Highlights |UPSC Exam Current Affairs 11-09-2019
Current Affairs and News (11-09-2019)- The following article contains all the updated events and news for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.
- Motihari-Amlekhganj Pipeline
- Sanjay Mitra Committee
- Five Star Movement (M5S)
- PSB Bank merger – an idea for better policy governance
- Language Subtitling – Remarkable benchmark for the TV channels
Importance of Current Affairs in IAS Coaching
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UPSC Exam Current Affairs 11-09-2019 are followed in the part below:
UPSC Exam Current Affairs and News Analysis (11-09-2019)
Motihari-Amlekhganj Pipeline
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-II – India and its neighbourhood
In News
- PM Modi and his Nepalese partner K P Sharma Oli introduced the Motihari-Amalekhgunj oil pipeline through video conferencing.
- The Motihari-Amlekhganj oil based good pipeline is the primary ever cross-outskirt oil based commodities pipeline in South Asia.
- The 69-km pipeline will move fuel from Barauni treatment facility in Bihar’s Begusarai area to Amalekhgunj in southeastern Nepal, arranged over the outskirt from Raxaul in East Champaran locale.
- The undertaking was first proposed in 1996, yet progress was moderate.
- The pipeline will help in handling the oil stockpiling issue in Nepal. The Amalekhgunj fuel station will have the ability to amass to 16,000 kilolitres of oil based commodities.
- It will radically decrease the expense of shipping fuel to landlocked Nepal from India by getting rid of transportation of oil based goods through tankers (as a component of a course of action which is set up since 1973).
- In 2017, Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) consented to an oil exchange arrangement to supply about 1.3 million tons of fuel every year to Nepal with a guarantee to twofold the volume by 2020.
Sanjay Mitra Committee
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS-II- Governance
In news
- Focus has set up a 3-part board to manage the bifurcation of Jammu and Kashmir into two Union Territories.
- On fifth of August, the Center had declared the revocation of the extraordinary status given to J&K under Article 370 and bifurcation of the state into the two UTs.
- The board will investigate the dispersion of advantages and liabilities of Jammu and Kashmir between two successor Union domains, which will appear on 31st of October this year.
- The board will be going by Former Defense Secretary Sanjay Mitra. It will have Retired IAS official Arun Goyal and Retired Indian Civil Accounts Service official Giriraj Prasad Gupta as individuals.
Five Star Movement (M5S)
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains II – International Affairs
In News
- M5S is an ideological group in Italy.
- It was established in 2009 because of dissatisfaction with the political foundation in a nation with a stale economy and boundless defilement at the most noteworthy echelons.
- The “five stars” are a reference to five key issues for the gathering: (1) open water, (2) reasonable vehicle, (3) maintainable improvement, (4) right to Internet access, and (5) environmentalism.
- The M5S is differently viewed as populist, defiant, earthy person, against globalist and
- Since June 2018 M5S was in alliance with Right-wing League party, yet the League party pioneer pulls back from the administration in August 2019 in the expectation of activating early decisions.
- Be that as it may, as of late M5S individuals have casted a ballot (through its online site) for shaping an alliance government with the inside left Democratic gathering (PD), who is considered as its conventional opponent.
TOPIC: General Studies 3:
- Bank merger and issues related to it.
- Indian Economy and issues relating to planning, mobilization of resources, growth, development and employment.
PSB Bank merger – an idea for better policy governance
On 30th August 2019, fund serve Mrs. Nirmala Sitaraman declared the converging of 10 open part banks into 4 significant banks. Coming up next are the subtleties of the bank mergers.
- Punjab National Bank + Oriental Bank of Commerce + United Bank of India
- Canara Bank + Syndicate Bank
- Association Bank + Andhra Bank + Corporation Bank
- Indian Bank + Allahabad Bank
These banks are blended dependent on the working efficiencies, better utilization of value and their mechanical stages. The bank merger targets improving the budgetary wellbeing and expanding their loaning ability to help the monetary development.
There are two sorts of mergers – Merging bigger banks together and blending littler territorial manages an account with their provincial banks.
Converging of banks has been under talk from past decade however now the choice was taken and actualized to concentrate more on improving monetary soundness and development of our nation.
Benefits of bank merging:
- In spite of the fact that our Indian banks are financially little contrasted with the global banks, blending banks can make hazard expansion and makes aggressiveness among the banks.
- Joining more fragile banks (in view of their monetary records) with the more grounded ones diminishes the hazard that powerless ones are experiencing.
- Converging with the solid banks will move better administration rehearses with the powerless banks so these banks run effectively.
Despite the fact that the converging of the banks have positive effect on the economy, care must be taken that the frail banks doesn’t drag the more grounded ones. Additionally care must be taken that the more fragile banks can adapt up to the gaining the board rehearses as they are as of now confronting issue managing failing to meet expectations credits.
In any case, this can be overwhelmed by employing the board specialists to execute the merger which requires blending a wide range of authoritative structure and specialized frameworks to run the banks smoother.
Do you know?
- In India, private division banks line ICICI, HDFC and so on., run effectively contrasted with open area banks.
- The reality being, the open division banks are working more in the support of lawmakers and monetarily solid individuals.
- Unexpectedly, private part banks pick their clients carefully and make distinctive loaning procedures to boost their net revenues.
- Indeed, even the private division banks are affected by political and familial associations, they run effectively thought about the open segment banks.
