Highlights |UPSC Exam Current Affairs 26-11-2019
UPSC exam current affairs 26-11-2019- The following article contains all the updated events and news for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.
- Gamosa
- Italian Hydroelectric Project
- Food Standards & Safety
- Coal bed Methane
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UPSC Exam Current Affairs 26-11-2019 are followed in the part below:
UPSC Exam Current Affairs and News Analysis (26-11-2019)
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-I- Culture
In News
- It is rectangular material, commonly of red and white, utilized in an assortment of ceremonial activities in Assamese culture.
- It is esteemed as a present for guests, utilized as a scarf, hostile to clean cover, folded over the head like a turban.
- Protectionists are currently putting money on this social symbol to convey forward the message of turtle preservation, with gamosas woven with turtle pictures.
- This has been done under a task started by the Wildlife Conservation Society/Turtle Survival Alliance and subsidized by the Disney Wildlife Conservation Fund.
- A piece of the cash from this gamosa would go to the protection of uncommon turtles, for example, the Assam Roofed Turtle (Panghshurasylhetensis).
Do You Know?
- Assam’s ‘Gamosa’ and a semi-glutinous winter rice assortment Chokuwa have earned the pined for topographical signs (GI) acknowledgement in 2019 as evidence of their remarkable land beginnings, in this way getting lawful security to forestall their unapproved use.
- The Muga silk was the state’s first item to get the tag in 2007. In 2015, the impactful KarbiAnglong ginger and the delicious Tezpur litchi got the acknowledgement.
Italian Hydroelectric Project
Some portion of GS Prelims and GS-II – Government strategies and intercessions for improvement in different divisions and issues emerging out of their plan and execution.
In News
- The Center has suggested a biodiversity investigation of the proposed 3,097 MW Etalin Hydroelectric Project in Arunachal Pradesh by a sound worldwide organization since the flow ecological effect appraisal was seen as “totally lacking”.
- It includes preoccupation of 1,165.66 hectares of backwoods land for the development of the uber venture in the State’s Dibang Valley region.
- The task, evaluated to cost ₹25,296.95 crores, is proposed to be finished in seven years yet would involve felling 2,80,677 trees.
- The task undermines the presence of six universally jeopardized warm-blooded animal species. The territory likewise has 680 types of flying creatures, which is about 56% of the all-out avian species found in India.
- The venture region falls under the “most extravagant bio-geological area of the Himalayan zone” and would be situated at the intersection of the Palaearctic, Indo-Chinese and Indo-Malayan bio-geographic districts.
Food Standards & Safety
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains II – Health
In News
- the information discharged by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) on the requirement of standards has noticed that 3.7% of the examples gathered and examined were discovered perilous, 15.8% unacceptable and 9% tests had naming deformities.
- 1,06,459 examples were examined (7% expansion contrasted with the earlier year), whereby just because the information had been aggregated for dangerous, unsatisfactory and naming imperfections independently.
- There has been a 36% expansion in common cases propelled and a 67% increment in the number of situations where punishments were forced.
- Ten States/UTs that have performed well incorporate Uttarakhand, Goa, Bihar, Sikkim, Gujarat and Telangana.
- Ten States that have performed inadequately incorporate Nagaland, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Jharkhand, Jammu and Kashmir, Rajasthan and Punjab.
- A considerable lot of the ineffectively performing States have not had the option to set up full-time officials and don’t have appropriate testing labs.
- The information discharged would assist specialists in making an exact remedial and preventive move.
- It is an autonomous statutory body established under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006.
- Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India is the administrative Ministry of FSSAI.
- It lays down science-based standards for articles of food and regulating manufacturing, processing, distribution, sale and import of food so as to ensure safe and wholesome food for human consumption.
Coal bed Methane
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-III – Energy
In News
- Association Ministry of Coal has asked the state-run coal excavator Coal India Limited (CIL) to deliver 2 MMSCB (million metric standard cubic meters) every day of coalbed methane (CBM) gas in the following 2 to 3 years.
- India has the fifth-biggest coal holds on the planet, and CBM has been taken a gander at as a perfect elective fuel.
