Highlights |UPSC Exam Current Affairs 21-10-2019
Current Affairs and News (21-10-2019)- The following article contains all the updated events and news for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.
- Anthrax
- National Tiger Conservation Authority(NTCA)
- India – Maldives
- Bhashan Char island
- PettaThullal
- New Brexit deal
- Custodial interrogation & INX media case
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UPSC Exam Current Affairs 21-10-2019 are followed in the part below:
UPSC Exam Current Affairs and News Analysis (21-10-2019)
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains II – Health
In News
- Veterinarians have affirmed Bacillus anthracis as the reason for the death of two Asiatic water bison in focal Assam’s Pobitora Wildlife Sanctuary.
- Pobitora Wildlife Sanctuary has the most elevated grouping of one-horned rhinos on the planet.
About Anthrax
- Bacillus anthracis is a genuine irresistible infection brought about by gram-positive, bar formed microscopic organisms known as Bacillus anthracis which can be found normally in soil.
- It is described by rankles around swellings on the skin, chest torment, retching, looseness of the bowels and fever. Be that as it may, Anthrax isn’t infectious.
- It generally influences household and wild creatures around the globe. Dairy cattle, sheep, goats, gazelle, and deer can become tainted when they take in or ingest spores in polluted soil, plants, or water.
- Individuals can become ill with Bacillus anthracis in the event that they interact with tainted creatures or polluted creature items. Contact with Bacillus anthracis can cause serious sickness in the two people and creatures.
National Tiger Conservation Authority(NTCA)
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III–Environment Conservation
In News
- NTCA has red-hailed the Madhya Pradesh government’s transition to expand the travel industry exercises inside the State’s tiger saves disregarding the current rules
- As per the most recent report by the Environment Ministry, India has 2,967 tigers, with 526 of them in Madhya Pradesh alone — the most noteworthy in the nation.
- There are six tiger saves in Madhya Pradesh — Kanha, Bandhavgarh, Panna, Satpura, Sanjay-Dubri, and Pench.
About NTCA
- It is a statutory body under the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change established under empowering arrangements of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, as revised in 2006, for fortifying tiger preservation, according to forces and capacities doled out to it under the said Act.
- The National Tiger Conservation Authority is set up under the Chairmanship of the Minister for Environment and Forests.
- Undertaking Tiger intends to help and encourage the reproducing of tigers inside a protected situation and transport the tigers to different parks to expand the tiger populace over its natural surroundings. Moreover, Project Tiger additionally takes up activities to improve the vegetation in the recreation center, to encourage the accessibility of prey for the tigers.
- NTCA utilized an application/framework called MSTrlPES, to screen and record the tiger populace to discharge the evaluation in 2019.
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains II – Health
In News
- India’s first willful liver transplant vault that began on August 15 has gotten pace.
- Started by the Liver Transplantation Society of India, the vault plans to group national information on the strategies and their results.
- In a range of barely two months, it has gotten information of 74 transplants completed by 11 medical clinics crosswise over six States.
- Almost 2,000 liver transplants are completed in the nation yearly, most noteworthy on the planet, yet there is no India-explicit information. This leaves specialists to take help from the developed U.S. what’s more, the U.K. libraries.
- Clinics from Delhi NCR, Kerala, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu have intentionally revealed their transplants to the vault. More clinics are in different phases of joining and by December.
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains II – Indian Polity
In News
- The Home Ministry has established two boards of trustees including lawful lights to update the IPC presented by the British in 1860.
- After it was confined, the IPC has never been altered in totality. A few increases and cancellations have been made.
- Rebooting the code presented by the British in 1860 was considered as essential as it is fundamentally founded on the soul of “ace and hireling”
Do You Know?
- The Indian Penal Code (IPC) is the official criminal code of India. It is a far-reaching code proposed to cover every single substantive part of criminal law.
- The code was drafted in 1860 on the proposals of the first law commission of India (Chairmanship of Lord Macaulay) built up in 1834 under the Charter Act of 1833. The code came into activity from 1862.
- The Malimath Committee of 2003 is identified with the issue of changes in the IPC.
India – Maldives
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains II – International Relations
In News
- India and the Maldives will take forward a few pending measures to advance protection collaboration in the following barely any months, these incorporate
- The understanding for rent of a Dornier flying machine for oceanic observation
- Bringing the Maldives under India’s beachfront radar chain arrange and
- An expansive based helpful help and calamity alleviation (HADR) work out.
