Highlights |IAS Current Affairs 07-11-2019
Current Affairs and News (07-11-2019)- The following article contains all the updated events and news for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.
- Alternative Investment Fund (AIF)
- National Green Tribunal(NGT)
- Second Judges case
- Paris climate pact
- China launches Sudan’s first satellite
- Cyber security (Part-1)
- Collegium system (Part -1)
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IAS Coaching Current Affairs 07-11-2019 are followed in the part below:
IAS Current Affairs and News Analysis (07-11-2019)
Alternative Investment Fund (AIF)
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-III – Economy
In News
- Government would set up an elective speculation finance (AIF) worth Rs 25,000 crore to give alleviation to designers incomplete activities to guarantee conveyance of homes to purchasers
- It accommodates last-mile financing for slowed down moderate and center salary lodging ventures the nation over
- The reserve size will at first be Rs 25,000 crore with the administration giving ₹10,000 crore and the SBI and LIC giving the equalization
- The assets will be set up as Category-II AIF enlisted with the SEBIand will be overseen by SBICAP Ventures Limited.
- As per the administration’s assessments, there are in excess of 1,600 lodging ventures in which 4.58 lakh crore units are slowed down.
- Lodging ventures that have been named non-performing resources (NPA) and that are under National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) procedures likewise to be qualified for financing.
- The AIF is required to pool speculations from other government-related and private speculators, including open budgetary foundations, sovereign riches assets, open and private banks, residential benefits and opportune assets, worldwide annuity reserves and other institutional financial specialists.
- The reserve is in this manner expected not exclusively to help the segment yet in addition produce business return for its financial specialists
- Furthermore, recovery of the area will likewise prompt interest of bond, iron and steel businesses giving further driving force to create greater work
National Green Tribunal(NGT)
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-II – Polity
In News
- NGT has given a “last chance” to the Union Environment Ministry to give warnings relating to preclusion on the utilization of RO (invert assimilation) frameworks, which bring about wastage of practically 80% of the water.
- Further arrangement must be set down for recuperation of water up to 75% and utilization of such RO dismiss water for purposes, for example, utensil washing, flushing, cultivating, cleaning of vehicles and wiping,
About NGT
- National Green Tribunal was built up in 2010 under National Green Tribunal Act, 2010 to discard cases having natural consequence.
- The Act accommodates a Chairperson and at least 10 Expert Members and equivalent number of Judicial Members.
Powers of NGT:
- Suggest punishments and fine
- Suggest approaches for condition security
- Implementation of any lawful right identifying with condition
- Giving alleviation and pay for harms
- Has intensity of common courts
- Diminishes trouble on higher courts
- Quicker goals of cases
- Specific part carries productivity to equity
- More affordable than courts
Second Judges case
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-II – Judiciary
In News
- A nine-judge Bench of the Supreme Court, drove by Chief Justice of India RanjanGogoi, has rejected a lot of petitions looking for a survey of the court’s judgment in the Second Judges case in 1993.
- The judgment for the situation prompted the collegium arrangement of arrangement of judges.
- Article 124–The judges of the Supreme Court are delegated by the President. The CJI is selected by the President after discussion with such judges of the Supreme Court and high courts as he considers vital.
- Arrangement of Chief Justice from 1950 to 1973: The training has been to select the senior most judge of the Supreme Court as the main equity of India (CJI)
- This built up show was abused in 1973 when A N Ray was selected as the CJI by overriding three senior judges. Again in 1977, M U Beg was named as the CJI by overriding the then senior-most judge.
- This carefulness of the administration was diminished by the Supreme Court in the Second Judges Case (1993), in which the Supreme Court decided that the senior most judge of the Supreme Court should alone be delegated to the workplace of the CJI
- Likewise, the Court turned around its prior decision (of First Judges instance of 1982) and changed the significance of the word discussion to simultaneousness consequently building up the collegium framework for arrangement of Judges to higher legal executive.
Do You Know?
- In the Third Judges case (1998), the Court opined that the counsel procedure to be embraced by the CJI requires ‘conference of majority judges’.He ought to counsel a collegium of four senior most judges of the Supreme Court and regardless of whether two judges give an unfavorable supposition, he ought not send the proposal to the legislature.
- The 1993 judgment was the premise on which a five-judge Constitution Bench announced the National Judicial Appointments Commission Act (NJAC) and the Constitutional (Ninety-Nine Amendment) Act, 2014 as unlawful in 2015.
- In Dec 2018, five-judge Bench drove by Chief Justice Gogoi expelled a survey request against the judgment in the NJAC case.
