Highlights |UPSC Exam Current Affairs 05-09-2019
UPSC exam current affairs 05-09-2019- The following article contains all the updated events and news for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.
- Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA)
- Apache helicopters
- ASEAN-US Maritime Exercise (AUMX)
- Dadabhai Naoroji
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UPSC Exam Current Affairs 05-09-2019 are followed in the part below:
UPSC Exam Current Affairs and News Analysis (05-09-2019)
Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA)
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-III – Security
In News
- The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) proclaimed four people – Masood Azhar, Hafiz Saeed, Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi and Dawood Ibrahim – as fear-based oppressors under Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967.
- UAPA was first ordered in 1967 and altered in 2004,2008,2012 and 2019.
- A portion of the key arrangements of the changed demonstration are
- It empowers the government to designate individuals as terrorists. Previously, only an organisation could be designated as one.
- It empowers the National Investigation Agency (NIA) to seize properties, which previously required permission from the Director-General of Police.
- It allows NIA officers, of the rank of Inspector or above, to investigate cases. Before only DySP or ACP or above could do so.
- Opposition parties have raised concern over the 2019 amendment act, saying it could also be misused against political opponents and civil society activists who spoke against the government may be branded as “terrorists.”
Do You Know?
- NIA was created after the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks with the enactment of the National Investigation Agency Act 2008.
- NIA is the Central Counter-Terrorism Law Enforcement Agency of India and it works under the overall guidance of Ministry of Home Affairs.
- Jurisdiction of NIA:
- The agency is empowered to deal with terror-related crimes across states without special permission from the states.
- A State Government may request the Central Government to hand over the investigation of a case to the NIA, provided the case has been registered for the offences as contained in the schedule to the NIA Act.
- NIA has registered and investigated 244 cases to date. After submission of charge sheets, 37 cases have been finally or partially decided in trial. Of these, 35 cases have ended in conviction giving NIA an enviable conviction percentage of 91.3%.
Apache helicopters
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS-III – Security
In News
- The Indian Air Force (IAF) officially enlisted 8 US-made Apache AH-64E helicopters at Pathankot Air Force station
- In September 2015, IAF had marked a multi-billion dollar contract with US government and Boeing Ltd for 22 Apache helicopters.
- The initial 8 helicopters have been conveyed on the plan and the last group of helicopters is to be conveyed by March 2020.
- Apache assault helicopters are being obtained to supplant the Mi-35 armada and will be conveyed in the Western areas of India.
- Apache is one of the world’s most developed multi-job battle helicopters, a portion of its highlights includes:
- Capability to shoot fire and forget anti-tank guided missiles, air to air missiles, rockets and other ammunition.
- Capable of delivering a variety of weapons such as air to ground Hellfire missiles, 70 mm Hydra rockets and air to air Stinger missiles
- It has modern EW (Electronic Warfare) capabilities to provide versatility to helicopter in a network-centric aerial warfare
- These are day/night, all-weather capable and have high agility and survivability against battle damage.
ASEAN-US Maritime Exercise (AUMX)
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains II – International Affairs
In News
- The first AUMX between the ASEAN local coalition and the U.S. commenced at the Sattahip Naval Base in Thailand.
- It will see the investment of naval forces of the USA and each of the 10 individuals from ASEAN – Thailand, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore and Vietnam.
- Naval forces of these nations will partake in the maritime activities which incorporate loading up of target vessels to reenact search and seizure
- The activity will extend into global waters in Southeast Asia, including the Gulf of Thailand and the South China Sea and finish up in Singapore.
- This mega oceanic exercise comes during a period of ventured up US commitment in locale and strains between China, US and Southeast Asian countries over the South China Sea (SCS).
Do You Know?
- China is asserting its power over quite a bit of SCS by summoning its alleged nine-run line as assumed chronicled support to the waters, which are key worldwide transportation course.
- Its case is covering portions of SCS are guaranteed by Brunei, Malaysia, Vietnam and the Philippines.

Dadabhai Naoroji
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS-I – Modern Indian History
In News
- September 4, 2019, was the 194th birth commemoration of Dadabhai Naoroji, the “Great Old Man of India”
- He was among the principal chiefs who mixed national awareness in the nation.
- Naoroji was an educator of Gujarati, arithmetic, and regular way of thinking, and furthermore functioned as a representative.
- Naoroji started awakening popular supposition in England on Indian issues in 1855 after he moved from India to Liverpool for business.
- During this period, Naoroji worked intimately with Irish pioneers in England, who discovered regular reason with the Indian patriot development.
- In 1865 and 1866, Naoroji helped found the London Indian Society and the East India Association separately.
- First Indian individual from the British parliament: Naoroji first ran for the British Parliament in 1886, yet didn’t get chosen. His second offer in 1892 was effective when he won the Central Finsbury seat on a Liberal Party ticket.
