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Watch Video – IAS Preparation Current Affairs 01-07-2019
Video Source – Shankar IAS Academy
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IAS Current Affairs and News Analysis 01-07-2019
GST enters its third year
Part of Mains GS III Indian Economy
In news:
- The Goods and Services Tax (GST) has entered its third year.
- There is a need to facilitate the intricacy encompassing methods, particularly with respect to enrollment and return documents.
- Tending to procedural complexities of the GST entrance framework, execution concerns and making consistence simpler will further quicken simplicity of working together for the business in India
- A key feature of the new aberrant duty framework, as indicated in terms of professional career bodies, has been the way the GST Council, the nodal body choosing rates and methodology, has tended to the business’ worries and changed rules to make the framework simpler.
- While the proactive way where the GST Council has tended to concerns has comforted industry, there are as yet a few procedural issues that need goals.
General studies 1
- Changes in basic land features(including water-bodies and ice-tops) and the impacts of such changes.
General studies 3
- Environmental degradation and conservation
Things to do to avoid another water crisis
- Chennai has been reeling under its most noticeably terrible water emergency in decades with its four fundamental stores almost vacant.
- Groundwater too, has been over-extricated.
Water gathering is required in Tamil Nadu since 2003. This implied structure endorsement for new lofts and homes were not to be allowed by the Chennai City Corporation except if the structure plan incorporated an RWH segment. The request additionally commanded that every single existing structure in Tamil Nadu introduce RWH structures.
After sixteen years, a review by the non-legislative association Rain Center has demonstrated that most government structures in Chennai don’t have a working RWH structure; these incorporate a few police headquarters and district structures.
Do you know?
Rain Water Harvesting
Downpour water gathering is accumulation and capacity of downpour water that runs off from rooftop tops, parks, streets, open grounds, and so forth. This water run-off can be either put away or revived into the ground water.
Suggestions to solve the water crisis
Need for water governance
- As per an ongoing NITI Aayog report, 21 Indian urban communities will come up short on groundwater by 2020 if use proceeds at the ebb and flow rate. Water administration in urban communities crosswise over India has been specially appointed.
- Taking in their exercises from the Chennai emergency, other metropolitan urban communities should now set up urban water arranging and the executives sheets, a changeless body like urban advancement specialists, that direct the stockpile, request, and support of water administrations and structures.
- The specialists will screen and direct groundwater supply in these metropolitan territories.
- Desalination plants should likewise be set up particularly in seaside urban areas to build a drinkable stockpile of water for residents.
- Expanded supply of drinking water will lessen the reliance on water tankers which in the midst of emergency charge extravagant costs.
- Thinking about the assessment of specialists, beds of existing lakes can be extended for more noteworthy water stockpiling and better water permeation.
- The urban water the executives board ought to likewise manage the desilting of lakes in the city all the time.
Water Tariff
- The government can apply water tax on hold of power supply particularly in regions where there is an extraordinary water emergency.
- The government can apply differential estimating and cross-sponsor families dependent on per capita pay and water use.
Practices adopted across the world
We can profit by best practices received in urban areas over the world confronting extreme water emergencies. For eg., Cape Town presented the possibility of Day Zero to lessen water utilization and oversee water utilization according to require. Day Zero alludes to when a large portion of the city’s tap will be turned off.
Nal se Jal Scheme
Giving drinking water to all family units including provincial zones is a significant strategic the new government and in such manner, Nal se Jal plan intends to give funneled drinking water to each country home by 2024.
Jal Shakti Abhiyan
- The Center is set to start the Jal Shakti Abhiyan to increase water reaping and preservation endeavors in 255 water-focused on areas from July 1, in accordance with the administration’s guarantee to concentrate on water.
- In spite of the fact that water is a State issue, the battle will be composed by 255 focal IAS officials of Joint or Additional Secretary-rank, drawn from services as differed as Space, Petroleum, and Defense, as per a warning gave by the Department of Personnel and Training.
- The crusade will run from July 1 to September 15 in States getting precipitation during the south-west rainstorm, while States accepting precipitation in the withdrawing or north-east storm will be secured from October 1 to November 30.
- It would expect to quicken water collecting, protection and borewell energize exercises alongside existing water body rebuilding and afforestation plans.
- Progress would be observed progressively through versatile applications and an online dashboard at
- A significant interchanges crusade on TV, radio, print, neighborhood, and web-based life will be done, with big names activated to produce mindfulness for the battle.
- The issue with any emergency in India is the putting out fires methodology that we receive accordingly rather than systematized arrangements. These stop-hole courses of action are before long overlooked when things briefly return to typical as opposed to making an endeavor to profoundly instill these practices in the framework.
- The shortage of basic assets prompts financial misfortunes as well as social turmoil.
- A reasonable administration answer for this issue alongside open support is fundamental to guarantee that our future ages don’t endure because of our disappointments.
Connecting the dots:
- Remark on the need of Water administration in India.
