Mental illness is a very common problem around college students. There are various numbers of theory and reason for stress in a student’s life.
Mental illness
According to MENTAL HEALTH RESEARCH conducted by the National Alliance on mental illness(NAMI), One in four students are affected by diagnosable illness , 30 -40% of students does not seek help for their studies, 80%of them feel overwhelmed for their responsibilities and work stress, 50% of them have become very anxious that they struggle in school life too.
Steps to overcome mental illness
Students are affected mentally as well as physically due to stress in their college life. It is a concerning and valuable topic for students as it is a common issue among them. This article will really help students in order to overcome problems like stress, depression, anxiety, eating disorders and addiction.
1. Seek Help From Your Friends

Your friends will be the ones who will help and support you whenever you’re down and depressed . So don’t be shy to ask help from your friends. Share your feelings and anxiety with them, they might give you a good solution that will help you to overcome. It is wise to be supportive and patient, but putting too much pressure on a friend can make the situation worse. Talking to someone who is close to you will help you overcome your stress and can be effective too.
2. Do Things Which Makes You Happy

Try to make yourself happy on your own. Mould yourself to do something which makes you happy. Play a song and start dancing, listen to the music or sing songs which you are addicted too, go out of the house and meet new people, play outdoor games, indoor games, video games and make yourself active and energetic so that stress and depression will not be in the list. Enjoy your life if you get depressed or stressed so that it will someway help you to overcome them.
3. Intake of Healthy Foods

Eating healthy food is a way where your mind gets relaxed and makes your body and mind strong whenever you feel low. To have a better diet quality, take food that have a better nutritional value. Consume food which is less in saturated fat and eat more fiber rich fruits and vegetables. This can give you a way to have a healthy and better lifestyle for students as well as working people.
4. Read Books or Novels

Reading books and novels can be one of the best qualities that one can possess. Books are known to be your best friend for a reason. Reading books will build your confidence, reduce your stress and put you in a good mood.Once your start reading books, it will become your habit and you will get addicted to them.
Therefore don’t take your life too seriously because it doesn’t allow someone to have a better and peaceful life. Make time for yourself and do things which makes you feel good. It’s about time that we students should accept that we can achieve anything in this life without all the stress.