Highlights |UPSC Exam Current Affairs 23-10-2019
Current Affairs and News (23-10-2019)- The following article contains all the updated events and news for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.
- 2019 ozone hole is the smallest on record
- Ramgarh dam
- Rise in stubble burning cases in Punjab
- Hover-taxis
- Freedom of Press
- Van Allen Probes mission
- Crime in India report
- Eighth Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) ministerial meeting
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UPSC Exam Current Affairs 23-10-2019 are followed in the part below:
UPSC Exam Current Affairs and News Analysis (23-10-2019)
2019 ozone hole is the smallest on record
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III–Environment
In News
- The ozone opening over Antarctica is the littlest seen since 1982, because of strangely warm temperatures in the upper air that drastically constrained ozone consumption in September and October this year, as per NASA
- Ozone is a particle that is made out of three oxygen iotas. It is answerable for sifting through destructive bright radiation from the Sun.
- The gas is continually being made and pulverized in the stratosphere, around 20-30km over the Earth.
- In an unpolluted air, this cycle of creation and disintegration is in balance. In any case, chlorine and bromine-containing synthetics discharged by human action have uneven the procedure, bringing about lost ozone that is at its most noteworthy in the Antarctic spring in September/October.
- About 200 nations consented to boycott the synthetic substances generally harming the ozone under the Montreal Protocol of 1987.
Ramgarh dam
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III –Environment Conservation
In News
- An unsettling for insurance of catchment zone of the notable Ramgarh dam, once considered the lifesaver of Jaipur, has resuscitated with the townspeople and ranchers of the locale organizing a demonstration close to the dam requesting prompt expulsion of infringements.
- Its development was finished in 1904 during the rule of past Jaipur ruler Sawai Madho Singh II.
- The dam, which prior provided drinking water to the city, has dried totally in the most recent decade
- There is a recommendation that the Chambal stream water be provided to the dam through the proposed Eastern Rajasthan Canal Project in order to resuscitate the dam
Rise in stubble burning cases in Punjab
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III – Environment Conservation
In News
- More than 3,300 cases revealed till October 21 as against 2,564 occurrences in comparing period a year ago
- Stubble consuming, near the pre-winter season each year, has been a key contributing component of contamination noticeable all around and breathing issues among individuals over the northern locale, including New Delhi
- The purpose of the higher number of fire cases has been the choice to propel the date of paddy planting this season, seven days sooner than the planned date of June 20 because of the unexpected appearance of rainstorm this year.
- Subsequently, collecting the harvest has likewise begun early this time. Furthermore, along these lines, the quantity of homestead fires this year, as against the comparing time frame a year ago, is higher.
- For the executives of paddy straw without consuming, the Center and the State government are giving financed agro-machines and hardware to ranchers and agreeable social orders. However, ranchers keep on consuming harvest buildup asserting the absence of options.
- The boycott and activity against individuals consuming yield buildup is controlled under the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981.
- In 2016, Punjab saw 84,000 episodes of stubble fire while in 2017, a plunge was seen with the number of cases at 46,000. In 2018, the fire episodes were near 50,000, as indicated by the administration information.
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III – Infrastructure
In News
- German firm Volocopter tests its battery-worked, two-seater heli-taxi vehicle in Singapore
- The 18 propeller vehicle—taking after little helicopters however controlled by ramble like innovation — can fly self-rulingly yet there was a pilot on board during the test for security reasons.
- Prior in October 2019, Volocopter uncovered the “VoloPort”, a flying taxi port at Singapore’s Marina Bay with an arrival and departure cushion just as a traveler terminal.
- Numerous Asian uber urban areas are infamous for beast congested driving conditions, which leave a great many workers confronting long adventures, and can defer officials attempting to run to air terminals or arrive at significant gatherings on schedule.
- Volocopter says that such advancement in air transport will diminish traffic blockage and alter urban versatility
Freedom of Press
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains II –Polity
In News
- On 21st Oct 2019, Australian paper perusers had a startling encounter — regardless of which paper they got, the first page conveyed content that was passed out — as though it had been redacted by the administration.
- The choice to ‘control’ the first page was completed by a media alliance crosswise overprint, TV, radio and online gateways, called the “Right to Know”
- Australia’s Right to Know alliance incorporates Nine, News Corp, the ABC, SBS, The Guardian, and writers’ association the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance.
- The move was in light of the dynamic solidifying of national security laws in the course of recent decades by progressive governments that have undermined insightful news-casting as well as condemned it
- A focal interest of the Right to Know alliance is that the administration absolves columnists and informants from a counter-surveillance law that was presented a year ago
Van Allen Probes mission
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III –Science & Technology
In News
- NASA as of late decommissioned its 7-year-old Van Allen Probes crucial.
- It contained two satellites that were set in Van Allen belts which considered how these radiation rings secure and lose electromagnetic particles
- Understanding space climate is significant as it meddles with our on-ground power lattices, route interchanges satellites in circle and wellbeing of space explorers
- Both the satellites will exist in the circle for roughly 15 years during which they are going to gradually come towards the climate and get wrecked in the circle.
