Highlights |IAS Current Affairs 19-07-2019 and 20-07-2019
Current Affairs and News (19-07-2019 and 20-07-2019)- The following article contains all the updated events and new for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.
- Centre had announced a hike in surcharges paid by high net worth individuals
- Misuse of Money Bills
- Man-made highlands come to rescue of animals during floods
- Structural reforms in Agriculture
- Gender Equality
- National Parks in news: Pench National Park in Madhya Pradesh and Bandipur wildlife sanctuary in Karnataka
- The organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) report to Xinjiang on Uighurs
- Supreme Court questions the need for re-verification of NRC
- The Protection of Human Rights (Amendment) Bill 2019
- Bill to help Transgender introduced in Lok Sabha
- Happiness Department of Madhya Pradesh
- A Sign of economic growth and Improvement
Importance of Current Affairs in IAS Coaching
Watch Video – IAS Coaching Current Affairs 19-07-2019 and 20-07-2019
Video Source – Shankar IAS Academy
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IAS Coaching Current Affairs 31-10-2019 are followed in the part below:
IAS Current Affairs and News Analysis (19-07-2019)
Centre had announced hike in surcharges paid by high net worth individuals
Part of: GS Mains Paper III – Government Budgeting
In News
- Focus had reported climb in additional charges paid by high total assets people.
- The expansion in additional charges viably builds the joined expense rate by 2% for those acquiring between Rs.2 crore and 5 crore and by 7% for those gaining more than Rs 5 crore every year.
- The higher duty will just apply to people and FPIs enrolled as trusts, which are additionally treated as people.
- Be that as it may, the FPIs that are enlisted as organizations won’t be influenced.
- The choice to expand rates drew analysis that it would prompt surge of outside assets from India in light of the fact that there would be diminished salary as they need to cover greater government obligations now.
Do you know?
- Extra charge is an extra charge or expense imposed on a current charge. For Example: An additional charge of 10% on a duty pace of 30% successfully raises the joined taxation rate to 33%
- Cess is likewise charge on charge. In any case, the thing that matters is that Cess is imposed briefly for a particular reason. When the reason has been satisfied, cess is never again required. Be that as it may, extra charges are general and changeless in nature.
- The income earned by means of additional charge is exclusively held by the Center and, in contrast to other expense incomes, isn’t imparted to States.
- The returns of additional charges stream into Consolidated Fund of India.
- Additional charges, in India, are utilized to make the tax assessment framework increasingly ‘dynamic’ (normal charge rate increments as the pay increments) as they are by and large demanded on affluent people and organizations.
- Outside Portfolio Investments are those ventures which hold under 10% in an organization, past which it is viewed as FDI (Foreign Direct Investment).
- FPI hold a momentary view on the organization and by and large take an interest through the financial exchanges and gets in and out of a specific stock at a lot quicker frequencies. They are unstable in nature.
- The position checking the rules for FPI guideline is the Securities and Exchange Board of India.
Misuse of Money Bills
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains II –Parliament and State governing bodies—structure, working, lead of business, powers and benefits and issues emerging out of these.
In News:
- The restriction has charged that the 2019 money bill had arrangements to alter various laws including the Benami, SEBI and PMLA Acts and that these changes to laws were not identified with an account yet brought as a feature of the budgetary bill to evade legitimate investigation
Types of Bills
Constitution Amendment Bills: These are Bills which seek to amend the Constitution.
Money Bills: A Bill is said to be a Money Bill on the off chance that it just contains arrangements identified with the tax assessment, getting of cash by the administration, use from or receipt to the Consolidated Fund of India. Article 110 arrangements with Money bills.
Do you know?
- The cash bill must be presented distinctly in Lok Sabha with the earlier suggestion of the President and must be passed by a straightforward dominant part.
- Rajya Sabha can just prescribe changes to the bill, which Lok Sabha may dismiss in the event that it decides to.
- On the off chance that such proposals are not allowed inside 14 days, it will have considered being passed by Parliament
Who decides if a Bill is a Money Bill?
- The Speaker guarantees a Bill as a Money Bill, and the Speaker’s choice is conclusive.
