Highlights |UPSC Exam Current Affairs 15-11-2019
UPSC exam current affairs 15-11-2019- The following article contains all the updated events and news for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.
- Doctrine of Essentiality
- India’s first Geochemical Baseline Atlas released in Hyderabad
- Stubble Burning
- Diabetes Atlas
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UPSC Exam Current Affairs 15-11-2019 are followed in the part below:
UPSC Exam Current Affairs and News Analysis (15-11-2019)
Doctrine of Essentiality
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-II – Polity
In News
- A five-judge Bench drove by CJI Ranjan Gogoi chose to allude the Sabarimala survey petitions to a bigger Bench of seven judges.
- This choice revives not just the discussion on permitting ladies of bleeding age into the Sabarimala Ayyappa sanctuary yet additionally on the court’s job in meddling in strict issues.
- The convention of “vitality” was imagined by a seven-judge Bench of the Supreme Court in the ‘Shirur Mutt’ case in 1954.
- The court held that the expression “religion” will cover all customs and practices “necessary” to a religion, and took upon itself the duty of deciding the basic and unnecessary acts of a religion.
- Providing sacred assurance just to those components of religion which the court considers “basic” (as controlled by Court) is risky to the extent that it expect that one component or practice of religion is free of different components or practices.
- Researchers of protected law have likewise contended that the centrality/integrality principle has would in general lead the court into a region that is past its capability, and enabled judges to choose absolutely strict inquiries.
- A portion of the disagreeable inquiries/issues which a bigger seven-judge seat now needs to answer are:
- Whether a court can probe if a practice is essential to religion or should the question be left to the respective religious head;
- Should “essential religious practices” be afforded constitutional protection under Article 26 (freedom to manage religious affairs)
- To what extent the court can recognize the PILs filed by people who do not belong to the religion of which practices are under the scanner.
- To examine the “interplay” between the rights to religion and equality
India’s first Geochemical Baseline Atlas released in Hyderabad
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-III –Environment
In News
- In a first, CSIR-National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad has drawn out the ‘Geochemical Baseline Atlas’ of India for the condition the executive’s reason.
- The 44 maps of oxides and follow components over the whole country intend to archive the fixation and dispersion of the concoction components in the dirts of India.
- The guide follow components from topsoil for example top 25 cm profundity and base soil at 100 cm profundity from the year 2006 to 2011.
- With human exercises and regular procedures constantly adjusting the concoction creation of our environment, the maps will shape the spine for the condition the board especially the land-use approaches by the administration.
- It will help in seeing how soil contamination is adding to groundwater tainting.
- It will likewise help in seeing whether the harms are brought about by a specific industry in the district and therefore enables the administration to make a suitable move.
- The gauge guide of India will design the land use in various pieces of the nation. For instance, a toothpaste fabricating industry, which utilizes a high centralization of Strontium, can’t be in a spot where the dirt is as of now having a high benchmark convergence of Strontium
- This is the third guide among the arrangement of maps distributed by NDRI. Prior, The Gravity guide of India and Seismic guide of India were discharged by the examination organization.
Stubble Burning
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III – Environment
In News
- The Punjab government has chosen to pay ₹2,500 per section of land as remuneration to little and negligible ranchers, who have not consumed paddy buildup in the continuous collecting season.
- Ranchers’ associations and horticulture specialists feel that the move may not bring the ideal outcomes as the remuneration is just to the individuals who possess land up to five sections of land.
- The administration information shows that between October 1 and November 13, upwards of 48,689 instances of ranch fires were accounted for in Punjab. A year ago, during a similar period, there were 44,845 such episodes.
- Stubble consuming, near the pre-winter season each year, has been a key contributing element to air contamination over the northern area, including Delhi.
- For the administration of paddy straw, the Center and the State government are giving sponsored agro-machines and hardware to ranchers and agreeable social orders to accomplish zero burnings, yet ranchers keep on consuming the yield buildup guaranteeing the absence of choices.
- The long haul arrangement lies in elective employments of buildup for which the State government needs to implant speculation so as use the stubble gathered Ex: bioethanol creation, grain for creatures, use for bedding material for creatures, mushroom development, etc.
Diabetes Atlas
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains II –Health
In News
- The ninth version of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) Diabetes Atlas was discharged on the event of International Diabetes Day (Nov fourteenth)
- The overall predominance of diabetes was evaluated at 463 million in the age gathering of 20-79 years, or as it were, one of every 11 grown-ups. 10% of worldwide wellbeing consumption is spent on diabetes (USD 760 billion)
- One out of six individuals with diabetes on the planet is from India
- India is at number two (&will proceed till 2045) with an expected 77 million diabetics, though China drives the rundown with more than 116 million diabetics.
