Highlights |UPSC Exam Current Affairs 26-08-2019
UPSC exam current affairs 26-08-2019- The following article contains all the updated events and news for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.
- India-Bahrain ties
- Naga Peace Process
- Akademik Lomonosov
- Swatantra Sainik Samman Pension Scheme
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Watch Video – UPSC Exam Current Affairs 26-08-2019
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UPSC Exam Current Affairs 26-08-2019 are followed in the part below:
UPSC Exam Current Affairs and News Analysis (26-08-2019)
India-Bahrain ties
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains II –International relations
In News
- PM Narendra Modi paid a state visit to Bahrain on 24-25 August 2019, which was the main ever Prime Ministerial visit from India to Bahrain.
- The two India and Bahrain approached the worldwide network to dismiss utilization of fear-based oppression against different nations as the two sides consented to additionally upgrade participation in the field of security, counter-psychological warfare and the trading of insight and data.
- Both consented to improve participation to fortify oceanic security in the Gulf area, crucial for the security and wellbeing of ocean paths and squeezed for UN changes.
- India additionally invited the enthusiasm of Bahrain to join the International Solar union.
- India additionally propelled the redesign of Shree Krishna sanctuary in Manama, the most seasoned in the Gulf area.
- An MoU was additionally marked between BENEFIT, a Bahrain organization dealing with ATM and POS exchanges among others, and National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) for the dispatch of RuPay card in the Gulf Kingdom.
- The two nations additionally marked MoUs on a social trade program, space innovation, sunlight based vitality
Do You Know?
- India-Bahrain respective exchange has been on the ascent throughout the previous not many years, coming to about US$ 1.3 billion out of 2018-19.
- About 3.5 Lakhs Indian national dwell and work in Bahrain, which is the biggest exile network in Bahrain.
- The nearness of more than 3,000 Indian-possessed/joint Ventures in Bahrain demonstrates the exceptional monetary commitment between the two nations.
- Inlet Cooperation Council: is a provincial intergovernmental political and financial association comprising of all Arab conditions of the Persian Gulf aside from Iraq, to be specific: Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates
Naga Peace Process
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS-II – Issues related to Federalism
In News
- A Naga radical gathering (NSCN-IM) has just because said an “independent banner and Constitution” were essential for a “noteworthy arrangement” to the 22-year-old Naga harmony process.
- Focus finished Jammu and Kashmir’s exceptional status that enabled it to have its very own Constitution and a banner, by revoking Article 370 on fifth August 2019.
- The Isak-Muivah group of the National Socialist Council of Nagaland (NSCN-IM) had consented to a Framework Arrangement with Union Government on August 2015.
Do You Know
- The harmony procedure started when NSCN-IM declared a truce in 1997 and structure understanding was accepted to have taken that procedure to a basic stage. Be that as it may, both the Center and the outfit has not disclosed the substance of the understanding.
- The Khaplang group of the NSCN stopped to be a piece of the harmony procedure after it left a 14-year-old ceasefire in March 2015.
- The Khaplang group is principally situated in Myanmar while the vast majority of the pioneers and units of the Isak-Muivah bunch are from Manipur.
- The Center had a year back demanded that the harmony procedure would be fragmented if at any rate six other Naga fanatic gatherings, some of whom are lethargic, were not accepted the exchanges.
Akademik Lomonosov
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III – Science & Technology
In News
- Akademik Lomonosov is Russian capacity to be worked as the world’s first gliding atomic power station.
- It will be sent at Pevek, in the Chukotka district in Russia’s Far East and is wanted to come online toward the finish of 2019 as the close by Bilibino Nuclear Power Plant is closed.
- It expects predominantly to serve the locale’s oil stages as Russia is growing the misuse of hydrocarbons in the Arctic.
- Atomic organization Rosatom says the reactor is an easier option in contrast to building a regular plant and it means to sell such reactors abroad.
- Rosatom plans to store spent fuel on board of the ship and along these lines, any mishap including this fuel may seriously affect the delicate condition of the Arctic.
