Highlights |UPSC Exam Current Affairs 19-10-2019
Current Affairs and News (19-10-2019)- The following article contains all the updated events and news for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.
- Venezuela wins seat on UN Rights Council
- Vehicle registrations fell 12.9% in September
- Merchant discount rate (MDR)
- Waste to Wealth: Cooking oil-to-biodiesel
- Pakistan continues to be on the Grey List of FATF
- Non-Performing Asset
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UPSC Exam Current Affairs 19-10-2019 are followed in the part below:
UPSC Exam Current Affairs and News Analysis (19-10-2019)
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains II – Health
In News
- The Food Safety and Standard Authority of India (FSSAI) discharged the National Milk Sample Safety Quality Survey.
- Milk tests from Telangana, trailed by Madhya Pradesh and Kerala, demonstrated the most elevated number of instances of defilement.
- As far as wellbeing parameters, 10.4% of the all-out prepared milk tests (almost 2,600) neglected to follow the FSSAI standard as contaminants like aflatoxin-M1 were found. In the instance of crude milk, resistance was at a considerably higher pace of 47% of the absolute examples of 3,825.
- As far as quality, 7% of the complete example of prepared milk didn’t agree to quality parameters in light of the fact that the nearness of contaminants, for example, fats, Maltodextrin, and sugar were above allowable cutoff points.
- The issue of Aflatoxin-M1 is more prevailing in prepared milk than crude milk.
- Aflatoxin M1 is a concoction compound which debase plant and plant items. IT comes in the milk through feed and grain that are at present not directed in the nation.
- In huge portions, aflatoxins can be hazardous, as a rule through harm to the liver.
Do You Know?
- India is the world’s biggest maker of milk.
- The complete assessed milk creation in the nation was 176.35 million tons during 2017-18.
Venezuela wins seat on UN Rights Council
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains II–International Affairs
In News
- Venezuela won a challenged political race for a seat on the UN Human Rights Council notwithstanding a crusade by more than 50 associations and numerous nations contradicted Nicolas Maduro’s legislature and its privileges record.
- For the two Latin American seats – Brazil beat the voting form with 153 votes, trailed by Venezuela with 105 votes
- It was established in 2006. It supplanted the previous United Nations Commission on Human Rights (UNCHR) that had been emphatically scrutinized for permitting nations with poor human rights records to be individuals.
- The Council is made of 47 Member States, which are chosen by the UN General Assembly. The Council’s Membership depends on evenhanded land dispersion.
- Individuals from the Council serve for a time of three years and are not qualified for prompt re-appointment in the wake of serving two back to back terms.
- In June 2018, the United States declared its withdrawal from the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) naming it “fraudulent and self-serving.”
- India had recently been chosen for the UNHRC for the 2011-2014 and 2014-2017 terms.
Vehicle registrations fell 12.9% in September
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS-III – Economy
In News
- Reflecting proceeded with a shortcoming in shopper assumption, by and large, vehicle enlistments in September 2019 fell 12.9% contrasted with a similar period a year ago
- This is according to information acquired from the Federation of Automobile Dealers Associations of India (FADA) with the assistance of Vahan
- It is a computerized national vehicle vault gateway
- Vahan expects to order all the data accessible with street transport experts for simple access by the two residents and controllers.
- Vahan enables access to all subtleties identified with vehicles, for example, enrollment number, undercarriage/motor number, body/fuel type, shading, producer and model and gives different online administrations to residents.
- Driving License and related information are computerized through a different application called ‘Sarathi’.
Significance of VAHAN
- Vahan has been intended to catch all the data ordered by the Central Motor Vehicle Act 1988 just as State Motor Vehicle Rules.
- Banks, which may have given out credits for vehicle buys, will likewise approach the National/State Registry to follow the status of vehicles under lien.
Merchant discount rate (MDR)
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III – Economy
In News
- The Union government said banks or framework suppliers won’t force charges or dealer markdown rate (MDR) on clients just as shippers on computerized installments made to foundations having turnover in overabundance of ₹50 crores from November 1.
- MDR is an expense charged from a vendor by a bank for tolerating installments from clients through credit and platinum cards in their foundations
- Alterations with this impact have been made in the Income Tax Act just as in the Payment and Settlement Systems Act 2007.
Waste to Wealth: Cooking oil-to-biodiesel
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III –Environment Conservation
In News
- Zomato and biodiesel producer BioD Energy has inked an organization to gather utilized cooking oil from eateries around the nation so it could be changed over into biodiesel, which would then be offered to oil promoting organizations to be mixed with customary diesel
- As indicated by FSSAI guidelines, the most extreme admissible points of confinement for Total Polar Compounds (TPC) have been set at 25%, past which the cooking oil is hazardous for utilization.
