Highlights |UPSC Exam Current Affairs 18-11-2019
UPSC exam current affairs 18-11-2019- The following article contains all the updated events and news for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.
- Seismometer
- Voluntary model code of conduct
- Insurance companies to merge as planned
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UPSC Exam Current Affairs 18-11-2019 are followed in the part below:
UPSC Exam Current Affairs and News Analysis (18-11-2019)
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-III – Economy
In News
- National Commodity and Derivatives Exchange (NCDEX) has propelled India’s first agri list — ‘NCDEX Agridex’, for simple reference to value varieties in horticultural products.
- Propelled with a synthesis of 10 driving fluid agreements on the NCDEX stage at present which will be tradable in the wake of being endorsed by SEBI.
- Driving wares, for example, guar seed, guar gum, soybean, chana, mustard seed, and jeera, and so forth, will be the record’s constituents.
- For files, the NCDEX has joined forces with NSE Indices, the main file specialist co-op, as an outsider, to keep up and spread continuous NCDEX Agridex values.
- Fates exchanging on Agridex will upgrade generally liquidity on the trade stage.
- The NCDEX’s record dispatch is in continuation with Sebi’s arrangement to expand its perspective in wares exchanging through the presentation of another arrangement of players and items
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-III- Environment
In News
- The German parliament passed the Climate Protection Act trying to arrive at its atmosphere focus by 2030.
- This will be Germany’s first-atmosphere activity law.
- With this bill, a cost on carbon emanations in the vehicle and warming segments will be forced alongside some different measures to battle environmental change.
- The bill comprises of outflows focuses for various segments of the economy, for example, transport, vitality and lodging.
- Flying locally and inside Europe will be made increasingly costly, because of increment in avionics charge.
- From 2021, organizations that market diesel and oil, warming oil and petroleum gas in the nation should get contamination rights for the measure of ozone harming substances they radiate. This will be directed through a national emanations exchanging component
Do You Know?
- Germany needs to spare more than 55 % of its ozone harming substance discharges contrasted with 1990.
- As of late, New Zealand passed the Zero-Carbon Law in an offer to consent to its Paris atmosphere accord responsibilities and become a carbon-impartial country constantly 2050.
- Be that as it may, in contrast to New Zealand, where the bill was passed with close consistent help, the equivalent was not the situation with Germany, where the restriction cast a ballot against it
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains I – Geography
In News
- The seismometer, which helps measure the extent of a tremor, and a few other key instruments introduced at the Jayakwadi dam have quit working appropriately.
- Jayakwadi dam is a multipurpose venture situated on Godavari stream, where the water is fundamentally used to flood rural land in the dry spell inclined Marathwada Region of Maharashtra state.
- Likewise different instruments, similar to the piezometer (to gauge fluid weight), earth pressure cell (to screen all-out the weight in earth-fill dams) and incline meter, have been out request throughout the previous two years.
- The seismometer was introduced at the Jayakwadi dam after the staggering quake in Killari in Latur locale in 1993.
- This instrument is ground-breaking as it has a scope of 10,000 km. Before, it has recorded the focal points of quakes in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Russia and Nepal.
Voluntary model code of conduct
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains II – Polity
In News
- Incomparable Court is hearing case on whether Cabinet Ministers at both the Central and State levels ought to have a “willful model set of accepted rules” which tends to their private and open exercises.
- The Court is looking at if “more prominent confinements” ought to be forced on the privilege of free discourse and articulation of high open functionaries to ensure the resident’s principal right to have an honourable existence.
- The inquiry was encircled after relatives of the Bulandshahr assault case unfortunate casualty griped about previous Uttar Pradesh Minister Azam Khan’s open articulations that the assault case was a piece of political connivance against the then state government.
- The legal advisors contending for candidates requested that the court direct the administration to outline the implicit rules for Cabinet Ministers, with the Cabinet head guaranteeing an aggregate duty regarding the exercises of the individual Ministers.
- Association Ministry of Home Affairs as of now has a set of accepted rules for Ministers, which is basically worried about budgetary order, that is restricted and lacking. It ought to be expanded to incorporate the private and open exercises of the Ministers as a rule.
