Highlights |UPSC Exam Current Affairs 17-10-2019
Current Affairs and News (17-10-2019)- The following article contains all the updated events and news for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.
- Indigenous breeds record marginal rise
- Army mulls over Joint Services Act
- RCEP and Data
- IND-US and Global Politics
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UPSC Exam Current Affairs 17-10-2019 are followed in the part below:
UPSC Exam Current Affairs and News Analysis (17-10-2019)
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains II – Health
In News
- The most recent Global Hunger Index (GHI) has positioned India a modest 102 among the 117 nations it has mapped
- The report arranged mutually by Irish guide office Concern Worldwide and German association Welt Hunger Hilfe.
- For every nation in the rundown, the GHI takes a gander at four-pointers –
- Undernourishment (which reflects deficient nourishment accessibility);
- Youngster Wasting–portion of kids younger than five who have low weight for their stature – which reflects intense undernutrition;
- Youngster Stunting – that is kids younger than five who have low stature for their age – which reflects incessant undernutrition;
- Youngster Mortality – death pace of kids under 5 years (which reflects both insufficient nourishment and unfortunate condition).
- In general, the quantity of hungry individuals has ascended from 785 million out of 2015 to 822 million. Numerous nations have higher craving levels now than in 2010.
- With a general score of 30.3, India falls in the “genuine” class.
- India has the most elevated level of youngsters who experience the ill effects of intense undernutrition. On different parameters, where India has improved, the pace has been moderately moderate
- Among the BRICS gathering, India is positioned the most noticeably awful, with China at 25 and a score of simply 6.5.
- Inside South Asia, as well, India is behind each other nation. Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Pakistan (in a specific order) are on the whole in front of India.
Indigenous breeds record marginal rise
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III – Economy
In News
- As indicated by the twentieth Livestock Census discharged there are 4.85 crore desi (local) milch dairy animals in the nation contrasted with 4.81 crore populace in the last registration in 2012, showing under 1% expansion
- Then again, the milch populace of outlandish and crossbred steers — including assortments, for example, Jersey or Holsteins which have a lot higher milk yields — saw an astounding development of 32% in the course of the most recent seven years, developing from 1.9 crores to 2.5 crore creatures.
- The Rashtriya Gokul Mission, propelled by the Bharatiya Janata Party-drove (BJP) government in 2014, meant to advance indigenous desi breeds.
- In any case, the complete populace of such cows (indigenous desi breeds) — male and female together, milk-delivering or not — really dropped 6% to 14.2 crore creatures, while extraordinary and crossbred cows saw a general development of practically 27% to 5 crore creatures.

Army mulls over Joint Services Act
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS-III – security
In News
- In his Independence Day address, PM Modi declared the production of the post of Chief of Defense Staff to give “powerful initiative at the top level” to the three wings of the military, and to help improve coordination among them.
- Albums offer consistent tri-administration perspectives and single-direct counsel toward the Executive on long haul safeguard arranging and the board, including labor, gear, and procedure, or more all, “joint manship” in tasks.
- Subsequently, there is a requirement for making courses of action and structures to synergize and which can clear path for compelling coordination
- Right now, each Service has an individual Act passed by Parliament. A Joint Services Act on endorsement by the administration will encourage quicker combinations.
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains I – Art & Culture
In News
- The Culture Department of Uttar Pradesh government will sort out the nation’s first preparing and execution program of world-acclaimed KHON Ramlila in a joint effort with the Thailand government.
- KHON Ramlila is a covered type of Ramlila specialty in Thailand.
- It is a type of covered move portraying the areas of Ramlila. It has no exchanges and foundation voices portray the entire story of Ramayana. It is additionally well known for its excellent clothing and brilliant veils.
- It is remembered for the rundown of UNESCO’s Intangible social legacy.
- The Ramakien (truly ‘Magnificence of Rama’) is Thailand’s national epic, got from the Hindu epic Ramayana.
TOPIC: General Studies 2:
- Respective, territorial and worldwide groupings and understandings including India or potentially influencing India’s inclinations
- Impact of strategies and legislative issues of created and creating nations on India’s inclinations, Indian Diaspora.
RCEP and Data
- Territorial Comprehensive Economic Partnership exchange dealings, being held with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, China, South Korea, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand, India may acknowledge free information stream statements with some open arrangement special cases.
- It should be comprehended that reasonable information controls and approaches are not to be special cases however the standard of an advanced economy and society.
- India will to a great extent wind up surrendering a large portion of its information arrangement space, and information sway.
- it will surrender any odds for viably utilizing Indian information for India’s advancement, and for computerized industrialization to turn into a top computerized power.
- It will adequately be laying the way for perpetual advanced reliance, with India’s information streaming unreservedly to information knowledge focuses in the U.S. and China.
- A couple of worldwide “knowledge organizations” will carefully, and insightful partner, control and run the whole world.