Financial Bills: A Bill that contains a few arrangements identified with tax assessment and consumption, and moreover contains arrangements identified with some other issue is known as a Financial Bill. Article 117 arrangements with Financial bills. There are two classifications of Financial bills under Article 117
Article 117(i) – Must be presented in Lok Sabha with an earlier proposal of President. Rajya Sabha can dismiss or alter it
Article 117(iii) –Can be presented both in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha with the earlier suggestions of the President. Rajya Sabha can dismiss or adjust it.
Ordinary Bills: Every single other Bill is called normal bills. This can be presented in both of the Houses of Parliament. No earlier suggestion of President is required and requires the basic dominant part to pass the bill
Man-made highlands come to rescue of animals during floods
Part of: Main GS Paper III – Conservation, environmental pollution and degradation, environmental impact assessment; Disaster management
In News:
- During storm season, Brahmaputra waterways floods and floods the contiguous districts including the Kaziranga National Park. Thus, the vast majority of the creatures look for safe spots during these floods.
- So as to keep creatures over the water level, timberland office has developed good countries which were planned deductively with arrangement of sufficient grass and plants yielding natural products.
- These islands have transformed into islands of relative security whereby creatures move to such good countries during floods. This has anticipated tremendous misfortune to natural life and sustenance of Kaziranga environment.
Do you know?
- Floods are considered as vital insidiousness in Kaziranga, which involves blend of wetlands, fields and woods. The rising water flushes out the amphibian plants and weeds that stifle its environment.
- Kaziranga National Park is known for being the living arrangement of ‘Enormous Five’ creatures, ie, Great Indian One horned Rhinoceros, Indian Elephant, Royal Bengal Tiger, Eastern Swamp Deer and Wild Water Buffalo.
Structural reforms in Agriculture
Part of: Main GS Paper III – transport and advertising of rural produce and issues and related imperatives; e-innovation in the guide of ranchers
In news:
CM’s board entrusted with prescribing clearing changes in the farming segment has proposed the accompanying measures at the as of late held NITI Aayog meet:
- Rejecting of the Essential Commodities Act for the nourishment division
- Audit of horticultural sponsorships (The complete cost on compost appropriation alone is around 70,000 crore rupees in 2018-19)
- Destroying of market imposing business models (which guarantees that rancher’s bartering power increments bringing him more cost for his produce)
- Steps to build private speculation and venture credit in the segment (through tax reductions and sponsored credit). This will improve private division’s cooperation in store network framework along these lines diminishing wastages and spillages all the while.
- Hindrances to the execution of the advanced e-NAM framework to be expelled.
Do you know?
- National Agriculture Market (eNAM) is a dish India electronic exchanging entryway that organizes the current APMC mandis to make a bound together national market for horticultural products.
More Information about Essential Commodities Act
- The ECA was instituted route in 1955.
- It has since been utilized by the Government to direct the creation, supply and dispersion of an entire host of items it pronounces ‘fundamental’ so as to make them accessible to customers at reasonable costs.
- The rundown of things under the Act incorporate medications, manures, heartbeats and consumable oils, and oil and oil based goods.
Here’s how it works:
- In the event that the Center finds that a specific ware is hard to find and its cost is spiking, it can tell stock-holding limits on it for a predefined period.
- Anyone exchanging or managing in a product , be it wholesalers, retailers or even shippers are kept from accumulating it past a specific amount. It in this manner enables specialists to take action against hoarders and dark marketeers of such products during emergency period.
- The ECA gives buyers insurance against unreasonable spikes in costs of fundamental wares.
Gender Equality
Part of: Main GS Paper I – Role of women and women’s organization
In News
- By and by ladies officials can’t be posted promptly ready ships as there are no different offices.
- So as to accept more ladies into administrations, Navy has as of late given delicate for cadet preparing ships which has offices provided food for ladies
- This activity will go far in expanding ladies interest in Navy who by and by comprise just 6.7% of the Navy officials
National Parks in news: Pench National Park in Madhya Pradesh and Bandipur wildlife sanctuary in Karnataka
- India is burning through 1300 Crore rupees to fabricate 9 kilometers underpass on National Highway going through Pench National Park in Madhya Pradesh to give a safe section to untamed life (particularly Tigers) in the district.