Minimum operating price
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III – Economy
In News
- With an end goal to make a level playing field for on the web and disconnected retailers, the Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT) has kept in touch with the administration looking for usage of a “base working value” (MOP)
- MOP is the value comprising of landing cost, operational expense and sensible overall revenue and underneath the MOP no item ought to be sold in the market.
- The dealers’ body affirmed that internet business organizations and brands in agreement with banks, by charging a lot of lower-cost (through profound limits) than the genuine market esteem is denying the legislature of GST and other income.
- Other measures recommended by CAIT are:
- Cashback on credit cards given by the banks should also be made applicable to offline trade. There should not be any kind of exclusivity either for online or offline trade.
- Upgrade or buyback offer by brands should remain the same for both offline and online trade.
- All schemes of the brands should be made available to online and offline trade in a transparent manner
- The government should constitute a Regulatory Authority to regulate and monitor all verticals of retail trade including small retail, big retail, e-commerce and direct selling besides MOP, and if anyone wants to offer any scheme, the same should be approved by the Regulatory Authority.
Insurance companies to merge as planned
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III – Economy
In News
- Money Minister emphasized that the administration would push ahead on the merger of the three state-run general insurance agencies as reported in the past Budget.
- In the February 2018 Budget, the administration had reported an arrangement to blend three open part broad protection firms—National Insurance, United India Insurance and Oriental Insurance. Therefore, it intended to list the combined element on the stock trades.
- Nonetheless, there has been little advancement on the merger since, even as the budgetary wellbeing of the organizations crumbled as far as misfortunes, falling piece of the overall industry and poor dissolvability proportions.
- There is a requirement for quick recapitalisation according to their present accounting report position, as indicated by which they are either on or underneath the base required bankruptcy proportion of 1.5
- As per unpleasant evaluations, the requirement for prompt recapitalisation is at any rate Rs 2,000-3,000 crore in every one of the organizations, while the aggregate prerequisite is near Rs 12,000-13,000 crore.
- The three arrangements of difficulties recognized are the mix of work culture, turning out normal programming, and defence of branches. Altogether, the three back up plans has near 6,000 workplaces the nation over.
Rajya Sabha: The Journey since 1952
- It is a product brought out by the Rajya Sabha secretariat to check the 250th session of the Upper House that starts from18th Nov 2019.
- A portion of the fascinating realities about the house are:
- Rajya Sabha’s first sitting was on May 13, 1952.
- The longest discussion on some random subject till date was on the administration’s inability to give satisfactory security to previous PM Rajiv Gandhi in wake of his death at Sriperumbudur by LTTE units. The discussion continued for 12 hours and four minutes on June 4, 1991.
- The Upper House which on March 9, 2010, cleared the Women’s Reservation Bill that proposes to hold 33% of all seats in Lok Sabha for ladies, has an expulsion record itself as far as ladies individuals.
- In 2014 it had the most elevated number of ladies individuals at 31 and in 1970 the least at 14.
- Under Congress governments from 1952-1969 and again between 1972-1977, there was no pioneer of restriction in Rajya Sabha since no resistance groups had enough individuals to stake guarantee to the position.
- In 67 years of its reality, the Upper House has removed just three individuals.
- Rajya Sabha has sat past 12 PM on nine events thus far its longest sitting was on December 17, 1981, when the House sat till 4.43 a.m. to discuss and clear Essential Services Maintenance Act (ESMA) to guarantee that ordinary existence of individuals isn’t hindered by strikes and shutdowns.
TOPIC: General Studies 1:
- The job of ladies and ladies’ association, populace and related issues, destitution and formative issues, urbanization, their issues and their cures.
The Sabarimala review
- A five-judge seat of the Supreme Court alluded Kerala’s Sabarimala sanctuary case to a bigger seat of seven judges, with a 3:2 lion’s share.
- The seat didn’t remain the judgment passed on 28 September 2018 that had lifted the prohibition on a section of ladies between age 10 and 50 to the sanctuary.
- Ladies can, in any case, visit the hallowed place until the bigger seat settles on the issue.