- Coal Bed Methane (CBM) is an eccentric type of gaseous petrol found in coal stores or coal creases. CMB is shaped during the procedure of coalification, the change of plant material into coal. The methane is typically held set up by water pressure.
- The methane is held underground inside the coal and is separated by boring into the coal crease and evacuating the groundwater. The subsequent drop in pressure makes the methane be discharged from the coal.
- India’s CBM assets are assessed at around 92 trillion cubic feet (TCF), or 2,600 billion cubic meters (BCM).
- The nation’s coal and CBM saves are found in 12 conditions of India, with the Gondwana silt of eastern India holding the mass.
- CBM can be utilized for power age, as compacted gaseous petrol (CNG) auto fuel, as feedstock for composts, modern uses, for example, in a concrete generation, moving factories, steel plants, and for methanol creation.
Constitution Day
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS-II- Polity
In News
- The yearlong across the nation exercises on Constitution Day is being propelled to stamp the 70th commemoration of the reception of the Indian Constitution by the Constituent Assembly, starting November 26, 2019.
- On 26 November 1949, the Constituent Assembly of India embraced the Constitution of India, and it became effective on 26 January 1950.
- While Constitution Day is anything but an open occasion, different divisions of the Government of India praise the day. Prior, the day was remembered as National Law Day. This was after a goal was passed by the Supreme Court Bar Association, an attorneys’ body, in 1979.
- The day was reported as the Constitution Day on November 19, 2015, by the Government of India. The declaration came while establishing the framework stone of the B. R. Ambedkar’s Statue of Equality commemoration in Mumbai.
- It is planned for emphasizing and reorienting the residents towards the qualities and standards communicated in the Constitution and to make consciousness of Fundamental Duties as revered in the Constitution.
- The year 2015 additionally commended the 125th birth commemoration of Ambedkar. As indicated by the administration notice, Constitution Day was additionally a tribute to Ambedkar.
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III – Internal Security
In News
- The focal government expanded the restriction on the Assam-based radical gathering National Democratic Front of Bodoland (NDFB) under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967 by five additional years for its association in rough exercises and for holding hands with enemies of India powers.
- Bodos are the single biggest inborn network in Assam, making up more than 5-6 percent of the state’s populace. They have controlled huge pieces of Assam before.
- The Bodos have had a long history of dissident requests, set apart by furnished battle.
- In 1987, the All Bodo Students Union (ABSU) recharged the interest. “Split Assam into two halves”, was a call given by the ABSU
- The distress was an aftermath of the Assam Movement (1979-85), whose zenith — the Assam Accord — tended to the requests of insurance and shields for the “Assamese individuals”, driving the Bodos to dispatch a development to ensure their own character.
- The Bodo Accord was marked in 2003 which brought about the foundation of a Bodoland Territorial Council under Sixth Schedule of the Constitution of India.
Rohtang Tunnel
- The Rohtang Tunnel, when complete (by Sep 2020), will slice through the strong PirPanjal go and turn into the world’s longest roadway burrow over 10,000 feet.
- It would have been finished at any rate four years sooner, however for a monstrous deluge of water experienced inside the passage.
- For the present, the passage gives a brief winter connect to the outside world not exclusively to inhabitants of Lahaul and Spiti yet in addition to those living in Zanskar Valley of Ladakh.
- The undertaking likewise has huge key ramifications for the military as it will permit access past Rohtang Pass even in top winters.
- All-winter network to Ladakh, in any case, is still some time away as more passages should be worked to handle the high passes which fall past Rohtang.
General Studies 3:
- Transport and showcasing of agrarian produce and issues and related imperatives; e-innovation in the guide of ranchers.
- Issues identified with immediate and circuitous ranch sponsorships and least help costs; Public Distribution System-targets, working, restrictions, redoing;
Consumer Expenditure Survey
- The administration reported that in perspective on “information quality issues” the Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation had chosen not to discharge the aftereffects of the all-India Household Consumer Expenditure Survey directed by the National Statistical Office (NSO) during 2017-2018.
