Highlights |UPSC Exam Current Affairs 19-11-2019
UPSC exam current affairs 19-11-2019- The following article contains all the updated events and news for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.
- Bharatiya Poshan Krishi Kosh
- Winter-grade diesel
- Starlink network
- India-Bhutan
- Maternity scheme performance
- Gram Sabha to have the power to ban liquor
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UPSC Exam Current Affairs 19-11-2019 are followed in the part below:
UPSC Exam Current Affairs and News Analysis (19-11-2019)
Bharatiya Poshan Krishi Kosh
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-III – Agriculture
In News
- Service of Women and Child Development has propelled Bharatiya PoshanKrishiKosh.
- It is a store of differing crops crosswise over 128 agro-climatic zones to help empower better dietary results.
- It means to advance and fortify solid dietary practices both at the individual and network-level and handle ailing health in a maintainable way.
- The Kosh helps in diminishing ailing health through a multi-sectoral results-based structure, including farming, among ladies and youngsters the nation over.
- Harvard Chan School of Public Health and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will be a piece of this activity.
- They will record and assess promising local dietary practices and the informing around them and build up a nourishment chartbook on territorial agro-nourishment frameworks.
Winter-grade diesel
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-III- Energy, Security
In News
- State-run Indian Oil Corporation Ltd (IOC) propelled a unique winter-grade diesel that remaining parts have unfrozen up to less 33 degree Celsius.
- Drivers in high-elevation areas like Ladakh, Kargil, Kaza and Keylong face the issue of freezing of diesel in their vehicles when winter temperatures drop to as low as – 30o Celsius.
- Ordinary diesel fuel contains paraffin wax which is included for improving thickness and oil. At low temperatures, the paraffin wax thickens or “gels” and frustrates the progression of the fuel in the motor.
- Indian Oil has concocted an imaginative answer for this issue by presenting a unique winter-grade diesel with a low pour-purpose of – 33o Celsius, which doesn’t lose its ease work even in outrageous winter conditions
- When all is said in done, it is accomplished by treatment with added substances that change the low-temperature attributes of the fuel.
- The fuel would help give all year access to snow-topped fringe locales and is a piece of India’s endeavours to accelerate key street network
Starlink network
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III – Science & Technology (Space)
In News
- SpaceX, the world’s driving privately owned business in space innovation, terminated a splash of 60 satellites into low earth circle, the main operational cluster of what is planned to in the end advance into a star grouping of almost 12,000 satellites planned for giving minimal effort and dependable space-based Internet administrations to the world.
- The Internet has now become a piece of humankind’s fundamental framework and significant methods for conveying a wide assortment of open administrations to the world’s people groups.
- Presently, around 4 billion individuals, the greater part the total populace, don’t approach solid Internet systems.
- Furthermore, that is on the grounds that the customary approaches to convey the Internet — fibre-optic links or remote systems — can’t take it wherever on Earth. In numerous remote territories or spots with the troublesome landscape, it isn’t achievable or practical to set up links or portable towers.
- A sign from satellites in space can defeat this obstruction effectively.
- In space-based systems, information demands head out from the client to the satellite and are then coordinated to server farms on the ground
- Criticism of the project:
- Increased space debris
- Increased risk of collisions and
- The concern of astronomers that these constellations of space Internet satellites will make it difficult to observe other space objects, and to detect their signals.
Do You Know?
- There are less than 2,000 operational satellites at present, and less than 9,000 satellites have been propelled into space since the start of the Space Age in 1957. The majority of the operational satellites are situated in the lower circles.
- On September 2019, the European Space Agency (ESA) needed to perform, unexpectedly, a “crash evasion move” to shield one of its live satellites from slamming into a “supergroup of stars”
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains II –India and Neighbourhood
In News
- Bhutan intends to exact charges on voyagers from provincial nations, including India, Bangladesh and the Maldives, who at present are excluded from any charges.
- The sharp increment in the number of vacationers from the district was referred to for the transition to begin forcing a toll on sightseers from India, Bangladesh and Maldives.
- Rather than other universal visitors, who pay $250 (Approx. INR. 18,000) as a base charge for every day per individual, vacationers from India, Bangladesh and the Maldives had so far paid no expenses and had the option to traverse without visas.
- The goal of “the travel industry charge” is to battle the over-the travel industry and get guests to pay for the upkeep and support of people in general spaces they are visiting.
- Visitor toll will put Bhutan out of the class of spending goal yet the counter-contention is that without such charges Bhutan would not have the option to protect its neighbourhood legacy and culture.
- In 2018, of the 2,74,000 voyagers visiting Bhutan, the chamber evaluated that 2,00,000 were from the locale, of which around 1,80,000 were from India.
Maternity scheme performance
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains II – Health
In News
- Pradhan MantriMatruVandanaYojana (PMMVY)scheme profited simply 31% qualified moms, state analysts who extrapolated information acquired under RTI.
