the record. It has improved its positioning from eleventh a year ago to ninth this year
- It found the U.S. positions last, trailed by Saudi Arabia and Australia, albeit a few nations reported falls in discharges a year ago, to a great extent because of an industry-wide grow dim of coal
- While atmosphere execution changed enormously, the report found that none of the nations reviewed were right now on a way perfect with the Paris atmosphere objectives.
- The 2015 Paris accord saw countries consent to progress in the direction of restricting worldwide temperature ascends to “well beneath” two degrees Celsius above pre-mechanical levels.
TOPIC: General Studies 2:
- India-Australia consented to Mutual Logistics Support Arrangement
- India and Australia drew nearer to surrounding the Logistics Support Agreement (LSA), as the Foreign and Defense Secretaries from the two nations met as of late.
- The discourse comes in front of Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s booked January 13-16 excursion to India.
- The principal such two-in addition to two gathering occurred in December 2017.
- The LSA will be one of the key motivation focuses during Prime Minister Morrison’s visit.
- The Agreement will enable the two nations to utilize each other’s army installations for coordinations support, including nourishment, water, and oil.
- During their gathering, the different sides did a far reaching audit of their key commitment and the local security situation, which is constantly advancing given China’s military extension and financial impact.
India-Australia bilateral relations
- With regards to resistance, India and Australia share a typical worry over China.
- While Australia is stressed over China’s quality in the Pacific, India is stressed over China’s expanding exercises and impact in the Indian Ocean.
- Prior this year, the Australian and Indian naval forces finished up a fourteen day long respective sea practice code-named AUSINDEX.
- The activity was directed to reinforce and improve shared participation and interoperability between the IN (Indian Navy) and RAN (Royal Australian Navy), giving chances to cooperation and trade of expert perspectives between the work force of the two naval forces.
- From 2016-18, the armed forces of the nations led a joint military exercise named “AUSTRA HIND”.
- Fundamentally, without precedent for 2017, Australia’s Foreign Policy White Paper distinguished India as being at the “front position” of Australia’s universal organizations, “comparable to the US, Japan, Indonesia, and China”.
The Quad
- The casual key Quadrilateral Security Dialog (QSD) that was started by Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in 2007 was to a great extent because of China’s developing force and impact.
- At first, the “Quad” individuals included India, Japan, the US, and Australia; anyway Australia decided to pull back when Kevin Rudd was Prime Minister, since it would not like to be a piece of an enemy of China union at the time.
- Be that as it may, Australia later rejoined the exchange in 2017 uninvolved of the ASEAN Summit, flagging a re-start to Australia’s greatest advantage in the discourse.
Connecting the dots:
- 2+2 discourse will additionally solidify India-Japan vital relations. Fundamentally analyze.
TOPIC: General Studies 2:
- Government strategies and mediations for advancement in different segments and issues emerging out of their plan and usage.
Arms Amendment Bill, 2019
- Parliament as of late endorsed an enactment accommodating a greatest discipline of life detainment for assembling and conveying unlawful arms.
- The Bill tries to revise the Arms Act, 1959.
- It tries to diminish the quantity of authorized guns permitted per individual and increment punishments for specific offenses under the Act.
- It additionally presents new classes of offenses.
- Permit for securing guns: Under the Act, a permit must be gotten to obtain, have, or convey any gun. An individual can get a permit for up to three guns. The Bill lessens the quantity of allowed guns from three to one.
- The legitimacy of a gun permit will be from three years to five years.
- Prohibition on guns: The Act bans make, deal, use, move, change, testing or sealing of guns without permit. The Bill furthermore restricts getting or acquiring un-authorized guns.
- Increment in discipline: The Bill expands the discipline identified with un-authorized guns and different offenses to between seven years and life detainment, alongside a fine.
- New offenses: The Bill includes news offenses. These include: (I) powerfully taking a gun from police or military (ii) utilizing guns in a celebratory gunfire which jeopardizes human life or individual wellbeing of others. Celebratory gunfire alludes to utilization of guns in open social affairs, strict spots, relationships or different capacities to shoot ammo.
- Following of guns: The focal government may cause rules to follow guns and ammo from producer to buyer to identify, to examine, and break down illegal assembling and dealing.
- treasure or legacy weapons could be kept on the off chance that they have been de-initiated.
- The bill has additionally concurred extraordinary status to sportsperson who need guns and ammo for training and partaking in competitions.
- According to the bill, the individuals who possess multiple guns should store the third one with police headquarters concerned or approved firearm sellers.
- The new enactment has an arrangement forever detainment for the individuals who grab or plunder arms and ammo from police or other security powers.
- The Bill alters a Section of the Arms Act, 1959, to give discipline from the standard life term of 14 years to “detainment for the rest of such individual’s reality” for assembling, selling, fixing and having “precluded” arms.
- The base discipline under this area will be 14 years.
- As indicated by a gauge, India has a sum of around 35 lakh weapon licenses. Thirteen lakh individuals have licenses to convey weapons in Uttar Pradesh, trailed by militancy-hit Jammu and Kashmir, where 3.7 lakh individuals have arms licenses, the greater part of which were taken for the sake of individual security.
- Punjab, which saw fear based oppression in 1980s and 1990s, has around 3.6 lakh dynamic firearm licenses, a large portion of which were given during the two many years of hardship.
Connecting the dots:
- Arms Amendment Bill, 2019 will guarantee compelling authority over arms and ammo which is significant for wellbeing and security in the nation. Basically investigate.
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in comment section)
Q.1) Constitution (100th Amendment) Act,2015 deals with which of the following provision?
- National Judicial Appointments Committee
- Goods and Services Tax
- Constitutional status to National Commission on Backward Classes
- Land Boundary Agreement between India & Bangladesh
Q.2) Consider the following statements about Appointments of Judges to Supreme Court/High Court
- Appointment of Judges to High Court is done on the basis of recommendation by Supreme Court Collegium whereas appointment of Judges to Supreme Court is done on the basis of recommendation by National Judicial Appointments Committee.
- When the Supreme Court collegium clears the name for appointment as a Judge of High Court, Prime Minister & President have to act within the six months of receiving the recommendation from Supreme Court Collegium.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.3) Consider the following statements about Gandhipedia
- It is being developed by NITI Aayog in collaboration with Ministry of Culture.
- The objective is to promote Gandhian philosophy and thoughts in society
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.4) Consider the following statements about Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI)
- It is released by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in Collaboration with United Nations
- India for the first time ranks among the top ten countries in the 2020 released index
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
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