Highlights |UPSC Exam Current Affairs 24-08-2019
UPSC exam current affairs 24-08-2019- The following article contains all the updated events and news for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.
- Composite Water Management Index 2.0
- World Youth Conference on Kindness
- Financial Action Task Force (FATF)
- Nirmala Sitharaman’s measures to revive economic growth
- Letting the pearl on the Silk Road shine brighter
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UPSC Exam Current Affairs 24-08-2019 are followed in the part below:
UPSC Exam Current Affairs and News Analysis (24-08-2019)
Composite Water Management Index 2.0
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III –Environmental Conservation
In News
- NITI Aayog has discharged the second Round of Composite Water Management Index.
- Gujarat clutches its rank one in the reference year (2017-18), trailed by Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Goa, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.
- 80% of states evaluated on the Index in the course of the most recent three years have demonstrated improvement in water the executive’s scores, with a normal improvement of +5.2 focuses.
- In North-Eastern and the Himalayan States, Himachal Pradesh has been declared number 1 of every 2017-18 pursued by Uttarakhand, Tripura and Assam.
- The Union Territories have first time presented their information and Puducherry has been announced as the top ranker.
Do You Know?
- Almost 600 million Indians confronted high to outrageous water pressure and around 2,00,000 individuals kicked the bucket each year because of deficient access to safe water.
- NITI Aayog first propelled and conceptualized the Composite Water Management Index in 2018 as an instrument to impart the feeling of agreeable and focused federalism among the states.
- The ‘list’ targets catching how well States have done on groundwater and surface water rebuilding, executing major and medium water system ventures, watershed advancement, participatory water system the board, on-ranch water use, rustic and urban water supply, and strategy and administration.
- The 16 low-performing States all in all record for 48% of the populace, 40% of rural produce, and 35% of monetary yield for India.
World Youth Conference on Kindness
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS-IV – Ethics
In News
- The President of India, Ram Nath Kovind, initiated the primary World Youth Conference on Kindness in New Delhi on August 23, 2019.
- The gathering is sorted out by UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP) and MHRD
- The point of the gathering is to grant basic capabilities (for example sympathy, empathy, care and basic request) in worldwide youth to move, enable and empower them to change themselves and assemble dependable harmony in their networks.
- Youth pioneers, speaking to more than 27 nations, are partaking in this Conference
Do You Know
- The MGIEP is UNESCO’s class 1 Research Institute that spotlights on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4.7 towards training for building tranquil and supportable social orders over the world.
- Vision: ‘Changing Education for Humanity’ – to standard Social and Emotional Learning in training frameworks, enhance advanced teaching methods and to put youth as worldwide residents at the focal point of the 2030 plan for Sustainable Development.
Financial Action Task Force (FATF)
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains II – International issues
In News
- Dread subsidizing guard dog FATF Asia-Pacific Group ‘boycotts’ Pakistan.
- Pakistan has been set on the most minimal crosspiece, or “Upgraded Expedited Follow Up List (Blacklist) of the Financial Action Task Force’s Asia Pacific Group (APG).
- The APG is one of nine territorial associates of the FATF.
- APG has discovered Pakistan rebellious on 32 of the 40 consistency parameters of dread financing and illegal tax avoidance.
- While the putting doesn’t expedite any new reformatory estimates Pakistan, it will mean quarterly answering to the gathering on progress in its budgetary projections.
- In June, the FATF had cautioned Pakistan that its inability to finish its activity plan on fear financing might prompt the nation getting boycotted.
- The Paris entire of FATF in October will choose whether to expel Pakistan from the greylist, proceed with the posting, or downsize it to a boycott of non-helpful nations.
- Authorities said the minimization probably won’t happen, given that any three nations in the FATF can veto it, and Pakistan is probably going to verify the sponsorship of China, Turkey and Malaysia.
- By and by, the APG choice on Friday would make it hard for Pakistan to remove itself from the greylist.
Do You Know?
