Highlights |IAS Current Affairs 09-11-2019
Current Affairs and News (09-11-2019)- The following article contains all the updated events and news for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.
- Gender Equality
- NH-766
- Dhrupad
- Maternal death rate declining
- Norms eased for onion imports
- Rise and Fall of ISIS (PART 2)
- Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership(contd….)
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IAS Coaching Current Affairs 09-11-2019 are followed in the part below:
IAS Current Affairs and News Analysis (09-11-2019)
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-III- Security
In News
- Samudra Shakti is a Bilateral Naval Exercise between Navies of India and Indonesia.
- The second release of this joint exercise incorporates moves, Surface Warfare works out, Air Defense works out, Weapon discharging drills, Helicopter Operations and Boarding Operations.
- The point of the activity is to reinforce reciprocal relations, extend oceanic co-activity, improve interoperability and trade best practices.
- The vital organization among India and Indonesia was raised to ‘Far reaching Strategic Partnership’ during the visit of Prime Minister of India in May 2018 and Defense co-activity has been a critical column in this association.
Gender Equality
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-II – Society
In News
- The Punjab Assembly collectively passed a goals asking the Akal Takht and the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee to enable Sikh ladies to sing songs in the sanctum sanctorum of the Golden Temple in Amritsar.
- Just Sikh men perform ‘kirtan’ at the Golden Temple starting at now.
- The goals passed states that “Master Nanak Dev had envisioned a general public where there would be the wrong spot for separation or differentiation based on position or doctrine, economic wellbeing or sex, a general public that will be founded on the guideline of populism and focused on welfare of all”
Do You Know?
- The Supreme Court had struck down a standard that refused young ladies and ladies in the 10-50 age bunch from entering the Sabarimala sanctuary in Kerala.
- The guidelines which command the boycott were recorded in Kerala Hindu Places of Public Worship (Authorisation of Entry) Rules of 1965.
- Boss Justice Dipak Misra-headed Constitution seat in a 4-1 decision said the sanctuary rule damaged their entitlement to equity and right to venerate
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III – Environmental Conservation
In News
- The Kerala Assembly passed a goals requesting the Union government to lift the movement confinements on NH-766 connecting Kerala and Karnataka and shield the privilege of the individuals of north Kerala to move uninhibitedly.
- The 9 p.m.to 6 a.m. travelon this fundamental course going through the Bandipur National Park had been restricted since 2009 for the sake of ensuring natural life.
- The NH 766 is an endurance course for the individuals of Wayanad, which needs rail and availability and water courses.
Bandipur Tiger Reserve:
- Spread over 990.51 sq km, Bandipur Tiger Reserve is a piece of interconnected woodlands that incorporate Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary (Tamil Nadu), Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary (Kerala) and Nagarhole National Park (Karnataka).
- An enormous assortment of natural life including the elephant moves starting with one stretch then onto the next, cutting the states.
Do You Know?
- Night traffic would influence conduct science, for example, rearing and parental consideration of creatures, disturb their life cycle and make them stray to human territories.
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains I – Culture
In News
- Dhrupad maestro and Padma Shri awardee Ramakant Gundecha, 56, is no more.
- Dhrupad is a classification in Hindustani old style music. It is one of most established types of arrangements in traditional Indian music.
- Dhrupad is a Sanskrit name, got from words dhruva (changeless) and cushion (refrain) and in mix it signifies “column”.
- The underlying foundations of Dhrupad are old and it is referenced in Natyashastra (200 BCE – 200 CE). It is additionally portrayed in other antiquated and medieval Sanskrit writings, for example, Bhagavata Purana (~800–1000 CE).
- The idea of Dhrupad music is profound and doesn’t look to engage, yet to incite sentiments of harmony and otherworldliness in the audience. It is essentially a type of love, in which contributions are made to the awesome through sound or Nada.
- Dhrupad was at first sung distinctly in the sanctuaries, the vocalist confronting the Lord. From this early reciting, it developed into a modern traditional type of music. One critical normal for Dhrupad is the accentuation on keeping up virtue of the Raga.