Consumer Expenditure Survey
- CES is generally a quinquennial (repeating at regular intervals) study led by the administration’s National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) that is intended to gather data on the utilization spending examples of families the nation over, both urban and rustic.
How does it help?
- The information assembled in this activity uncovers the normal consumption on products (nourishment and non-nourishment) and administrations and creates appraisals of family Monthly Per Capita Consumer Expenditure (MPCE) just as the dissemination of families and people over the MPCE classes.
Why controversy?
- The information uncovered a decrease in the MPCE, making it the main such drop since 1972-73. In genuine terms (balanced for swelling) the MPCE slid by 3.7% from Rs 1,501 out of 2011-2012 to Rs 1,446 of every 2017-2018. While the expansion balanced utilization consumption in country zones declined by 8.8% over the six-year time frame, urban families revealed a minimal 2% increment
Uses of CES:
- Fundamental in measuring the interest elements of the economy too.
- For understanding the moving needs as far as containers of merchandise and enterprises.
- In evaluating expectations for everyday comforts and development inclines over different strata.
- Helping policymakers spot and address conceivable basic abnormalities that may make request move in a specific way in a particular financial or territorial partner of the populace,
- Giving pointers to makers of merchandise and suppliers of administrations,
- Utilized by the administration in rebasing the GDP and other full-scale financial markers.
2011 Survey:
- The review demonstrated that normal urban MPCE (at Rs 2,630) was about 84% higher than normal rustic MPCE (Rs 1,430) for the nation all in all.
- Nourishment represented about 53% of the estimation of the normal country Indian family’s utilization during 2011-12, on account of urban families it represented just 42.6% of the normal utilization spending plan.
- Normal protein consumption per capita every day supposedly rose consistently with MPCE levels in rustic India from 43 g for the base 5% of populace positioned by MPCE to 91 g for the top 5%, and in urban India from 44 g for the base 5% to around 87 g for the top 5%.
- represented 3.5% of the country family’s normal spending, an urban family spent nearly 7% of its month to month utilization spending plan on it.

Way forward:
- The Central government chose to garbage the study discoveries.
- Govt likewise chose to independently inspect the attainability of leading the following Consumer Expenditure Survey (CES) in 2020-2021 and 2021-22 in the wake of consolidating all information quality refinements in the overview procedure.
- With the Advisory Committee on National Accounts Statistics likewise having independently prescribed that 2017-18 would not be utilized as a suitable year for rebasing of the GDP arrangement, the very believability of GDP information going ahead could go under more prominent examination.
Connecting the dots:
- How do purchaser spending overviews assist check with requesting and development trends? Analyse
TOPIC: General Studies 2:
- India and its neighbourhood-relations.
- Respective, local and worldwide groupings and understandings including India or potentially influencing India’s inclinations.
- Impact of strategies and governmental issues of created and creating nations on India’s inclinations, Indian Diaspora.
Hong Kong protests
- The Hong Kong organization drove via Carrie Lam endured a stinging misfortune on Sunday when voters dismissed out and out foundation competitors in decisions to the city’s 18 local committees.
- Ms Lam herself had shown that the vote would be an intermediary submission in transit she dealt with months-long road fights, saying that a quiet dominant part sponsored her organization.
- The nonconformists approached voters to express their help for the fomentation through the vote to the area gatherings, the main expert in the city being chosen by full widespread suffrage.
- The 2019 Hong Kong fights, otherwise called the Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill (Anti-ELAB) development, are a progressing arrangement of shows in Hong Kong activated by the presentation of the Fugitive Offenders alteration bill by the Hong Kong government.
- Pundits dreaded this could undermine legal freedom and imperil protesters.
- The law would have taken into consideration criminal suspects to be removed to territory China in specific situations.
- Rivals said this gambled presenting Hong Kongers to uncalled for preliminaries and rough treatment.
- They likewise contended the bill would give China more prominent impact over Hong Kong and could be utilized to target activists and columnists.
- Until 1997, Hong Kong was controlled by Britain as a province however then came back to China. Under the “one nation, two frameworks” game plan, it has more independence than the territory, and it’s kin more rights.
