Highlights |UPSC Exam Current Affairs 19-02-2020
UPSC exam current affairs 19-02-2020 The following article contains all the updated events and news for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.
- Pakistan to remain FATF’s ‘Grey List’
- UIDAI seeks proof of citizenship
- Society & Governance
- Governance
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UPSC Exam Current Affairs 19-02-2020 are followed in the part below:
UPSC Exam Current Affairs and News Analysis (19-02-2020)
Pakistan to remain FATF’s ‘Grey List’
Part of: GS Prelims –Polity and GS-II- International relations
In news:
- The International Co-activity Review Group (ICRG) of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) suggested that Pakistan be held on the ‘Dark List’.
- Pakistan was put on the dark rundown by the FATF a year ago for neglecting to control hostile to dread financing
- Because of its inability to totally actualize the 27-point activity intend to check dread financing
From Prelims Point Of View:
Financial Action Task Force (FATF)
- A between legislative body set up in 1989 on the activity of the G7.
- Secretariat is housed at the OECD central station in Paris.
- Produce the vital political will to achieve national administrative and administrative changes in different territories
- to set gauges and advance compelling usage of lawful, administrative and operational measures
- Fighting tax evasion, fear monger financing and other related dangers to the trustworthiness of the universal monetary framework.
A new claimant for Kambala record
Part of: GS Prelims –Art & Culture and GS-I- Culture
In news:
- Claims and counterclaims on the quickest Kambala racer have been surfacing since the time Srinivas Gowda of Moodbidri hit the features for covering 142.5 meters in 13.62 seconds
From Prelims Point Of View:
- Customary bison race in paddy fields loaded up with slush and mud
- Seaside Karnataka (Udupi and Dakshina Kannada) from November to March.
- Seen as a thanksgiving to divine beings for shielding the creatures from illnesses
- Supported by neighbourhood Tuluva proprietors
- Tuluva individuals are an ethnic gathering local to Southern India. They are local speakers of the Tulu language.
- Kambala includes demonstrations of pitilessness on creatures
- it abuses the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (PCA) Act, 1960.
Karbis against ST status for hill Bodos
Part of: GS Prelims –Polity and GS-II- Vulnerable section
In news:
- Assam-based radical gathering of Karbishas requested that the Bodos in the slope zones not be given the Scheduled Tribe status as it will influence the “personality of the Karbis”.
- As of late The Home Ministry, the Assam government and Bodo bunches marked the pac tto redraw and rename the Bodoland Territorial Area District (BTAD)
Click here to read about BODOLAND ISSUE
From Prelims Point Of View:
Karbis (Mikir)
- One of the significant ethnic networks in Northeast India( particularly Assam)
- The incredible craftsman researcher Bishnu Prasad Rabha allude to them as the Columbus of Assam
UIDAI seeks proof of citizenship
Part of: GS Prelims –Polity and GS-II- Govt Policy
In news:
- An occupant of Hyderabad was allegedly approached to demonstrate his Indian citizenship by the Unique Identification Authority of India move to the High Court
- UIDAI in discharge has said that Aadhaar has got nothing to do with citizenship.
- Individuals had acquired Aadhaar on misrepresentations since they were seen as illicit migrants. Such Aadhaar numbers are at risk to abrogation.
IASBABA’s Value Addition :
- As of late, the Parliament has passed the Aadhaar and Other Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2019 which permits willful utilization of Aadhaar as evidence of personality.
From Prelims Point Of View:
Unique Identification Authority of India
- statutory position built up under the locale of the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (Aadhaar Act 2016)
- At first set up by the Government of India under the aegis of the Planning Commission
- UIDAI is commanded to dole out a 12-digit interesting ID (UID) number (Aadhaar) to all the inhabitants of India.
SC voices concern over deforestation
Part of: GS Prelims –Environment and GS-III- Conservation
In news:
Chief Justice of India said:
- Deforestation is quick to the point that before anybody knows it all will be lost
- Sentenced humankind’s propensity to mishandle characteristic assets for eagerness and benefit.
- Gauge the estimation of a tree, figuring in the estimation of the quantum of oxygen it discharges in its lifetime.
From Prelims Point Of View:
- Enormous scope expulsion of trees from backwoods (or different grounds) for the assistance of human exercises.
- Result in the loss of biodiversity, harm to normal natural surroundings, unsettling influences in the water cycle, and soil disintegration.
- A supporter of environmental change and an Earth-wide temperature boost.
