Highlights |UPSC Exam Current Affairs 14-12-2019
Current Affairs and News (14-12-2019)- The following article contains all the updated events and news for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.
- Doorstep delivery of public services scheme
- Fog Pass
- Accessible India campaign
- National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management (NCSCM)
- Andhra Pradesh Disha Bill, 2019
- Biggest parliamentary majority for Boris Johnson ( BREXIT)
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UPSC Exam Current Affairs 14-12-2019 are followed in the part below:
UPSC Exam Current Affairs and News Analysis (14-12-2019)
Doorstep delivery of public services scheme
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains II – Governance
In News
- The doorstep conveyance of open administrations conspire is actualized by the regulatory changes division of the Delhi government.
- The plan offers 100 taxpayer driven organizations at the homes of residents, helping them stay away from lines, touts, gift and different visits to government workplaces.
- Under the plan, residents can approach the number — 1076 — to benefit taxpayer driven organizations. After the call, an individual will visit the resident and gather reports required for the administration and procedure the solicitation. Residents can book an arrangement online through www.edistrict.delhigovt.nic.in
- Presently there are three different ways to complete things at the administration workplaces in Delhi—
- By visiting government workplaces, where the achievement rate is 57% and 43% of the applications get dismissed;
- By applying on the web, wherein 45% of the applications get cleared while 55% get dismissed; and
- Doorstep conveyance, where the achievement rate is 91% and just 9% of the applications get dismissed
- The high achievement rate in doorstep conveyance is because of versatile Sahayaks’ mediation who guarantee that all archives are finished and joined organized appropriately alongside the applications.
Fog Pass
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III –Science & Technology
In News
- The South Central Railway (SCR) has begun providing Fog Pass gadgets, a GPS-based versatile hardware, to loco pilots.
- Throughout the winter, when perceivability is low because of haze, loco pilots face an extreme test of guaranteeing safe activities of trains. They are compelled to limit the speed of the train as they can’t locate signals
- The whole information of a specific segment, for example, area of signs, stations, level-intersection doors, cautioning sheets, bends and inclinations, are mapped with GPS and encouraged into the gadget.
- A mist pass gadget shows subtleties of at any rate three approaching tourist spots alongside good ways from the present area. A sound alarm is given, around 500 meters before any moving toward milestone
- Haze gadget helps in cautioning the team about up and coming milestones or structures, during foggy climate, through sound and visual signs.
Accessible India campaign
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-I – Society
In News
- Available India crusade targets making open spaces neighborly for people with inabilities.
- The cutoff time for the administration’s Accessible India battle has been reached out to March 2020 because of “moderate advancement,” the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment has educated the Lok Sabha
- The first cutoff times under the Accessible India crusade were July 2016 for directing an availability review of 25-50 of the most significant government structures in 50 urban communities and making them totally open and March 2018.
- Under the Rights of PwD Act, 2016, all current and new open structures need to follow the openness standardsnotified on June 15, 2017. The current structures were given five years to agree.
National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management (NCSCM)
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-III- Disaster Management
In News
- The Ministry of Environment has set up the National Center for Sustainable Coastal Management (NCSCM) at
- It has been arrangement to attempt studies and research in the region of Coastal Zone Management including beach front assets and condition.
- The points and Objectives of the Center are:
- Take a stab at being a World Class Knowledge Institution identified with beach front zones, condition, assets and procedures,
- To advance coordinated and reasonable administration of the beach front and marine regions in India for the advantage and prosperity of the conventional seaside and island networks, and
- Guidance the Union and State Governments and other related stakeholder(s) on approach, and logical issues identified with Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM).
- Just because, Integrated Island Management plans including all encompassing island advancement plans have been set up by NCSCM for usage by seaside States/UTs.
TOPIC:General Studies 1:
- Job of ladies and ladies’ association, populace and related issues, destitution and formative issues, urbanization, their issues and their cures.
Andhra Pradesh Disha Bill, 2019
- The Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly passed the Andhra Pradesh Disha Bill, 2019 (Andhra Pradesh Criminal Law (Amendment) Act 2019).
- Disha is the name given to the veterinarian who was assaulted and killed in Hyderabad.