- India had talented the Maldives two Advanced Light Helicopters (ALH) in 2013 and each was worked by the Indian Coast Guard and the Indian Navy. These were of extraordinary help to Maldives as it was utilized widely for restorative departure and search and salvage tasks.
- In the outcome of the 26/11 Mumbai fear assaults, India started setting up the waterfront radar anchor system to screen the development of traffic on the high oceans. Mauritius, Seychelles, and Sri Lanka have just been a piece of the system
- The Dornier Do-228 was structured and created by Dornier GmbH (Germany-France) in the late 1970s
- Hindustan Aeronautics Limited holds the permit to locally deliver the Do-228 airship. Since 1983, HAL has created more than 125 Do-228 airship.
- The 19 seater HAL – DO – 228 flying machine is an exceptionally flexible multi-reason light vehicle airship.
- It has been grown explicitly to meet the complex prerequisites of utility and worker transport, third level administrations and air-taxi activities, coast protects obligations and sea observation.
Bhashan Char island
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains II – International Relations
In News
- A huge number of Rohingya living in Bangladesh displaced person camps have consented to move to a Bhashan Char island situated in the Bay of Bengal
- Rights bunches have cautioned the island, which rose up out of the ocean just around two decades prior, probably won’t have the option to withstand fierce tempests during the yearly rainstorm season.
- In the past 50 years, incredible typhoons have executed a huge number of individuals in the Meghna waterway estuary where the island is found.
- Dhaka has since a long time ago needed to move 1,00,000 outcasts to the sloppy sediment islet, saying it would ease the heat off the stuffed outskirt camps where just about a million Rohingya live.
- Around 7,40,000 Rohingya fled Myanmar in August 2017 notwithstanding a military crackdown, joining 2,00,000 exiles as of now in improvised tent settlements at Bangladesh’s Cox’s Bazar.
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS-I – Culture
In News
- PettaThullal, the formal holy move to commend the triumph of good over malevolence in the legend of Lord Ayyappa who executed the evil spirit princess Mahishi, which means the start of the last leg of the yearly Sabarimala journey season.
- Cover boycott has been mooted on concoction powder, the bespattering of which establishes a crucial piece of the PettaThullal custom.
- An examination by the Kerala State Pollution Control Board (PCB) has highlighted the nearness of dangerous metals, including lead, arsenic, and cadmium, in this powder.
- Other than causing skin inconveniences, it dirties the dirt and regularly gets washed into the water bodies where the odds of these intense synthetic substances entering the human body are high
- Plans are in the air to advance natural assortments of the splendidly hued powder as an option in contrast to concoction powder.
TOPIC: General Studies 2:
- Two-sided, provincial and worldwide groupings and understandings including India or potentially influencing India’s inclinations
- Impact of arrangements and legislative issues of created and creating nations on India’s inclinations, Indian Diaspora.
New Brexit deal
- Regardless of the euphoric gathering to the new terms of Britain’s withdrawal from the EU concurred on Thursday, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson had to look for an augmentation to the October 31 leave cutoff time.
- The House of Commons decided in favor of a correction making an endorsement for the content contingent on Parliament passing enactment to confirm the bargain before Britain leaves the EU.
- The inability to obviously back the arrangement set off a law driving Mr. Johnson to approach EU pioneers to postpone Brexit for the third time
- Just Unionist Party (DUP), has contradicted understanding — that it would undermine the sacred respectability of the U.K.
- It is anyway evident that the new arrangement would evade a hard fringe in the Irish Sea, one that would have isolated the north and south of the island of Ireland, hence jeopardizing the 1998 Good Friday understanding.

Image :https://media.businessinsider.com/images/59326a474cb1e4221247dc8f-640-418.jpg
- Brexit – British exit – refers to the UK leaving the EU.
- Brexit is the booked withdrawal of the United Kingdom (UK) from the European Union (EU).
- Following a June 2016 submission, in which 51.9% of taking interest voters cast a ballot to leave, the UK government officially declared the nation’s withdrawal in March 2017, beginning a two-year process that was expected to close with the UK pulling back on 29 March 2019.
- As the UK parliament thrice cast a ballot against the arranged withdrawal understanding, that cutoff time has been expanded twice and is right now 31 October 2019.
- The ‘Benn Act’ that went in Parliament requires the administration to look for a third augmentation if no understanding is come to before 19 October.
What is the European Union?
- The EU is a financial and political association including 28 European nations. It permits facilitated commerce and free development of individuals to live and work in whichever nation they pick.
- The UK participated in 1973 (when it was known as the European Economic Community). On the off chance that the UK leaves, it would be the primary part state to pull back from the EU.