- Horticulture – little scope and enormous scope cultivating
- Logging – cutting of trees for use as crude material
- Mining and urban extension – freeing from timberland territory for the development of the framework
Society & Governance
Topic: General Studies 1, 2:
- Social strengthening (Children)
- Statutory, administrative and different semi-legal bodies
- Instruments, laws, organizations and Bodies established for the insurance and improvement of powerless areas (Children)
Children’s Right to Protest and Safeguards for Child Witness
Supreme Court’s took suo motu cognisance of kids partaking in showings in Shaheen Bagh in Delhi. This is out of sight of a newborn child biting the dust in the driving rain during fights.
Issues involved in the case which SC has to take note of
- The youngster ought to be furnished with the chance to be heard in any legal and managerial procedures influencing the kid, either straightforwardly or through a delegate (Article 12 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC))
- While numerous schools urge kids to understand papers and watch news channels, going to dissent is additionally a route for kids to get data and thoughts
- A dissent is an additional space where kids find a workable pace declare citizenship
- It could likewise be a space for kids to commend their solidarity as Indians.
- The case directly affects youngsters’ entitlement to partake in or witness a dissent just as on their moms’ entitlement to dissent.
- On the off chance that by saying that ladies ought not to be permitted to take their youngsters to fights, we would be adequately rendering unimaginable ladies’ own portability and pushing them once again into their homes.
- It is commonly worthy for kids to take an interest in an enemy of contamination fight in top winter, however not in the fights at Shaheen Bagh. The court needs to choose the premise on which it is concluded that one is a legitimate exercise of the youngster’s office and the other isn’t
- Article 5 of CRC perceives the “advancing limits” of youngsters. This implies as kids procure upgraded skills, there is a decreasing requirement for them to be ensured.
Additionally, as of late the Bidar dissidence case and the procedure of cross-examination of Children by Police have raised worries about State assurance to Children
- The focus of the case is a school play that communicated contradict against PM Modi and the new citizenship law.
- This prompted the detainment of a mother of an understudy for having added to the content of the school play and the capture of the head for permitting it to be acted in her school.
- Additionally, youngsters were grilled by formally dressed cops without any kid welfare labourers.
These horrendous encounters are not just an infringement of the major privileges of the kid however are seriously harming to their psychological well-being.
Indian Laws dealing with Child Witness
- Under Section 118 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, there is no base age for an observer. Kids as youthful as three years of age have dismissed under the watchful eye of preliminary courts in instances of sexual maltreatment.
- Delhi High Court has concocted rules for recording proof of Vulnerable observers like Children – a procedure to be age-suitable and delicate, arrangement of facilitator for compelling correspondence between partners and so on.
- Adolescent Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 – the police to not be in their uniform while managing kids; Special Juvenile Police Unit in each area and city to talk with youngsters; and Child Welfare Committee in each locale to take cognisance of any infringement by the experts in their treatment of kids
- Insurance of Children from Sexual Offenses (POCSO) Act, 2012 – examination a youngster ought not to be made to describe the episode on different occasions.
- In the quiet over savagery being executed against youngsters, the nation seems to have lost its ethical compass.
- So as to guarantee that Children have a beneficial childhood liberated from any psychological torment forced because of basic reasons (neediness, the inhumanity of organization)- government ought to get long haul changes.
- This remembers upgraded spending for instruction and wellbeing, legitimate usage of JJ Act and POSCO Act, cultural mindfulness programs about the criticalness of Child’s psychological well-being and refinement of workforce associated with Child Welfare programs.
Connecting the dots!
- Kashmir Unrest and its effect on Children – their childhood, future occupation possibilities and their privileges under UN show
- Donald Trump organization in the USA actualized its strategy to diminish unlawful migration by isolating kids from their folks at the U.S. fringe with Mexico – outcomes on the emotional wellness of the kids.
Topic: General Studies 2:
- Issues identifying with the advancement and the executives of Social Sector/Services identifying with Health, Education, Human Resources
- Mindfulness in its fields
Powering the health-care engine with innovation
Its been year and a half since the dispatch of Ayushman Bharat-Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PM-JAY) or the national wellbeing security conspire.
About Ayushman Bharat
- Ayushman Bharat receives a continuum of care approach, involving two between related segments, which are:
- Wellbeing and Wellness Centers (HWCs).
- Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PM-JAY).
Performance of the Scheme
- The plan is at present being actualized in 32 of 36 States and Union Territories. (Delhi, Odisha, Telangana and West Bengal have quit the plan saying that their own state plans give preferred inclusion over PM-JAY)
- The plan has brought about sparing of over ₹12,000 crores to the recipient families in a single year of its tasks.
- It has given 84 lakh free medications to poor and defenceless patients for optional and tertiary afflictions at 22,000 empanelled clinics, countrywide.