- The bill accommodates granting capital punishment for offenses of assault and gangrape and assisting preliminaries of such cases to inside 21 days.
- At present, arrangement for rebuffing a wrongdoer in an assault case is a fixed prison term prompting life detainment or capital punishment.
- Finish of examination in seven days and preliminary in 14 working days, where there is sufficient definitive proof.
- Lessening the absolute judgment time to 21 days from the current four months.
- The current judgment time frame according to the Nirbhaya Act, 2013 and Criminal Amendment Act, 2018 is 4 months (two months of examination period and two months of time for testing)
- The AP Disha Act additionally endorses life detainment for other sexual offenses against youngsters and incorporates Section 354 F and 354 G in IPC.
- Two years detainment for the primary conviction and four years for second and resulting feelings for instances of web based life provocation.
- The Government of Andhra Pradesh endorses life detainment for other sexual offenses against youngsters.
- At present,in instances of attack/rape on youngsters under the POCSO Act, 2012, discipline ranges from at least three years to limit of seven years of detainment.
- Andhra Pradesh government will build up, work and keep up a register in electronic structure, to be known as the ‘Ladies and Children Offenders Registry’.
- This vault will be caused open and will to be accessible to law implementation organizations.
National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) 2017 report:
- ‘Assault’ remains with 7.0 percent of revealed cases.
- A sum of 32,559 assaults were accounted for in 2017 in India.
- Madhya Pradesh has recorded the most elevated number of assault cases at 5,562 cases being accounted for in 2017. Uttar Pradesh is underdog to MP.
- Delhi, saw a decrease in detailing of assault cases, in 2017, 13,076 were accounted for, which is the most reduced over the most recent three years.
- 1 percent cases the blamed were known to the people in question.
- Arunachal Pradesh, Goa, Himachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim, Tripura can be viewed as modestly more secure than different states as they recorded the most reduced number of cases.
Rape data:
- ‘Assault’ remains with 7.0 percent of revealed cases.
- A sum of 32,559 assaults were accounted for in 2017 in India.
- Madhya Pradesh has recorded the most elevated number of assault cases at 5,562 cases being accounted for in 2017. Uttar Pradesh is underdog to MP.
- Delhi, saw a decrease in detailing of assault cases, in 2017, 13,076 were accounted for, which is the most reduced over the most recent three years.
- 1 percent cases the blamed were known to the people in question.
- Arunachal Pradesh, Goa, Himachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim, Tripura can be viewed as modestly more secure than different states as they recorded the most reduced number of cases.
Make the criminal equity framework harder on a guilty party carrying out sexual violations against ladies and kids.
Connecting the dots:
- Wouldn’t you say demonstrations of sexual viciousness are profoundly awful for survivors, and that it takes incredible mental fortitude and confidence in the framework to report them?
TOPIC: General Studies 2:
- Impact of strategies and legislative issues of created and creating nations on India’s inclinations, Indian Diaspora.
Biggest parliamentary majority for Boris Johnson ( BREXIT)
- England’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson has won the greatest parliamentary larger part
- Executive has vowed to rapidly push through Parliament the Withdrawal Agreement offering agree to his Brexit bargain.
What next?
- Johnson’s Withdrawal Agreement Bill (WAB) will be presented inside days
- They will have until the cutoff time of January 31 to get the Bill through the two Houses of Parliament.
- When Parliament has passed the Bill, the European Parliament should approve the Brexit bargain at its end.
- That done, Britain will be out of the EU.
- A British assignment will from that point start chats on an exchange accord that will characterize the UK’s future association with the EU.
- Separate assignments will start chats on economic accords with different nations also, including India
- Brexit – British exit – alludes to the UK leaving the EU.
- Brexit is the booked withdrawal of the United Kingdom (UK) from the European Union (EU).
- Following a June 2016 submission, in which 51.9% of taking an interest voters casted a ballot to leave, the UK government officially reported the nation’s withdrawal in March 2017, beginning a two-year process that was expected to finish up with the UK pulling back on 29 March 2019.
- As the UK parliament thrice casted a ballot against the arranged withdrawal understanding, that cutoff time has been broadened twice, and is as of now 31 October 2019.