- In 1893, he helped structure an Indian parliamentary board of trustees to take care of Indian interests. The enrollment of the advisory group altogether developed in numbers in the coming years, turning into a significant campaigning power.
- Dadabhai Naoroji was among the key defenders of the ‘Channel Theory’, scattering it in his 1901 book ‘Destitution and Un-British Rule in India’
Topic: General studies 2
- Issues relating to the development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to Health, Education, Human Resources.
- Issues relating to poverty and hunger.
Screening for communicable diseases
- In India, screening for the disease is usually associated with non-communicable rather than communicable diseases. However, since August 2019, India has embarked on a large-scale plan to screen all children for leprosy and tuberculosis.
- In India, screening for the ailment is normally connected with non-transferable as opposed to transmittable sicknesses. Be that as it may, since August 2019, India has set out on a huge scale intend to screen all kids for uncleanliness and tuberculosis.
- The two maladies are irresistible and India has a generous weight — its tuberculosis trouble is the most noteworthy on the planet.
- Kids will, in general, be progressively inclined to coming down with irresistible illnesses from their companions in light of extended periods in limited spaces and more real contact than in grown-ups.
Why screening of the two diseases is necessary?
Sickness is a constant irresistible illness brought about by Mycobacterium leprae. It, for the most part, influences the skin and fringe nerves, however, has a wide scope of clinical signs. The sickness is described by a long hatching period that is commonly 5-7 years. It is the main source of changeless physical inability. Auspicious finding and treatment of cases, before nerve harm has happened, is the best method for averting incapacity because of infection.
Tuberculosis contamination, brought about by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, is one of the most widely recognized transferable maladies in India, its transmission fuelled by unhygienic, swarmed living conditions. It is said that most Indians convey the bacterium and the disease erupts when their insusceptibility levels are low, similar to when they are malnourished or experiencing conditions like AIDS in which the body’s invulnerable framework is undermined.
Statistics in India:
- India dispensed with infection in 2005 — WHO characterizes end as a rated pace of short of what one case for every 10,000 populace.
- All states aside from Chhattisgarh and the Union Territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli have wiped out sickness. In any case, 1.15 lakh to 1.2 lakh new infection cases are as yet recognized each year, Health Ministry authorities said.
- TB kills an expected 4,80,000 Indians consistently — a normal of more than 1,300 consistently.
Why the disease prevalence is more?
- India likewise has in excess of a million “missing” cases each year that are not advised.
- Most remain either undiscovered or untouchably and deficiently analyzed and treated in the private division.
- The issue in the last case is that a considerable lot of these patients don’t finish the full course of the anti-toxin, in this manner presenting the bacterium to the prescription without completely slaughtering it.
- This is trigger enough for the bacterium to advance into a variant of itself that is impervious to that specific medication.
Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram
- Propelled in 2013 under the National Health Mission (NHM), is centred around averting sickness and inability in youngsters.
- This activity is planned for screening kids from 0 to 18 years for 4Ds – Defects during childbirth, Diseases, Deficiencies and Development Delays including Disabilities.
- Kids determined to have diseases will get follow up including medical procedures at tertiary level, free of cost under NHM.
- Up to this point, neither uncleanliness nor TB was a piece of the program. In 2017, India had set an objective of end of disease by 2018, passing by the Budget discourse that year. The cutoff time has passed however sickness stays a test in a nation that propelled the National Leprosy Eradication Program route in 1955.
- For tuberculosis, the worldwide Sustainable Development Goal target is to end the malady is 2030. Notwithstanding, there is another criticalness in India’s TB control endeavours since a year ago when Prime Minister Narendra Modi suo motu propelled the cutoff time for India to end TB to 2025.
Connecting the dots:
- Discuss the measures taken by the Government of India to control communicable diseases?
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in the comment section)
Q.1) He was a professor of Gujarati, mathematics, and natural philosophy. He moved from India to Liverpool for business and began rousing public opinion on Indian issues. He was the first Indian to get elected to British Parliament on Labour Party ticket. He helped form an Indian parliamentary committee which became an important lobbying force for Indian interest. He acted as a liaison between nationalist Indians and British parliamentarians.
Identify the Indian National leader mentioned in the above write-up.
- Shapurji Dorabji Saklatvala
- Dadabhai Naoroji
- Sir Macherjee M. Bhownaggree
- None of the above
Q.2) nine-dash line often seen in news is related to which of the following?
- Border of North Korea & South Korea
- Israel-Palestine Conflict
- South China Sea
- None of the above
Q.3) Consider the following statements
- Only an organisation could be designated as terrorist under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act.
- NIA is the Central Counter-Terrorism Law Enforcement Agency of India and it works under the overall guidance of Ministry of Defence
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are incorrect?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
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