Maternal death rate declining
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains II -Health
In News
- India’s Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) has seen a decrease from 130 for each 1 lakh live births in 2014-2016 to 122 for every 1 lakh live births in 2015-2017.
- The figure has declined from 167 of every 2011-2013 to 130 of every 2014-2016 and to 122 out of 2015-17, enlisting a 6.15 percent decrease since the last study figures of 2014-2016.
- This is uplifting news for India as almost 2,000 maternal passings have been turned away every year
- While Karnataka has demonstrated the most noteworthy rate decrease in MMR, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh have indicated an expansion by 15 each in MMR.
- Holding its first position, Kerala has decreased its MMR from 46 out of 2014-2016 to 42 of every 2015-2017. Moreover, Maharashtra held its second position with 55 (down from 61) and Tamil Nadu its third position with 63 (down from 66).
- The decrease is significant for India as 11 States have accomplished the National Health Policy focus of MMR 100 for each lakh live births well in front of 2020.
- This has been conceivable in perspective on the additions made in institutional conveyances and centered methodology towards optimistic areas and between sectoral activity to arrive at the most underestimated and helpless moms
- General wellbeing activities under the National Health Mission, for example, LaQshya, Poshan Abhiyan, Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan, Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram, Janani Suraksha Yojana and Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana have added to this decrease,
Do You Know?
- India is presently dedicated to guaranteeing that not a single parent or infant bites the dust because of a preventable reason and move towards zero preventable maternal and infant passings through the as of late propelled Surakshit Matritva Aashwasan Initiative (SUMAN).
- The WHO had a year ago commended India’s advancement in diminishing the MMR, saying the advancement puts the nation on track towards accomplishing the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) focus of a MMR underneath 70 by 2030.
Norms eased for onion imports
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III – Economy
In News
- To keep a cover on rising retail costs of onion which have soar up to Rs 100 for each kg, the Center chose to import “generous” amount of onions from Dubai and different nations to enlarge the residential accessibility.
- The legislature is additionally attempting to encourage import of onion through private dealers from Egypt, Iran, Turkey and Afghanistan, for which phytosanitary and fumigation standards have been changed till November 30
- NAFED had a 55,000-ton support stock. The proceeded with significant expenses have brought about this cushion waning to 1,500 tons
- The tight supply was caused for the most part by late rains wrecking the early kharif collect and upsetting stockpiling and transport, even as last season’s rabi stocks ran out.
National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd.(NAFED),
- It was established in 1958, is registered under the Multi State Co-operative Societies Act.
- Creation: Agricultural ranchers are the fundamental individuals from Nafed, who have the power to state as individuals from the General Body in the working of Nafed.
- The goals of the NAFED will be to arrange, advance and create advertising, handling and capacity of agrarian, plant and timberland produce, appropriation of rural apparatus, executes and different sources of info, embrace between state, import and fare exchange and so forth.
- It works under Ministry of Agriculture.
- NAFED is presently one of the biggest acquisition just as promoting organizations for farming items in India.
- In 2008, it had set up, National Spot Exchange, a Commodities trade as a joint endeavor of Financial Technologies (India) Ltd. (FTIL).
TOPIC:General Studies 3:
- Linkages between development and spread of extremism.
- Role of external state and non-state actors in creating challenges to internal security.
Rise and Fall of ISIS (PART 2)
- President Donald Trump announced that ISIS head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was dead after a US military strike in northwest Syria over.
- The President said a US uncommon tasks powers strategic after the ISIS head and there were no US passings during the activity.
- The passing of Baghdadi marks the zenith of a years-in length chase to discover one of the most needed fear based oppressors on the planet and the man who proclaimed a purported Islamic caliphate in Iraq and Syria in 2014.
ISIS and Sharia Law
- ISIS rule spread rapidly all through Iraq and Syria. The gathering concentrated on making an Islamic state and actualizing sharia law—an exacting strict code dependent on customary Islamic principles and practices.