Sabarimala case previous judgment:
“Right to implore” in the sanctuary for ladies somewhere in the range of 10 and 50 years old prevailed upon the ‘right to pause’ crusade as the Supreme Court censured the forbiddance as “authoritative man controlled society”. Male controlled society can’t best opportunity to rehearse religion
Logic behind the ban:
The confinement forced on the passage of ladies in Sabarimala is a result of the idea of the divinity revered there as a ‘naishtika brahmachari’ (chaste). Some contend that it isn’t a direct result of any oppressive frame of mind towards ladies dependent on organic factors, for example, the feminine cycle.
In any case, many are of the conclusion that it is because of the well-established practice and conviction that the nearness of ladies digressed men from chastity. This places the weight of a men’s abstinence on ladies subsequently, criticizing ladies and stereotyping them. Singular pride of ladies couldn’t be helpless before a horde. Profound quality was not vaporous. It rose above natural and physiological obstructions.
SC underlines the Constitution’s transformative power (Points can be used in mains answer and essay)
The Constitution protects religious freedom in two ways –
- It protects an individual’s right to profess, practise and propagate a religion
- Assures similar protection to every religious denomination to manage its own affairs.
Observations made by the Judges:
The contention that the training is defended in light of the fact that ladies of discharging age would not have the option to watch the 41-day time of forbearance before making a journey neglected to intrigue the judges. To Chief Justice Dipak Misra, any standard dependent on the isolation of ladies relating to natural attributes is faulty and unlawful. Dedication can’t be exposed to the generalizations of sexual orientation. Equity D.Y. Chandrachud said shame worked around customary ideas of debasement have no submitted in the established request, and avoidance dependent on the thought of polluting influence is a type of unapproachability.
On freedom of religion
- The Supreme Court rejected the contention that the forbiddance was a basic piece of religion.
- The Chief Justice said the consideration of ladies, as opposed to their rejection, is the fundamental piece of the Hindu religion.
- By enabling ladies to enter Sabarimala sanctuary for offering petitions, the nature of Hindu religion would not be in a general sense modified or changed in any way.
- The aficionados of Lord Ayyappa are only Hindus and don’t establish a different strict section. This sanctuary is an open strict gift.
- The privilege to rehearse religion, as asserted by the than this and admirers, must be adjusted with and respect the major right of ladies.
- The denial damaged Section 3 of the Kerala Hindu Places of Public Worship (Authorisation of Entry) Act, 1965, which expressed that “spots of open love” like the Sabarimala sanctuary ought to be available to “all areas and classes of Hindus.”
- The law perceives an icon or divinity as a “juristic individual which can possess the property and can sue and be sued in the courtroom”. Be that as it may, it “doesn’t mean the divinity fundamentally has sacred rights”.
- Principal rights are intended for people, not divinities or symbols.
- By and large, the privilege to the opportunity of the religion of the two people and gatherings is perceived as a natural aspect of liberal majority rule government. The Constitution memorializes these certifications in Articles 25 and 26. The previous perceives a privilege to the opportunity of still, small voice and a privilege to uninhibitedly pronounce, practice, and spread religion, subject to regular network special cases of open request, profound quality, and wellbeing, and furthermore, essentially, to the assurance of other principal rights.
- Article 25(2)(b) makes a further special case to one side. It accords to the express a capacity to make enactment, in light of a legitimate concern for social welfare and change, tossing open Hindu strict organizations of open character to all classes and areas of Hindus.
- Article 26, then again, which is likewise dependent upon confinements forced on grounds of open request, ethical quality, and wellbeing, accords to each strict section the right, in addition to other things, to build up and keep up establishments for strict purposes and to deal with their very own issues in issues of religion.
Dissenting opinion
- Equity Indu Malhotra, the solitary lady judge on the Constitution Bench, disagreed with the dominant part feeling.
- She held that the assurance of what established a fundamental practice in religion ought not to be founded on the “individual perspectives” of judges.
- She held that vitality of a strict practice or uniquely must be chosen inside the religion.
- It involves individual confidence. India is a place that is known for various beliefs. Sacred profound quality in a pluralistic culture offers an opportunity to rehearse even nonsensical or silly traditions and uses.