- Natural gatherings have since quite a while ago cautioned of the threats of the undertaking, naming it a potential “Chernobyl on ice” and an “atomic Titanic” as it is also powerless against storms.
Do You Know?
- An Earth-wide temperature boost and liquefying ice have made the Northeast Passage — which interfaces the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific along Russia’s northern coast — increasingly available.
- The ship was named after Academician Mikhail Lomonosov who was a Russian polymath, researcher and essayist in the eighteenth century.
- The Chernobyl calamity was an atomic mishap that happened at an atomic reactor in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, close to the city of Pripyat in the north of the Ukrainian SSR on April 1986.
- It is viewed as the most noticeably terrible atomic debacle in history and is one of just two atomic vitality catastrophes evaluated at seven—the greatest seriousness—on the International Nuclear Event Scale, the other being the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi atomic fiasco in Japan.
Swatantra Sainik Samman Pension Scheme
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains I – Society
In News
- The Supreme Court has hammered the Center for irritating a 90-year-old political dissident who was attempting to get his annuity under Swatantra Sainik Samman Pension Scheme.
- The plan was presented with the object of giving benefits to political dissidents and groups of saints.
- The plan isn’t to “reward” devoted people who tossed their lives into the Freedom Movement, however, to respect them and relieve their misery.
- As of March 2019, an all-out 1.7 lakh political dissidents and their qualified wards have been authorized the focal Samman benefits up until now.
- It is executed by Ministry of Home Affairs (Freedom Fighters Division)
Do You Know?
- Administration of India presented the ‘Ex-Andaman Political Prisoners Pension Scheme’ in 1969 to respect the political dissidents who had been detained in the Cellular Jail at Port Blair.
- In 1972, to honour the 25th Anniversary of Independence, an ordinary plan for the award of political dissidents’ benefits was presented.
- Since 1980, a changed plan, to be specific the ‘Swatantrata Sainik Samman Pension Scheme, 1980’ is being executed.
TOPIC: General studies 2
- Government strategies and intercessions for advancement in different divisions and issues emerging out of their plan and usage.
- Welfare plans for helpless segments of the populace by the Center and States and the presentation of these plans; systems, laws, foundations and bodies established for the security and advancement of these defenceless areas
Privacy no longer supreme
- Two years ago, this month, a nine-judge bench of the Supreme Court unanimously held that Indians have a constitutionally protected fundamental right to privacy.
What did the judge say?
- It held that protection is a characteristic right that inheres in every single common individual and that the privilege might be confined distinctly by state activity that breezes through every one of the three assessments:
- To start with, such state activity must have an administrative order;
- Second, it must be seeking after a genuine state reason;
- Third, it must be proportionate i.e., such state activity — both in its inclination and degree, must be vital in a fair society and the activity should be the least nosy of the accessible choices to achieve the finishes.
Prescribing a higher standard
- Judgment in Justice K.S. Puttaswamy (Retd) versus Union Of India on a very basic level changed the manner by which the administration saw its residents’ protection, both by and by and remedy.
- It embraced basic changes and acquired straightforwardness and receptiveness the way toward dispatching and executing its observation extends and fabricated a component of legal oversight over reconnaissance demands.
- It showed extraordinary consideration and affectability in managing individual data of its residents.
- It administered a transformative, rights-situated information insurance law that held every single amazing element that manages residents’ close to home (information controllers), including the state, responsible.
Data protection law
- The information assurance law typified the rule that the state must be a model information controller and recommended a better quality of recognition for the state.
- The law additionally perceived and restricted the act of making access to fundamental administrations dependent upon the resident leaving behind unessential individual data.
- This law built up a successful security commission that is entrusted with authorizing, ensuring and satisfying the basic right to protection actualized through the particular rights under the enactment.
- The information assurance law additionally changed the innovation segment scene in the nation, clearing a route for creative protection mindful and security saving specialized arrangement suppliers to flourish and prosper, and setting up the nation as a worldwide innovator in the space.
