Highlights|UPSC Exam Current Affairs 27-09-2019
Current Affairs and News (27-09-2019)- The following article contains all the updated events and news for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.
- OIC asks India to revoke actions on Kashmir
- India discusses Chabahar with Iran
- ECI cell to monitor Social Media
- UNSC allows Hafiz Saeed banking access
- Tobacco Quitline
- 200th birth anniversary of Pandit Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
- Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT)
- Climate change action
- The food industry’s role in sustainable development
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UPSC Exam Current Affairs 27-09-2019 are followed in the part below:
UPSC Exam Current Affairs and News Analysis (27-09-2019)
OIC asks India to revoke actions on Kashmir
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS-II –India and world
In News
- India had renounced Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir which gave the state exceptional status and bifurcated the state into two Union Territories in August 2019
- OIC requests that India disavow these activities and give confirmations that it won’t change the involved domain’s statistic piece and not permit non-Kashmiris to get property or residency in J&K
- India position has been that it is an inside matter of India and no need of any worldwide impedance in the issue
About OIC
- The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is the second biggest between administrative association after the UN, with the enrollment of 57 states, covering four mainlands.
- India conquered a five-decade-old obstacle when it was welcome to OIC meet prior in March 2019 dependent on India’s ‘worldwide stature’ , ‘islamic segment’ and backing from UAE, Bangladesh and so forth
India discusses Chabahar with Iran
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS-II- International relations – India & World
In News
- PM Modi met Iranian President uninvolved of UNGA meet and talked about Chahbahar port of Iran, which India is creating
- Iran’s Chabahar port is a vital task that would interface India, Afghanistan and Iran to Central Asia, while going around Pakistan
- Iran is confronting sanctions from USA after Washington hauled out of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) affecting the advancement on port task.
- It a worldwide arrangement to restrain Iran’s atomic program as a byproduct of lifting monetary assents forced on Iran by West
- It was marked by Iran and the P5+1 (China France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) on July 14, 2015
Do you know?
- India, the world’s third greatest oil customer, meets more than 80 percent of its oil needs through imports.
- Iran was its third biggest provider after Iraq and Saudi Arabia till as of late when US sanctions has halted India’s oil exchange with Iran.
ECI cell to monitor Social Media
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS-II – Model Code of Conduct
In News
- Political decision Commission of India (ECI) is setting up a committed cell to screen exercises via web-based networking media stages in front of the gathering surveys in Maharashtra
- The cell will predominantly be watching out for three sorts of infringement.
- The primary kind is any substance being shared that may add up to slander, gossip mongering or counterfeit news, and such cases will be sent to the concerned police units for further activity.
- The second is infringement of the model code of conduct(MCC), which will be accounted for to the ECI. Model holding live occasions on Facebook or Instagram when battling is illegal.
- The third class is of posts that may offer ascent to peace issues, in which case they will be expelled from the web.
Do You Know?
- According to Article 324 of the Indian ConstItution, ECI has the supervisory and directional control of the total processof political race to Parliament and Legislature of each State and to the workplace of the President and the Vice-President of India.
- MCC sets out the base guidelines of conduct for ideological groups and their up-and-comers challenging decisions.
- The MCC happen when the EC reports the political decision plan.
- MCC doesn’t have statutory sponsorship as enactment yet has obtain importance in the previous decade, as a result of its exacting authorization by the EC.
UNSC allows Hafiz Saeed banking access
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS-II –International Organisation
- The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) 1267 Committee has allowed Pakistan-based UN-designated terrorist Hafiz Saeed limited access to his otherwise sanctioned bank account.
- The decision is in response to a request made by Pakistan
- 1267 Committee – a UNSC committee formed in the year 1999,through UNSC resolution 1267, designates and sanctions terrorist entities and individuals.
Tobacco Quitline
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS-II – Health
- Propelled in 2018, QuitLineis a committed cost free number that causes tobacco clients to get free help and direction to stifle their enslavement.
- The quit-line number should likewise be imprinted on all tobacco items produced
- India is the fourth nation in Asia after Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore to have this administration helpline for those taking a gander at stopping tobacco.
- Worldwide Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) – Tobacco use has gone somewhere near 6% from 34.6 percent of the nation’s grown-up populace in 2009-10 to 28.6 percent in 2016-17.
- The 85% pictorial admonitions on all cigarettes, bidis and biting tobacco bundles fabricated and sold in India have brought about 92% of grown-ups [surveyed under GATS 2016-2017] accepting that smoking caused genuine disease, and 96% saying that utilization of smokeless tobacco causes genuine ailment.
