UPSC exam current affairs 19-12-2019-2 The following article contains all the updated events and news for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.
- UNICEF: Ensure Child Rights
- Concrete Maturity Meter: To measure the strength of concrete
- Exercise INDRA 19’: India-Russia Trilateral Exercise
- Gandhi prize: Portugal sets up the prize
- National Population Register (NPR): West Bengal Opts out of the exercise
- Operation Twist: RBI’s Open market operations
- Industrial Security Annex (ISA): Signed between India and USA
- President Impeachment: US President Trump to be impeached
- Section 144: Protests against Citizenship Amendment Act & Section 144
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UPSC Exam Current Affairs 20-12-2019 are followed in the part below:
UPSC Exam Current Affairs and News Analysis (20-12-2019)
UNICEF: Ensure Child Rights
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains II – International Bodies
In News
- Kids’ privileges to serene gathering and opportunity of articulation, remembering for quiet dissent, are cherished in the Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)
- UNCRC is a human rights arrangement which sets out the common, political, financial, social, wellbeing and social privileges of kids. The Convention characterizes a kid as any person younger than eighteen.
- The arrangement came into power in 1990.Currently, 196 nations have marked and confirmed it (counting India) aside from the United States (marked however not sanctioned)
- UNICEF in this way encouraged its part states to guarantee that youngsters can practice this privilege in a protected and tranquil way.
About United Nations International Children’s Education Fund(UNICEF)
- UNICEF was made in 1946 as International Children’s Emergency Fund (ICEF) by UN alleviation Rehabilitation Administration to help youngsters influenced by World War II
- UNICEF turned into a perpetual piece of the United Nations in 1953 and is dedicated to helping national endeavors to improve the wellbeing, nourishment, training, and general welfare of youngsters.
Concrete Maturity Meter: To measure the strength of concrete
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III – Science & Technology
In News
- The Construction Engineering Research Foundation (PCERF)- a non-benefit body-has built up the nation’s first indigenous Concrete Maturity Meter that decides the quality of cement utilized in development.
- The gadget can help in altogether lessening the wiggle room in assessing the quality of a structure
- It likewise helps in cutting undertaking costs (10-12%) as it will be accessible at 30% to 40% of the expense of the outside development meter(₹3 – ₹5 Lakh) that is being used in the market
- The strategy to quantify solid quality depends on the rule that solid quality is legitimately identified with its hydration (temperature) and age (time)
- The gadget can likewise be legitimately associated with cell phones to suit the systems and abilities of end clients in India
Exercise INDRA 19’: India-Russia Trilateral Exercise
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains II- International Affairs; GS-III- Security
In News
- The aviation based armed forces part of ‘Ex INDRA 19’, a joint exercise among India and Russia, effectively finished up at the Air Force Station in Lohegaon, Pune
- The activity gave a chance to upgrade the IAF’s operational capacity, synergise joint tasks and improve interoperability with Russian Federation Air Force
- The INDRA arrangement of activity started in 2003. It was directed as a solitary help practice then again between the two nations. In any case, the main joint Tri Services Exercise was led in 2017.
- The 2019 exercise remembered joint preparing for counter-psychological warfare and counter-revolt activities under the United Nations command.
Gandhi prize: Portugal sets up the prize
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-I – Culture
In News
- Portugal would dispatch the prize so as to advance Gandhi’s beliefs.
- Consistently, the prize would be roused by Gandhi’s contemplations and statements.
- The main version of the prize would be committed to creature welfare. Gandhi said “the enormity of a country can be made a decision by the manner in which its creatures are dealt with”
About National Committee for the Commemoration Mahatma Gandhi’s 150th Birth Anniversary
- The National Committee was comprised for recognizing the 150th birth commemoration of Mahatma Gandhi at the national and worldwide, managed by the President of India
- This Committee incorporates Vice-President, Prime Minister, Chief Ministers all things considered, delegates from over the political range, Gandhians, masterminds, and famous people from varying backgrounds.
- The Committee additionally has nine global individuals, including two previous Secretaries-General of the United Nations – Mr Kofi Annan and Mr Ban Ki-Moon.
- Portuguese Prime Minister is the main remote Prime Minister to be a piece of the board of trustees.
National Population Register (NPR): West Bengal Opts out of the exercise
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-II- Governance, Federalism
In News
- The target of the NPR,is to make a thorough character database of each typical occupant in the nation.