- FATF is an intergovernmental organization founded in 1989 on the initiative of the G7 to develop policies to combat money laundering.
- In 2001 its mandate expanded to include terrorism financing.
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III – Energy Security
In News
- Pastor of New and Renewable Energy has affirmed a proposition to pronounce sea vitality as Renewable Energy.
- Government has explained to all partners that vitality created utilizing different types of sea vitality, for example, tidal, wave and sea warm vitality transformation will be considered as Renewable Energy.
- It will be qualified for meeting the non-sunlight based Renewable Purchase Obligations (RPO).
- The choice will give a lift to see vitality in the nation.
- The all-out recognized capability of Tidal Energy is around 12455 MW, with potential areas distinguished at Khambat and Kutch locales, and enormous backwaters, where flood innovation could be utilized.
Do You Know?
- Tidal Energy: The tidal cycle happens like clockwork because of the gravitational power of the moon. The distinction in water range from low tide and the elevated tide is potential vitality.
- Ebb and flow Energy: Marine ebb and flow are seawater moving one way. This sea momentum is known as the Gulf Stream. Tides likewise make flows that stream in two ways. Motor vitality can be caught from the Gulf Stream and other tidal ebbs and flows with submerged turbines.
- Wave Energy: Wave vitality is created by the development of a gadget either drifting on the outside of the sea or secured to the seafloor.
- Sea Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC): It utilizes sea temperature contrasts from the surface to profundities lower than 1,000 meters, to separate vitality. A temperature distinction of no one but 20°C can yield usable vitality.
TOPIC: General studies 3
- Indian Economy and issues relating to planning, mobilization of resources, growth, development and employment, Inclusive growth and issues arising from it.
- Government Budgeting.
Nirmala Sitharaman’s measures to revive economic growth
The declarations come when the observation that the log jam has been disturbing as of late and spreading crosswise over segments.
Account Minister Nirmala Sitharaman Friday reported an incomplete rollback of the improved extra charge on outside portfolio financial specialists (FPI) imposed in the Budget and showed an audit of the additional charge demand for high total assets people too.
Announcements made by finance minister:
- Extra charge on long and momentary capital additions emerging from the exchange of value shares has been pulled back.
- The CSR infringement would be treated as a common offence, and not a criminal offence.
- Aside from these two measures, the FM declared a large number of measures planned for boosting a hailing residential economy.
- This incorporates an affirmation that ICE (interior burning motor) vehicles will exist together with EVs (electric vehicles) and that there is no eliminating of ICE vehicles, a dread communicated in specific quarters of the car business.
- Banks would likewise be approached to pass on the full effect of the loan fee slices to purchasers.
- Repo rate-connected credits.
- The Finance Minister didn’t confine her endeavours to help the economy to simply the private part. In what ought to be invited by borrowers no matter how you look at it, including those searching for a home and automobile advances, she declared that open area banks have chosen to build their repo rate-connected advance contributions.
- A significant grievance among end-shoppers has been that the Reserve Bank of India’s repo rate cuts has not been transmitted onwards by the banks. Repo rate-connected advance items will successfully remove the banks from the rate-setting process.
- What should likewise cheer forthcoming mortgage holders is that the legislature has declared an extra ₹20,000 crores of liquidity to the lodging money organizations, far beyond the ₹10,000 crores prior reported.
What is the surcharge that’s been withdrawn?
- The additional charge of 3 percent and 7 percent on those winning between Rs 2 crore and Rs 5 crore, and over Rs 5 crore separately had been declared by Sitharaman as a component of her Budget proposition.
- This had prompted distinctive tax collection results for FPIs enlisted as Association of Persons or trusts and organizations, even as those enrolled as organizations were saved of this additional charge.
- As far back as the spending declaration, markets have been seeing a selloff on most exchanging days, to a great extent considering the FPI sway.
- The present declaration inverts the duty forced in the spending limit. In any case, charge specialists said the extra charge would keep on being demanded on business pay of the FPIs and unlisted offers.