Paris climate pact
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III – Environment
In News
- China and France stated thatthe Paris climate pact was “irreversible”, showing a united front after Washington formally withdrew from the accord this week.
About Paris Climate deal
- The arrangement joins all the world’s countries in a solitary concurrence on handling environmental change without precedent for history.
- To keep worldwide temperatures “well beneath” 2.0C (3.6F) above pre-modern occasions and “attempt to confine” them considerably more, to 1.5C
- To restrict the measure of ozone depleting substances discharged by human action to similar levels that trees, soil and seas can retain normally, starting sooner or later somewhere in the range of 2050 and 2100
- To audit every nation’s commitment to cutting emanations at regular intervals so they scale capable
- For rich nations to help more unfortunate countries by giving “atmosphere fund” to adjust to environmental change and change to sustainable power source.
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains II – International Relations
In News
- The fifteenth gathering of the Governing Council of South Asia Co-usable Environment Program (SACEP) will be sorted out in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- SACEP is a between legislative association, set up in 1982 by the administrations of South Asia. Part nations incorporate Afghanistan , Bangladesh , Bhutan , India , Maldives , Nepal , Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
- The goal is to advance and bolster assurance, the board and upgrade of the earth in the area
- SACEP goes about as the Secretariat for the South Asian Seas Program, which goes under the domain of UNEP’s Regional Seas Program.
- India has marked a MoU with SACEP for participation on the reaction to Oil and Chemical Pollution in the South Asian Seas Region.
- These two activities were propelled by the Ministry of Finance.
- ICEDASH is an Ease of Doing Business observing dashboard of the Indian Customs helping the general population see the day by day Customs leeway times of import freight at different ports and air terminals.
- ICEDASH dashboard hasbeen created by Central Board of Indirect assessments and Customs as a team with National Informatics Center (NIC).
- The ATITHI application will encourage bother free and quicker leeway by Customs at the air terminals and improve the experience of global sightseers and different guests at the air terminals. Travelers can utilize this application to document affirmation of dutiable things and money with the Indian Customs even before getting onto the trip to India.
China launches Sudan’s first satellite
- Sudan’s first satellite for leading exploration in military, financial and space innovation has been propelled by China
- In 2013, the then-Sudanese government drove by President Omar al-Bashir built up the Institute of Space Research and Aerospace (ISRA) as a major aspect of a general intend to create space advances.
- Al-Bashir was evacuated by the military in April following an across the country challenge his 30-year rule.
- The fights were activated by the monetary emergency drove by an intense lack of remote money and high expansion.
TOPIC: General Studies 3:
- Awareness in the fields of IT, Space, Computers, robotics, nano-technology, bio-technology and issues relating to intellectual property rights
Cyber security (Part-1)
- As of late a client on VirusTotal distinguished a DTrack information dump connected with the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant demonstrating that a framework (or more) in the plant had been broken by malware. The Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd (NPCIL) affirmed the rupture.
- WhatsApp sued the Israel-based NSO Group for the utilization of its ‘Pegasus’ spyware on a large number of WhatsApp clients in the number one spot up to the general decisions.
- DTrack, is utilized by programmers to assault monetary and explore focuses in India.
- It was intended to be planted on the injured individual’s ATMs, where it could peruse and store the information of cards that were embedded into the machines
- An adaptation of it was utilized to assault the financial framework in South Korea just as for the notorious WannaCry recover worm assaults over the globe.
- Analysts have distinguished that the malware which tainted the PC at Kudankulam atomic power plant was DTrack.
- Pegasus is a spyware created by the Israeli cyberarms firm, NSO Group
- It very well may be introduced on gadgets running certain forms of iOS, Apple’s versatile working framework,
- Pegasus is equipped for perusing instant messages, following calls, gathering passwords, following the area of the telephone, getting to the objective gadget’s microphone(s) and video camera(s
- Apple discharged variant of its iOS programming to fix the vulnerabilities.
- Updates on the spyware got huge media consideration.
- It was known as the “most advanced” cell phone assault ever.
- Questions on the Indian cases to being a real power in the internet.
- Weakness of its basic data foundation
- Explicit dismissal for the crucial privileges of Indian residents onlineI’
- Indian govt Fails to verify its key framework from advanced cyberattacks
- The Indian military reported that it will modernize its atomic powers, which incorporates the consolidation of Artificial Intelligence and different cybercapabilities, the obvious nonappearance of vigorous cybersecurity ability is a genuine aim for concern.
- The reconnaissance of Indian residents through WhatsApp spyware in the number one spot up to the general races delineates the administration’s dismissal for cybersecurity.
Way forward:
- India needs to quit fooling around about cybersecurity, both for its political advantages and for its populace.