200th birth anniversary of Pandit Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
- It was seen on 26 September
- He is harbinger of Bengal renaissance, extraordinary social reformer (young lady instruction and against Polygamy), author, educationist and Sanskrit researcher
- He likewise supported and disentangled the Bengali letter set and type, along these lines called the dad of current Bengali language.
- He was instrumental in entry Widow Marriage Act 1856, which gave legitimate acknowledgment to the marriage of widows.
Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT)
- Called as elective IQ testing strategy, this test utilizes the one of a kind fingerprints and dermal edge examples of people to gauge or access insight, enact mind flap working and foreseeing future conduct.
- The Indian Psychiatric Society has called such tests as informal and advised guardians to not enjoy their youngsters in such exercises.
TOPIC: General Studies 3:
- Conservation, environmental pollution and degradation, environmental impact assessment
Climate change action
The UN Climate Change Summit, 2019 was as of late held in New York. The key focal point of the summit is to quicken the activities to execute Paris understanding.
Did you know?
- Environmental change is an adjustment in the typical climate found in a spot. This could be an adjustment in how much downpour a spot normally gets in a year. Or then again it could be an adjustment in a spot’s typical temperature for a month or season.
- Environmental change is likewise an adjustment in Earth’s atmosphere. This could be an adjustment in Earth’s typical temperature. Or then again it could be an adjustment in where downpour and snow as a rule fall on Earth.
Evidences of climate change across the world:
- Ocean level ascent is quickening, and seas have become 26% increasingly acidic since the beginning of the Industrial time.
- Europe saw the most elevated temperatures at any point in written history. (Paris recorded its most elevated temperature of 42.6°C)
- Tropical storm Dorian rendered huge pieces of the Bahamas unliveable;
- synchronous seething flames in the Amazon, focal Africa and even Siberia.
- heat wave in France and Germany
- Almost 500 species have gotten terminated in simply the only remaining century.
- We are draining 25% more normal assets than the planet can support at the present time.
Evidences of climate change across India:
- Twisters, for example, Thane, Vardah, Ockhi and Gaja have influenced Tamil Nadu
- Chennai floods in 2015.
- Floods in Assam, Himachal Pradesh and Bihar this year
- Mumbai got record storm downpours.
- Kerala saw floods for the second continuous year.
- Typhoon Fani crushed Odisha, Cyclone Vayu assaulted Gujarat this year.
- unpredictable utilization of petroleum derivatives.
- The expansion in worldwide temperatures began with the mechanical insurgency
- Businesses, vehicles, consuming of petroleum derivatives, warm power plants and huge scale raising of dairy cattle are transmitting heat-catching ozone depleting substances like carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide.
- The primary driver of environmental change is a dangerous atmospheric devation, which has many negative outcomes on physical, organic and human frameworks, just as different impacts.
Consequences of the climate change
- radically influence farming , the creation of rice, wheat, maize and soya will diminish fundamentally
- bring forth more up to date contaminations and ailment.
- This lopsidedness will thusly influence the economy which will prompt clash, war and worldwide turmoil.
- ocean levels will rise and submerge beach front urban areas.
Way forward:
- Climate change cannot be avoided. We can mitigate its effects and adapt to its consequences These actions are known as climate change mitigation and adaptation measures. Like
- propelling activities to diminish and restrict ozone harming substance emanations with the point of counteracting the worldwide temperature
- improving foundation and making offices more secure and stronger,
- reforesting and scene reclamation,
- water treatment and cleansing,
- adaptable and differed cultivating to be set up for normal calamities
- put resources into innovative work into the conduct of temperature or conceivable event of environmental wonders.
- Research and worldwide joint effort are basic to battle atmosphere change,.like IPCC , Paris understandings ,meeting of the Parties (COP) ,the Montreal Protocol The Paris Agreement.
Immediate steps to be taken :
- The Indian government ought to announce an atmosphere crisis right away.
- Quick strategy changes ought to incorporate lessening the utilization of non-renewable energy sources significantly by 2030,
- empowering the utilization of open vehicle,
- expanding backwoods region,
- advancing non-regular vitality,
- conceiving great water the board approaches,
- executing the plastic boycott stringently,
- forbidding the consuming of waste,
- Advancing inventive urban arranging strategies and decreasing mass raising of dairy cattle for human utilization.
- It is the obligation of each human and government to find a way to stop the atmosphere emergency. Let all of us consolidate to spare the main planet we have.