- In 2014, ISIS assumed responsibility for Falluja, Mosul and Tikrit in Iraq, and pronounced itself a caliphate, which is a political and strict domain managed by a pioneer known as a caliph.
- ISIS warriors assaulted a northern town in Iraq that was home to the Yazidis, a minority strict gathering, in August 2014. They murdered many individuals, sold ladies into subjugation, constrained strict transformations and caused a huge number of Yazidis to escape from their homes.
- The assault started universal media inclusion and focused on the merciless strategies utilized by ISIS. Additionally in 2014, al Qaeda broke ties with ISIS, officially dismissing the gathering and denying their exercises.
One Group, Many Names:
ISIL: This abbreviation means “Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.” The Levant is a wide geological area that incorporates Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel and Jordan.
IS: The abbreviated “IS” basically signifies “Islamic State.” In 2014, the aggressor bunch reported they were authoritatively calling themselves IS on the grounds that their objectives for an Islamic state came to past the territories distinguished in different titles.
Daesh: Many Middle Eastern and European governments have utilized this Arabic abbreviation for “al-Dawla al-Islamiya fi al-Iraq wa al-Sham,” which means “Islamic State of Iraq and Syria,” to address the gathering. Be that as it may, ISIS doesn’t endorse of the name, and in 2014, took steps to remove the tongue of any individual who called them Daesh in broad daylight.
India and ISIS:
- The Paris fear assaults by ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria)in 2015 have normally filled worries about the risk presented by this gathering to India.
- The worries extend given the setting that India has been the objective of different dread outfits in various topographies for about thirty years.
- An ongoing report by the Global Terrorism Index 2018 (GTI) positioned India seventh out of 162 countries generally influenced by fear based oppression in 2018.
- To start with, in mid 2014, Daeesh ISIS demonstrated its enthusiasm for the Indian sub-mainland when it gave a guide delineating the western piece of the India to be a piece of the Islamic State of Khorasan.
- Second, Mehdi Biswas, an inhabitant of Bengaluru was captured in December 2014 by virtue of evangelizing for the Islamic State through his twitter account @Shamiwitness.
- Third and most as of late, an appraisal by security offices uncovered that there are near 23 Indians battling with the dread bunch in Syria and Iraq.
- Simultaneously, we have additionally seen broad restriction to the ISIS belief system and barbarity. For example, the Maulana of Jama Masjid in Bengaluru and a few different pastors have over and again given cautions to the Muslim people group to be careful about the ISIS.
India’s concerns:
- India turning into an enlisting ground for ISIS to direct its activities in India and somewhere else on the planet.
- The danger observation for this level is medium to high.
- The explanation being that India has in excess of 350 million individuals who are associated with the web and all things considered, some of them will fall prey to ISIS’ astute methods for baiting Muslim adolescents through their online publicity.
- The greatest danger that ISIS postures to India is that it will go about as a totem for neighborhood Indian dread outfits. Such gatherings would need to guarantee relationship with ISIS paying little mind to whether they concur or think about the ISIS philosophy.
- The greatest risk to India’s national security still originates from the jihadi components of the Pakistani military-jihadi complex.
Way forward:
- It is proper to keep a nearby watch and screen improvements.
- Handling the test of nearby Indian dread outfits looking for an ISIS identification would basically expect India to annihilate the discontent among Muslims in India
- Destroying the military-jihadi complex in Pakistan and putting a conclusion to majoritarianism back home will guarantee that outside dread outfits, regardless of whether Pakistani or Arabs, will think that its hard to challenge the possibility of India.
- The passing of its “Caliph” is unquestionably a hit to the fear based oppressor gathering. In any case, the is ideologically more grounded to endure the fall of its pioneer, and the geopolitical conditions that prompted the ascent of the gathering stay pretty much unblemished
Connecting the dots:
- Religious indoctrination via digital media has resulted in Indian youth joining the ISIS. What is ISIS and its mission? How can ISIS be dangerous for the internal security of our country?(UPSC 2015)
TOPIC: General Studies 2:
- Bilateral, regional and global groupings and agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests
Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership(contd….)