- The bill was pulled back in September however exhibitions proceed and now request full majority rules system and an investigation into police activities.
What do protesters want?
- Amnesty for arrested protesters
- An independent inquiry into alleged police brutality
- Implementation of complete universal suffrage
Hong Kong’s status:
- It was a British province for over 150 years – some portion of it, Hong Kong island, was surrendered to the UK after a war in 1842. Afterwards, China additionally rented the remainder of Hong Kong – the New Territories – to the British for a long time.
- It turned into a bustling exchanging port, and its economy took off during the 1950s as it turned into an assembling centre point.
- The domain was additionally well known with transients and protesters escaping unsteadiness, destitution or oppression in terrain China.
- In the mid-1980s, as the cutoff time for the 99-year-rent drew nearer, Britain and China started chats on the eventual fate of Hong Kong – with the socialist government in China contending that all of Hong Kong ought to become back to Chinese guideline.
- The different sides arrived at an arrangement in 1984 that would see Hong Kong come back to China in 1997, under the standard of “one nation, two frameworks”.
- This implied while turning out to be a piece of one nation with China, Hong Kong would appreciate “a high level of self-rule, aside from in outside and barrier issues” for a long time.
- Subsequently, Hong Kong has its very own lawful framework and fringes, and rights including the opportunity to get together and free discourse are ensured.
- For instance, it is one of only a handful barely any spots in A Chinese area where individuals can recognize the 1989 Tiananmen Square crackdown, where the military opened fire on unarmed dissidents in Beijing.
Changing trend:
- Hong Kong still appreciates opportunities not seen on terrain China – yet pundits state they are on the decay.
- Rights bunches have blamed China for interfering in Hong Kong, referring to models, for example, lawful decisions that have precluded ace majority rules system officials.
- They’ve additionally been worried by the vanishing of five Hong Kong book retailers, and a big shot – all, in the end, reappeared in guardianship in China.
- Hong Kong’s pioneer, the CEO, is at present chosen by a 1,200-part political race council – a for the most part expert Beijing body picked by only 6% of qualified voters
- Not all the 70 individuals from the region’s lawmaking body, the Legislative Council, are legitimately picked by Hong Kong’s voters. Most seats not straightforwardly chose are involved by expert Beijing officials.
- Hong Kong’s smaller than usual constitution, the Basic Law, says that at last both the pioneer and the Legislative Council, ought to be chosen in a progressive majority rule way – yet there’s been the difference over what this ought to resemble.
- The Chinese government said in 2014 it would enable voters to pick their pioneers from a rundown affirmed by an expert Beijing board of trustees, yet pundits considered this a “hoax popular government” and it was opposed in Hong Kong’s assembly.
- In 28 years’ time in 2047, the Basic Law lapses – and what happens to Hong Kong’s self-governance after that is indistinct.
Connecting the dots:
- Demonstrators resent what they see as Chinese intruding in the opportunities vowed to the previous British province when it came back to Chinese standard in 1997. Break down
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in the comment section)
Q.1) Consider the following statements about Stalin Hydroelectric Project
- It is being planned in the State of Mizoram
- The project area falls under the richest bio-geographical province of the Himalayan zone and would be located at the junction of the Palaearctic, Indo-Chinese and Indo-Malayan bio-geographic regions
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.2) Gamosa is predominantly the cultural item of which State in India?
- Rajasthan
- Karnataka
- Assam
- Himachal Pradesh
Q.3) Consider the following statements about the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI)
- It is a statutory body established under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006.
- Ministry of Food processing is the administrative Ministry of FSSAI.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.4) Consider the following statements about Coal Bed Methane (CBM)
- It is an unconventional form of natural gas found in coal deposits or coal seams
- CBM can be used for only power generation but not as compressed natural gas (CNG) auto fuel.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.5) Consider the following statements about Constitution Day
- It is celebrated on 26th November as it was on this day in 1949 the Constituent Assembly adopted the Constitution
- Earlier 26th November was celebrated as National Law Day, but it was declared as Constitution day through a government notification in 1999 to mark the 50th anniversary of the adoption of Constitution.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
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