- The ‘Benn Act’ that went in Parliament requires the legislature to look for a third expansion if no understanding is come to before 19 October.
What is the European Union?
- The EU is a financial and political association including 28 European nations. It permits facilitated commerce and free development of individuals to live and work in whichever nation they pick.
- The UK participated in 1973 (when it was known as the European Economic Community). On the off chance that the UK leaves, it would be the principal part
What after Brexit?
- EU will begin completing keeps an eye on British merchandise.
- This could prompt deferrals at ports, for example, Dover. Some dread this could prompt traffic bottlenecks, upsetting stockpile courses and harming the economy.
- In the event that the pound falls strongly in light of no arrangement and there are critical postponements at ports, similar to Dover, it could influence the cost and accessibility of certain nourishments.
- There are likewise worries over potential deficiencies of medications.
Positive effects of Brexit in India:
- To reset legitimate terms: Brexit is an open door for India to reset the lawful terms of its exchange with the UK and EU, at the multilateral level, and through facilitated commerce understandings.
- Understudies amicable: Before Brexit, British colleges had to offer grants and appropriations to the residents of the UK and EU. Brexit opens up assets for different understudies and increasingly Indian understudies may have the option to get grants.
- Expands the travel industry: Reduction in pound worth will decrease heading out expense to the UK and will make it a decent travel goal.
- Gigantic speculation: Brexit will help reinforce our ties with Britain since India’s emphasis on advancement business still makes it an alluring goal for redistributing and venture.
- Merchandise and enterprises: According to the UK’s Department for International Trade (DIT) figures, absolute exchange products and ventures between the UK and India was 18 billion pounds in 2017, a 15 percent expansion from 2016.
- Current record deficiency: Lower product costs, unrefined petroleum costs may help narrowing current record shortage (CAD)
- Exchanging accomplices: The UK and the EU are losing exchanging accomplices the procedure. So the two of them will be searching for substitutions. Here, India can assume a pivotal job. We may see upgraded participation in fragments like innovation, digital security, safeguard generation and account.
Negative effects of Brexit in India:
- Momentary impacts: Automobile, Pharmacy and IT may be the most influenced. NASSCOM has anticipated that the impact of Brexit will be felt on the $108 Billion Indian IT area for the time being.
- Car industry: In the vehicle business, Brexit may prompt decrease in deals and organizations that infer great incomes of benefits from Britain could get injured significantly.
- Disturbances: Indian organizations would need to recalibrate European tasks, such as setting up an extra working organization inside European Union. This implies transient disturbances will have a money related effect, as likewise occupy the board time.
- Movement: Because of the enormous number of outsiders from EU, UK has confined foreigners from different pieces of the world, which affected Indians.
- Limitations: Post Brexit, migration into UK of Indians may not get simpler as the UK needs to put quantitative confinements on absolute number of settlers, and just a couple of Indians with extraordinary aptitudes may think that its simpler to work in the UK.
- India should re-haggle with the UK and EU the World Trade Organization Schedules of Concessions, for the two merchandise and ventures, should continue its FTA discourses with the EU, and ought to get ready to dispatch FTA converses with the UK.
Connecting the dots:
- Do you figure UK should return into the EU in the wake of leaving?
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in comment section)
Q.1) Consider the following statements about National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management (NCSCM)
- It has been set up at Vishakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
- For the first time, Integrated Island Management plans including holistic island development plans have been prepared by NCSCM for implementation by coastal States/ UTs
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.2) Consider the following statements about Accessible India Campaign
- It is being implemented by Ministry of Labour in collaboration with NITI Aayog
- It aims at making public spaces friendly for persons with disabilities.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.3) Consider the following statements about Fog Pass
- It is a GPS based Portable equipment being provided to Loco Pilots
- It is helps in alerting the crew of train about upcoming landmarks or structures, during foggy weather, through audio and visual indications
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.4) Consider the following statements about Doorstep Delivery of Public Services Scheme of Delhi Government
- Itis made available to only people who are below poverty line.
- The high success rate in doorstep delivery is due to mobile Sahayaks’s intervention who ensure that all documents are complete and attached in the right order along with the applications
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
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