Highlights|UPSC Exam Current Affairs 23-09-2019
Current Affairs and News (23-09-2019)- The following article contains all the updated events and news for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.
- Mochi Swabhimaan Initiative
- Shondol
- Atlantic Meridional Overturning Current (AMOC)
- India-Mongolia
- Climate change action an hour of need
- One year of Ayushman Bharat — the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PM-JAY)
- Implementation
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UPSC Exam Current Affairs 23-09-2019 are followed in the part below:
UPSC Exam Current Affairs and News Analysis (23-09-2019)
Mochi Swabhimaan Initiative
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-II – Society
In News
- Mochi Swabhimaan Initiative is an across the country exertion where Leather Sector Skill Council (LSSC) will bolster the shoemaker network who give cowhide based administrations, with CSR reserves.
- This will guarantee that they work in a noble way by carrying appreciation to their abilities by giving them better workplace as stands/umbrellas.
- Association Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship has propelled this activity.
- LSSC is a NSDC affirmed non-benefit association set up in 2012 committed to satisfy the need for gifted workforce in the calfskin business.
Part of: GS Prelims
In News
- Shondol is acclaimed move, which used to be performed by craftsmen for King of Ladakh on exceptional events.
- Shondol dancehas made history by going into the Guinness Book of World Records as the biggest Ladakhi move, which included 408 ladies
- It was hung on the finishing up day of the progressing Buddhist jamboree Naropa celebration close to the eleventh century world-famousHemis Monastery.
- The religious community is near the Hemis National Park, a zone that is home to the jeopardized snow panther.
- During the celebration, it was centered around Zero utilization of Plastic as well as sharpen the strict and network pioneers on plastic waste administration and reusing.
Atlantic Meridional Overturning Current (AMOC)
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS-I- Geography
In News
- AMOC is a huge arrangement of sea flows working in the Atlantic, which circles the waters between the north and the south.
- How it works?
- As warm water streams northwards in the Atlantic, it cools, while dissipation builds its salt substance.
- Low temperature and a high salt substance raise the thickness of the water, making it sink profound into the sea.
- The chilly, thick water far beneath gradually spreads southward. In the end, it gets dismantled back to the surface and warms once more, and the course is finished.
- AMOC guarantees the seas are constantly blended, and warmth and vitality are conveyed around Earth.
- Researchers have been stressed by signs that AMOC might be easing back, which could have uncommon results on worldwide atmosphere.
- However,a new investigation currently proposes that AMOC is finding support from the Indian Ocean
- Because of environmental change, the Indian Ocean warms quicker and quicker, producing extra precipitation.
- This draws more air from different pieces of the world to the Indian Ocean, including the Atlantic, causing a progression of falling impacts that is giving AMOC a “kick off”.
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS-II – Education
In News
- Association Minister for HRD discharged the All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) 2018-19.
- The overview has recorded an aggregate of 993 colleges as operational HEI’s in India. An aggregate of 39,931 universities and 10,725 independent organizations are committed to advanced education in the nation
- The Gross Enrolment Ratioincreased from 25.8% in 2017-18 to 26.3% in 2018-19.The all out enrolment in advanced education has been evaluated to be 3.74 crore, rather than 3.66 crore the prior year.
- The report likewise found that GER among male populace is 26.3% and for females, it is 26.4%. GER for Reserved Categories for example SC and ST classifications remains underneath the national normal at 23% and 17.2% separately.
- The Gender Parity Index (GPI) has indicated reliable development over the time of most recent five years from 0.5 in 2014-15 to 1 of every 2018-19. The Gender Parity Index recommends that of the absolute 3.74 crore understudies, 1.92 crore are men, and 1.82 crore are ladies.
- Just 2.5% schools offer PhD or doctoral projects to the understudies
- The all out number of understudies enlisted for the Doctoral Program remains at 1,69,170, which is underneath 0.5% of the absolute number of understudies selected for advanced education.
- According to report, the quantity of understudies joined up with the B.Tech and M.Tech program has fallen by almost half in most recent five years.
- Then again proficient projects like MBA, B.Ed and LLB have enrolled critical hop in the understudies’ enrolment. For example, MBA enrolment rose from 4,09,432 out of 2014-15 to 4,62,853 out of 2018-19.
Part of: GS Prelims and Main GS-II- International Relations
In News
- PM Modi and President of Mongolia H.E. Mr Khaltmaagiin Battulga, mutually divulged a statue of Lord Buddha and his two devotees, introduced at notable Gandan Tegchenling Monastery in Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia’s Capital) by means of videoconferencing from Delhi.
- The Statue symbolizes the common regard of our two nations for general message of Lord Buddha.
- Statue portrays Lord Buddha in a sitting stance alongside his two followers passing on the message of sympathy just as harmony and concurrence
- Gandan Tegchenling Monastery – noticeable focal point of Mongolian Buddhists – facilitated eleventh General Assembly of Asian Buddhist Conference for Peace (from 21-23 June 2019)
TOPIC: General Studies 3:
- Conservation, environmental pollution and degradation, environmental impact assessment
Climate change action an hour of need
- A large number of individuals showed over the world(185 nations) requesting critical activity to handle worldwide warming, as they joined crosswise over timezones and societies to partake in the greatest atmosphere fight ever.