- The IDF has focused on the criticalness to create and actualize multi-sectoral methodologies to battle the developing pandemic with an expanded spotlight on counteractive action.
- Notwithstanding individuals with diabetes, India likewise has a colossal weight of pre-diabetics. In the event that the specialists target them with data on the correct way of life alternatives to assist keep with blooding sugar, lipids and pulse levelled out, India can avoid in any event a third from creating diabetes.
about international Diabetes Federation (IDF)
- It is an umbrella association of more than 240 national diabetes relationship in 168 nations and domains.
- The Federation’s exercises intend to impact strategy, increment open mindfulness and empower wellbeing improvement, advance the trading of excellent data about diabetes, and give instruction for individuals diabetes and their human services suppliers.
- IDF is related to the Department of Public Information of the United Nations and is in legitimate relations with the World Health Organization (WHO).
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains II – Health
In News
- Tobacco Board of India has been granted the Golden Leaf Award in the Most Impressive Public Service Initiative class for the year 2019, for its endeavours to start different manageability (green) activities in Flue-Cured Virginia (FCV) tobacco development in India.
- The Golden Leaf Awards were made to perceive proficient greatness and commitment in the tobacco business by Tobacco Reporter, a universal magazine in the year 2006.
- Grants are conceded on a yearly premise to organizations that have accomplished extraordinary execution in five classes – most amazing open assistance activity, most encouraging new item presentation, a most energizing newcomer to the business, most remarkable support of the business and the BMJ generally dedicated to quality honour.
About Tobacco Board of India
- Tobacco Board is a statutory body set up under the tobacco Board Act of 1975 and is headquartered in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh.
- The board capacities under the general direction of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
- The principle elements of the Board incorporate managing the generation and restoring of Virginia tobacco in India, improving the yields and nature of tobacco, encouraging the closeout of tobacco through e-barters, undertaking different cultivator welfare measures and fare advancement of tobacco.
- India stands third underway of tobacco and in trades. Brazil and USA are in front of India.
- Tobacco and tobacco items procure approx Rs.20,000 Cr. to the national exchequer by method for extract obligation and approx.Rs.5000 Cr. by method for outside trade each year.
- The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has mourned the death of famous Mathematician Dr. Vashishtha Narayan Singh.
- Conceived in 1942, Vashishtha Narayan Singh had been experiencing schizophrenia for a long time.
- In 1963, he finished his PhD “on cycle vector space hypothesis” from the University of California and worked at NASA.
- The 74-year-old is said to have tested Einstein’s hypothesis of relativity.
- Subsequent to coming back to India he filled in as an Associate Professor in IIT-Kanpur and Kharagpur and Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata
About Schizophrenia
- Schizophrenia is a ceaseless and serious mental issue that influences how an individual thinks, feels, and acts. Individuals with schizophrenia may appear as though they have put some distance between the real world.
- Since the reasons for schizophrenia are as yet obscure, medicines centre around disposing of the side effects of the sickness.
TOPIC: General Studies 1:
- The job of ladies and ladies’ association, populace and related issues, destitution and formative issues, urbanization, their issues and their cures.
Supreme Court’s Sabarimala verdict
- A five-judge seat of the Supreme Court alluded Kerala’s Sabarimala sanctuary case to a bigger seat of seven judges, with a 3:2 lion’s share.
- The seat didn’t remain the judgment passed on 28 September 2018 that had lifted the prohibition on a section of ladies between age 10 and 50 to the sanctuary.
- Ladies can, in any case, visit the holy place until the bigger seat settles on the issue.
- Sabarimala Temple is a Hindu sanctuary committed to divinity Ayyappan arranged at Sabarimala in Pathanamthitta District, Kerala, India.
- Before ladies aficionados of discharging age were not allowed to venerate here, this boycott is said to be out of regard to the chaste idea of the divinity in this sanctuary.
- A Kerala high-court judgment had sanctioned this understanding and denied ladies from entering the sanctuary since 1991.
- In September 2018, a judgment of the Supreme Court of India decided that all explorers paying little respect to sex, remembering ladies for the bleeding age gathering, ought to be enabled access to Sabarimala.