- PMMVY is an essential program to help lactating moms and pregnant ladies by repaying them for loss of wages during their pregnancy.
- The PMMVY is focused on just at ladies conveying their first youngster. A money measure of ₹6,000 is moved to the financial balance of the recipient in three portions after gathering certain conditions including early enlistment of pregnancy, having, at any rate, one bet natal registration and enrollment of labour.
- Given the stipulated conditions, the plan brings under its ambit 23% all things considered and pays full advantages to a minor 14% everything being equal, which was at 270.5 lakh for 2017.
- A few components blocked the best possible usage of the program that means to battle hunger among kids. These incorporate an application type of around 23 pages, a huge number of records, for example, mother-kid assurance card, Aadhaar card, spouse’s Aadhaar card and bank passbook beside connecting their financial balances with Aadhaar.
Gram Sabha to have the power to ban liquor
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains II – Panchayat Raj Institutions
In News
- The Haryana Cabinet took an on a basic level choice to get a correction Section 31 of the Haryana Panchayati Raj Act, 1994, enabling devolution of forces to the Gram Sabha to boycott alcohol inside the neighbourhood a Gram Panchayat.
- The majority of the Gram Sabha meeting for passing such goals will be one-tenth of its individuals.
- No alcohol distributes will be permitted in Haryana towns from the following monetary year without its panchayat’s endorsement.
- Article 47 express that “The State will try to realize denial of the utilization aside from therapeutic motivations behind inebriating drinks and of medications which are harmful to wellbeing”.
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III – Science & Technology (Space)
In News
- ISRO is set for the dispatch of Cartosat-3.
- Cartosat-3, a propelled earth imaging and mapping satellite, will be flown on the PSLV-C47 vehicle.
- The 1,560 kg satellite will have 13 little U.S. client satellites riding as optional travellers. They will be set in a polar circle.
- Cartosat-3, with an ISRO-best goal of 25 cm, will be the first of a progression of high goals, third-age satellites made arrangements for watching the Earth.
- The satellite will have the option to get objects of that size (25 cm) from its orbital roost around 509 km away. This will make Cartosat-3 among a couple of most keen, if not the best, polite earth imagers around the world.
TOPIC: General Studies 3:
- Indian Economy and issues relating to planning, mobilization of resources, growth, development and employment
SC’s judgment in Essar Steel insolvency case
- Essar Steel owes Rs 54,547 crore to its banks — budgetary loan bosses and operational leasers joined.
- The organization had been put on the square under IBC to recuperate the unpaid levy.
- The Ahmedabad-seat of National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) had on March 8 affirmed the offer presented by ArcelorMittal, drove by steel big shot Lakshmi Mittal, for the takeover of Essar Steel.
- The operational loan bosses had restricted the offered on the premise that they were getting notional instalment, while 92.5 percent of the money related lenders’ contribution was being paid.
- This case is one of India’s most prominent bankruptcy cases, any request on Essar Steel is probably going to have consequences for comparable goals plans.
SC judgement:
- The advisory group of leasers (CoC) will have a last say in the goals designs under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC).
- The National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) and National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) can’t meddle with the business choices taken by the CoC.
“The law discusses “impartial” and not “equivalent” treatment of operational loan bosses. Reasonable and fair managing of operational lenders’ privileges includes the goals plan to express about how it has managed the interests of operational leasers, which isn’t a similar thing as saying that they should be paid a similar measure of their obligation proportionately” SC

Do you know?
Financial creditors are those who provide long-term capital in the form of loans.
Operational creditors are usually the suppliers of raw materials, etc.
NCLT order:
- The NCLAT, in its request, said money related leasers would get 60.7 percent of their conceded cases of Rs 49,473 crore, about equivalent to operational banks.
- The operational lenders with a conceded guarantee measure of not as much as Rs 1 crore would get 100 percent, while above Rs 1 crore would get 60.26 percent and labourers and workers would get 100 percent.
- The council had said that the CoC will have no job in the circulation of Rs 42,000 crore and permitted cases of the operational loan bosses.
- A consortium of banks drove by the SBI had moved the Supreme Court against a National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) request for the situation.
- The NCLAT had held that Essar Steel’s operational leasers be treated keeping pace with budgetary loan bosses when settling the cases.
- Essar Steel’s Committee of Creditors (CoC) had looked for the subduing of NCLAT’s July 4 request that endorsed the Rs 42,000-crore offer for the obligation loaded firm by ArcelorMittal.
- This was to be partitioned between the money related loan bosses who are owed Rs 30,030 crore and the operational leasers who are owed Rs 11,969 crore.
Advantages for Bank :
- Banks are relied upon to recuperate 90 percent of their introduction to the Essar Steel account.
- Contrasts and just 60 percent they would have recouped before according to the request for the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal.
- The Court request and government proceed onward monetary specialist organizations — look good for the banks doing combating high NPAs.
- While banks will recoup the cash goals process in huge records, likely worry from NBFC and telecom records will stay a drag.