Why hasn’t the UK left?
- Brexit was initially due to occur on 29 March 2019. That was two years after then Prime Minister Theresa May activated Article 50 – the conventional procedure to leave – and commenced exchanges. Be that as it may, the Brexit date has been deferred twice.
- An arrangement concurred in November 2018, yet MPs dismissed it multiple times.
What is the new Brexit deal?
- The new arrangement replaces the stopping board with new traditions courses of action.
- Under the arrangement, the entire of the UK would leave the traditions association. Now, the UK would be allowed to sign and actualize its very own exchange concurrences with nations around the globe.
- Be that as it may, Northern Ireland would likewise stay a passage point into the EU’s traditions zone.
- The UK would not have any significant bearing duties to items entering Northern Ireland, as long as they were not bound to be sent over the fringe into the Republic of Ireland.
- Northern Ireland would keep on following EU guidelines for agrifood and modern merchandise.
- Following four years, the Northern Ireland Assembly would have the chance to decide on whether Northern Ireland should proceed with the course of action.
What after Brexit?
- EU will begin completing keeps an eye on British products.
- This could prompt deferrals at ports, for example, Dover. Some dread this could prompt traffic bottlenecks, disturbing stockpile courses and harming the economy.
- On the off chance that the pound falls pointedly in light of no arrangement and there are noteworthy postponements at ports, similar to Dover, it could influence the cost and accessibility of certain nourishments.
- There are additional worries over potential deficiencies of prescriptions.
Positive effects of Brexit in India:
- To reset legitimate terms: Brexit is an open door for India to reset the lawful terms of its exchange with the UK and EU, at the multilateral level, and through unhindered commerce understandings.
- Understudies benevolent: Before Brexit, British colleges had to offer grants and appropriations to the residents of the UK and EU. Brexit opens up assets for different understudies and progressively Indian understudies may have the option to get grants.
- Builds the travel industry: Reduction in pound worth will lessen making a trip cost to the UK and will make it a decent travel goal.
- Gigantic speculation: Brexit will help reinforce our ties with Britain since India’s attention on advancement business enterprise still makes it an alluring goal for re-appropriating and venture.
- Merchandise and ventures: According to the UK’s Department for International Trade (DIT) figures, complete exchange products and enterprises between the UK and India was 18 billion pounds in 2017, a 15 percent expansion from 2016.
- Current record shortage: Lower ware costs, unrefined petroleum costs may help narrowing current record deficiency (CAD)
- Exchanging accomplices: The UK and the EU are losing exchanging accomplices the procedure. So the two of them will be searching for substitutions. Here, India can assume a vital job. We may see upgraded collaboration in fragments like innovation, digital security, protection creation, and account.
Negative effects of Brexit in India:
- Momentary impacts: Automobile, Pharmacy and IT may be the most influenced. NASSCOM has anticipated that the impact of Brexit will be felt on the $108 Billion Indian IT division for the time being.
- Vehicle industry: In the car business, Brexit may prompt a decrease in deals and organizations that infer great incomes of benefits from Britain could get injured significantly.
- Interruptions: Indian organizations would need to recalibrate European activities, such as setting up an extra working organization inside the European Union. This implies transient disturbances will have a money related effect, as likewise occupy the board time.
- Movement: Because of the huge number of outsiders from the EU, the UK has limited migrants from different pieces of the world, which affected Indians.
- Limitations: Post Brexit, migration into the UK of Indians may not get simpler as the UK needs to put quantitative confinements on the absolute number of foreigners, and just a couple of Indians with exceptional aptitudes may think that it is simpler to work in the UK.
- India should re-haggle with the UK and EU the World Trade Organization Schedules of Concessions, for the two products and ventures, should continue its FTA dialogs with the EU, and ought to get ready to dispatch FTA converses with the UK.
Connecting the dots:
- England may maintain a strategic distance from a no-bargain exit, however, it should think about the expenses of leaving the EU. Analyze
TOPIC: General Studies 3:
- Difficulties to interior security through correspondence systems, job of media and long range interpersonal communication destinations in inside security challenges, rudiments of digital security; illegal tax avoidance and its anticipation
Custodial interrogation & INX media case
- In P. Chidambaram v. Directorate of Enforcement (2019), the Supreme Court clarified that “award of expectant bail at the phase of examination may disappoint the researching organization is questioning the denounced and in gathering the valuable data and furthermore the materials which may have been disguised.