Why was the CSR announcement controversial?
- The alteration to the Companies Act spent not long ago, presented unforgiving punishments including a prison term for resistance on CSR (corporate social duty) by recorded organizations.
- This had been pummeled by the business as a backward move, particularly given the way that over the most recent five years, the absolute CSR spends of organizations have continuously hopped from 70% to over 90% presently, as indicated by information sourced from Prime Database.
Why have these decisions been taken now?
- Throughout the most recent couple of weeks, the Finance Minister had led a progression of meeting with the business heads, bank delegates, service authorities and PSU boss to examine the issues affecting the economy.
- A week ago, she had likewise held an audit meeting with the Prime Minister on the condition of the economy.
- The declarations come when the recognition that the log jam has been disturbing as of late and spreading crosswise over segments.
- The continuous log jam isn’t explicit to India and is a worldwide issue, Sitharaman said at the media cooperation.
- For an economy that is downbeat in development and in assumption, the complete bundle of measures reported by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Friday may simply be the correct lift. They address development lull concerns; free up assets for speculation and spending by banks, lodging account organizations and MSMEs; and critically, fix some disputable recommendations, in the financial limit and outside it, which were influencing assessment in the business sectors and the corporate part. What’s more, critically, these have all been managed with no noteworthy monetary weight on the legislature. A portion of the measures advances the simplicity of working together and even the simplicity of living for conventional residents.
Connecting the dots:
- Critically examine the reasons for the slowdown in the Indian economy
TOPIC: General studies 1 General studies 2
- The remarkable parts of Art Forms, Literature and Architecture from antiquated to present-day times.
- Assorted variety of India
- India and its neighbourhood-relations.
- Respective, territorial and worldwide groupings and understandings including India as well as influencing India’s inclinations
Letting the pearl on the Silk Road shine brighter
- The Dunhuang city has been an observer to various cooperations and shared learning among China and India.
- As of late, Chinese President Xi Jinping visited the Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang city of China to assess social relics assurance and research work.
About Dunhuang:
- Dunhuang is a land that has experienced changes of history with old inheritances and enchantment excellence.
- Around 2,000 years back, a Chinese geographer of the Eastern Han line Ying Shao stated: “Dun, implies fantastic; Huang, implies splendid.”Therefore Dunhuang implies the place where there is a great wonder.
- Authentic changes throughout the thousand years formed the superb scene of this boondocks district west of China’s Gansu area and left beautiful and perfect social fortunes.
- The Mogao Grottoes, situated in a desert spring encompassed by water and mountain, have stood discreetly for more than 1,650 years and become the most plenteous and choice Buddhist workmanship relics in China and past.
- Mogao Grottoes are a fortune place of workmanship, design, model and painting with 735 grottoes, more than 45,000 square meters of wall paintings and 2,000 painted figures.
- These show-stoppers are perfectly made, with exceptional craftsmanship, distinctive appeal, and mix of structure and soul. Like a stunning and vivid development, they tell a wonderful and contacting legend of enchantment to engage enduring thousand years.
- Dunhuang is an observer to connections and shared learning among China and India, two antiquated civilisations. The Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang help me to remember Ajanta Caves and Elora Caves in India.
- All being world-celebrated, the wall paintings and Buddha figures in these caverns tell the verifiable and social ties among Chinese and Indian civilisations and witness the light of between civilisational trades and common learning.
- Indian-style figures can be found in the Mogao Grottoes worked during the fourth to sixth hundreds of years.
- The moves of the most normally observed Apsara figure in Dunhuang wall paintings are like those in Indian old-style moves. Dunhuang additionally keeps numerous antiquated Buddhist sutras written in Sanskrit and Pattra-Leaf Scripture, an abundance of data for China-India social trades
Convergence of cultures
- Dunhuang is an old-style case of the intermingling of Oriental and Western civilisations.