- Normal inhabitant is characterized as an individual who has lived in a neighborhood the previous a half year or more or an individual who expects to live here for the following a half year or more
- The database will contain segment just as biometric points of interest.
- It is compulsory for each standard inhabitant of India to enlist in the NPR.
- In contrast to the NRC, the NPR will likewise incorporate outsiders living in India.
- The NPR is being created under the standards of the Citizenship Act of 1955, and the Citizenship Rules set out in 2003
- When was it as of late led?
- The information for National Population Register was gathered in 2010 alongwith the houselisting period of Census of India 2011.
- It has been chosen to refresh the National Population Register alongside the Houselisting period of Census 2021 during April to September 2020 in every one of the States/UTs aside from Assam.
Operation Twist: RBI’s Open market operations
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-III- Economy
In News
- RBI will at the same time purchase and deal government protections worth ₹10,000 crore under its open market tasks — a move planned for dealing with the yields.
- The RBI will buy the more drawn out term developments, that are exchanging at a spread of 150 bps (premise focuses) over the repo rate, and sell the shorter span ones
- RBI will purchase ₹10,000 crore of 6.45% government bondsmaturing in 2029 with the goal that the yield of these long haul papers will relax
- It will at the same time undercut ₹10,000 crore of term bonds developing in 2020.
- Activity Twist is a move taken by U.S. Central bank in 2011-12 to make long haul getting less expensive.
Industrial Security Annex (ISA): Signed between India and USA
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-II- International Affairs
In News
- ISA marked among India and the U.S. at the second 2+2 discourse in Washington, will open the entryway for U.S. resistance organizations to band together with the Indian private segment.
- ISA will empower smooth exchange of ordered innovation and data between private substances of the U.S. what’s more, India.
- The ISA is a piece of the General Security of Military Information Agreement (GSOMIA), which India marked with the U.S. long back
- The ‘2+2’ discourse is a gathering between the India Ministers for External Affairs and Defense, and the US Secretaries of State and Defense to concentrate on “fortifying key, security and safeguard collaboration” between the two nations.
- Different understandings marked during the 2+2 discourse are
- Finish of Defense Technology and Trade Initiative (DTTI) Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) which will fit the two side’s procedures for distinguishing proof, improvement and execution of undertakings under the DTTI.
- Tiger Triumph Exercise: It has been chosen to hold the India-U.S. joint tri-administrations and land and/or water capable exercise ‘Tiger Triumph’ on a yearly premise. It was first held in November 2019 as a Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) Exercise.
- Alliance for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI): USA declared its responsibility to being the establishing individual from the CDRI whose home office will be situated in India.
TOPIC: General Studies 2:
- Correlation of the Indian protected plan with that of different nations
President Impeachment: US President Trump to be impeached

- Donald Trump turned into the third US President to be arraigned. The first was Andrew Johnson in 1868 and afterward Bill Clinton in 1998.
- The reprimand request against Donald Trump was started on September 2019 when an informant asserted that Trump may have mishandled the intensity of the administration
- The House Intelligence Committee discharged a 300-page reprimand report blaming President Donald Trump for attempting to enroll Ukraine to help him in the 2020 presidential political race and hindering the congressional request by attempting to cover it up.
- An informant claimed that Trump may have mishandled the intensity of the administration by retaining military guide as a methods for constraining recently chose leader of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky to perform two favors:
- To seek after examinations of Joe Biden and his child Hunter,
- To explore a paranoid notion that Ukraine, not Russia, was behind obstruction in the 2016 presidential political decision.
- Over seven days after Trump had stopped the recently affirmed military aid,400mn
- He made the previously mentioned demands in a July 25 telephone call with the Ukrainian president, which the informant affirmed was proposed to help Trump’s re-appointment offer.
US impeachment process
- The US House of delegate (435 individuals) needs to pass the denunciation movement by a straightforward larger part, after examination by legal executive advisory group
- The movement of Impeachment at that point goes to the Senate (Upper House comprising of 100 individuals), where a preliminary directed by Chief Justice happens with agent from House going about as examiners and the President and his lawyers exhibiting his resistance
- A two-third larger part in Senate is important to convict and evacuate the President.
- In the event that the President is sentenced, the Vice-President assumes control over the White House for outstanding time of residency.)
Indian Impeachment process
- In India, President can be indicted for infringement of the Constitution (Article 61)
- The movement for indicting President can be presented in any House of Parliament.