- The comparative request is being made to assemble underpass on the National Highway among Mysuru and Waynad to ensure tigers in Bandipur natural life asylum.
- In a creating nation like India with restricted assets and almost 23% of our populace living underneath neediness line, we have to offset our formative needs with our obligation to ensure the nature.
TOPIC: General studies 2
- Bilateral, regional and global groupings and agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests
- India and the World ; India and its neighbourhood- relations.
- Effect of policies and politics of developed and developing countries on India’s interests, Indian diaspora
- Important International institutions, agencies and fora- their structure, mandate
The organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) report to Xinjiang on Uighurs
- The beneath article manages OIC record on China’s Xinjiang area, which is in the news by virtue of supposed infringement of human rights and checks on strict opportunity of Uighurs and other Muslim ethnic gatherings.
- A Human Rights Watch report gave in September 2018 had likewise censured Beijing’s arrangements in Xinjiang.
About OIC
- The OIC, speaks to 57 part states and a populace of about 1.8 billion individuals.
- It is the world’s second-biggest intergovernmental association after the UN
- It is resolved to ensure the interests of the Muslim world.
- It routinely communicates solidarity with Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Bosnia, just as with the people groups of the Turkish Cypriot state, Kosovo and Jammu and Kashmir
Who are Uighurs?
- The Uighurs are a minority Turkic ethnic gathering starting from and socially partnered with the general area of Central and East Asia.
- The Uighurs have been perceived as local to just a single district, the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of the People’s Republic of China
Indian and OIC:
- India turned into the ‘Visitor of Honor’ at the 46th session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) held in Abu Dhabi in March.
- The last revelation overlooked the standard reference to Jammu and Kashmir.
Reasons for the ignorance
- The solid individual and state-to-state ties worked by the Indian government with significant OIC states, particularly the UAE.
- Notwithstanding, one of the goals referred to Kashmir and communicated worry at the circumstance of Muslims in India.
OIC’s report on China’s Xinjiang province:
- The fundamental Abu Dhabi presentation, similar to the Dhaka Declaration, made no reference to China or its Muslim minorities.
- It is captivating to run over the goals went at Abu Dhabi which decided to compliment the endeavors of the People’s Republic of China in giving consideration to its Muslim residents.
- China has protected its arrangements and asserted that it’s supposed ‘internment camps’ are really professional focuses intended “to teach and spare the nearby individuals of Xinjiang who were impacted by strict fanaticism”.
Reasons for favoring China:
- China is a significant power
- It is a perpetual individual from the UN Security Council
- It has a huge market for hydrocarbons and a wellspring of arms and speculation
- Additionally, China avoids lecturing others about human rights or frameworks of administration.
- As China’s proceeded with import of oil from Iran recommends, nations under U.S. weight and authorizes regularly go to China for help. Consequently, they give a valiant effort to monitor China’s inclinations at the OIC.
Do you know?
- As of late Pakistan’s Minister for Religious Affairs asked China to lift limitations on Muslims in Xinjiang.
- Pakistan boss raised worries about the Uighur issue with the Chinese Ambassador that has cone has profound humiliation to the OIC.
Connecting the dots:
- What is the Organization of Islamic Cooperation? Examine its goals and furthermore talk about the hugeness of OIC’s first-time greeting to India.
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in the comment section)
Q.1) Consider the following statements about Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI):
- Returns in FPI are as profits and intrigue installments
- Venture through FPI involves control of the administration of the organization
- FPI is the uninvolved holding of protections and other budgetary resources by a remote firm
Which of the following statements is/are correct?
- 1 and 2 only
- 2 and 3 only
- 1 and 3 only
- All of the above
Q.2) Consider the following statements:
- Kaziranga National park is a Ramsar site.
- Kaziranga National Park is a 117-year-old park and an UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1985.