Connecting the dots:
- It isn’t the courts yet the individuals who must reestablish to Indian country its contemplated, mainstream character. Break down
TOPIC: General Studies 2:
- Comparison of the Indian constitutional scheme with that of other countries
The constitutional crisis in Srilanka

- A constitutional crisis began in Sri Lanka when President Maithripala Sirisena appointed former president and member of parliament Mahinda Rajapaksa as Prime Minister October 2018 before formally dismissing the incumbent Ranil Wickremesinghe, resulting in two concurrent Prime Ministers.
- Wickremesinghe and the United National Party (UNP) viewed the appointment as illegal, and he refused to
Can we call it a Constitutional crisis?
- Wickremesinghe and the United National Party (UNP) saw the arrangement as unlawful, and he would not leave.
- A sacred emergency started in Sri Lanka when President Maithripala Sirisena selected previous president and an individual from parliament Mahinda Rajapaksa as Prime Minister October 2018 preceding officially expelling the occupant Ranil Wickremesinghe, bringing about two simultaneous Prime Ministers.
- Wickremesinghe guaranteed that despite everything he directions a dominant part in parliament and mentioned that Speaker of the Parliament Karu Jayasuriya assembles parliament right away.
- Sirisena disregarded all calls and prorogued parliament, deferring its gathering till 16 November.
- After an endeavour to shape another bureau of pastors with Rajapaksa as Prime Minister fizzled, Sirisena endeavoured to break down parliament.
- The UNP pronounced the move unlawful and accordingly the Supreme Court remained Sirisena’s disintegration until December 2018, when it decided that the move was illegal and illicit.
- Rajapaksa threw in the towel from guaranteeing the workplace and Wickremesinghe was by and by reestablished, finishing the emergency following 7 weeks of political and monetary strife.
- Wickremesinghe, most of the parliament, and resistance groups would not recognize his evacuation and the arrangement of Rajapaksa, expressing that Sirisena’s move was unlawful.
- Sirisena’s abrupt choice affected “political strife in the nation”, and drew universal analysis.
Difference between the Constitution of India and Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka, which had a Constitution like India’s, transformed it to one progressively like the French Constitution, where the President picks the Prime Minister who needs to direction certainty of Parliament. Be that as it may, there is no real way to evacuate the President. The results of Sirisena’s choice go past an unimportant difference in the system; it might prompt an inversion of the basic changes in the nation accomplished since 2015.
- South Asia has been the home of religions lecturing peacefulness however its legislative issues have been savage. There have been local debates, contending nationhoods just as mutual clashes.
- India has asked that equitable qualities and established procedure be regarded. This is because of the way that further tumult could crash Colombo’s moderate advancement towards modifying its economy and mending the injuries of the common war. Afterall, a quiet neighbour is constantly helpful for a nation like India.
Connecting the dots:
- Dissolution of Sri Lanka’s Parliament negates the letter and spirit of constitutional reforms. Comment
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in the comment section)
- Correct answers of today’s questions will be provided in next day’s DNA section. Kindly refer to it and update your answers.
- Comments Up-voted by IASbaba are also the “correct answers”.
Q.1) What is Piezometer used for?
- To measure liquid pressure
- To measure the magnitude of the earthquake
- To measure atmospheric pressure
- None of the above
Q.2) Consider the following statements about AGRIDEX
- It is released by NITI Aayog in collaboration with Bombay Stock Exchange
- It will help in easy referencing the price variations in agricultural commodities.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.3) Consider the following statements
- In the February 2018 Budget, the government had announced a plan to merge three public sector general insurance firms
- The challenges identified for the merger are the integration of work culture, rolling out common software, and rationalisation of branches
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.4) Consider the following statements about Minimum Operating Price (MOP)
- Itis the price consisting of landing price, operational cost and reasonable profit margin and below which no product should be sold in the market
- MOP is currently being regulated by Competition Commission of India in collaboration with State governments
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.5) Consider the following statements
- The fourth schedule of the constitution deals with the allocation of seats in the Rajya Sabha to the states and Union territories.
- Under Article 75(3) of the Constitution, the Council of Ministers is collectively responsible to both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
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