- The exhibitions occurred on the eve of an UN atmosphere summit, called by the secretary general, António Guterres, to infuse earnestness into government activity to confine the ascent in worldwide temperatures to 1.5C, as concurred under the 2015 Paris understanding.
- The developing proof of environmental change — logical and experiential — has prodded an upwelling of social activity, outstandingly among the young.
- Carbon outflows moved to a record high a year ago, in spite of a notice from the UN-supported Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that there is minimal over 10 years left to act to slice emanations and balance out the atmosphere.
Evidences of climate change:
- Ocean level ascent is quickening, and seas have become 26% increasingly acidic since the beginning of the Industrial time.
- This mid year saw Delhi-like temperatures crosswise over southern Europe;
- Tropical storm Dorian rendered enormous pieces of the Bahamas unliveable;
- synchronous seething flames in the Amazon, focal Africa and even Siberia.
- heat wave in France and Germany
However, groupings of carbon dioxide proceed to rise, and current nation promises would not stem this expansion even by 2030.
A move in the direction of patriotism in numerous nations has made a present moment, pay special mind to our-own mindset that is unfriendly to the worldwide aggregate activity expected to address environmental change.
- In United States, President Donald Trump not just will not improve activities, he has effectively moved back measures in the power part and activities to constrain methane emanations for the sake of aggressiveness
- In Brazil, President Jair Bolsonaro has made it unmistakable he considers natural to be as restricting Brazilian business.
What is done so far?
- nations have been encouraged to improve their promises for activity settled on as a feature of the Paris Agreement, resolving to bring down future discharges.
- the reaction is disappointing. Various little and average sized nations, have just dedicated to accomplishing the target of making their economies net carbon unbiased by 2050
- On the other hand, a few enormous nations, prominently the United States, Brazil, Australia, Canada, Japan and Mexico are purportedly not in any case going to take an interest in the occasion at an elevated level
- China and India have given articulations indicating that they are doing sufficiently very.
Trough action port folio:
- promoting and quickening a vitality change toward low-carbon vitality,
- making urban areas more atmosphere benevolent and stronger to atmosphere interruption,
- beginning the way toward turning vitality escalated divisions, for example, steel and bond more carbon neighborly.
- advancing sun powered vitality for vitality security reasons;
- making urban areas progressively liveable;
- making enterprises increasingly productive and subsequently aggressive.
Impact on India:
- We are a profoundly defenseless nation to atmosphere impacts. Good sense should direct India not to be a the norm player in this specific circumstance, however to contend for improved worldwide aggregate activity.
- India can possibly demonstrate the pathway to quickening activity on environmental change even while seeking after its improvement advantages.
- India is reasonably perceived for advancing sustainable power source, yet additionally muddies the waters by sending blended flag on future coal use.
- India needs household vitality approaches that are all the more plainly and intelligibly tuned to a future low carbon world.
- India and China, together should help guarantee that Africa’s improvement is controlled by sustainable power source as opposed to petroleum derivatives
- the point ought to be to make quickened atmosphere activity consistent with an edified idea of national enthusiasm by concentrating on key activities in quickly changing zones, for example, vitality and urbanization.
- India Must form a strategic methodology on a firm residential establishment that pays attention to environmental change as a factor in its future improvement pathway.
2015 Paris agreement:
- Paris Agreement is a global consent to battle environmental change.
- Paris Agreement goes under the expansive umbrella of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). UNFCCC is a show held in 1992 to battle environmental change.
- Keep the worldwide temperature rise this century well underneath 2 degrees Celsius over the pre-mechanical level.
- Seek after endeavors to restrict the temperature increment considerably further to 1.5 degrees Celsius.
- Fortify the capacity of nations to manage the effects of environmental change.
Connecting the dots:
- Supported by well known activation and logical proof, can the UN swing the tide toward improved activity?
- What does this canvas of worldwide atmosphere legislative issues mean for India?
- Could an India, solidly dedicated to a low-carbon future that brings advancement benefits, hit basic reason with different forces?
TOPIC:General Studies 2
- Welfare schemes for vulnerable sections of the population by the Centre and States and the performance of these schemes
- Issues relating to development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to Health, Education, Human Resources.
One year of Ayushman Bharat — the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PM-JAY)
- Ayushman Bharat – Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY) is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme having focal area segment under Ayushman Bharat Mission moored in the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW).
- It is an umbrella of two significant wellbeing activities, to be specific Health and health Centers and National Health Protection Scheme.
- The voyage of Ayushman Bharat began in Jangla in Chhattisgarh.
- Health and Wellness Centres
- Under this 1.5 lakh existing sub focuses will bring social insurance framework closer to the homes of individuals as Health and wellbeing focuses.
- These focuses will give far reaching social insurance, including for non-transferable sicknesses and maternal and kid wellbeing administrations.