Which of the following statements is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.3) Rajya Sabha has proportional powers as that of Lok Sabha regarding which of the bills
- Ordinary Bills
- Money Bills
- Financial Bills
- Constitutional Amendment Bills
Select the correct answer using the codes given below :
- 1 and 3 only
- 1,3 and 4 only
- 1 and 4 only
- 1,2,3 and 4
Q.4) Consider the following statements
- Continues from cess and extra charges structure a distinct pool of Central assets.
- No one but Center can impose cess
Which of the following statements is/are not correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
IAS Current Affairs and News Analysis (20-07-2019)
Supreme Court questions the need for re-verification of NRC
Part of: GS Mains Paper II – Government arrangements and mediations for improvement in different divisions and issues emerging out of their plan and usage
In news:
- The Center and the State of Assam had asked the Supreme Court more opportunity to direct example re-confirmation procedure of NRC.
- Be that as it may, the Supreme Court has scrutinized the requirement for re-check of NRC.
With exam point of view, one needs to focus on the following –
- About NRC and foundation
- Advantages of NRC
- Why has the National Register of Citizens (NRC) been in debate recently?
- Issues/Challenges with NRC process
- Conclusion
We have already learnt about NRC
The national register of residents is a register containing names of every certified Indian dwelling in India. Assam confronted convergence from Bangladesh, to expel the unlawful movement from neighboring nations NRC as ready in 1951.
Benefits of NRC:
- Identification of unlawful settlers, incorporation will be a shield against provocation and a pass to getting a charge out of all the sacred rights and defends and the advantages of government plans.
- To defend the indigenous populace and human progress.
- Criminal operations like fear based oppression, human dealing, medicate dealing can be checked.
- To protect Voting rights and properties, for example, land and house.
Controversies related to the National Register of Citizens (NRC):
- Difficult process: Adding an individual to NRC is mind boggling system due to introducing numerous archives and layers of check.
- Report check: “Family tree confirmation” has become troublesome procedure for left out kids.
- Dismissal of declaration: More than 40 lakh individuals are dismissed for panchayath residency authentications.
- Citizenship related: Failed to guarantee lawful lucidity over the way in which the cases of citizenship could be chosen.
- Job of Supreme Court: absence of observing procedure, powerlessness to understand political and arrangement activities in the event of loss of citizenship.
- Gigantic populace: Given the size of India’s populace, usage of the NRC will be a mammoth errand and requests a nitty gritty investigation.
Criticism of the NRC:
- The principal report was declared on December 31-January 1, 2017, the expulsion of 40 lakh individuals prompts a significant social and political emergency.
- The mass weakness and social emergency stalking the 40 lakh individuals of Assam.
- Numerous individuals are in the stake who lives in the vital and delicate fringe state. Their archives are being uncertain.
- Assam has an impossible to miss an issue of towns getting assaulted, or vanishing, because of yearly floods released by the red hot Brahmaputra. Reports get annihilated, geologies move, addresses change.
- A few instances of straightforward bad form whereby families have been isolated – some announced Doubtful Voters and outsiders, others as bonafide residents.
- The broad observation that explicitly etymological and strict minorities are being focused on – to be specific, Bengali speaking Muslims and Hindus.
It is significant and fundamental for the association government to proactively turn out with an impartial, unsurprising and straightforward arrangement in transit forward, for the individuals who will be distinguished as ‘outsiders’. The forgot about from the NRC must be taken care of cautiously on philanthropic premises.
The Protection of Human Rights (Amendment) Bill 2019
Part of: GS Mains Paper II – Statutory, regulatory and various quasi-judicial bodies.
Amendments proposed:
Sl.No. | Provisions under original Act | Amendments proposed |
1. | Under the present Act, the executive of the NHRC is an individual who has been a Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. | The Bill looks to give that an individual who has been Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, or a Judge of the Supreme Court will be the executive of the NHRC. |
2. | The Act accommodates two people knowing about human rights to be named as individuals from the NHRC. | The Bill looks to enable three individuals to be delegated, of which at any rate one will be a lady |
3. | Under the Act, chairpersons of different commissions, for example, the National Commission for Scheduled Castes(NCSC), National Commission for Scheduled Tribes(NCST), and National Commission for Women(NCW) are individuals from the NHRC. | The Bill accommodates including additionally the chairpersons of the National Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC), the National Commission for the Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR), and the Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities as individuals from the NHRC. |
4. | The Act expresses that the director and individuals from the NHRC and SHRC will hold office for a long time or till the age of seventy years, whichever is prior. | The Bill decreases the term of office to three years or till the age of seventy years, whichever is prior. |
Do you know?