About RCEP:
- Territorial Comprehensive Cooperation understanding – is a proposed organized commerce understanding between 10 individuals from ASEAN and its five FTA accomplices (China, India, Australia, Japan, New Zealand)
- RCEP arrangement was officially propelled in 2012, whose part states together record for 3.4 billion individuals and roughly 40% of the world’s GDP.

Image: http://www.businesskorea.co.kr/news/photo/201711/23601_19813_0.jpg
Do you know?
Individuals from the Indian Industry are opposing RCEP because of the following concerns
- Flooding of the market with Chinese products affecting residential makers
- Absence of access to Indian administrations in the RCEP nations (Services is India’s solid zone and can possibly take advantage of RCEP advertise)
- India’s exchange deficiencies with countries have consistently enlarged in the wake of consenting to unhindered commerce arrangements (FTAs) with them, referring to the cases with ASEAN, Japan, Korea, and Singapore, the vast majority of which are RCEP countries.
- It has likewise been called attention to that India’s helpless agribusiness and dairy areas, which are not in positions to rival Australia and New Zealand, will be presented to ideas of worldwide exchange.
- Indian assembling isn’t sufficiently focused to confront the impulses of an organized commerce system. Considerably following 27 years of progression, wastefulness wins because of a large group of unimplemented changes in the item and the factor markets. On the factor side, work showcase changes are fragmented. Work efficiency in assembling is as yet one of the most reduced on the planet with spatially divided work laws are raising the expenses of working together.
- Given this, the Indian industry is scarcely in a situation to contend in the level-playing ground in an organized commerce area.
- India catches that, given its $60-billion exchange shortfall with China, the RCEP request to lessen duties on 90 percent of the exchanged merchandise to zero will disastrously affect its previously battling MSME segment.
- India is particularly fearful about Chinese merchandise overwhelming its market, driving residential makers to chop creation or shut down.
- India has communicated its reservations over the consideration of internet business in the RCEP talks.
- The RCEP draft is against information localization, while India fears the syndication intensity of computerized monsters which incorporates any semblance of Tencent and Alibaba.
- India could be out of the superexchange accord (RCEP).
- China has begun pushing for a facilitated commerce agreement between ASEAN + 3 (which incorporates the ten-part ASEAN, China, Japan, and South Korea).
- This would viably imply that among the 16 nations arranging the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), all aside from India, Australia, and New Zealand would get remembered for the proposed settlement.
- China might be attempting to push for an ASEAN + 3 course of action to rapidly make another request in the area with itself in charge to counter the test presented by the US with which it is occupied with an exchange war.
Data concern:
- The worldwide advanced or man-made consciousness (AI) economy is right now a two-horse race between the U.S. also, China.
- It is expected that every other nation, including the European Union (EU) and significant creating nations, for example, India, should turn out to be completed carefully subject to one of these two computerized superpowers.
- This will significantly bargain with their financial and political autonomy, something alluded to as advanced colonization.
- Endeavors to escape such a dreary circumstance, as in the French and the U.K’s. AI procedures, various EU archives, and India’s NITI Aayog’s AI technique, center around one focal issue — more information sharing inside the nation, and better access to information for local organizations.
With not many worldwide advanced enterprises, for example, Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Uber, persistently vacuum out India’s and Indians’ information, and afterward as a matter, of course, treat it as their private property it is troublesome
Way forward
- In spite of the considerable number of concerns, the legislature must consider that either hindering India’s RCEP commitment or leaving the discussions at this stage would remove India of the principles making process for the RCEP and give China further space in the territorial exchange and security engineering.
- When the U.S. has parted from the worldwide accord on multilateral exchange understandings, an Indian walkout would jeopardize the assembled message that RCEP nations, which speak to 40% of the worldwide GDP, would wish to convey.
- It would likewise be a sharp takeoff from India’s “Demonstration East” trademark and its all-encompassing effort to ASEAN.
- Suitable information arrangements must guarantee that the necessary information is really accessible to Indian computerized organizations.
- Attesting a network’s lawful directly over information that is gotten from, and is about, the network concerned, or about ‘things’ that have a place with it. This is the idea of network information recorded in India’s draft internet business arrangement.
- Information order, information proprietorship rights, information sharing, information believes must be managed
- Separating from consenting to restricting arrangements on uninhibited information streams crosswise over fringes doesn’t imply that a nation would basically confine all information. A few sorts of information may for sure be limited, while others ought to uninhibitedly stream universally.
- It just implies that a nation holds total information strategy space, and the way to shape its computerized industrialization, and accordingly its advanced future.
Connecting the dots:
- India must not exchange away its national information rights at the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership arrangements. Justify
TOPIC: General Studies 2:
- India and its neighborhood-relations.
- Reciprocal, provincial and worldwide groupings and understandings including India as well as influencing India’s inclinations
- Impact of approaches and governmental issues of created and creating nations on India’s inclinations, Indian Diaspora.
IND-US and Global Politics
- Worldwide governmental issues is changing at a quick pace.
- The worldwide request is currently plunging into a vortex of interruptions to a great extent brought about by the United States, China (Trade war)and Brexit.
- India likewise remains at the junction as far as its international strategy approach.