- Van Allen radiation belts are mammoth swaths of attractively caught, exceptionally vivacious charged particles that encompass the earth.
- James Van Allen, a physicist at the University of Iowa, found these radiation belts in 1958.

TOPIC: General Studies 3:
- Difficulties to inside security through correspondence systems, job of media and long-range informal communication destinations in interior security challenges, nuts and bolts of digital security; tax evasion and its counteractive action
- Security challenges and their administration in fringe zones; linkages of sorted out wrongdoing with psychological oppression
- Different Security powers and offices and their command
Crime in India report
- The 2017 Crime in India report, discharged by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB),
- 30% bounce in cases recorded as “offenses against the State
- Just because, the NCRB has presented classes of digital wrongdoings against ladies and kids.
- The NCRB has additionally recorded instances of unbalanced resources against community workers other than presenting new wrongdoing heads, for example, abetment, criminal terrorizing, straightforward hurt, credit/charge card, and online fakes, Internet violations through web-based gaming and abducting for asking among others.

Crime against SC /ST
- The greater part of all offenses enlisted under The Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act were unfortunate casualties were Dalits, were identified with affront and mortification loaded on them. (Karnataka, UP, and Bihar)
- The most noteworthy paces of violations against Dalits (number of episodes per 1,00,000 populace) were in Madhya Pradesh (52), Bihar (41), and Rajasthan (35).
- Another pattern in instances of defilement: “traps” including lower-level government authorities are expanding at the expense of criminal wrongdoing including senior authorities. (This could mean either diminished defilement at more elevated levels or expanded excitement among law requirement to follow little guilty parties)
- The enrollment of debasement cases has fallen by over 20% since 2015. “Trap” cases have spiked.
- “Trap” cases, in which gift is caught in the act, for the most part, include lower-level authorities who acknowledge delight in real money. Criminal unfortunate behavior cases, by and large, include higher authorities; monetary gains for these situations are once in a while made in real money.
- The number of digital wrongdoings expanded significantly in 2017 when contrasted with 2016,
- About each fifth digital wrongdoing in 2017 was submitted against a lady.
- The greater part the occurrences of digital wrongdoing in 2017 was spurred by misrepresentation
- The number of digital wrongdoings submitted per 1,00,000 populace — in 2017 was 1.7, the report appears.
- The most digital violations per 1,00,000 populace were submitted in Karnataka 5% in 2017; Telangana was straightaway, with a pace of 3.3%, trailed by Maharashtra (3) and Uttar Pradesh (2.2%)
- UP, the most crowded state enlisted the biggest number of digital wrongdoings
- The digital wrongdoings against ladies were identified with digital extortion or dangers, digital erotic entertainment or facilitating or distributing vulgar sexual materials, digital stalking or digital harassing of ladies, criticism, or transforming and obscene portrayal of ladies, and so forth
Crime against women and children:
- On account of ladies and kids, the NCRB has this time recorded information for “homicide with assault”.
- In 2017, upwards of 33,885 ladies were accounted for to have been assaulted the nation over. Of these, 227 were killed after the assault.
- Upwards of 28,152 kids were assaulted with cases enlisted under IPC and the POCSO Act. Of these, 151 were slaughtered subsequent to being assaulted.
- Larger part of adolescents in struggle with law captured under IPC and SLL wrongdoings were in the age gathering of 16 years to 18 years.

Image: https://indiatribune.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Crime.jpg
- Police postponed charge sheets in 40% of cases.
- In specific cases, for example, revolting, which incorporates common uproars, police deferred documenting of charge sheets in 60% of the cases(90 days according to law).
- There are in excess of 3 lakh cases pending examinations for over one year.
- 40% of cases in quick track courts have taken over three years to complete the preliminary
- 3,384 cases resolved too quick track courts, the preliminary was done in over 10 years.
- 2,71,779 cases were pending preliminary toward the finish of 2017. (In aggregate)
- The report discards information on crowd lynchings, khap killings, murder by compelling individuals and killings for strict reasons.
- Information on rancher suicides after 2015 not distributed.
Do you know?
- The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), is an Indian government office liable for gathering and examining wrongdoing information as characterized by the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and Special and Local Laws (SLL).
- Some portion of the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), Government of India.
- It was set up dependent on the proposal of the Taskforce,1985 and National Police Commission,1977 by combining the Directorate of Coordination and Police Computer (DCPC), Inter-State Criminals Data Branch of CBI and Central Finger Print Bureau of CBI
- The NCRB information on wrongdoing shroud critical fluctuations on the off chance that enlistment of genuine violations, for example, assaults and brutality against ladies crosswise over States, which make it hard to draw State-wise correlations.
Connecting the dots:
- The 2017 report shows that the States in the upper east and others in the remainder of the nation with a noteworthy ancestral populace (Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Odisha) have moderately higher homicide rates and this is a reason for stress. Examine
TOPIC: General Studies 2:
- Respective, territorial and worldwide groupings and understandings including India as well as influencing India’s inclinations
- Impact of strategies and governmental issues of created and creating nations on India’s inclinations, Indian Diaspora.
