Highlights |UPSC Exam Current Affairs 01-10-2019
Current Affairs and News (01-10-2019)- The following article contains all the updated events and news for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.
- Kerala bagged the top spot on the School Education Quality Index (SEQI)
- Paleochannel
- Commutation
- Eight core industries’ output contracts (negative growth) by 0.5% in August 2019
- The link between jobs, farming, and climate
- The EC’s order on Sikkim CM’s disqualification
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UPSC Exam Current Affairs 01-10-2019 are followed in the part below:
UPSC Exam Current Affairs and News Analysis (01-10-2019)
Kerala bagged the top spot on the School Education Quality Index (SEQI)
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-II – Education
In News
- SEQI evaluates States based on learning results, access, value and foundation and offices, administration forms utilizing review information, self-detailed information from States and outsider confirmation.
- It is created by NITI Aayog through a community procedure, including key partners, for example, the Ministry of Human Resource and Development (MHRD) and World Bank.
- A portion of the discoveries of the Index are
- Among the enormous States, Kerala packed away the top spot with 76.6 percent and keeping in mind that Uttar Pradesh with 36.4 percent scored the most reduced for 2016-17.
- Among the little States, Manipur (68.8 percent) developed as the top entertainer while Arunachal Pradesh (24.6 percent) came toward the end in the classification.
- Among Union Territories, Chandigarh (82.9 percent) remained at the top position while Lakshadweep positioned most reduced (31.9 percent).
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains I – Geography
In News
- The Union Water Ministry has exhumed an old, evaporated stream in Prayagraj (some time ago Allahabad) that connected the Ganga and Yamuna waterways.
- The disclosure was made last December by a group of researchers from the CSIR-NGRI (National Geophysical Research Institute) and the Central Groundwater Board.
- A paleochannel is a remainder of an inert waterway or stream channel that has been filled or covered by more youthful dregs.
- Paleochannels normally go about as pathways for groundwater development and give a potential wellspring of groundwater. Their quality can be useful in recognizing zones reasonable for revive.

Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS-II – Polity
In News
- The Ministry of Home Affairs has chosen to drive capital punishment of Balwant Singh Rajoana, who was sentenced for the death of previous Punjab boss pastor Beant Singh, to life detainment
- Beant Singh, credited for consummation fear based oppression in Punjab, was killed on August 31, 1995, in a blast in Chandigarh.
About Presidential Pardoning Powers
- Article 72 says that the President will have the ability to concede pardons, respites, rests or abatements of discipline or to suspend, dispatch or drive the sentence of any individual indicted for any offense
- Compensation: It implies diminishing the discipline by changing the idea of discipline. For instance, discipline to death might be changed to life detainment.
- Excuse: It expels both the sentence and the conviction and totally exonerates the convict from every one of the sentences, disciplines, and preclusions.
- RemissionIt infers decreasing the time of sentence without changing its character
- RespiteIt means granting a lesser sentence instead of one initially granted because of some extraordinary reality, for example, the physical handicap of convict or the pregnancy of a lady guilty party.
- Respite It infers a stay of the execution of a sentence (particularly that of death) for a brief period. its motivation is to empower the convict to have the opportunity to look for exculpation or recompense from the President.
Eight core industries’ output contracts (negative growth) by 0.5% in August 2019
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS-III – Indian Economy
In News
- The eight center division ventures are coal, raw petroleum, flammable gas, processing plant items, manure, steel, concrete, and power.
- The eight center division industries has extended by 4.7 percent in August a year ago
- The constriction demonstrates shortcoming in modern action and may spike RBI to cut REPO rates in its next Monetary Policy Review.
Do You Know?
- These eight divisions have 40.27% of the heaviness of all parts that figure in Index of Industrial Production (IIP)
- The IIP record is registered and distributed by the Central Statistical Organization (CSO) on a month to month premise
- The base year utilized for IIP estimations is 2011-12.
- Repo rate is the rate at which the national bank of a nation (RBI) loans cash to business banks in case of any setback of assets
TOPIC: General Studies 3:
- Indian Economy and issues relating to planning, mobilization of resources, growth, development, and employment.
The link between jobs, farming, and climate
- Easing back economy is occurring, development has eased back for as long as over two years
- Joblessness is the greatest emergency that India is confronting today
- Occasional Labor Force Survey point to an emotional ascent in the joblessness rate since 2011-12
- Joblessness is the most noteworthy in a long time since 1972-73
- Joblessness in ‘Country Males’, in 2017-18, is multiple times the normal for the 40 years up to 2011-12.
Causes for the slow growth in rural income:
- Since 2008-2009, crop horticulture movement has recorded zero or negative development in five years not seen anything like this since 1947.
- Different causes incorporate low fare development, the condition of the financial area and so on
- Decrease in speculation rate (because of poor agrarian development)
- Biological components like land corruption including loss of soil dampness and supplements, and the drop in the water table, prompting shortage which raises the expense of development
- Exorbitant manure utilize caused over-maltreatment of the world’s assets.
