Highlights |UPSC Exam Current Affairs 14-09-2019
Current Affairs and News (14-09-2019)- The following article contains all the updated events and news for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.
- Salmonella
- Jan Soochna Portal
- Tabrez Ansari case
- Afforestation – Step towards green initiative
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Watch Video – UPSC Exam Current Affairs 14-09-2019
Video Source – Shankar IAS Academy
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UPSC Exam Current Affairs 14-09-2019 are followed in the part below:
UPSC Exam Current Affairs and News Analysis (14-09-2019)
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-II – International Affairs
In News
- Joint Military Exercise MAITREE-2019 among India and Thailand will be led at Umroi (Meghalaya) from 16-29 Sep 2019.
- Exercise MAITREE is a yearly preparing occasion which is being led then again in Thailand and India since 2006.
- The extent of this activity covers organization level joint preparing on counter fear mongering tasks in wilderness and urban situation.
- The joint military exercise will upgrade the degree of protection co-activity between Indian Army (IA) and Royal Thailand Army (RTA) which thusly will additionally cultivate resistance collaboration and respective relations between the two countries
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS-II- Health
In News
- MDH sambar masala were reviewed from retail locations in California after tests by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) demonstrated positive for salmonella.
- Salmonella is a gathering of microscopic organisms that can cause nourishment borne diseases known as salmonellosis
- People who create salmonellosis may show manifestations, for example, sickness, looseness of the bowels, fever, and stomach cramps 12-72 hours in the wake of getting the contamination.
- Now and again the loose bowels is serious, and there is danger of it spreading from the digestion tracts to the circulatory system and to different pieces of the body. In such cases, the disease (enteric fever) may bring about death if the contaminated individual isn’t treated with anti-infection agents on schedule.
- As indicated by gauges by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Salmonella causes 1.2 million sicknesses, 23,000 hospitalisations and around 450 passings in the United States each year.
- WHO recognizes Salmonella as one of four key worldwide reasons for diarrhoeal ailments.
- Salmonellosis in people is commonly contracted through the utilization of polluted nourishment of creature source (for the most part eggs, meat, poultry, and milk), albeit different food sources, including green vegetables tainted by compost, have been involved in its transmission.
Jan Soochna Portal
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS-II – RTI
In News
- The main ever open data gateway was propelled in Rajasthan – named Jan Soochna Portal – to give data about government specialists and offices suo motu to people in general
- This is in lines with genuine soul of the Right To Information Act, which calls for intentional exposure of data by government specialists
- The entryway at first gives data relating to 13 offices –, for example, the quantity of recipients of plans, works embraced in various territories, land records and government disability benefits — will be accessible on the gateway
- With various segments isolated into areas, squares and panchayats, the entrance enables the ordinary citizens with access to valuable data, without the need to document RTI application.
- The entryway would in the long run end up being a successful mechanism for “advanced exchange” with the individuals just as a solid instrument for guaranteeing straightforwardness in administration
- The entryway has brought one more differentiation to Rajasthan, where the RTI development had begun in 1990s.
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS-III -Economy
In News
- PM Modi initiated the second riverine Multi-Modal Transport Terminal at Sahibganj, Jharkhand
- It has been built on River Ganga (NW-1) under the Jal Marg Vikas Project under the PPP model.
- Going about as a point of union for Road-Rail-River courses, Sahibganj MMT is deliberately situated in the strategic chain of Eastern Transport Corridor of India.
- The MMT will uniquely profit the coal division, stone chips, manure, bond and sugar ventures in the states Jharkhand and Bihar by associating them to worldwide markets.
- It will likewise give backup course of action to Nepal bound load and open up global markets for ocean exchange for land bolted conditions of Jharkhand and Bihar.
- The terminal will be associated with North-East States by means of Bangladesh by a waterway ocean course.
- This is the second riverine multi-modular terminal in the nation, the first has been worked in Varanasi and was introduced in November, 2018.
General Studies 1:
- Social empowerment
General Studies 2:
- Government arrangements and mediations for advancement in different divisions and issues emerging out of their structure and execution.
- Welfare plans for defenseless areas of the populace by the Center and States and the presentation of these plans
Tabrez Ansari case
- Lynching has accepted a rising pattern lately – Dadri lynching instance of cow butchering, Jharkhand Lynching case and ongoing Tabrez Ansari case.
- Ongoing Police choice of dropping charges against those blamed for lynching Tabrez Ansari is a reason for concern.
- Lynching is one of the manners in which utilized by larger part to threaten the minority areas of the general public.
Contemporary issues
- There have been numerous frequencies of Mob Lynching.
- Episodes of assaults (particularly Dalits).
- Opportunity and Fundamental Rights of J&K individuals were smothered.
- Wasteful NRC process.
- Barbarities towards minorities.
Major Concerns:
- Lynching isn’t characterized in the Indian legitimate framework and there are no disciplines with respect to lynching accordingly giving a free method to loathe wrongdoing culprits
- India’s criminal equity framework has consistently been one-sided against hindered positions, ladies and Muslims
- There is open predisposition of the criminal equity framework (as noticeable in late horde lynching instance of Tabrez Ansari)
- Resistance of the open and significant treachery done to “others”
- Progressively prevailing conduct and socio-mental patterns
- Infringement of right to correspondence and the privilege to opportunity; Right to life
- The legal executive—the rampart of a liberal law based state—has not constantly assumed its job sufficiently
- Feeble reaction by the state.