- Under PM-JAY, there is sans one treatment like clockwork and two recipients confirmed each second.
Shortage in Supply
- At present, there is one government bed for every 1,844 patients and one specialist for every 11,082 patients.
- In the coming years, considering 3% hospitalization of PM-JAY-secured recipients, the plan is probably going to give treatment to 1.5 crore patients every year.
- This implies an expansion of physical and human framework limit for example there is a need in excess of 150,000 extra beds, particularly in Tier-2 and – 3 urban communities.
Role of Innovation in Indian Health System
- A solid, yet under-tapped switch for quickening wellbeing framework effectiveness and crossing over these stockpile holes, particularly in short to medium term, is mainstreaming development in the Indian wellbeing framework
- It is evaluated that there are in excess of 4,000 medicinal services innovation new businesses in India that can help jump foundation, HR, cost-viability and proficiency challenges.
- Some of this innovation which holds a promising future are:
- Man-made brainpower stages that guide in quick radiology analyze in low asset settings
- Tele-ICU stages to cross over any barrier in high-talented basic consideration staff
- Brought together automaton conveyance of blood, meds and antibodies to arrive at remote areas cost-viably and dependably
Challenges in mainstreaming health-care innovations:
- Non-uniform regulatory and validation standards.
- Thus, emergency clinics frequently depend on outside administrative confirmations, for example, FDA and CE, particularly for less secure gadgets and instruments.
- Furthermore, it is hard for a beginning up to comprehend the base important approval necessities so as to fit the bill for acquirement by emergency clinics
- Operational liquidity crunch
- Because of a long incubation period, human services new businesses invest significant stretches of energy in the early advancement of their item, particularly where potential clinical dangers are concerned.
- The way toward testing the thought and working model, getting affirmations, performing clinical and business approvals, and raising assets, in a low-trust and unstructured condition makes the gestational period abnormally long in this manner restricting the operational liquidity of the beginning up.
- Absence of motivating forces and satisfactory systems to review and embrace developments.
- Social insurance suppliers and clinicians, given constrained transfer speed, frequently come up short on the impetuses, operational limit, and systems important to consider and receive advancements.
- This prompts constrained footing for new companies advancing creative arrangements.
- Procurement challenges
- New companies likewise face acquirement challenges in both open and private obtainment. They do not have the money related ability to manage protracted tenders and the indirect procedure of value disclosure.
- The private acquisition is confused by the nearness of a divided client base and restricted precise channels for conveyance.
Way Forward
- Need to concentrate on distinguishing promising business sector prepared human services developments that are fit to be tried and conveyed at scale.
- Need to encourage institutionalized operational approval reads that are required for advertising appropriation.
- Simplicity out the beginning up acquirement procedure with the end goal that these arrangements can be received no matter how you look at it
- India has the extraordinary chance to build up a strong biological system where emergency clinics effectively draw in with medicinal services new companies by giving access to testbeds, imparting their necessities adequately and receiving promising advancements.
- New businesses can be powerful partners for the most squeezing human services conveyance challenges looked by emergency clinics, instead of being simple providers of innovation or administrations.
Connecting the dots!
- Protection model versus Public Health care arrangement model
- Linkages of Health care with other formative parameters – Education, Sanitation, administration, city support, social strengthening and so forth.
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in the comment section)
Q 1. A present group of nations known as G-8 started first as G-7. Which one among the following was not one of them?
- Canada
- Italy
- Japan
- Russia
Q 2. Consider the following statements regarding Kambala festival
- It is believed to be celebrated to please the Gods for a good harvest
- It is the annual buffalo race of Karnataka
Which of the above statement/s is/are incorrect?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 or 2
Q3. Consider the following pairs:
Tribe State
- Limboo (Limbu): Sikkim
- Karbi: Karnataka
- Dongarra Kondh: Odisha
- Bonda: Tamil Nadu
Which of the above pairs are correctly matched?
- 1 and 3 only
- 2 and 4 only
- 1, 3 and 4 only
- 1, 2, 3 and 4
Q 4. Consider the following statements :
- Aadhaar card can be used as a proof of citizenship or domicile.
- Once issued, the Aadhaar number cannot be deactivated or omitted by the Issuing Authority.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q 5. The identity platform ‘Aadhaar’ provides open “Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)”. What does it imply?
- It can be integrated into any electronic device.
- Online authentication using iris is possible.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q 6. In India, the problem of soil erosion is associated with which of the following?
- Terrace cultivation
- Deforestation
- Tropical climate
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
- 1 and 2 only
- 2 only
- 1 and 3 only
- 1, 2 and 3
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