- Progressively whimsical precipitation, because of environmental change
Measures to be taken :
- Ongoing Reduction in the corporate duty rate. ( yet huge piece of corporate deals is driven by country request )
- The future development of interest for quite a bit of mechanical generation is probably going to originate from provincial zones so the country picture matters
Way Forward:
- Govt must endeavor to increment provincial salary
- Savvy administration, asset arrangement, and change in rancher conduct is a need of great importance
- Attract the open agrarian foundations and rancher bodies for their perspectives on the best way to revive the segment.
- Approach center is lopsidedly around the assessment rate, the simplicity of working together in the non-farming part which must be turned towards the agrarian area
Did you know:
- In the normal nation of the OECD, an expansion in joblessness of such greatness would have set off an across the country discussion and disturbance in the city.
Connecting the dots :
It is basic to concentrate on rural generation in contriving a long haul answer for the issue of joblessness. Validate.
General Studies 2:
- Salient features of the Representation of People’s Act.
- Appointment to various Constitutional posts, powers, functions and responsibilities of various Constitutional Bodies..
The EC’s order on Sikkim CM’s disqualification
- Sikkim CM Prem Singh was seen as blameworthy of misappropriation of government assets in a dairy animal dissemination plot while he was the clergyman of creature farming in the 1990s. A case was enlisted in 2003 under the Prevention of Corruption Act
- Sikkim CM Prem Singh Tamang’s exclusion time of 6 years, which started on August 10, 2018, was to end on August 10, 2024
- Tamang’s SKM party won the assembly elections held in April, took over as CM in May.
- He needs to challenge gathering surveys inside a half year of turning into the central clergyman to hold the workplace
- Tamang had mentioned the survey board to forgo his preclusion period under Section 11 of the Representation of the People Act.
- The EC diminished Sikkim boss pastor Prem Singh Tamang’s exclusion period by just about five years under an arrangement of the discretionary law, making ready for him to challenge the state get together races.
Did you know?
Segment 11 of the RP Act expresses, “The Election Commission may, for motivations to be recorded, expel any preclusion under this Chapter 1 (with the exception of under segment 8A) or lessen the time of any such exclusion.”
EC’s stand:
- The governing body has, in its knowledge, considered it important to vest this Commission with this power with the understanding that financial-political components may, in certain curious conditions, warrant that the general preclusion endorsed by statutory standard ought to be evacuated/decreased by practicing this phenomenal power.”
The Prevention of Corruption Amendment Act 2018
The Bill joins the suggestions given by the twentieth Law Commission headed by Justice (retd) AP Shah in its 254th Report.
- The Bill makes influencing a culpable offense.
- It redefines provisions related to criminal misconduct.
- It makes required for taking earlier endorsement of significant Government or able power to lead any examination concerning offense.
- It adjusts definitions and punishments for offenses identified with accepting hush money, being an ongoing guilty party and abetting offense.
The Representation of the People Act, 1951
- Article 327 of Indian Constitution
- For the direct of appointment of the Houses of Parliament and to the House or Houses of the Legislature of each State,
- The capabilities and exclusions for participation of those Houses,
- The degenerate practices and different offenses at or regarding such decisions
- It was presented in Parliament by law serve Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.
Rationale behind the relief:
- The contention was that law winning at the hour of his offense involved preclusion just if the sentence was for a term of two years or more; and that the alteration in 2003, under which any conviction under the counter defilement law would pull in the six-year exclusion standard, ought not to be concerned him.
- Ethically off-base and a hazardous point of reference that may wind up altering the course towards decriminalizing governmental issues
- Tamang was sentenced under the Prevention of Corruption Act for and his one-year jail term was maintained by the High Court and the Supreme Court.
- Exclusion from challenge is a common inability made by appointive law to prevent those sentenced by criminal courts from entering chose workplaces.
- EC choice additionally runs contrary to the natural order of things of a progression of administrative and legal measures to reinforce the legitimate structure against debasement lately. ( peak court has depicted defilement as a genuine disease and one impinging on the economy.)
- The EC is as of now doing combating a discernment that its activities are divided and this activity will undoubtedly additionally strain its believability.
Connecting the dots:
- Today, we have 43% of the individuals sitting in the Lok Sabha with pending criminal cases. Do you think the EC’s demonstration of expelling the exclusion of a convict is ethically off-base and a perilous point of reference that may wind up altering the course towards decriminalizing legislative issues? Clarify.
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in comment section)
- Featured Comments and comments Up-voted by whataftercollege are the “correct answers”.
Q.1) Index of Industrial Production is released by which body/ministry?
- Central Statistical Organisation
- Ministry of Commerce and Industry
- NITI Aayog
- None of the above
Q.2) Consider the following statements about Palaeochannel
- It is a remnant of an inactive river or stream channel that has been filled or buried by younger sediment.
- Their presence can be helpful in identifying areas suitable for groundwater recharge
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.3) Consider the following statements
- Article 161 deals with the power of Governor to grant pardons, etc, and to suspend, remit or commute sentences in certain cases
- Commutation of sentence means reducing the period of sentence without changing its character
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.4) School Education Quality Index (SEQI) is developed by which of the following body/bodies?
- NGO Pratham
- NITI Aayog
- Union Ministry of Human Resource Development
- Both b and c
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