- In the event that our freedom is to be secured, we the individuals must raise indeed an imposing “streak surge of requests” against custodial cross-examination (i.e., with regards to this dialog, capture exclusively for the motivations behind cross-examination) — in courts, yet additionally in broad daylight talk — on the grounds that custodial cross-examination inalienably, perpetually and unavoidably abuses our key right against self-implication and our entitlement to quietness

Image :https://smedia2.intoday.in/btmt/images/stories/p_chidambaran_karti_660_082119103859.jpg
- The INX Media case alludes to a continuous prominent illegal tax avoidance examination in India.
- It includes the claim of anomalies in outside trade clearances given to the INX Media bunch for accepting abroad interest in 2007. P. Chidambaram was an association account serve at the time.
- His child Karti Chidambaram has been embroiled by the researching organizations.
- The case goes back to 2007 when INX Media applied for freedom with the Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) on March 15 that year.
- INX Media had looked for this endorsement so as to work and communicate a bundle of channels including the Hindi stimulation channel, and different vernacular excitement channels.
- As per the CBI, the Board in its gathering on 18 March 2007 affirmed an FDI inflow of Rs 4.62 crore against INX Media.
- It didn’t, in any case, support the downstream venture by INX Media in INX News.
CBI report:
- INX Media intentionally and infringing upon the states of the endorsement (I) made a downstream speculation to the degree of 26% in the capital of INX News Limited without the particular endorsement of FIPB which included backhanded outside venture by the equivalent remote financial specialists
- created more than Rs 305 crores Foreign Direct Investment in INX Media (P) Limited against the endorsed outside inflow of Rs 4.62 crores
- Article 20(3) of the Constitution says, “No individual blamed for any offense will be constrained to be an observer against himself”.
- Segment 161(2) of the Criminal Procedure Code executes the protected right against self-implication: “[Every individual who the police is approved to inspect orally] will undoubtedly address genuinely all inquiries identifying with such case put to him by [the cop legitimately approved to look at him], other than questions the responses to which would tend to open him to a criminal accusation or to a punishment or relinquishment”
- Such an individual has the privilege to stay quiet to abstain from implicating himself. Our entitlement to quietness in this way spills out of the privilege against self-implication.
Why right against self-incrimination?
- In Selvi v. Karnataka (2010), at that point Chief Justice of India K.G. Balakrishnan clarified that “the hidden reason [of the privilege against self-incrimination] comprehensively relates with two goals — right off the bat, that of guaranteeing unwavering quality of the announcements made by a charged, and furthermore, guaranteeing that such proclamations are made deliberately.
- The reason is that automatic explanations are bound to deceive the judge and the examiner, accordingly bringing about a premature delivery of equity.
- In Nandini Satpathy versus P.L. Dani, “Article 20(3) is a human article, an assurance of pride and uprightness and of the sacredness of the individual and refusal to change over a foe framework into an inquisitorial plan in the adversarial risk council of a police headquarters.
- 1966 U.S. Preeminent Court judgment in Miranda v. Arizona “The benefit against self-implication, which has had a long and far-reaching authentic improvement, is the basic backbone of our foe framework, and certifications to the individual the ‘right to stay quiet except if he decides to talk in the liberating exercise of his own will,’
- Feelings of blameless individuals dependent on untrustworthy proof got through coercive care would have little effect on improving open security, as the genuine transgressors would almost certainly still be free to move around at will.
- It will urge the police to dismiss self-implication as an instrument of examination and improve their capacity to discover proof through present day, logical and altruistic methods.
- It will diminish the degree of subjective power and fortify freedom.
Connecting the dots:
- Big cheeses of yesterday trapped in the criminal examination curls of today. Fundamentally Analyze
- Forswearing custodial cross-examination will improve open security. Validate
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in the comment section)
- Featured Comments and comments Up-voted by whataftercollege are the “correct answers”.
Q.1)The term M-STRIPES’ is sometimes seen in the news in the context of
- Captive breeding of Wild Fauna
- Maintenance of Tiger Reserves
- Indigenous Satellite Navigation System
- Security of National Highways
Q.2)Consider the following statements about National Tiger Conservation Act
- It is a statutory body constituted under the provisions of Wildlife Protection Act, 1972
- It is set up under the Chairmanship of the Prime Minister of India
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.3)Consider the following statements about Indian Penal Code (IPC)
- The code was drafted on the recommendations of first law commission of India under the Chairmanship of Lord Macaulay
- The Malimath Committee of 2003 is related to the issue of reforms in the IPC.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.4) Consider the following statements about India liver transplant registry
- It is initiated by NITI Aayog
- The registry aims to collate national data of the liver transplant procedures and their outcomes.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
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