Highlights |UPSC Exam Current Affairs 08-01-2020
UPSC exam current affairs 08-01-2020 The following article contains all the updated events and news for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.
- GDP growth rate for 2019-20 expected to be 5% (previous fiscal 6.8%)
- GOCO model: Government Owned Contractor Operated Model
- 10% reservation Quota for Economically Weaker Sections
- Snow and Avalanche Study Establishment (SASE)
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UPSC Exam Current Affairs 08-01-2020 are followed in the part below:
UPSC Exam Current Affairs and News Analysis (08-01-2020)
GDP growth rate for 2019-20 expected to be 5% (previous fiscal 6.8%)
Part of: GS Prelims – National Income and GS-III- Economy
In News
- Gross domestic product decrease in 2019-20 s ascribed to the stoppage in Manufacturing (2%) and Construction part (3.2%).
- Net Domestic Product(GDP) is the all-out money related or advertise estimation of all the completed merchandise and ventures created inside a nation’s fringes in a particular timeframe.
- Net worth expansion (GVA) is the aggregate of a nation’s GDP and net of endowments and charges in the economy (GVA=GDP+ Subsidies on Products−Taxes on Products)
- GVA gives an image of the condition of the economy from the makers’ side or supply side, the GDP gives the image from the shoppers’ side or request point of view.
The genome of Indian Cobra mapped
Part of: GS Prelims- Government Schemes and GS Mains III-Science & Technology
In News
- Scientists have mapped the genome of cobra which will help in understanding the concoction constituents of the snake venom and add to the improvement of new immunizing agent venom treatments.
What is Gene?
- Quality is a piece of a chromosome, a unit of heredity which is moved from a parent to posterity and is held to decide some attribute of the posterity.
- A genome is a life form’s finished arrangement of DNA, including the entirety of its qualities
Value addition for Prelims
- Genome India Initiative is an undertaking by Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science and Technology that includes filtering of 20,000 Indian person’s genomes (in the following five years 2019-24)
- Objective: To create demonstrative tests and viable treatments for treating maladies, (for example, disease)
GOCO model: Government Owned Contractor Operated Model
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains –III- Security, Investment Models
In News
- So as to improve operational proficiency, the Indian armed force is hoping to execute the Government Owned Contractor Operated (GOCO) model for the upkeep of its Army Base workshops
- The GOCO model was one of the proposals of the Lt. Gen. DB Shekatkar advisory group to upgrade battle capacity and re-balance safeguard consumption.
Infant Mortality Rate: Outrage over deaths of infants in Gujarat & Rajasthan
Part of: GS Prelims – Health Statistics and GS-II- Health
In News
- The Infant death rate (IMR) is the number of passings per 1,000live births of youngsters under one year of age. Right now (2017) India’s IMR remains at 33 for every 1,000 live births.
- India has a yearly birth accomplice of roughly 26 million
- Consistently, there is an expected passing of 2,350 children matured short of what one year(annually 8.5 lakh passings)
- As indicated by the National Family Health Survey-4, just 78.9% of births in India occur in an office. This implies 21.1% or around 54 lakh births in a year still occur outside of an office where cleanliness levels are low as well as without the assistance of a prepared wellbeing specialist.
Value Additions
- India Newborn Action Plan (INAP) was propelled in 2014 to put forth purposeful attempts towards the achievement of the objectives of “Single Digit Neonatal Mortality Rate” and “Single Digit Stillbirth Rate,”
- Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) and Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakaram (JSSK) was begun to advance institutional conveyances in order to decrease IMR.
10% reservation Quota for Economically Weaker Sections
Part of: GS Prelims – Articles of Constitution and GS II- Governance
In News
- Focus has held that it is the States’ privilege to give 10% financial reservation in government occupations and admission to training establishments.
Do You Know?
- It was 103rd Constitutional Amendment Act that presented give 10 percent reservation in government occupations and instruction (aside from in minority instructive establishments) to monetarily in reverse area in the general classification
- The demonstration embedded Articles 15(6) and 16(6) of the Constitution that accommodated these reservations.
- Article 46 of the Constitution (DPSP) charges that the State will advance with unique consideration the instructive and monetary interests of the more vulnerable areas of the individuals.
National Pension System (NPS)
Part of: GS Prelims – Government Initiatives and GS-III- Economy
In News
- 7,000 corporates in the nation are as of now enlisted with PFRDA, yet just 10 lakh representatives from this corporate segment are secured under the NPS.
- NPS at present has an absolute supporter base of 3.25 crore, (with ₹4 lakh crore under-speculation as on December 31)
About NPS
- National Pension System (NPS) is an administration supported benefits plot propelled in January 2004 for government representatives. In any case, in 2009, it was opened to all segments.
- Execution Agency: NPS is being actualized and managed by PFRDA(Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority) – a statutory body built up by the PFRDA Act, 2013.
Who can join NPS?
- Any Indian resident (Both Resident and Non-Resident) somewhere in the range of 18 and 60 years can join NPS. The main condition is that the individual must agree to know your client (KYC) standards.
- Be that as it may, OCI (Overseas Citizens of India) and PIO (Person of Indian Origin) card holders and Hindu Undivided Family (HUFs) are not qualified for the opening of NPS account.
Snow and Avalanche Study Establishment (SASE)
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-I- Geography, Climatology
In News
- SASE which is a lab of the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) has given an Avalanche Warning to Leh in Ladakh locale.
- SASE’s target: To be a focal point of greatness in ‘Cryospheric Science and Technology’ to encourage high operational versatility for troops in snowbound areas of Indian Himalayas.
- HQ of SASE is situated close Manali, Himachal Pradesh.