- Lynching is an offensive indication of bias, narrow mindedness, and hatred towards the standard of law.
- The vital quietness of the State and the inadequate lawfulness apparatus has additionally offered authenticity to horde lynching.
- Ample opportunity has already past that the States and the Center give some earnestness with the goal that crawling dangers are kept from metastasizing into a crazy beast.
- The one-sided result of the lynching case must concern all of us.
- As Martin Luther King cited – “Unfairness anyplace is a danger to equity all over the place.”
Quote from the article:
“Freedom is indivisible; the chains on any one of my people were the chains on all of them, the chains on all of my people were the chains on me.” – Nelson Mandela
Note: We can use above statement in papers or while responding to questions identified with Freedom, Minority rights/issues and Oppression.
Value Addition:
- Nelson Mandela in his discourse on opportunity said above words, “opportunity is indissoluble”.
- As per him, ‘Opportunity’ is a conceptual thought, which can’t be partitioned or isolated.
- Mandela as a kid used to accept he is in every case free and in all over the place. Be that as it may, as grew up, he felt the chains of abuse.
- Opportunity can’t be seen rather it is felt. It resembles the air. Mandela acknowledged he was stifled, banned yet additionally his kin were as well. Indeed, even the oppressor and mistreated both were experiencing the absence of opportunity, as per him.
Connecting the dots:
- Lynching by crowds has become a common wonder in India. What can be the potential factors behind this pattern? Analyze. Likewise recommend approaches to address it.
TOPIC: General Studies 3:
- Environment and Ecology, Bio diversity – Conservation, environmental degradation, environmental impact assessment, Environment versus Development.
- Land Reforms in India.
- Conservation, Environmental Pollution and Degradation, Environmental Impact Assessment
Afforestation – Step towards green initiative
- India has focused on reestablishing 26 million hectares of debased land by 2030.
- It proposes to make a carbon sink of near three billion metric tons through extra tree spread.
- At UN Convention to Combat Climate Change, Prime Minister Narendra Modi resolved to decrease carbon outflow by arranging afforestation programs in India.
According to a recent study from Centre for Science and Environment –
- Soil debasement causes more carbon discharge contrasted with some other movement demonstrating the need to reestablish the dirt.
- Soil stores multiple times more carbon than that of climate.
- Concentrate ought to be on diminishing carbon sink with serious afforestation programs.
- Right tree species with better ranger service measures is a middle purpose of core interest.
‘Carbon credit markets’ have failed to generate funds for the developing world
- World nations have moved from system of compulsory responsibilities (as a component of 1997 Kyoto Protocol) to willful ones (under the 2015 Paris accord). This move has contrarily affected carbon credit markets.
- Creating nations like India were given carbon discharge decrease testaments (which were purchased by EU nations for financing clean tasks). Notwithstanding, these testaments were frequently undervalued and were agreed to wrong tasks, and subsequently neglected to decidedly lessen carbon emanation/carbon credits.
- Worldwide subsidizing for afforestation — Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation in addition to preservation, reasonable administration of timberlands, and improvement of backwoods carbon stocks (REDD+) — neglected to give precise carbon evaluating and arrange privileges of conventional networks.
The way ahead:
- A multilateral body only for subsidizing green activities must be set up.
- Venture towards green activities –, for example, arrangement push to sunlight based power and the endeavors to move to EVs – ought to be quickened.
- Strategy spotlight ought to be fundamentally on afforestation (through successful execution of CAMPA).
Compensatory Afforestation Management and Planning Authority (CAMPA)
- Begun from Supreme Court of India in 2002.
- This is the sum paid by the engineers who have used the woodland lands for their development work/ventures.
- Guarantees that the demolished backwoods land is reestablished by recovering the timberland trees somewhere else in non-woods territories.
- Last November UNEP discharged a report on ’emanations hole’ which showed the worldwide carbon outflow arrived at its most noteworthy in 2017 following 3 years of stagnation.
- As the dirt radiates more carbon than some other sources, steps must be taken to decrease carbon discharge from soil.
- Afforestation is a critical measure to battle carbon emanation there by helping green activity development.
Connecting the dots:
- I don’t get your meaning by Emission Trading Scheme (ETS)? Does India need one? Examine.
- What is the National REDD+ methodology? What are its destinations? Clarify.
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in comment section)
Q.1) Consider the following statements about Salmonella
- Salmonella is a group of viruses that can cause food-borne illnesses known as salmonellosis.
- WHO identifies Salmonella as one of four key global causes of diarrhoeal diseases.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.2) Consider the following statements about Sahibganj Multi-Modal Transport Terminal
- It is second riverine Multi-Modal Transport Terminal located at Bihar
- Acting as a point of convergence for Road-Rail-River routes, Sahibganj MMT is strategically located in the logistic chain of Eastern Transport Corridor of India.
- It will also provide alternate route for Nepal bound cargo and open up international markets for sea trade for land locked states of Bihar and Jharkhand
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 and 2 only
- 2 and 3 only
- 1 and 3 only
- 1,2 and 3
Q.3) Jan Soochna Portal to bring transparency in governance by voluntary disclosure of information is launched by which Indian State?
- Karnataka
- Maharashtra
- Delhi
- Rajasthan
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