- After the examination, the movement of arraignment must be passed by a 66% lion’s share of the complete enrollment of the House by the two Houses of the Parliament.
Connecting the dots:
- Do you think Donald trump has abused the force?
- What is the contrast among Indian and US President Impeachment process?
TOPIC: General Studies 2:
- Significant parts of administration, straightforwardness and responsibility, e administration applications, models, victories, impediments, and potential; residents sanctions, straightforwardness and responsibility and institutional and different measures.
- Job of common administrations in a majority rules system.
Section 144: Protests against Citizenship Amendment Act & Section 144

- As dissidents against the Citizenship Amendment Act hit the lanes in huge numbers in a few states , state governments looked to pack down on the exhibits by giving prohibitory requests under Section 144 of the Code Of Criminal Procedure (CrPC), 1973.
Section 144 CrPC:
- Area 144 CrPC, a law held from the pioneer period,.
- It enables a region judge, a sub-divisional officer or some other official justice exceptionally engaged by the state government for this sake to give requests to forestall and address pressing instances of caught risk or aggravation.
- The justice needs to pass a composed coordinated against a specific individual, or to people living in a specific spot or zone, or to the open for the most part .
- In crisis cases, the officer can pass these requests without earlier notification to the person against whom the request is coordinated.
Powers under Section 144 CrPC
- The officer can guide any individual to go without a specific demonstration or to take a specific request as for certain property in his ownership or under his administration.
- This normally remembers limitations for development, conveying arms and from gathering unlawfully. It is for the most part accepted that get together of at least three individuals is denied under Section 144.
- It very well may be utilized to limit even a solitary person.
- Request went under Section 144 can stay in power for over two months from the date of the request
- It is excessively expansive and the expressions of the area are sufficiently wide to give outright capacity to an officer that might be practiced ridiculously.
- A bothered individual can move toward the High Court by recording a writ request if his principal rights are in question. In any case, fears exist that under the watchful eye of the High Court intercedes, the rights could as of now have been encroached
- Inconvenience of Section 144 to a whole state has likewise drawn analysis since the security circumstance contrasts from region to territory.
SC Judgements:
1961 in Babulal Parate versus State of Maharashtra and Others
- The Supreme Court would not strike down the law, saying it is “wrong to state that the fix of an individual irritated by a solicitation under the zone was misleading”.
1970 (Madhu Limaye vs Sub-Divisional Magistrate):
- a seven-judge Bench the intensity of a justice under Section 144 “isn’t a standard force spilling out of organization however a force utilized in a legal way and which can stand further legal examination”.
- It decided that the confinements forced through Section 144 can’t be held to be violative of the privilege to the right to speak freely of discourse and articulation, which is a basic right since it falls under the “sensible limitations” under Article 19(2) of the Constitution. The way that the “law might be mishandled” is no motivation to strike it down
- Segment 144 is a valuable device to help manage crises. Be that as it may, nonappearance of any tight fitting of wide official forces with explicit goals, combined with constrained legal oversight over the official branch, makes it ready for misuse and abuse.
Connecting the dots:
- Do you think Section 144 is being abused?
- Do you think Section 144 controls Fundamental rights?
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in comment section)
Q.1) Consider the following statements about Gandhi Citizenship Education Prize recently in news
- It has been instituted by United Nations so as to promote Gandhian Ideals
- The first edition of the prize would be dedicated to animal welfare.
Select the correct answer from codes given below.
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.2) Consider the following statements about National Population Register
- It is a register of all citizens of India who are above 18 years of age.
- It has been decided to update NPR along with the Houselisting phase of Census 2021 during April to September 2020 in all the States/UTs except Assam
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.3) Consider the following statements about United Nations Convention on the Rights of Child (UNCRC)
- UNCRC is a human rights treaty which sets out the civil, political, economic, social, health and cultural rights of children
- India is a signatory of the treaty but is yet to ratify it.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- Only 1
- Only 2
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.4) Operation twist recently in news is related to which of the following areas?
- Indian Military’s strike across Myanmar border against Naga insurgents
- ISRO’s mission to target and destroy spy satellites
- RBI’s open market operations to manage bond yields
- None of the above
Q.5) Exercise Indra is joint military exercise conducted by which countries?
- India and Sri Lanka
- India, USA and Japan
- India and Russia
- None of the above
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