- The judgment in K.S. Puttaswamy affected little change in the administration’s reasoning or practice as it identified with security and the individual information of its residents.
Data use vs. privacy
- The legislature has evaded a rights-arranged methodology in the assortment, stockpiling and handling of individual information and has adhered to its ‘open great’ and ‘information is the new oil’ talk.
- As such, individual information in the care of the state is for the state to utilize, monetise and abuse in any way it wants inasmuch as it prepares for security episodes, for example, breaks and unapproved get to — for example, unapproved by the legislature.
- This helpful revival of the possibility of protection to simple data security seems to advise every one of its strategies
Justice Sri Krishna committee :
- The council distributed the draft Personal Data Protection Bill utilizes a comparative language of ‘free and reasonable advanced economy’, with the computerized economy being the finishes and the idea of security just being a shaper of the methods – distorting the motivation behind the bill, yet in addition its history and the fiendishness that it expected to handle.
- The board of trustees settled on the decisions it made regardless of staying alert that the courts are probably going to decipher each arrangement of the enactment purposively, observing that the reason for existing is framed as far as the economy instead of the bill having a solitary spotlight on the satisfaction of the privilege to security.
- K.S. Puttaswamy ages and steps into its third year, the content is still on the table. A rights-situated information security enactment — which incorporates far-reaching observation change-denying mass reconnaissance and establishment of a legal oversight instrument for focused reconnaissance — and which perceives the rule that the state should be a model information controller as it manages its residents’ close to home data; is as yet conceivable, one expectation.
Connecting the dots:
- India doesn’t have lawful engineering to manage information burglary and bargain issues. Do you concur? What are the difficulties with respect to information insurance and how might they be tended to?
- Information security has expected huge significance in the digitized world because of rising cybercrimes. The equity B.N Srikrishna Committee Report delivers issues identified with information security. What, in your view, are the qualities and shortcomings of the Report relating the insurance of individual information on the internet?
- Information assurance is one of the key components for a strong digital strategy. Dissect.
TOPIC: General Studies 3
- Conservation, environmental pollution and degradation, environmental impact assessment
How govt’s set climate targets
- In their ongoing joint presentation, India and France have focused on making long haul arrangements to contain outflows. While most nations set focuses against a cutoff time, there is a case for longer-term arranging.
- During Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Paris a week ago, a generous part — nine out of 34 passages — of the joint explanation by India and France was devoted to the related issues of environmental change, biodiversity, sustainable power source, and sea assets
The joint statement by India and France
- It discussed the two nations’ promise to improved atmosphere activities, their help for extraordinary failure carbon innovations, and their continuous endeavors to quicken the advancement and arrangement of sustainable power source.
- It referenced the requirement for practical utilization of marine assets, recognizing the connection among condition and security, and vowed to move in the direction of “sea administration”
- The different sides likewise vowed to create, by one year from now, methodologies for containing their ozone harming substances in the long haul time frame, conceivably for the following 30 or 50 years. From India’s perspective at any rate, a more drawn out term low-carbon pathway would be another advancement.
Countries & climate targets
- Under the 2015 Paris Agreement on environmental change, which will come into power one year from now, every signatory nation should announce and actualize an atmosphere activity plan, called Nationally Determined Commitments (NDCs).
- Up to this point, nations have for the most part declared their objectives for 2025 or 2030.
- India’s proclaimed focuses, for instance, are for 2030. It has said it would cut down its emanation force, or outflow per unit of GDP, by 33 to 35 percent by 2030 contrasted with 2005 levels.
- It has additionally vowed to guarantee that at any rate 40 percent of its power in 2030 would be produced from non-fossil sources and to make an extra carbon sink of 2.5 to 3 billion tons through woodlands.
- Every one of these activities and a lot more for which explicit targets have not been proclaimed would add to diminishing India’s ozone-depleting substance outflows.
- Every single other signatory to the Paris Agreement has announced comparable activity plans. NDCs must be refreshed like clockwork.
- The principal set of NDCs was pronounced in 2015 in front of the environmental change meeting in Paris. Nations should refresh these one year from now.