- The Constitution seat of the Supreme Court held that any exemption set on ladies due to organic contrasts disregards the Constitution – that the boycott damages the privilege to fairness under Article 14, and opportunity of religion under Article 25.
- This decision prompted dissents by individuals who contradict the decision.
- A few ladies endeavoured to enter Sabarimala regardless of dangers of physical ambush against them yet neglected to arrive at the sanctum sanctorum.
- Two ladies having a place with the recently banished age bunch at long last entered the sanctuary resisting fights on 2 January 2019 with the assistance of police through the back entryway.
- Sanctuary was shut for sanitization
Article 25(2)(b) makes a further special case to one side. It accords to the express a capacity to make enactment, in light of a legitimate concern for social welfare and change, tossing open Hindu strict establishments of public character to all classes and areas of Hindus.
Article 26, then again, which is additionally subject to constraints forced on grounds of public request, ethical quality, and wellbeing, accords to each strict division the right, in addition to other things, to establish and keep up organizations for strict purposes and to deal with their very own undertakings in issues of religion.
- The discussion about the sacred legitimacy of works on involving into the confinement of section of ladies for the most part in the spot of love isn’t restricted to this case, yet in addition, emerges in regard of the passage of Muslim ladies in a Durgah/Mosque.
- In the 2018 Sabarimala decision, the greater part supposition wrote by then CJI Dipak Misra characterized ‘profound quality’ in Article 25 to mean protected ethical quality. Article 25 peruses, “Subject to open request, profound quality and wellbeing and to different arrangements of this Part, all people are similarly qualified for the opportunity of still, small voice and the privilege unreservedly to declare, rehearse and proliferate religion”.
- Alluding to Article 25(1), the 2018 judgment stated: “We should recollect that when there is an infringement of the central rights, the term ‘ethical quality’ normally infers protected profound quality and any view that is at last taken by the Constitutional Courts must be in congruity with the standards and essential fundamentals of the idea of this sacred profound quality… ”
- As indicated by the fundamental strict practices regulation advanced by the court during the 1950s, practices and convictions considered basic by a strict network are to be viewed as “basic”, and ensured under Article 25.
- In the 2018 Sabarimala judgment, the lion’s share sentiment held that banishing certain ladies from entering the sanctuary attributable to the chaste idea of Lord Ayyappa was not a basic strict practice. Equity R F Nariman, as he would like to think, had seen that when there is an interior contradiction on training, its vitality to the religion gets flawed.
For example, to decide if the Swami Narayan Satsangis could banish non-Satsangi Harijans from entering their sanctuaries, a common court inspected proof whether the Satsang comprised a strict section. In Ismail Faruqui v Union of India (1994), the court established that offering supplications in a mosque was not a fundamental strict act of Islam and maintained the law under which the Center obtained the contested land in Ayodhya.
Connecting the dots:
- The Supreme Court’s decision to refer the Sabarimala issue to a larger Bench underscores the need for a thorough review and wider consultation on the earlier verdict that allowed entry of women in the 10-50 age group into the hill shrine. Analyze
TOPIC: General Studies 2:
- Two-sided, territorial and worldwide groupings and understandings including India or potentially influencing India’s inclinations
- Impact of arrangements and legislative issues of created and creating nations on India’s inclinations, Indian Diaspora.
Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
- India decided to hold the signing off of Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) until “significant outstanding issues” were resolved when all other 15 countries involved in the negotiations stated that they were ready to sign the mega trade deal in 2020.
PM Narendra Modi’s statement:
“At the point when I measure the RCEP Agreement concerning the interests all things considered, I don’t find a positive solution. Therefore, neither the Talisman of Gandhiji nor my own still, small voice licenses me to join RCEP,”
Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP):

The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is a proposed organized commerce understanding (FTA) between the ten-part conditions of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam) and its six FTA accomplices (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand).
- RCEP exchanges began in November 2012 at the ASEAN Summit in Cambodia.
- RCEP part states represented a populace of 3.5 billion individuals with an aggregate (GDP) of $49.5 trillion, around 39 % of the world’s GDP
- RCEP will be the world’s biggest monetary alliance.
- The motivation behind RCEP is to make an “incorporated market” spreading over every one of the 16 nations, making it simpler for items and administrations of every one of these nations to be accessible over this area.
- The dealings are focussed on zones like exchange merchandise and ventures, speculation, financial and specialized participation, licensed innovation, rivalry, question settlement, internet business, and little and medium endeavours.
