Highlights |UPSC Exam Current Affairs 13-11-2019
Current Affairs and News (13-11-2019)- The following article contains all the updated events and news for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.
- Cancer Care facilities
- e-NAM
- Tiger Triumph
- Pneumonia, diarrhoea still a big threat
- MaulanaAbulKalam Azad
- Bolivia Crisis
- BRICS 2020
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UPSC Exam Current Affairs 13-11-2019 are followed in the part below:
UPSC Exam Current Affairs and News Analysis (13-11-2019)
Cancer Care facilities
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-II – Health
In News
- India’s malignant growth care foundation is “exceptionally deficient” and powers a lion’s share of patients to travel “a large number of kilometers” for treatment
- The “methodical disappointment” to address the requirements of patients adds to a 20% higher mortality among Indian malignancy patients than in nations with a “high” Human Development Index, said a report by a Parliamentary Standing Committee on Science, Technology and Environment.
- Mortality to occurrence proportion of 0.68 in India is higher than that in high human advancement list (HDI) nations (0.38) and high HDI nations (0.57).
- The board was established to look at an extended job for the Department of Atomic Energy, through the Tata Memorial Center (TMC), to address India’s rising malignancy trouble.
- The advisory group suggested t a ‘Center point and Spoke Model'(already by and by in Punjab) proposed by the TMC to all the more likely contact malignant growth patients broadly.
Do You Know?
- The frequency, or the quantity of recently analyzed instances of malignancy every year, is around 16 lakh in India.
- The ailment slaughters 8 lakh individuals every year in India.
- India’s malignant growth trouble is relied upon to increment from an expected 13 lakh cases in 2018 to around 17 lakh in 2035, and disease passings are required to ascend from 8.8 lakh in 2018 to 13 lakh in 2035.
- 66% of India’s malignant growth patients were treated in the private area and this constrained 6 crore Indians underneath the neediness line due to “disastrous medicinal services related use on disease”.
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-III –Economy
In News
- States were being “coaxed to dismiss” the rural produce advertising board of trustees (APMC) framework for E-NAM for example National Agriculture Market which is a container India electronic exchanging (e-exchanging) entryway.
- It looks to arrange the current physical directed discount showcase (known as APMC advertise) through a virtual stage to make a brought together national market for horticultural products.
- Just 1.6 crore ranchers have enlisted on the entry up until now, from among the right around 12 crore cultivators in the nation yet just about portion of those enrolled have profited by the stage.
- Out of right around 2,500 APMCs, 585 of every 18 States have been associated with the e-NAM gateway up until now.
- Interstate exchange, which can possibly give ranchers more extensive market access and better costs, has 21 APMC mandi members in 8 States up until this point.
- NABARD is presently prepared to operationalise a ₹2,000 crore agri-showcase framework finance planned for updating 585 APMCs and 10,000 gramin horticultural markets
About APMC
- It is a statutory market advisory group established by a State Government in regard of exchange certain told agrarian or green or animals products,under the APMC Act gave by that state government.
- The entire topographical territory in the State is isolated and every one is announced as a market zone which is overseen by the Market Committee (APMC) established by the State Government.
- When a specific territory is proclaimed as a market region and falls under the purview of a Market Committee, no individual or organization is permitted to uninhibitedly continue discount showcasing exercises.
- APMC Acts give that first deal in the told agrarian items delivered in the area, for example, grains, beats, consumable oilseed, natural products, vegetables and so on., can be led uniquely under the aegis of the APMC, through its authorized bonus operators.
- The makers of rural items are therefore compelled to do their first deal in these business sectors which in all actuality fills in as cartel preclude reasonable value disclosure from claiming rural produce.
Tiger Triumph
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains II – International Relations
In News
- Tiger Triumph is the lady India-US joint Tri administrations Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) Exercise.
- The Exercise is planned to creating interoperability for directing HADR tasks.
- Indian Naval boats Jalashwa, Airavat and Sandhayak, Indian Army troops from 19 Madras and 7 Guards, and Indian Air Force MI-17 helicopters and Rapid Action Medical Team (RAMT) would take an interest in the activity. The US would be spoken to by US Navy Ship Germantown with troops from US Third Marine Division.
Pneumonia, diarrhoea still a big threat
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains II – Health
In News
- The tenth Pneumonia and Diarrhea Progress Report was discharged by the International Vaccine Access Center (IVAC) at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
- This report examinations how viably nations are conveying 10 key intercessions, including breastfeeding, immunization, access to mind, utilization of anti-microbials, ORS, and zinc supplementation.
- In India, Pneumonia slaughtered more than 1.27 lakh kids under five-representing 14% of youngster passings.