- India chose to hold the closing down of Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) until “noteworthy exceptional issues” were settled, when all other 15 nations associated with the dealings expressed that they were prepared to sign the uber exchange accord in 2020.
PM narendra modi’s statement:
“When I measure the RCEP Agreement with respect to the interests of all Indians, I do not get a positive answer. Therefore, neither the Talisman of Gandhiji nor my own conscience permit me to join RCEP,” .
Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP):

Img: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/01/RCEP.png/500px-RCEP.png
- The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is a proposed unhindered commerce understanding (FTA) between the ten part conditions of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam) and its six FTA accomplices (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand).
- RCEP arrangements began in November 2012 at the ASEAN Summit in Cambodia.
- RCEP part states represented a populace of 3.5 billion individuals with an aggregate (GDP) of $49.5 trillion, around 39 percent of the world’s GDP
- RCEP will be the world’s biggest financial alliance.
Trade deficits :

Img : sent by mail
- India runs large trade deficits with at least 11 of the 15 RCEP members
- China accounts for $53 billion of India’s $105 billion trade deficit with these.
China – India & RCEP:
- During an era of heightening Sino-U.S. exchange strains, China was quick to see a fruitful finish of the RCEP summit and had been vivaciously pushing for that.
- This is the place the issue for India lay too.
- India’s requests at the RCEP dealings included moving the base year for duty slices from 2014 to 2019
- Staying away from an unexpected flood in imports from China by remembering countless things for an auto-trigger component
- Calling for stricter guidelines of birthplace to keep dumping from China
- A superior bargain in administrations.
- The China factor, , was vital to India’s appraisal of expenses and advantages.
- China’s clout has been developing in the district
- ASEAN part states have attempted to keep the U.S. occupied with the district also. Yet, with the Trump organization giving blended flag about US’s responsibility towards the district, ASEAN has been taking a gander at India with a recharged feeling of expectation.
- India’s choice to avoid the RCEP will, cause worries about its bigger strategy opposite the district.
- India’s whole Indo-Pacific technique may be available to address if steps are not taken to reestablish India’s profile in the district
- China set to command the Indo-Pacific, which may not be uplifting news for the locale and India.
Way forward:
- India should set itself up more completely to exploit such agreements.
- Household changes will be the need of great importance.
- China’s ascent must be handled both politically and financially.
- India needs a strategy that brings together the economic and political aspects of its strategic thinking at this time where global economy is in challenge
Connecting the dots:
- Economic isolation is not an option for India and It must move towards bilateral trade pacts. Analyse.
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in the comment section)
Q.1) NH 766 often seen in news passes through which of the following States of India?
- Assam and Arunachal Pradesh
- Gujarat and Maharashtra
- Karnataka and Kerala
- None of the above
Q.2) Consider the following statements about National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd.(NAFED),
- It was established during the 1991 economic reform period so as to give impetus to agriculture production and marketing.
- It functions under Ministry of Agriculture.
- It is now one of the largest procurement as well as marketing agencies for agricultural products in India.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 and 2 Only
- 2 and 3 Only
- 1 and 3 Only
- 1,2 and 3
Q.3) SAMUDRA SHAKTI is a bilateral naval exercise between India and ___________
- Malaysia
- Indonesia
- Mauritius
- Sri Lanka
Q.4) Consider the following statements
- India’s Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) has seen a decline from 130 per 1 lakh live births in 2014-2016 to 122 per 1 lakh live births in 2015-2017.
- The progress puts the country on track towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) target of an MMR below 70 by 2030.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.5) Consider the following statements about Dhrupad
- It is a genre in Carnatic classical music.
- The nature of Dhrupad music is spiritual and does not seek to entertain, but to induce feelings of peace and spirituality in the listener
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
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