Eighth Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) ministerial meeting
- Business Minister Piyush Goyal is in Bangkok for the eighth Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) pastoral gathering.
- The gathering, which is probably going to be the last one at this level, is required to work out the uncertain issues in the arrangements on the uber economic alliance that will be finished up in the not so distant future.
- The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is an exchange accord that is at present under arrangement among 16 nations — the 10 part nations of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), and the six nations with which the ASEAN coalition has organized commerce understandings (FTA).
- The ASEAN, which incorporates Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam, has FTAs with India, Australia, China, South Korea, Japan, and New Zealand.

Image: https://images.indianexpress.com/2019/10/rcep.jpg?w=759&h=413&imflag=true
- The reason for RCEP is to make a “coordinated market” spreading over every one of the 16 nations, making it simpler for items and administrations of every one of these nations to be accessible over this locale.
- ASEAN says the arrangement will give “a system planned for bringing down exchange boundaries and verifying improved market access for merchandise and enterprises for organizations in the locale”.
- The exchanges are focussed on regions like exchange products and ventures, speculation, monetary and specialized participation, protected innovation, rivalry, debate repayment, web-based business, and little and medium undertakings.
Milk issue of India:
- Milk is India’s biggest “crop”.
- In 2018-19, the assessed generation of milk, at 187.75 million tons (mt).
- The estimation of milk yield (Rs 5,63,250 crore at a normal homestead entryway pace of Rs 30/kg)
- Milk is a wellspring of liquidity for ranchers, as it is sold day by day and creates money to deal with routine family costs, not at all like different yields that are promoted just on more than one occasion per year.
- Milk matters similarly to customers in India, since it meets the creature protein/fat prerequisites of a critical part of the populace that is veggie lover.
- As livelihoods rise, the interest for milk goes up considerably more.
- On the off chance that dairy items are secured under an RCEP bargain, India may need to permit individuals from the coalition more noteworthy access to its market, regardless of whether through staged obligation decreases or progressively liberal duty rate standards (TRQs).
- There is a previously existing TRQ for milk powder, which empowers import of as much as 10,000 tons for each year at 15% traditions obligation, and amounts past that at the ordinary pace of 60%.
- The Indian dairy industry is opposing any improved TRQs or other import concessions, regardless of whether stretched out just to RCEP nations, instead of the US or European Union.
Other Issues:
- India’s exchange shortfalls with countries have consistently augmented subsequent to consenting to unhindered commerce arrangements (FTAs) with them, referring to the cases with ASEAN, Japan, Korea, and Singapore, the greater part of which are RCEP countries.
- It has additionally been brought up that India’s helpless agribusiness and dairy parts, which are not in positions to rival Australia and New Zealand, will be presented to notions of worldwide exchange.
- Indian assembling isn’t sufficiently focused to confront the ideas of an organized commerce system.
- Significantly following 27 years of advancement, wastefulness wins because of a large group of unimplemented changes in the item and the factor markets.
- On the factor side, work showcase changes are inadequate. Work efficiency in assembling is as yet one of the most minimal on the planet with spatially divided work laws are raising the expenses of working together.
- Given this, the Indian industry is barely in a situation to contend in the level-playing ground in a facilitated commerce district.
Way forward
- Regardless of the considerable number of concerns, the administration must consider that either hindering India’s RCEP commitment or leaving the discussions at this stage would remove India of the standards-making process for the RCEP and give China further space in the territorial exchange and security design.
- When the U.S. has parted from the worldwide accord on multilateral exchange understandings, an Indian walkout would jeopardize the unified message that RCEP nations, which speak to 40% of the worldwide GDP, would wish to convey.
- It would likewise be a sharp takeoff from India’s “Demonstration East” motto and its all-inclusive effort to ASEAN.
- RCEP could maybe wind up doing to dairy what the facilitated commerce concurrence with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) did in palm oil, dread numerous in the business in India.
- During a period of worldwide vulnerabilities and difficulties to multilateralism and the global financial request, a negative message on RCEP would undermine India’s arrangements for monetary development.
Connecting the dots:
- India can’t bear to drop out of the unhindered commerce understanding dealings. Analyze
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in the comment section)
- Featured Comments and comments Up-voted by whataftercollege are the “correct answers”.
Q.1)Van Allen belt sometimes is seen in the news is related to which of the following?
- Belt of volcanoes surrounding the Pacific Ocean
- Belt of asteroids between Mars and Jupiter
- Magnetic belt surrounding Earth
- None of the above
Q.2)Ramgarh Damsometimes seen in news is located in which state?
- Uttar Pradesh
- Uttarakhand
- Rajasthan
- Gujarat
Q.3)Consider the following statements
- Ozone is a molecule that is composed of three oxygen atoms. It is responsible for filtering out harmful ultraviolet radiation from the Sun.
- The gas is constantly being made and destroyed in the stratosphere, about 20-30km above the Earth.
- Nearly 200 countries agreed to ban the chemicals most damaging to the ozone under the Paris Protocol of 2015.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 and 2 only
- 2 and 3 only
- 1 and 3 only
- 1,2 and 3
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