Trade deficits :

- India runs huge exchange shortfalls within any event 11 of the 15 RCEP individuals
- China represents $53 billion of India’s $105 billion exchange shortfall with these.
Reasons for not joining:
- Inadmissible arrangements relating to India’s exchange with China — India has an over $50 billion exchange deficiency.
- “Lacking” security against floods in imports.
- The industry has voiced feelings of dread that less expensive items from China would “flood” the market.
- India has not gotten any affirmations on its interest for more market get to,
- India’s interests over non-tax hindrances aren’t tended to
- A “potential circumvention” of rules of origin, the criteria used to decide the national wellspring of an item were not tended to which permit nations like China to siphon in more items.
- India has pushed for different nations to permit more prominent development of work and administrations for a long, which isn’t tended to.
- Worries over unsustainable exchange deficiencies is additionally not tended to.
- India as of now has, reciprocal FTAs with most RCEP countries, yet it has recorded exchange shortfalls with these nations
Milk issue of India:
- Milk is India’s largest “crop”.
- In 2018-19, the estimated production of milk, at 187.75 million tonnes (mt).
- The value of milk output (Rs 5,63,250 crore at an average farm-gate rate of Rs 30/kg)
- Milk is a source of liquidity for farmers, as it is sold daily and generates cash to take care of routine household expenses, unlike other crops that are marketed only once or twice a year.
- Milk matters similarly to customers in India, since it meets the creature protein/fat prerequisites of a huge bit of the populace that is a veggie lover.
- As salaries rise, the interest in milk goes up considerably more.
- In the event that dairy items are secured under a RCEP bargain, India may need to permit individuals from the alliance more noteworthy access to its market, regardless of whether through staged obligation decreases or increasingly liberal duty rate amounts (TRQs).
- There is a previously existing TRQ for milk powder, which empowers import of as much as 10,000 tons for every year at 15% traditions obligation, and amounts past that at the ordinary pace of 60%.
- The Indian dairy industry is opposing any improved TRQs or other import concessions, regardless of whether stretched out just to RCEP nations, instead of the US or European Union.
Way forward:
- An auto-trigger system that would enable India to bring levies on items up in occasions where imports cross a specific edge.
- Bringing down and wiping out duties on a few items from the India which It has communicated.
- Opening the immense Indian market must be coordinated by openings in certain regions where our organizations can likewise profit.
- India to shield the interests of its residential industry recommended measures like looking for a 2014 base year for duty decreases rather than 2013, Using a base year before 2014 would mean an exceptional drop in the import obligations on these items. This measure must be acknowledged by RCEP
- India needs a system that unites the monetary and political parts of its key speculation as of now where the worldwide economy is in a test.
- RCEP could maybe wind up doing to dairy what the unhindered commerce concurrence with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) did in palm oil, dread numerous in the business in India.
- During an era of worldwide vulnerabilities and difficulties to multilateralism and the global monetary request, a negative message on RCEP would undermine India’s arrangements for financial development.
Connecting the dots:
- Monetary detachment isn’t a possibility for India and It must move towards two-sided exchange agreements. Examine.
- India accepts that the RCEP exchange accord doesn’t give sufficient security against potential floods of imported products. Legitimize
- RCEP will be the world’s biggest financial coalition, covering about a portion of the worldwide economy. Examine
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in the comment section)
Q.1) Consider the following statements about the Doctrine of Essentiality
- It was invented by a seven-judge Bench of the Supreme Court in the ‘Shirur Mutt’ case in 1954.
- Under this doctrine, the Court took upon itself the responsibility of determining the essential & non-essential practices of a religion and offered Constitutional protection to only those religious practices which were considered as essential to religion.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.2) Consider the following statements about the ninth edition of International Diabetic Federation’s Diabetes Atlas
- 10% of global health expenditure is spent on diabetes
- One in six people with diabetes in the world is from India
- The atlas offers projections that continue to put India at the second slot right up to 2045
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 and 2 only
- 2 and 3 only
- 1 and 3 only
- 1,2 and 3
Q.3) Consider the following statements
- India stands third in the production of tobacco after Brazil and USA
- Tobacco Board is a statutory body which works under the overall guidance of the Ministry of Agriculture and farmer’s welfare.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.4) Consider the following statements about Geochemical Baseline Atlas
- It is released by NITI Aayog in collaboration with Ministry of Earth Sciences
- It will help in finding out future contaminations due to industries across the country, thereby enabling the Government and policymakers to leverage it in planning the land use.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
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