- NHRC is built up under the Protection of Human Rights Act (PHRA), 1993.
- The demonstration characterizes Human Rights as the rights identifying with life, freedom, fairness and pride of the individual ensured by the Constitution or epitomized in the International Covenants and enforceable by courts in India.
The Chairperson and individuals from the NHRC are selected by the President of India, on the proposal of an advisory group comprising of:
- The Prime Minister (Chairperson)
- The Home Minister
- The Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha (Lower House)
- The Leader of the Opposition in the Rajya Sabha (Upper House)
- The Speaker of the Lok Sabha (Lower House)
- The Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha (Upper House)
Bill to help Transgender introduced in Lok Sabha
Part of: Mains GS Paper I – Social empowerment
In News:
- The Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Bill, 2019, was presented by Social Justice and Empowerment Minister in Lok Sabha
- The Bill has characterized transgenders and has guaranteed family life for transgender youngsters, made arrangements for sex reassignment medical procedures, mental guiding and security against any type of victimization transgender individuals
Highlights of the Bill
- The Transgender Persons Bill gives an individual the privilege to decide to be distinguished as a man, lady or transgender, independent of sex reassignment medical procedure and hormonal treatment
- The administration has guaranteed that an individual doesn’t need to show up before a region screening board of trustees to be pronounced a transgender (This was a piece of before draft that got analysis from human rights activists). The new bills has perceived an individual’s “entitlement to self-saw sexual orientation character”.
- The bill de-condemned asking by transgenders.
- The bill accommodate significant instruction, government disability and wellbeing offices for transgender individuals. The administration has chosen to pay for medicinal consideration office including sex reassignment medical procedure and hormonal treatment for transgender individuals through a health care coverage plot.
- The Bill additionally gives insurance to transgender youngsters. Area 12 (1) says: “No youngster will be isolated from guardians or close family on the ground of being a transgender.
Do you know?
- Transgender was announced as third sexual orientation as of late in 2014, through a Supreme Court judgment in National Legal Services Authority v. Association of India case.
- Additionally, the court likewise held that in light of the fact that transgender individuals were treated as socially and financially in reverse classes, they ought to be allowed reservations in admissions to instructive organizations and employments.
Happiness Department of Madhya Pradesh
- It has consistently been felt that material success alone can never be the measuring stick of estimating joy and prosperity. For a comprehensive and glad human presence, internal prosperity is of most extreme importance alongside our material headway.
- Individuals should be presented to very much inquired about conduct devices and tried and true moral practices, which would assist them with remaining positive, continue afflictions and lead satisfying healthy lifestyles.
- Madhya Pradesh has set a priority in the nation to have an administration association – Rajya Anand Sansthan (State Happiness Department) – devoted towards the previously mentioned reason.
Rajya Anand Sansthan
- RAS appeared for this reason in August 2016 and has since been occupied with giving instruments and systems of joining inspiration and happy sound propensities for all encompassing development and by and large harmony.
- Mitigating the tempers of government authorities since its commencement, the Rajya Anand Sansthan has now opened its ways to the overall population.
TOPIC: General studies 3
- Indian Economy, Inclusive growth and issues arising from it.
- Food processing and related industries in India- scope and significance, location, upstream and downstream requirements, supply chain management).
A Sign of economic growth and Improvement
- The development of key segments by changing gears as the current financial conditions are smooth as far as macroeconomic strength to extend development.
- Sufficient speculation changes in essential divisions.
- In this manner, achieving the vision of a $5-trillion economy by 2024.
- Sufficient Investment in essential area is the need of hour.
- Lacking interest in the farming part in most creating nations in the course of recent years has brought about low efficiency and dormant generation according to FAO.