- India’s has high breastfeeding rate, at 55%, be that as it may, the extent of kids accepting significant medications stays beneath targets. Half of the youngsters with the runs get ORS (oral rehydration arrangement) and 20% get zinc supplementation — to help secure against, avert and treat pneumonia and loose bowels
- Rollout of rotavirus antibodies, starting in 2016, and the pneumococcal conjugate immunization, starting in 2017, helped India’s enhance these parameters.
- In 2017, the most elevated hazard factors for youngster pneumonia demise in India were: 53% brought about by kid squandering, 27% by outside air contamination, and 22% brought about by indoor air contamination from strong fills.
- Comprehensively, pneumonia and looseness of the bowels prompted about one of each four passings in youngsters under five years old in 2017.
MaulanaAbulKalam Azad
- National Education Day was commended on November 11 to remember the Birth Anniversary of Maulana Abu lKalam Azad.
- He was the principal Education Minister of autonomous India, who served from 15 August 1947 until 2 February 1958.
- Under his authority, the Ministry of Education set up the main Indian Institute of Technology in 1951 and the University Grants Commission in 1953.
- He additionally laid accentuation on the improvement of the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and the Faculty of Technology of the Delhi University.
- As Chairman of the Central Advisory Board of Education, he offered push to grown-up proficiency, widespread essential instruction, free and mandatory for all kids up to the age of 14, young ladies instruction, and broadening of optional instruction and professional preparing.
TOPIC: General Studies 2:
- Effect of policies and politics of developed and developing countries on India’s interests
Bolivia Crisis
- The President of Bolivia, Evo Morales, has surrendered in the midst of unrest following his contested re-appointment a month ago. He has been in control for almost 14 years. He left the post in the wake of losing the help of the military and the police.
- Bolivia has been shaken by long stretches of hostile to government fights following the reports of political decision extortion

- The Bolivia is a landlocked nation situated in South America. It is circumscribed toward the north and east by Brazil, toward the southeast by Paraguay, toward the south by Argentina, toward the southwest by Chile, and toward the northwest by Peru.
- Nearby Paraguay, it is one of the main two landlocked nations in the Americas
Rise of Evo Morales – Socialist Leader who enjoyed support from within and beyond Bolivia
- He rose to conspicuousness as a worker’s organization head among coca leaf cultivators, advancing the privileges of Bolivia’s Indigenous larger part.
- His energetic barrier of the ranchers and indigenous individuals prompted conflict with the nation’s traditionalist and overwhelmingly white political tip top. In 2006, he turned into Bolivia’s first Indigenous president since the nation’s autonomy from Spain two centuries back.
- He immediately moved to engage Indigenous individuals, redistribute the country’s flammable gas riches and carry framework to poor networks, quantifies that made him the most prevalent Bolivian lawmaker in decades
- Dissimilar to his high-spending left-wing partners in Venezuela and Argentina, be that as it may, Mr. Spirits consolidated redistribution with keeping up a reasonable spending plan and charming worldwide financial specialists.
Impact of his redistributive Policies
- Profiting by the ware blast during the 2000s, Mr. Spirits changed Bolivia, one of South America’s least fortunate countries, into one of its most unique economies,
- Under his genuinely great reputation, Bolivia has seen a drop in extraordinary destitution, from 33% of the populace in 2006 to 15% a year ago. His administration additionally ventured up open speculations, opened more schools and wellbeing facilities.
- The economy has additionally observed an unfaltering development rate (+4%)
- He effectively won two re-races, carrying political request to Bolivia, which had languished constant precariousness over decades.
Beginning of authoritarianism
- In 2016, his push to end presidential term confines through a submission fizzled. He at that point said he acknowledged the decision.
- However, later, an established court lifted as far as possible, enabling the President to look for re-appointment
- Breaks started to show up in his Movement for Socialism party when he looked for a fourth back to back term not long ago (2019), which was viewed as Dictatorship by Morales
- Strains previously flared the evening of the presidential political decision after the outcomes check was mysteriously halted for 24 hours. The conclusive outcome gave Mr Morales somewhat more than the 10-rate point lead he expected to win through and through in the first round of the race
- There were charges of discretionary extortion, which further debilitated him and chafed individuals to challenge the legislature.
Present Political Vacuum
- By and by, he is in shelter in Mexico and has promised to battle the “overthrow”.
- As indicated by the Bolivian Constitution, if the President ventures down, the Vice-President should dominate. The leaders of the Senate and council of representatives are different pioneers in the chain of command who could accept acting administration.
- Be that as it may, for this situation, each of the four authorities, all Socialists, have surrendered. Furthermore, it has left a vacuum, which the military could abuse and further dive the nation into disarray.
Way forward:
- Confronting fights, Mr. Spirits had offered another political decision. That ought to have been the route forward.