India’s Foreign policy options:
- Stable strategy of non-arrangement and vital self-rule;
- Join the temporary fad of unilateralism and be a perpetual bargain partner of one of the superpowers,
- Leave upon a determined outing with the goal of development as far as fashioning new relations and investigating new regions by embracing a methodology of “multi-arrangement and value-based self-rule”.
Concerns in IND-US Relations:
- A no-economic alliance,
- U.S.- Pakistan bonhomie
Trade deal failure:
- The possibilities of an understanding unwound because of the inability to agree on Information and interchanges innovation (ICT) items.
U S Wanted,
- The U.S. has needed India to dispense with levies (20%) on ICT items, however, New Delhi is worried this could open up the market to flooding by Chinese innovation.
- The U.S. needed more noteworthy access to Indian markets for medicinal gadgets, for example, stents and knee inserts, ICT and dairy items and looked for the expulsion of value tops.
- The US had looked for the evacuation of value tops (“Trade Margin Rationalization” or TMR) on medicinal gadgets and more prominent access for dairy items and some different classes of agrarian merchandise.
India wanted,
- The restoration of special market access to U.S. advertises under the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) program, which was renounced toward the beginning of June.
- It had likewise needed assistance of procedures in rural item showcases where it previously approached, (for example, simpler confirmation of nourishment item light offices)
- More prominent access in some farming markets (table grapes, pomegranates for example),
US-Pakistan Bonhomie:
- US has been perhaps the biggest wellspring of outside direct interest in Pakistan and is Pakistan’s biggest fare showcase.
- Exchange relations between the United States and Pakistan keep on developing
- The U.S. government underpins this relationship by subsidizing reverse exchange assignments, business gatherings, specialized help, and business outreach.
Ind-US Relations
Good shades :
- India-U.S. common atomic arrangement, the continuous guard participation of the previous decade worth billions of dollars
- The marking of three “fundamental guard understandings”, for example, the Communications Compatibility and Security Agreement, the Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement and the Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement for Geo-spatial Cooperation.
Bad shades :
- Current exchange difficulties,
- The U.S’s hyphenation of India with China in its exchange war
- U S requires the evacuation of the “creating nation” label appointed by the WTO.
- During the 1971 war, the U.S. sent its armada towards India to help Pakistan.
- India’s acquirement of safeguard material from Russia
- US incredible desires, for example, India having military boots on the ground in Afghanistan.
- The ongoing and sudden surrender by the Trump organization of the Kurds who helped the Americans in battling the Islamic State both regarding assets and labor should fill in as a notice sign to India as far as its Afghanistan methodology
- The present Indian agreement must get ready for the inevitability of an abrupt withdrawal of U.S. powers from Afghanistan which could prompt a total takeover by the Taliban, with potential repercussions on India’s northern front.
- Concerning Pakistan, there is confounded motioning from the official “guides” of the White House
- The U.S. battled for Iran’s atomic arrangement in 2015, at that point pulled back itself from the understanding in 2018 and has now received a sweeping approval strategy qua any country managing in oil exchanges with Iran.
Way forward:
- Before taking any choice on the future direction of India-U.S. elements, the Indian foundation must stay aware of the unusualness and inalienable logical inconsistencies in U.S. international strategy
- Simultaneously, benefit from U.S. “nonintervention and conservation” by keeping up now is the ideal time tried arrangement of “non-arrangement and vital self-sufficiency”.
- The Prime Minister must guarantee that India-U.S. reciprocality endures the hatchet of unilateralism without relinquishing India’s “sweet spot” and tag of being “everybody’s companion”.
- Mr. Trump needs to understand that India at this crossroads can’t stand to get wrecked from the tracks of globalization, territorial coalitions, exchange openings
- The combination of observation among India and the U.S. on worldwide and local issues of basic intrigue gives gigantic chances to the two nations to work intently in reshaping the worldwide political request.
Connecting the dots:
- A setting where there was a chariot of harmony, joint co-activity, multilateralism and radicalism whose strings were constrained by foundations, for example, the United Nations, the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the International Court of Justice has now gotten one of warhorses destroying in various ways to grasp unilateralism, protectionism, and neutrality. Investigate.
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in the comment section)
- Featured Comments and comments Up-voted by whataftercollege are the “correct answers”.
Q.1)KHON RAMLILAis predominantly associated with which country/region?
- Thailand
- Vietnam
- South Korea
- None of the above
Q.2)Consider the following statements about the chief of Defence Staff (CDS)
- India does not have CDS as of 2019and creation of one will enable to offer seamless tri-service views and single-point advice to the Executive on defense management
- Currently, each Service has an individual Act passed by Parliament. A Joint Services Act on approval by the government will facilitate faster integration
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.3)Rashtriya Gokul Mission is being implemented which ministry/body?
- Niti Aayog
- Ministry of Agriculture
- Ministry of fisheries, animal husbandry & dairying
- Ministry of Rural development
Q.4)GLOBAL HUNGER INDEXis being released by which organization?
- World Food Organisation
- World Bank
- None of the above
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