- National Health Protection Mission (AB-PMJAY)
- Stomach muscle PMJAY gives a characterized advantage front of Rs. 5 lakh for each family every year. This spread will deal with practically all auxiliary consideration and a large portion of tertiary consideration methodology.
- The advantage spread will likewise incorporate pre and post-hospitalization costs.
- PM-JAY has looked to cover a populace bigger than that of Canada, United States and Mexico set up together.
- At the national level to deal with, a National Health Agency has been set up. States/UTs are encouraged to execute the plan by a devoted element called State Health Agency (SHA).
- A few states have consolidated their numerous progressing plans with PMJAY to make execution more straightforward for the two recipients and taking an interest medical clinics.
Ex: Karnataka has blended seven distinctive existing plans into one, while Kerala has consolidated three unique plans.
Ayushman Bharat has been structured on the major statutes that avoidance is superior to fix, and that nobody should fall into destitution on account of use on medicinal services, or kick the bucket, since they can’t bear the cost of treatment.
- In-quiet hospitalization use in India has expanded about 300% during most recent multi year.
- Over 80% of the use are met by out of pocket (OOP).
- About 6 million families getting into neediness because of disastrous wellbeing uses
- Abdominal muscle PMJAY will have significant effect on decrease of Out Of Pocket (OOP)
- This will prompt expanded access to quality wellbeing and medicine.
- Auspicious medicines, upgrades in wellbeing results, tolerant fulfillment, improvement in profitability and proficiency, work creation in this manner prompting improvement in personal satisfaction.
Present scenario:
- More than 20,000 HWCs have been made operational.
- In excess of five crore individuals have been screened for an entire scope of regular non-transmittable sicknesses.
- in excess of 45 lakh emergency clinic affirmations have occurred for cashless treatment in more than 18,000 empaneled medical clinics the nation over, bringing about investment funds of more than Rs 13,000 crore for the recipient families.
- Like clockwork, a recipient is being dealt with, and the numbers keep on rising.
Role of private sector:
- The greater part of the empaneled clinics are private.
- More than 62 percent of the medications have been finished by private emergency clinics.
- PM-JAY has made a gigantic interest for private (and open) division benefits by making emergency clinic offices available to 55 crore individuals.
- In level II and level III urban areas, private division medical clinics are as of now seeing a just about 20 percent expansion in footfall.
- Open part offices have streamlined their procedures in order to improve administration quality and courtesies with assets from PMJAY.
Employment generation:
- Ayushman Bharat is set to get perhaps the biggest driver of occupations in the nation.
- With the setting up of 1.5 lakh HWCs by 2022, a normal 1.5 lakh employments will be made for network wellbeing officials, including 50,000 multi-reason wellbeing laborers.
- It has created an expected 50,000-60,000 employments in the primary year itself and is required to include over 12.5 lakh occupations in both open and private segments throughout the following three to five years.
- as more individuals look for in-tolerant consideration, 1.5 lakh beds will be included existing and new emergency clinics. This, thus, will prompt the formation of around 7.5 lakh new open doors for specialists, medical caretakers, professionals, drug specialists and bleeding edge social insurance laborers, for example, Pradhan Mantri Arogya Mitras (functionaries who are the key interface among recipients and the plan)
Use of technology:
- A live dashboard helps in checking and improving execution, in light of continuous information and standard investigation.
- This stage likewise causes states to look at their exhibition.
- A solid and complex misrepresentation counteractive action, recognition and control framework at the national and state level has demonstrated to be basic for PM-JAY to guarantee that cheats are generally averted.
- Ayushman Bharat has given a stage and system to the nation to quicken its encouraging towards thorough all inclusive medicinal services.
- “Green field” states with no past experience of executing human services plans need to stir more earnestly proportional up their advancement. All states should endeavor genuine endeavors towards giving consistent wellbeing administrations to the last mile.
- As the Ayushman Bharat transformation unfurls, we are idealistic that India will ensure medicinal services is never again a benefit and is accessible to each Indian.
Connecting the dots:
- Ayushman Bharat-Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PM-JAY) is the most aggressive wellbeing part plot since Independence. Dissect
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in comment section)
Q.1)Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) which is the source of information on children’s learning outcomes is releasedby which body/Ministry?
- Ministry of Human resource development
- Ministry of Finance
- NGO- Pratham
- None of the above
Q.2)Shondol is a cultural dance of which region of India?
- Kerala
- Manipur
- Ladakh
- Rajasthan
Q.3)Mochi Swabhimaan Initiative is being implemented by which Union Minstry?
- Ministry of Labour
- Ministry of Human resource development
- Ministry of Skill development and Entrepreneurship
- None of the above
Q.4)Consider the following statements about Atlantic Meridional Overturning Current (AMOC)
- It is a large system of ocean currents operating in the Atlantic, which circulates the waters between the north and the south.
- It ensures that heat and energy are distributed around Earth.
- Recent report show AMOC may be speeding, which could have drastic consequences on global climate.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 and 2 only
- 2and 3 only
- 1 and 3 only
- 1,2 and 3
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