Connecting the dots:
- The Supreme Court’s organization is being viewed as bringing the meticulousness and energy once more into the IBC as a compelling instrument to manage focused on resources in the economy. Break down
TOPIC: General Studies 3:
- Indian Economy and issues relating to planning, mobilization of resources, growth, development and employment.
- Inclusive growth and issues arising from it.
Wage Code Bill
- The administration presented the work codes on compensation and on word related wellbeing, wellbeing and working conditions in the Lok Sabha.
- The Code Of Wages, 2019 is appropriate to workers in the composed division and sloppy area, while the focal government will keep on settling on wage-related choices for railroads, mines, oil fields, and focal open part endeavours.
- The Code Of Wages, 2019 is appropriate to workers in the composed division and sloppy area, while the focal government will keep on settling on wage-related choices for railroads, mines, oil fields, and focal open part endeavours.
- It subsumes the Payment of Wages Act, 1936; The Minimum Wages Act, 1948; The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965; and The Equal Remuneration Act,1976.

Need for Wage code:
- 62% of the workforce is comprised of easygoing specialists who need the privilege to least wages.
- Present least wages act is confounded.
- 33% of the labourers are come up short on than the demonstrative least wages in 2009-10
- Combine India’s 44 work laws into four codes so as to support work laws and improve the simplicity of working together.
- Advantage two-fifths of its populace, or 50 crore labourers.
- End a confounded pay framework and cut down the number of pay rates from 2,000 or more to around 300.
- This will guarantee that the procedure of enlistment and recording of profits will get institutionalized and streamlined. With different work-related definitions getting institutionalized, it is normal that there will be less contest.
- Presently 60% of labourers are not secured under the Minimum Wages Act. The new law will give the privilege to least wages to the whole 50 crore workforce.
- Guarantees the auspicious instalment of wages.
- The floor pay will be fixed by the Center based on suggestions of a focal warning board, which would be spoken to by individuals from worker’s guilds, bosses’ affiliation, state government and free specialists
- This will prompt straightforwardness, responsibility, better implementation of work laws and better use of the accessible workforce.
Occupation identification:
- There are four expertise levels — untalented, semiskilled, gifted and profoundly talented — while geology can be fields, sloping and undulated, seaside, urban and rustic, among others.
- The occupation classification is discarded. The states have an ‘as well as’ alternative while considering aptitudes and geology to settle on the lowest pay permitted by law rate.
- A state may well choose to have one compensation rate in the event that it goes for one land parameter
- Applies just to individuals acquiring under ‘24,000 every month in planned occupations, forgetting about an enormous number of labourers.
- There will even now be no single national the lowest pay permitted by law rate.
- the floor compensation may be more awful than the market wage rate in which case the whole motivation behind having the least wages and improving the way of life breakdown.
- The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976, denies sexual orientation based separation as far as wages, enrollment and states of administration. The Code has excluded this demonstration.
- It will be intense for the administration currently to guarantee usage and change regardless of whether there are a 10% slip by in consistence – or 5 crore objections – for the 50 crore labourers the law intends to cover.
- The evacuation of basic forces of work overseers
- MNREGA labourers won’t go under code wage bill.
- MNREGA payout isn’t actually a compensation.
- It is a plan, which doesn’t have a severe manager worker connection
- Its wages will keep on being fixed by the Rural Development Ministry.
Connecting the dots:
- A ‘national the lowest pay permitted by law’ is a smart thought, yet its calculation is cause for concern. Investigate.
- The intermediary monetary exercise on checking the hole between the genuine normal compensation of easygoing specialists and the national floor-level least wages (NFLMW) shrouds more than it uncovers. Remark
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in the comment section)
Q.1) Article 47 deals with which of the following provisions?
- Education for all children below 6 years
- Uniform Civil Code
- Duty of the State to raise the level of nutrition and the standard of living and to improve public health
- None of the above
Q.2) Consider the following statements about Starlink network
- It is launched by Coalition of Space agencies and Private organisation led by NASA and International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
- It is aimed at providing low-cost and reliable space-based Internet services to the world.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.3) Consider the following statements about Cartosat-3
- Cartosat-3, with an ISRO-best resolution of 25 cm, will be the first of a series of high resolution, third-generation satellites planned for observing the Earth
- It will be launched by GSLV MK-III
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.4) Consider the following statements about Pradhan Mantri Matru VandanaYojana (PMMVY)
- The aim of the scheme is to support lactating mothers and pregnant women by compensating them for loss of wages during their pregnancy.
- The PMMVY is targeted only at women delivering their first child where a cash amount of ₹6,000 is transferred to the bank account of the beneficiary
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.5) Consider the following statements about Bharatiya Poshan Krishi Kosh
- It is a repository of diverse crops across 128 agro-climatic zones to help enable better nutritional outcomes
- United Nations Food & Agricultural Organisation (FAO) will be a part of this initiative, who will document and evaluate promising regional dietary practices
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
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