- Farming remains the most believed division in lightening destitution, craving and lack of healthy sustenance and guaranteeing better salary appropriation.
Food and Agriculture organisation:
- It is a UN body
- It drives universal endeavors to crush hunger
- Set up in 1945 and its central command is in Rome, Italy.
- FAO is additionally a wellspring of information and data and enables creating nations and nations experiencing a significant change to modernize and improve farming, ranger service and fisheries works on, guaranteeing great nourishment and nourishment security for all.
- There is a sum of 197 individuals involving 194 part countries, 1 part association and 2 partner individuals.
- India is an individual from FAO
Key areas of investment
- The venture is the way to opening the capability of a creating economy
- Interest in Agro-preparing, Agro-new businesses, and Agri-the travel industry
- Lifts Agri-the travel industry by pulling in vacationers towards ranch staff and homestead tasks
- Produces in-situ business.
Investment in Agri-education and research
- It would likewise fill in as a phase to exhibit asset preservation and economical use through natural, common and green strategies, and furthermore zero spending characteristic cultivating. .
Investment in livestock technology
- profitability upgrade
- Protection of indigenous germplasm, illness observation, quality control, squander usage and worth expansion.
Investment in renewable energy generation
- It would help diminish the weight of obligation ridden power dissemination organizations and State governments,
- Empowers vitality security in country regions.
Private investment to agriculture
- Connecting Farm business associations with ware trades would give agribusiness products more space on worldwide exchanging stages .
- It diminishes the weight of business sectors in an excess season, with certain approach/procedural alterations
Barriers for the Investments:
- Issues of count, upkeep and openness to help keep up agri-information on different fronts.
- There additionally should be a concentrated institutional component to help keep up ranch level-information accessible for constant (virtual) appraisal, while likewise helping attachment the provisos in endowment dispersion, subsidizing and unreasonable presumption underway estimation.
- It needs committed interest in social ranch inquire about sets
- There is a need to unite divided ventures (open, private and unfamiliar) to address the basic shortcomings in the farming segment.
- Agribusiness and its associated parts are accepted to be one of the most fruitful grounds to help accomplish the yearning Sustainable Developmental Goals (SDGs).
- Notwithstanding, with the present pace of horticulture development, India requires ‘persistent capital’, as money related comes back to venture are probably not going to emerge in the underlying years.
- A comprehensive plan of action encouraging solid financial specialist rancher relations ought to be made, with a lawful and institutional structure for administration.
- Extending foundations is fundamental to suit the formative effects of outside agrarian speculation.
Connecting the dots:
- Speculation is the way to opening the capability of a creating economy. Explain.
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in the comment section)
Q.1) Consider the following statements about National Register of Citizens
- Just once before has an NRC been readied, in 1951.
- Be that as it may, NRC is currently being refreshed in Assam
- The way toward refreshing NRC is being gone by Chief Secretary of Assam under the general direction from Union Home Ministry.
Which of the following statements is/are correct?
- 1 and 2 only
- 2 and 3 only
- 1 and 3 only
- 1, 2 and 3
Q.2) Consider the accompanying proclamations about National Human Rights Commission
- NHRC is a Constitutional body
- It was set up through 44th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1978 post crisis period which saw human rights mishandles.
- The director of NHRC is selected by heaps of a panel comprising just of Prime Minister, Leader of Opposition in Loksabha and Speaker of Lok Sabha.
Which of the following statements is/are not correct?
- 1 and 2 only
- 2 and 3 only
- 1 and 3 only
- 1, 2 and 3
Q.3) Consider the accompanying articulations about Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
- It is a statutory body
- It was set up in 1999 post-Asian money related emergency for deliberate improvement of protections advertise in India
- The punishments required by the SEBI as of now goes to the general store of SEBI
Which of the following statements is/are correct?
- 1 and 2 only
- 1 only
- 1 and 3 only
- 1, 2 and 3
Q.4) Which is the main state to set up Rajya Anand Santhan (State bliss Department)?
- Karnataka
- Gujarat
- Madhya Pradesh
- Delhi
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