- The cryosphere is the solidified water some portion of the Earth framework. Consequently, it incorporates those parts of Earth’s surface where water is in strong structure, including ocean ice, lake ice, waterway ice, snow spread, ice sheets, ice tops, ice sheets, and solidified ground.
TOPIC: General Studies 2:
- Indian Democracy and related issues
- Governance issues
- Indian Polity
Concept of Democracy, then and now
- We are for the most part acquainted with the possibility that vote based system is an administration of the individuals, by the individuals, and for the individuals.
- Today, the most widely recognized type of popular government is an agent vote based system, in which residents choose authorities to settle on political choices, detail laws, and direct projects for the open great.
Different definitions of Democracy –
- “Majority rules system is a legislature of the individuals, for the individuals, and by the individuals.”
- – Abraham Lincoln
- – “Popular government truly amounts to nothing pretty much then the standard of the entire individuals, communicating their sovereign will by their votes.”
- – Bryce
- – Maclver
- “Vote based system isn’t a method for administering, regardless of whether by dominant part or something else, however basically a method for deciding, who will oversee, and comprehensively to what closes.”
Idea of Democracy during British India and Post-independence
Mahatma Gandhi on Democracy
- “Majority rule government must mean the speciality of the study of assembling the whole physical, monetary and profound assets of all the different areas of individuals in the administration of the benefit of all for all.”
- “To protect majority rule government the individuals must have a sharp feeling of freedom, sense of pride and their unity, and should demand picking as their delegates just such people as are acceptable and genuine.”
The Gandhian idea of Self Rule implies Swaraj is a genuine majority rules system, where individuals’ capacity rests in the people and everyone understands that the individual in question is simply the genuine ace of one’s.
Nehru on Democracy
- “Majority rules system, on the off chance that it implies anything, implies balance; not simply the fairness of having a vote yet monetary and social balance.”
Karachi resolution
- In 1931, the goals at the Karachi session mirrored the vision of popular government that implied conventional holding of decisions as well as a substantive modifying of the Indian social structure so as to have an authentic law-based society.
The designers of the Indian Constitution were propelled by standards of social correspondence and political equity to present grown-up suffrage quickly a major advance forward to ensure our Indian Democracy.
After autonomy, India chose to have law-based political system. This framework is described by three components: one, there is a high level of self-sufficiency; two, monetary operators and strict associations are liberated from political obstruction; and three, the rivalry between different requests doesn’t imperil combination yet causes it.
The original of Indian pioneers needed their nation to be a liberal popular government, wherein an individual’s confidence—or language, or rank, or sexual orientation—didn’t acquire her better or more regrettable treatment by the state.
Positive aspects of Democracy
Positively, democracy seeks to maintain and assert the below rights:
- the right to free expression of opinion and of opposition and criticism of the Government of the day;
- the right to change the Governments of which the people disapprove through constitutional means;
- protection from arbitrary interference on the part of the authorities, primary safeguards against arbitrary arrest and prosecution;
- fundamental rights of citizens, subject to their duties to the state;
- the right of minorities to be protected with equal justice under the law;
- equal treatment and fair play for the poor as well as the rich, for private persons as well as Government officials;
- The right to hold unpopular or dissident beliefs.
Modern-day democracy on decline
Since autonomy, India has figured out how to remain on the vote based way in a manner exceptional among states liberated from imperialism during the only remaining century.
The producers of our Constitution structured the foundations of our vote based system with incredible consideration and tender loving care. They were intended to suffer and it was normal that these foundations will fortify the majority rule government in India.
As of late, nonetheless, the strength of the Hindu patriots and the way where they have controlled – has offered to ascend to claims that India’s vote based system and its minorities are in grave peril.
The opportunity of articulation has been abridged; organizations of majority rules system are debilitated and lessened; vote based thought has been skirted; assaults on strict minorities have been completed.
When governmental issues wherever is inclining perilously towards a brought together, dictator, national security state with a solid chief focused on the belief system of social patriotism, the qualities and goals of majority rules system gave by early pioneers become significant.
The qualities and law-based standards grasped by them are pertinent not yesterday or today but rather until the end of time!!
Connecting the dots:
- Examine the democratic principles that took a concrete shape post-British India rule.
- Is the future of Indian democracy secure? Critically analyze.
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in the comment section)
Q.1) Bandar Abbas, the Iranian port city is located on the Strait of Hormuz. This strait connects which two water bodies?
- The Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Aden
- The Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman
- The Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden
- The Red Sea and the Gulf of Oman
Q.2) Cryosphere often seen in the news is related to which of the following?
- The inner core part of earth system consisting of radioactive materials
- Outer atmospheric part of earth system
- The frozen water part of the earth system
- None of the above
Q.3) Consider the following statements about the National Pension System(NPS)
- It is being implemented by the Ministry of Labour
- Non-Resident India(NRI), OCI (Overseas Citizens of India) and PIO (Person of Indian Origin) cardholders and Hindu Undivided Family (HUFs) are eligible for opening of NPS account
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.4) Consider the following statements about the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA)
- It is a Statutory body established under Companies Act, 2013.
- It regulates the National Pension System (NPS) and other pension schemes subscribed by employees of the public and private sector of India.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.5) Article 46 of the Constitution deals with which of the following?
- Freedom of Speech
- Martial Law
- Uniform Civil Code
- None of the above
Q.6) Shekatkar committee often seen in the news deals with which of the following?
- Military Modernisation
- Financial Inclusion
- Doubling of Farmers Income
- Improving relations with Pakistan
Q.7) Consider the following statements about GDP and Gross value Addition (GVA)
- GVA is the sum of a country’s GDP and net of subsidies and taxes in the economy
- GDP gives a picture of the state of the economy from the producers’ side or supply side, whereas GVA gives the picture from the consumers’ side or demand perspective
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Importance of Current Affairs in IAS Coaching

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