- Lessening the re-utilization of preparing oil in the nourishment business will have positive general wellbeing results and furthermore decreases import request of raw petroleum
- The arrangement accept criticalness in the light of government’s Repurpose Cooking Oil (RUCO) activity
About RUCO
- It was propelled by The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) in Feb 2019 to gather and change over-utilized cooking oil into bio-fuel.
- Upwards of 64 organizations in 101 areas the nation over have been recognized for the reason by FSSAI. By 2020, it should be conceivable to recoup around 220 crore liters of utilized cooking oil for change into bio-fuel.
TOPIC: General Studies 2:
- India and its neighborhood-relations.
- Two-sided, local and worldwide groupings and understandings including India or potentially influencing India’s inclinations
- Impact of arrangements and governmental issues of created and creating nations on India’s inclinations, Indian Diaspora.
Pakistan continues to be on the Grey List of FATF
- Pakistan keeps on being on the Gray List of the universal fear financing guard dog Financial Action Task Force. The choice of FATF was taken after the culmination of its five-day whole session in Paris.
- Pakistan has been cautioned of activity for its inability to battle tax evasion and dread financing.
- On the off chance that Pakistan proceeds with the ‘Dim List’ or is placed in the ‘Dull Gray’ show, it would be hard for the nation to get money related guide from the IMF, the World Bank, and the European Union
This will benefit India in many ways, such as:
- Pakistan will be put under nearer investigation quickly to check dread financing.
- Diminished Pakistan supported psychological militant assaults and penetrations, for example, Pulwama and Mumbai assaults.
- Monetary advantages to India as FATF have expanded the expense of working with Pakistan which will draw in less FDI now.
- Upgraded picture of India in global gatherings as Pakistan will confront a universal blacklist.
- Pakistan’s as of now delicate economy will have an incredible blow which will be in support of India in universal exchange.
What next?
- In an appraisal, Pakistan has neglected to meet 22 of the 27 targets set by it.
- In the event that it doesn’t conform to the FATF’s requests completely by February 2020, in any case, it dangers winding up in the organization of Iran and North Korea on its boycott, which could bring about its budgetary confinement.
The Financial Action Task Force :
- FATF represents The Financial Action Task Force. It was built up in July 1989 by a Group of Seven (G-7) Summit in Paris, at first to analyze and create measures to battle tax evasion.
- The FATF Secretariat is housed at the OECD home office in Paris.
India and the Financial Action Task Force (FATF):
- India turned into an individual from the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) in 2010.
- It will assist India with building the ability to battle psychological warfare and follow fear monger cash and help to effectively research and indict tax evasion and fear monger financing offenses.
- India will profit by verifying a progressively straightforward and stable monetary framework by guaranteeing that budgetary organizations are not powerless against invasion or maltreatment by composed wrongdoing gatherings.
- In later past, Pakistan had requested India’s expulsion from the gathering, referring to inclination and inspired activity, yet that request was dismissed.
China and other allies:
- It is no fortuitous event that Pakistan’s everything climate partner China is the present seat of the FATF. While support from Turkey and Malaysia helped obstruct the move — the contract expresses that three votes are obligatory for a nation to abstain from being boycotted—it was insufficient to stay away from a harsh notice.
- There is more noteworthy mindfulness now of how Pakistan has redirected help for the war on fear towards subsidizing dread.
- Pakistan must forsake dread as an instrument of State approach.
Connecting the dots:
- There is more noteworthy mindfulness now of how Pakistan has occupied a guide for the war on dread towards financing fear. Analyze
TOPIC: General Studies 3:
- Indian Economy and issues identifying with arranging, assembly of assets, development, improvement, and business.
Non-Performing Asset
- The money related soundness report discharged by the Reserve Bank of India has cautioned that the gross non-performing resources (GNPAs) of booked business banks in the nation could ascend from 11.6% in March 2018 to 12.2% in March 2019, which would be the most significant level of terrible obligation in very nearly two decades.
What is NPA?
- NPA as far as RBI guidelines result out of non-installment of enthusiasm for a time of 90 days or non-installment of standard sum for 90 days or more. So past that point, it is called Non-Performing Asset.
- The advance is taken by the organization on its benefits from the bank. At the point when the benefit isn’t performing since they become suspicious and NPAs from dubious become terrible advances.
- The issue name NPA isn’t of ongoing root. Not many years back, India experienced an enormous framework hole and the financial division was urged to get themselves into a loaning binge for organizations ready to embrace different activities.
- Open Sector Banks was really pushed to give advances to ventures that were skimmed to a great extent by the private area.
The accompanying have caused trouble in the banks’ advantages and have had an impact in the mounting NPAs –
- Drawn out downturn on the planet economy,
- Falling product costs,
- Absence of due determination and adherence to rules
- Complex functions of the organization,
- Average bureaucratic formality,
- Long postponements and incubation times of a few framework ventures,
- Postponements in land obtaining and
- Politically roused tumults
Can’t collateral be used to write off loans?