- The Paris Agreement requests that all signatories guarantee that progressive NDCs speak to a movement from their present targets.
- Nations have additionally been approached to develop a typical time allotment for their activity plans.
- Progressive NDCs, thusly, would all be five-year or ten-year activity plans.
Longer-term vision
- It has for quite some time been contended that nations need to settle and focus on longer-term atmosphere focuses, more than 30-year or 50-year time skylines.
- This won’t simply help in bringing greater consistency into atmosphere activities yet, in addition, make it simple to screen whether the world was advancing sufficiently to maintain a strategic distance from the disastrous effects of environmental change.
- It is contended that momentary targets can come up short on the criticalness of the errand, and can defer driven activity with the goal that two or after three decades, the trip could turn out to be steep to the point that it is difficult to scale.
- In this unique situation, there is a developing uproar to put pressure on the huge producers – China, the United States, European Union, India, Russia, Brazil, Australia – to think of long haul activity plans, specifically, to go for net-zero outflows in the year 2050.
- The clamour is most grounded in Europe since it is the greatest joined producer from the created nation bunch after the United States, which has reported a withdrawal from the Paris Agreement under the Trump organization.
- As a feature of its NDCs, the European Union of 27 nations has set a consolidated objective of a 40 percent decrease in its ozone-depleting substance discharges by 2030 from the 1990 levels.
- A year ago, notwithstanding, it likewise thought of a long haul vision, saying Europe would mean to become atmosphere unbiased or accomplish the objective of net-zero discharges, by 2050.
- Two months back, the United Kingdom turned into the main significant economy to enact a law to make itself atmosphere impartial by 2050.
- It had been formerly planning to accomplish 80 percent decrease from the 1990 levels.
- As atmosphere initiated extraordinary climate occasions get an ever-increasing number of debacles over the world, the interest for longer-term duties on atmosphere activity has been expanding.
- Two late reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) – on the possibility of containing the worldwide ascent in temperatures to inside 1.5°C from pre-modern occasions, and another on the condition of atmosphere prompted land debasement – have likewise focused on the requirement for increasingly critical and eager atmosphere activity in the more drawn out term.
Long-term action in India
- India, being a developing country, is treated differently from developed country parties like the US, European Union or Australia in the Paris Agreement.
- It is not obligated to take as ambitious targets as the developed world. But India also happens to be the third biggest emitter of greenhouse gases, after China and the United States, if the European Union is not counted as one entity.
- As such, there have been demands from India, as well as other major developing economies such as Brazil and South Africa, to also come up with longer-term commitments.
- In fact, there was a move from France to encourage India to make a commitment like this in the joint statement itself, but New Delhi resisted the pressure.
- India says, being a developing country, it was already doing much more than many developed countries, and committing to anything more than that was likely to hamper its development imperatives.
- It has also said that it was on course for achieving all its targets under its NDC well in time, and may even over-achieve them.
- But New Delhi is also conscious of the fact that the developed countries are far from delivering on their climate promises, especially on their obligation to provide money and technology to help developing and poor countries in fighting climate change
Connecting the Dots
- Talk about the components liable for long haul environmental change. What confirmations do we have that help current an Earth-wide temperature boost? Clarify.
- The battle against environmental change is more successful at the family level than full-scale level approach plans. Do you concur? Prove.
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in the comment section)
Q.1) Akademik Lomonosov recently seen in the news is related to which of the following field?
- Russian missile defence system bought by India
- Russian ambassador to Turkey killed in Ankara shooting
- Russian floating nuclear power plant
- None of the above
Q.2) Which of the following countries are part of the Gulf Cooperation Council
- Bahrain
- Kuwait
- Iraq
- India
Select the correct answer from the codes given below?
- 1 and 2 only
- 2 and 3 only
- 1,2 and 4 only
- 1,2 and 3 only
Q.3) Swatantra Sainik Samman Pension Scheme is being implemented by which Union Ministry?
- The Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
- Ministry of Labour
- Ministry of Home Affairs
- None of the above
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