Highlights |UPSC Exam Current Affairs 17-09-2019
Current Affairs and News (17-09-2019)- The following article contains all the updated events and news for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.
- Mega shopping festivals
- National anti-microbial resistance hub
- Degradation of plastics
- Reasonable restriction on Freedom of speech
- Role of media in fake news dispersal
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UPSC Exam Current Affairs 17-09-2019 are followed in the part below:
UPSC Exam Current Affairs and News Analysis (17-09-2019)
Mega shopping festivals
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-III – Economy
In News
- Account Minister reported a yearly “super shopping celebration” in four urban areas by March 2020 as a measure to turn around an extending monetary downturn.
- The celebration is required to pursue the model of Dubai’s yearly shopping celebration, which is acclaimed for the overwhelming limits offered by retailers in the city on mainstream marks crosswise over divisions.
- India’s very own super shopping celebration will have various subjects in every one of the four urban areas (to be chosen) and is required to concentrate on parts like diamonds and adornments, yoga, the travel industry and materials and cowhide.
- The administration intends to give a promoter shot to fares of smaller scale, little and medium undertakings (MSMEs) through this celebration,
- While ventures are idealistic about such celebration, India should guarantee it can rival any semblance of Dubai, Singapore and Hong Kong on the off chance that it intends to turn into the favored shopping goal of sightseers
- This should be possible if the celebration offers a blend of worldwide and indigenous items, rather than adhering exclusively to items made in India.
National anti-microbial resistance hub
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS-II – Health
In News
- The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) introduced India’s first National Anti-microbial Resistance Hub in Kolkata
- The Hub has been created by the ICMR in relationship with the U.S. Division of Health and Human Services.
- It will plan to recognize anti-microbials that work best for sicknesses and casing an approach for anti-toxin utilize that will avert opposition.
- It will do essential research and have an archive of viral strains that are being gathered from everywhere throughout the nation.
- The Kolkata focus would be the center point for explore on anti-infection obstruction for the nation as well as for the whole South Asia.
Degradation of plastics
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS-III – Environmental Conservation
In News
- The group at IIT Madras have shown a domain neighborly system to corrupt the synthetically latent and physically stable plastic fluoropolymer — polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) of which Teflon is made.
- All that is required to debase the fluoropolymer into particles is nonstop blending of it in water containing 1,000 ppm glucose and metal particles for around 15 days at 70 degree C.
- PTFE polymer was separating into littler atoms through triboelectric debasement.
- Triboelectricity alludes to the charge of disparate items or materials happened because of the impact. The way toward scouring materials against one another expansion the surface contact creating an electric charge which is named as triboelectric impact.
- The group has tried polyethylene and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) utilizing same strategy and got comparative outcomes.
- Researchers anticipate that comparable science can prompt smaller scale and nanoplastics in nourishment during cooking the same number of present day cookware are covered with Teflon.
- Triboelectric corruption of plastic may be happening in nature in huge water bodies, for example, seas where metal particles are found in wealth and waves give steady fomentation – might be one of the ways by which microplastics get created.
TOPIC: General Studies 2:
- Indian Constitution- historical underpinnings, evolution, features, amendments, significant provisions and basic structure
- Comparison of the Indian constitutional scheme with that of other countries
Reasonable restriction on Freedom of speech
- The Bombay High Court dismissed the supplication of Gautam Navlakha, a blamed in the Bhima Koregaon case, for suppress the criminal procedures against him, seeing that there was some material to demonstrate that the denounced was in contact with Naxalites. Be that as it may, being in contact with an activist association can’t independent from anyone else be a wrongdoing, as it doesn’t bring about any fast approaching rebellious act.
Freedom of speech :
The right to speak freely of discourse and individual freedom are cherished in Articles 19(1)(a) and 21 of the Constitution. In any case, these rights are not outright but rather subject to sensible confinements.
What would be a reasonable restriction?
The U.S. Preeminent Court tests to decide if the limitation is sensible or not
- ‘terrible propensity’ test : free discourse or acts could be restricted on the off chance that they were probably going to unfavorably influence the welfare of the general population
- ‘undeniable risk’ test : confinement would be sensible just if the discourse or activity establishes an obvious (and not remote) peril to state security or open request.