- So all together augment the benefits in open division banks, they should get less twisted from political weights and familial associations.
What needs to be done?
- Execution of the bank merger ought to continually take a shot at fixing the issues of nonperforming advances in the flimsier ones alongside fixing their hierarchical lacuna in advance recuperation from the outset step.
- Another issue that requirements consideration among the conventional banking is the absence of digitalization.
- Government and RBI must concentrate on getting computerized adjustment money related execution, reserve funds and speculation needs.
- The advanced alteration/guideline must be all around structured and appropriately actualized which diminishes any ethical dangers at work space.
In spite of the fact that the bank mergers have taken an enormous consideration from the media, strategy creators and financial experts, persistent investigation must be done after execution. The issues for non performing advances must be tended to at the grass root level and work together to accomplish generally speaking financial development.
Connecting the dots
- What are the significant advantages of bank merger? Talk about.
- Analyze what changes are to be purchased in the banks to make most extreme financial progress after merger?
TOPIC: General Studies 1 and 2:
- Social empowerment
- Education and Human Resource Management
- Social Justice – Welfare schemes for vulnerable sections of the population
- Government policies and interventions for development in various sectors
Language Subtitling – Remarkable benchmark for the TV channels
- Beginning from August fifteenth 2019, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB) made it compulsory to every one of the 800 Indian TV channels to begin language based sub titling.
- Their objective is to develop 10% consistently with the goal that they can accomplish half of the channels having captions before the finish of 2025.
Do you know?
- India has adopted this strategy from USA who began sub titling in their channels to support the hard of hearing and aurally tested populace.
- The arrangement has originated from Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 which made inscribing (Sub-titling) is a compulsory for all TV channels.
- Presently the significant test with the service is to guarantee that all the state and private channels are bound to this and stand a similar standard.
Despite the fact that USA has begun inscribing great in front of India, our nation has two noteworthy explanations for sub-titling –
- Aside from Brazil, India is one of the significant nations in Global South to begin sub-titling for the media inclusion.
- India is the main nation to set up Same Language Subtitling (SLS) for mass understanding training.
Key features:
- SLS in India will assume a critical job in accomplishing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which thus will add to giving quality training consequently improving great perusing abilities among the watchers.
- As per 2019 FICCI-EY Media and Entertainment report, Film and general Entertainment add to 24% and 53% of watchers individually and now it is required to have SLS in provincial dialects for every one of these substance.
SLS in India is going to serve these major goals:
- Giving every day perusing practices to over a billion watchers.
- Profiting 500 million feeble perusers to improve their understanding aptitudes.
- Giving media access to 65 million hard of hearing and aurally tested populace.
- Improving the neighborhood/provincial language capability among the watchers.
Advantages of Sub-titling:
- As per an ongoing report, English sub-titling has demonstrated to improve English proficiency abilities among the watchers contrasted with naming.
- English directs in India has begun including English captions which has expanded the viewership by making ear to get a handle on new English pronunciation.
- Nonstop presentation to SLS among the watchers has demonstrated to improve their English perusing aptitudes that were scarcely ready to comprehend not many letters.
- Nonstop and incessant exposures to SLS substance to individuals will in the end increment the coherence and comprehension of the provincial language.
Joined Kingdom has begun Turn-On-The-Sub titles (TOTS) program to all the youngster programs roused by our nation. While we are tailing US model of sub titling to build the media get to, UK is utilizing our impressions to expand the perusing abilities among individuals. India despite what might be expected is attempting to concentrate on both the angles – media access alongside understanding education.
In India, according to Annual Status of Education Reports (ASER), the standard fifth grade youths in natural domains disregard to examine even second grade works. Thusly, India must focus on improving the quality preparing at grass root level with the total undertakings from government, normal people, guidance establishments and ventures.
The service of Information and Broadcasting alongside Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology needs to command SLS in all the computerized Over-The-Top (OTT) stages. In spite of the fact that there is English sub-tilting in a large number of the channels, the provincial language sub-titling must be made compulsory like Kannada captions for Kannada channels, etc. Scholarly organizations have demonstrated solid confirmations how SLS can be utilized and executed to accomplish media get to, understanding proficiency and language learning. Presently the media outlets must assume an essential job in adjusting SLS for all the various media substance in all Indian provincial dialects.
Connecting the dots:
- As of late, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB) made it obligatory to every one of the 800 Indian TV channels to begin language based sub titling. Talk about the advantages of sub-titling particularly for India.
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in comment section)
Q.1) Consider the following statements Motihari-Amlekhganj petroleum pipeline
- It is transnational pipeline between India and Bhutan
- The pipeline is the first ever cross-border petroleum products pipeline in South Asia.
- It will drastically reduce the cost of transporting fuel from India, by doing away with transportation of petroleum products through tankers
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 and 2 only
- 2 and 3 only
- 1 and 3 only
- 1,2 and 3
Q.2) Sanjay Mitra Committee often seen in the news is related to which of the following area?
- Disinvestment of Air India
- Military reforms
- Bifurcation of Jammu & Kashmir into two UT
- None of the above
Q.3) M5S (Five Star Movement) often seen in news in related to which of the following area?
- Movement in France against exorbitant prices in Five Star hotels
- Hongkong protests
- Italy anti-establishment political party
- None of the above
Importance of Current Affairs in IAS Coaching

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