- At the point when the banks give advances, they take something from the substance accepting it as security for that credit. Part of individuals give insurances yet if there should be an occurrence of enormous ventures, it is absurd to expect to give securities. In such cases, the land buys, the structure buys, the plant machines, the account holders and stock are sold to the bank.
- These benefits are accessible however on the off chance that they can deliver enough to truly reimburse to the bank stays dubious.
How NPAs arose?
- After 2008, there was a global money related emergency. The costs have fallen altogether in the global market. In the most recent two years, the item advertising is terrible for instance, the Sugar business and steel industry. Force division was not working appropriately. Part of the way through the plants being operational, the banks quit giving them cash because of arrangement loss of motion.
- Individuals had broadened their business too far in the red and higher intrigue was making more issues
- Had the money related arranging and budgetary administration not traded off while giving the advances, the issue wouldn’t have been this grave. In specific cases, the cash has been redirected by business visionaries, they didn’t acquire advertisers, did over-invoicing of consumption and took out cash from that. So a wide range of theories are there which prompted increment in NPAs.
Five-pronged plan of the Sunil Mehta-panel: Project Sashakt
- An autonomous re-source the executive’s organization (AMC) and elective speculation finance drove goals way to deal with manage NPA instances of more than Rs 500 crore
- An advantage exchanging stage for both performing and non-performing resources
- An arrangement for additionally managing awful advances up to Rs 50 crore – for little credits, banks will set up verticals and divisions to bargain explicitly on a layout premise like the cutoff times, the time allotment for it to be settled in 60 days, and the goals will be done on a premise which will be characterized. Banks should pursue a predefined way of advancing goals plans and work with individuals with specializations to manage it.
- For credits between Rs 50 crore and Rs 500 crore, the board of trustees required a bank-drove goals approach, with the goals being accomplished in 180 days. The goals plan must be affirmed by moneylenders holding in any event 66 percent of the obligation
- For the goals of SMEs, the panel recommended the setting up of a controlling board of trustees by banks for figuring and approving the plans, with an arrangement for extra assets. Expressing that the goals ought to be finished inside 90 days, the board proposed that the goals of these advantages be under a solitary bank’s control, with the bank having the freedom to tweak it.
Criticisms of Project sashakth:
- Disfavors setting up a “terrible bank”
- The goals course is additional material to bigger resources as of now under the steady gaze of the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) and whatever other resource whose goals are as yet pending.
Way forward:
- The government should do blend and match of different things. No single answer for every one of the issues. The arrangement must be determined on a case to case premises.
- The administration is considering setting up boards of trustees for this reason. There can be educated individuals named in every single case who know their industry well overall.
- Regardless of whether the government should maintain the business is additionally a major issue. It bodes well for the legislature to change over a piece of the credit into value and take larger part possession conceivable.
- The banks will have the option to assume control over the administration and restore the organization. It is essential to do monetary rebuilding.
- There are numerous who get rehashed in the defaulter’s list. So some long haul arrangement is required. They can’t be permitted to profit without anyone else issue. There ought to be sure benchmark on the presentation. On the off chance that they are not ready to perform, at that point the whole obligation can be changed over into value or some portion of the obligation can be deferred and acquire different advertisers.
Connecting the dots:
- Genuine corporate administration issues looked by open part banks, which to a huge degree likewise added to the remiss loaning rehearses that are at the center of the NPA emergency. Examine.
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in the comment section)
- Featured Comments and comments Up-voted by whataftercollege are the “correct answers”.
Q.1)Consider the following statements about the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC)
- It was established in 2006 whose members are elected by the UN General Assembly for a three-year period
- The United States of America withdrew its membership from the organization in 2018 and Iceland was elected to replace the vacancy left by the United States
- India is currently serving as the chair of the Council
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 and 2 only
- 2 only
- 2 and 3 only
- 1,2 and 3
Q.2)Consider the following statements
- NITI Aayog releases the National Milk Sample Safety Quality Survey.
- Milk samples from Telangana, followed by Madhya Pradesh and Kerala, showed the highest number of cases of adulteration.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.3)Consider the following statements about VAHAN portal
- Vahan intends to collate all the information available with road transport authorities for easy access by both citizens and regulators.
- Banks, which may have given out loans for vehicle purchases, will also have access to the National/State Registry to track the status of vehicles under lien.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.4)Repurpose Cooking Oil (RUCO) initiative being implemented by which body /ministry?
- Ministry of Oil & Petroleum
- NITI Aayog
- Food Safety and Standards Authority of India
- None of the above
Q.5) Which one of the following best describes the term “Merchant Discount Rate” sometimes seen in news?
- The incentive is given by a bank to a merchant for accepting payments through debit cards pertaining to that bank.
- The amount paid back by banks to their customers when they use debit cards for financial transactions for purchasing goods or services.
- The charge to a merchant by a bank for accepting payments from his customers through the bank’s debit cards.
- The incentive given by the Government to merchants for promoting digital payments by their customers through Point of Sale (PoS) machines and debit cards.
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