Connecting the dots:
- The Indian government must take restorative measures promptly to battle environmental change. Legitimize
TOPIC:General Studies 2
- Food processing and related industries in India- scope and significance, location, upstream and downstream requirements, supply chain management.
The food industry’s role in sustainable development
- More than 820 million individuals are constantly ravenous.
- More than two billion experience the ill effects of micronutrient lacks,
- Around 650 million grown-ups are stout, (because of ultra-handled nourishments that are loaded down with sugar, soaked fats and other compound added substances)
Problems with agro-industries:
- agro-industrial practices are the main cause of deforestation, freshwater depletion and pollution, soil erosion, and the collapse of biodiversity.
- human-induced climate change is also caused by the food sector and affecting crop production.
Some facts about Food industry in India:
- The Food and Grocery advertise in India is the 6th biggest on the planet.
- Nourishment and Grocery retail showcase in India further establishes practically 65% of the all out retail advertise in India.
- The Government of India through the Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI) is additionally finding a way to help interests in the nourishment handling industry.
- The administration has authorized 42 Mega Food Parks (MFPs) to be set up in the nation under the Mega Food Park Scheme.
- By 2024, the Food Processing industry will possibly draw in $ 33 bn ventures and create work for 9 mn individuals
- 100% FDI is allowed under the programmed course in Food handling ventures.
- In 2015, every one of the 193 individuals from the United Nations concurred collectively to two imperative understandings. The main, called Agenda 2030, embraces 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a guide to human prosperity and planetary wellbeing.
- The second, the Paris atmosphere understanding, submits the world’s administrations to making unequivocal move to keep a worldwide temperature alteration to under 1.50
Both the SDGs and the Paris understanding require conclusive changes in rehearses by the nourishment business.
How SDG helps?
- SDG handles overconsumption and nourishment squander is fundamental in guaranteeing manageable utilization and creation designs,( The nourishment squandered in Europe alone would be sufficient to encourage all the eager individuals on the planet multiple times over) ,Reducing nourishment waste would likewise limit ecological effects produced by the agribusiness.
Present scenario:
- Not very many enterprises report on the restorative effect of their product offerings or how their items add to sound and maintainable dietary examples.
- Not very many ventures perceive that they are a piece of the ecological emergency
- Businesses don’t report in detail on their duty rehearses.
What must be done?
All organizations in the nourishment area to embrace clear rules, measurements and revealing gauges to line up with the worldwide objectives
- The business needs to change to advance sound weight control plans.
- the organization’s generation rehearses must be maintainable.
Ex: numerous organizations are occupied with substance contamination, enormous waste from bundling, deforestation, unreasonable and inadequately focused on compost use, and other ecological ills.
- the organization’s upstream providers must be practical i.e No buyer nourishment organization should utilize items from ranches that add to deforestation.
- forceful expense rehearses that adventure legitimate provisos ought to be kept away from, as they deny legislatures of the incomes expected to advance SDGs.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are an assortment of 17 worldwide objectives set by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015 for the year 2030. (the 2030 Agenda)
- Sustaining a planet of 7.7 billion individuals is no simple issue. Each individual on the planet needs, expects, and has the option to a solid eating regimen. Each rancher needs, expects, and has the option to an average work. world pioneers must remember one vital truth that the world’s kin are requesting change. We have the skill and riches to accomplish a prosperous, comprehensive, and feasible world.
Connecting the dots:
- Conclusive changes in the present agro-mechanical practices are expected to guarantee the natural emergency doesn’t deteriorate. Break down
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in comment section)
Q.1)Consider the following statements about Organisation of Islamic Cooperation(OIC)
- It is the second largest inter-governmental organisation after the UN, with the membership of 57 states, covering four continents.
- India became a member of this organisation in March 2019
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.2)Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action often seen in news is related to which of the following area?
- Trade agreement between Asia-Pacific countries
- Counter terrorism action in Syria
- Nuclear restrictions on Iran
- None of the above
Q.3)Chabahar port is located in which country?
- Pakistan
- Iraq
- Iran
- None of the above
Q.4)Consider the following statements about Model Code of Conduct(MCC)
- The MCC comes into effect as soon as the Election Commission announces the election schedule.
- MCC has statutory backing through Representation of People Act, 1951
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.5)Consider the following statements about 1267 Committee
- It is a committee formed in the year 1999, under inter-governmental organisation FATF (Financial Action Task force)
- It designates and sanctions terrorist entities and individuals
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
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