TOPIC: General studies 2
- Government arrangements and intercessions for advancement in different divisions
- Advancement forms and the improvement business
- Significant parts of administration, straightforwardness, and responsibility, e-administration, applications, models, triumphs, confinements, and potential
A digital power
- The visionary activity of Digital India was propelled in 2015. Advanced India endeavors to bring comprehensive development and extension of the computerized gap by utilizing innovation arrangements that are minimal effort, formative, transformative and intended to engage common Indians.
- Four years down the line, the accomplishment of Digital India is finding worldwide reverberation and its transformative character is being valued.
Achievements of Digital India
Internet connectivity
- One of the biggest advanced frameworks of the world was imagined to interface all the 250,000-gram panchayats by a rapid optical fiber organize.
- Today with 3.40 lakh km of optical fiber laid, Bharat Net has arrived at 1.29 lakh gram panchayats.
- India of 2019 is perceived as a nation with the second biggest web client base, and which offers web access, information and versatile at the least expensive taxes on the planet.
Aadhaar and Mobile
- Aadhaar-based eKYC has made it simple to open financial balances or to get moment portable SIMs with no desk work.
- The Aadhaar-connected general record number (UAN) has made it an issue-free move of fortunate store stores.
- The hospital administrations have made it simple to take online arrangements in 322 significant clinics.
- The UMANG versatile application has made a mega advanced portable stage where 362 administrations of 18 states and the association government can be gotten to in 13 Indian dialects.
- Online grants, e-Visa, soil wellbeing cards and so on have made the conveyance of administrations quicker.
- The trinity of Jan Dhan, Aadhaar and Mobile (JAM) has encouraged direct advantage moves of budgetary privileges of different government plots legitimately into the ledgers of recipients.
- This has brought about sparing of Rs 1.41 lakh crore of citizens’ cash by stopping spillages, controlling debasement and wiping out phony recipients.
- The world’s biggest computerized education program, the Pradhan Mantri Grameen Digital Saksharta Abhiyan (PMGDISHA), which expects to prepare six crore country grown-ups, has prepared 2.21 crore recipients.
Common Service Centres
- Resigned people can pull back their benefits from normal help focuses (CSC) in towns by making a basic biometric validation.
- About 3.76 lakh CSCs began offering a wide assortment of advanced administrations like banking, protection, service charge installment, benefits, MGNREGA wage installments, ticket booking, computerized skilling, open Wi-Fi in towns, tele-prescription benefits and are assuming a key job in creating advanced towns.
- This has made another type of provincial advanced business people the nation over, and have made 12 lakh occupations locally.
Digital payments
- In March 2019, the all out number of advanced installment exchanges hit a record-breaking high of 332.34 crore. India’s home developed blade tech advancement, BHIM-UPI, whose unassuming start in December 2016, is scaling new statures of fame.
IT industry and BPO
- To advance the IT business past a couple of huge urban groups, and to give IT employments to youth in semi-urban territories, a modest start was made under the BPO advancement plot.
- Today 202 BPO focuses at 100 areas crosswise over India are offering employments to a great many youngsters and ladies.
Electronics manufacturing
- Gadgets producing in India have multiplied in the most recent couple of years. India was home to just two cell phone producing units in 2014.
- Presently, India stands tall in the worldwide network as the second biggest cell phone maker, with 268 versatile handset and embellishments fabricating units having begun working in the most recent five years.
Future Skills
- Changes in the economy because of developing digitization will likewise require regular preparing and retraining of HR.
- Future Skills online stage has been propelled for persistent ability advancement and up-gradation of the workforce.
Way forward
- Computerized activities like savvy urban areas, digitization of administration, advanced towns, fast web in all aspects of India, advanced incorporation and computerized strengthening will be powered by rising innovations like the web of things, information investigation, and man-made consciousness.
- The following degree of digitization in administration will endeavor to digitize interior procedures of the legislature.
- The utilization of information investigation and man-made brainpower will likewise help in successful checking of execution and create framework robotization for the future.
- Other than well-disposed approaches, the administration will endeavor to investigate more approaches to improve the cooperation of India’s new companies in the advanced change.
- India’s developing computerized profile has made it an information powerhouse. An individual information insurance law ought to be brought soon that won’t just address the protection worries of people, check abuse of individual information, however, it will likewise be an empowering agent for making a dynamic information economy.
Making a nondescript, paperless, cashless and advanced interface among government and residents has monstrously helped in checking defilement, delays in administration conveyance and spillages.
India has taken a jump towards computerized change. Its accomplishments in utilizing computerized advancements for changing administration and the lives of normal Indians are being valued by the world.
Connecting the dots:
- India is developing as an information powerhouse. Remark in the light of accomplishments of ‘Computerized India’.
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in the comment section)
Q1.The Jal Shakti Abhiyan strategic identified with,
- Water gathering and protection.
- It is a crucial offices running illicit water tankers.
- Checking infringement of water bodies.
- Nothing unless there are other options
Q.2) Consider the following statements about Nal se Jal scheme
- It aims to provide piped drinking water to households in rural areas.
- It aims to do so by 2024.
Select the Correct statements
- Only 1
- Only 2
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
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