- Dunhuang is a significant centre where Oriental culture met the Western culture ever, and various societies met and blended here, moulding the one of a kind appeal of Dunhuang culture.
- The rich and bright painted figures and wall paintings in the Mogao Grottoes assimilate the quality of antiquated Eastern and Western craftsmanship.
- The awesome Dunhuang culture is a combination of the best of societies of different countries.
- Ji Xianlin, an ace researcher on culture in China, said that there are just four social frameworks on the planet with a long history, immense region, independent framework and broad impact
- Chinese
- Indian
- Greek and
- Islamic
Dunhuang as an important hub city:
- Dunhuang is known as the “Pearl on the Silk Road”.
- For a great many years, emissaries and authorities, shippers and trains, priests and researchers, capital and innovation, coordinated and conveyed through this silk street, supporting the improvement and flourishing of nations along the course.
- China and India have likewise grown close financial, exchange and social trades along the old Silk Road of both land and ocean.
- China’s papermaking, silk, porcelain and tea were acquainted with India, while Indian singing and moving, stargazing, engineering and flavours were acquainted with China, which turned into the authentic observer of the shared trades between the different sides.
- Zhang Qian was sent on a strategic crucial the Western Regions. Zheng, He cruised toward the Western Ocean multiple times and visited India multiple times.
- Xuan Zang, Kumarajiva, Bodhidharma and other extraordinary priests made the endeavours by traverse mountains and cruising the remote ocean
Road of friendship-India and China
- The Silk Road isn’t just a street of exchange yet, in addition, a street of fellowship and shared learning among civilisations.
- It will unquestionably additionally advance the profound between availability and social trades between nations along the course.
- The Silk Road soul is about receptiveness, trades and comprehensiveness. It uncovers the reality that there will be no advancement without transparency, no improvement without trades and no quality without comprehensiveness.
People-to-People (P2P) meeting:
- The system was set up under the joint activity of President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
- Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Indian Minister of External Affairs Subrahmanyam Jaishankar co-led the second gathering of China-India High Level People-to-People (P2P) and Cultural Exchanges Mechanism in Beijing.
- Since the primary gathering, respective individuals to-individuals and social trades and collaboration have seen a crisp blast.
- At this gathering, China and India consent to having progressively vivid P2P and social occasions, work for new progress in P2P and social trades and merge the well-known help for the sound advancement of China-India relations.
- In the long course of history, China and India, two antiquated oriental civilisations, have occupied with trades and shared learning made two lively and beguiling civilisations and made incredible commitments to the improvement of human civilisation. In the new period, China and India ought to likewise hold fast to comprehensiveness and resolve contrasts through building shared conviction. We ought to rise above civilisation obstructions through trades, ascend above “civilisation clashes” by common learning, and beat the feeling of prevalence by advancing concurrence of civilisations
Connecting the dots:
- Discuss Indo-China cultural relations.
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in the comment section)
Q.1) Consider the following statements with regard to Composite Water Management Index 2.0
- It is conceptualised and prepared by Ministry of Jal Shakti
- Karnataka had topped the Index
- 80% of states assessed on the Index over the last three years have shown improvement in water management scores
Which of the statements given above are incorrect?
- 1 and 2 only
- 2 and 3 only
- 1 and 3 only
- 1,2 and 3
Q.2) Consider the following statements about the World Youth Conference
- The third edition of the conference was recently inaugurated by President Ram Nath Kovind in New Delhi
- The conference is organised by UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development and MHRD
- The aim of the conference is to impart critical competencies like empathy, compassion, mindfulness and critical inquiry in global youth
Which of the above statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 and 2 only
- 2 and 3 only
- 1 and 3 only
- 1,2 and 3
Q.3) Consider the following statements with regard to Financial Action Task Force
- FATF is an intergovernmental organization founded in 1989 on the initiative of the G7 to develop policies to combat money laundering
- India is a member of FATF since 2010
Which of the above statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
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