- “security by indefinite quality” for India’s atomic power plants
- Bleeding edge malware saved for keeping an eye on residents.
Connecting the dots:
- Recent cyber attack incidents cast serious doubts on the Indian state’s claims to being a legitimate power in cyberspace. Critically analyse
TOPIC: General Studies 2:
- Structure, organization and functioning of the Executive and the Judiciary
Collegium system (Part -1)
- A nine-judge Bench of the Supreme Court has expelled an appeal looking for a survey of its 1993 decision in the Second Judges Case, which is broadly comprehended to be instrumental in building up the “collegium framework” of designating made a decision in India’s higher legal executive.
Three Judges Cases:
- Article 124 and Article 217 individually incorporates to the technique of arrangement of judges to the SC and HCs
- Judges of the Supreme Court will be named by the President in counsel with the Chief Justice of India (CJI) and different judges of the Supreme Court and the High Courts as the President of India may esteem important.
- Judges of the High Courts are delegated by the President in interview with the CJI, the Governor of the concerned state, and the Chief Justice of that High Court.
The Supreme Court of India’s collegium system, appoints judges to the nation’s constitutional courts, has its genesis in, and continued basis resting on, three of its own judgments which are collectively known as the Three Judges Cases.
- S. P. Gupta v. Union of India – 1981
- In the First Judges Case (1981), the zenith court held (4-3) that in the arrangement of a judge of the Supreme Court or the High Court, “conference” in Article 124(2) and in Article 217(1) of the Constitution doesn’t signify “simultaneousness”.
- In case of a difference, “a definitive power” would rest with the Union Government and not the CJI
- Preeminent Court Advocates-on Record Association versus Union of India – 1993
- In the Second Judges Case (1993), the court (7-2) overruled the First Judges Case, holding that in case of contention between the President and the CJI with respect to arrangements of Judges, it was the Chief Justice of India whose conclusion would have supremacy, yet would be determinative in the issue.
- the SC recaptured its forces from the administration as well as gave itself the high ground over the other two branches.
- decision additionally brought forth the Collegium System.
- In re Special Reference 1 of 1998
- At last, in the Third Judges Case (1998), the SC reaffirmed its 1993 judgment and extended the Collegium to incorporate the CJI and the four most-senior judges of the court after the CJI.
Criticism :
- The Collegium framework, finds no notice in the Constitution
- An instrument set up by the SC itself, represents the vote based shortfall
- The individuals from the Collegium, appreciate the savage freedom of the legal executive
- Epitomize the behind-the-entryway dealings of the legal branch that needs responsibility and open examination.
- The absence of straightforwardness has touched off feelings of dread of nepotism
- Height of judges dependent on close to home connections and past favors rather than legitimacy or status.
- Many fight that the legal executive must choose the option to fill the hole left by the other two parts of government.
- The most articulated endeavor at improving the Collegium System was presumably the National Judicial Appointments Commission (NJAC).
Connecting the dots:
- Whether the judicial activism that collegium entails is permitted by the Constitution – or if it is healthy for a democracy . comment
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in comment section)
Q.1) Consider the following statements about ICEDASH initiative
- It was launched by the Ministry of Finance.
- It is for improved monitoring and pace of Customs clearance of imported goods.
- It has been developed by NITI Aayog in collaboration with World’s Customs Union
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1and 2 Only
- 2 and 3 Only
- 1 and 3 Only
- 1,2 and 3
Q.2) Consider the following statements about South Asia Co-operative Environment Programme (SACEP)
- It is an inter-governmental organization established in 1982 by South Asian Countries.
- SACEP also acts as the Secretariat for the South Asian Seas Programme, which comes under the purview of UNEP’s Regional Seas Programme.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.3) Which of the following objectives are a part of Paris Climate Deal 2015
- To keep global temperatures “well below” 2.0C (3.6F) above pre-industrial times and “endeavour to limit” them even more, to 1.5C
- To review each country’s contribution to cutting emissions every five years so they scale up to the challenge
- For rich countries to help poorer nations by providing “climate finance” to adapt to climate change and switch to renewable energy.
Select the correct answer from codes given below
- 1 and 2 Only
- 2 and 3 Only
- 1 and 3 Only
- 1,2 and 3
Q.4) The judgement in Second Judges case led to which of the following outcome?
- Gave birth to Doctrine of basic structure of Constitution
- Declaring NJAC Act (National Judicial Appointments Commission) as unconstitutional
- Establishment of Collegium system of appointment of judges.
- None of the above
Q.5) Consider the following statements about National Green Tribunal
- It is established under Environment Protection Act, 1986
- It has the power of enforcement of any legal right relating to environment
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
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