- A free and reasonable political decision being held under the supervision of worldwide appointive screens would have enabled the Bolivians to pick their authentic pioneer
Connecting the dots:
- 21st century Socialist revolution is proving to be a failure in the light of political crisis in Bolivia. Elaborate.
TOPIC: General Studies 2:
- India and its neighbourhood- relations.
- Bilateral, regional and global groupings and agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests
BRICS 2020
- Leader Narendra Modi is in Brazil for the eleventh BRICS Summit
- The current year’s summit is noteworthy for India as the joint working gathering on counter-fear mongering has chosen to establish five sub-working gatherings on counterterrorism in regions like psychological militant financing, utilization of the web for fear monger purposes, countering radicalisation, issue of outside fear based oppressor contenders and limit building.
- summit will rotate around “monetary development for an imaginative future” and spotlight on “participation on advanced economy” and “battle against transnational wrongdoing”
- BRICS Business Council will happen, and BRICS MoU among Trade and Investment Promotion organizations will be agreed upon.
- Abbreviation for a relationship of five significant rising national economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.
- South Africa participated in 2010
- All are individuals from G20
- Speak to over 3.1 billion individuals, 41% of the total populace
- Starting at 2018 BRICS have US$40.55 trillion (32% of World’s GDP PPP)
- Two-sided relations among BRICS countries will be directed based on non-impedance, uniformity, and shared advantage.

- The expression “BRIC” was begat in 2001 by then-director of Goldman Sachs Asset Management, Jim O’Neill,
- The BRIC gathering’s first proper summit, additionally held in Yekaterinburg in 2009, with Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Dmitry Medvedev, Manmohan Singh, and Hu Jintao, the particular heads of Brazil, Russia, India and China, all visiting.
- The summit’s emphasis was on methods for improving the worldwide monetary circumstance and transforming budgetary foundations
Financial system in BRICS:
- There are two segments that make up the money related engineering of BRICS, to be specific, the New Development Bank (NDB) (BRICS Development Bank) and the Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA).
- The New Development Bank (NDB) and Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA) were marked into settlement at the 2014 BRICS summit in Brazil.
- Both of these segments were marked into bargain in 2014 and got dynamic in 2015.
New Development Bank
- Situated in Shanghai.
- Multilateral improvement bank worked by the BRICS states.
- The bank’s essential focal point of loaning will be foundation ventures with approved loaning of up to $34 billion every year.
- The bank will have beginning capital of $50 billion, with capital expanded to $100 billion after some time.
- Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa will at first contribute $10 billion each to carry the aggregate to $50 billion.
BRICS CRA: BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement
- Structure for giving security against worldwide liquidity pressures.
- This incorporates money issues where individuals’ national monetary standards are in effect antagonistically influenced by worldwide budgetary weights.
- The CRA is by and large observed as a contender to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and alongside the New Development Bank is seen for instance of expanding South-South collaboration.
India & BRICS:
- India ends up as one of the developing economies in the gathering and past, particularly G20.
- BRICS now unites five economies representing 42% of the total populace, 23% of the worldwide GDP and an around 17% portion of world exchange.
- BRICS has risen the voice of creating nations, or the worldwide south.
- These nations face a forceful club of created nations, raising difficulties on issues from WTO to environmental change,
- India trusts BRICS needs to secure the privileges of the creating nations.
Way forward:
- India needs to keep up the exercise in careful control between Russia-China on the one side and the US on the other.
- India has had a developing job in worldwide undertakings in the last and supposedly is helping drive the worldwide motivation.
- The Summit will be an open door for India to lay the foundation for facilitating the 2021 Summit planned for India.
- India will likewise be aware of the way that the G20 Summit to be facilitated in India will happen in 2022, and this will be a chance to synergise the two motivation from New Delhi’s focal point also.
Connecting the dots:
- India finds itself as one of the emerging economies in the BRICS grouping and beyond. Justify
Q.1) National Education Day on November 11 is celebrated to commemorate the birth anniversary of which leader?
- SarvapalliRadhakrishna
- Jawaharlal Nehru
- MaulanaAbulKalam Azad
- M Visvesvaraya
Q.2) Tiger Triumph often seen in news is related to which of the following?
- Government of India scheme to double Tiger population by 2024
- Initiative by West Bengal government to improve relations with neighbouring Bhutan
- Indo-US joint Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief Exercise.
- None of the above
Q.3) Consider the following statementsabout Agricultural Produce Marketing Committee (APMC)
- It is a statutory market committee constituted by a Central Government in respect of trade in certain notified agricultural or horticultural or livestock products
- APMC Acts provide that first sale in the notified agricultural commodities produced in the region can be conducted only under the aegis of the APMC
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.4) Consider the following statements
- E-NAM ispan-India electronic trading portal that creates a unified national market for agricultural commodities
- E-NAM reduces transaction costs and information asymmetry thus enhancing the income for farmers
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
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