- ‘impending untamed activity’ test : The sacred certifications of free discourse and free press don’t allow the state to disallow or banish support of the utilization of power or of law infringement, aside from where such promotion is coordinated to affecting or delivering fast approaching uncivilized activity.
The word ‘up and coming’ signifies ‘liable to happen very soon,’ ‘nearby,’ or ‘quick drawing closer.’
In India:
- The ‘irrefutable risk’ test is pursued (Indra Das v. Territory of Assam (2011) and Arup Bhuyan v. Province of Assam (2011))
- Being in contact with an activist association can’t without anyone else’s input be a wrongdoing, as it doesn’t bring about any inevitable untamed act. One could be an author who contacts Naxalites for doing research about them, or a social extremist, or even a sympathizer. That would be legitimate, being inside the ambit of the ‘undeniable peril’ test.
Conclusion :
- it is the higher legal executive which must carry out its responsibility as watchmen of the residents’ sacred rights. The court must not surrender as it did during the Emergency.
TOPIC: General Studies 3:
- Challenges to Internal Security through Communication Networks, Role of Media and Social Networking Sites in Internal Security Challenges, Basics of Cyber Security; Money-Laundering and its prevention.
- Role of Media & Social Networking Sites in Internal Security Challenges
- Challenges in Managing Social Media
Role of media in fake news dispersal
- Controlling phony news is a distraction of the innovation stages, the political class, the news media, and an expanding clan of residents worried about popular government being commandeered.
The reason for the fake news dispersal:
- The institutional news media have lost their believability due to complicit
- The ascent of online life has prompted the universality and trouble in controlling/killing phony news.
- Governments and political on-screen characters (anybody in the matter of preparing general sentiment) have consistently put resources into counterfeit news battles to fabricate updates on their decision.
Measures to combat fake news:
- Answer (Controversy)
- Evacuation of the phony news thing
- Instructing people in general
- Controlling the more drawn out political issue.
Do you know?
- Counter is a kind of actuality checking wherein the phony news is evacuated by pointing out blunders like confound, vindictive altering and misattribution.
Measures outlined for combating fake news discourse:
- Organizations like Facebook and YouTube are pressurized to proactively expel counterfeit news from their foundation and revise their calculations to guarantee that such substance doesn’t pick up unmistakable quality.
- The recently presented utmost on sending message on WhatsApp is one more case of this talk, where responsibility to address counterfeit news is dumped on to the innovation stages.
- Instructing the end clients to be progressively exact about the news by illuminating them regarding confirmation apparatuses with the goal that they can check the precision of a news thing before sharing it.
- Another proposition by the administration, concerns following the ‘wellspring’ of phony news, essentially to address the issue at its root. In any case, this may cause difficult issues concerning attack of security and free discourse.
Shortcomings of these approaches:
- It is conceivable to refute news on one phony (case of youngsters getting stole) however the ‘phony news production line’ will continue spilling out comparative stories to propel its picked narrative.So, it is difficult to totally ‘expel’ counterfeit news much after answer, given the decentralized idea of scattering.
- The expanding intricacy of issues, in mix with the downpour of data has made it inconceivable for any person to build up a well-inquired about remain on every one of the subjects.
- At the point when the snippet of data (counterfeit news or something else) represents somebody’s held convictions, it is promptly acknowledged and shared.
- Individuals couldn’t care less about finding ‘reality’ behind news thing and rather search for proof to help their favored account (affirmation predisposition).
Steps to address the debunking of fake news:
- Tending to the shortcomings that enable the phony news account to flourish. While pushing the phony news, they need to observe the loss of believability which is seen as elitist and degenerate.
- We should activate general conclusion around an other story that makes the phony news thing insignificant.
- Rather than jabbing openings in an adversary’s story, it might be progressively successful to supplant it with an alternate account based on certainties, as the greater part of the individuals can’t hold various stories in their mind.
Regardless of whether the phony news isn’t a constituent motivation, it is in the administration of the political. Along these lines, we ought not lose locate by concentrating excessively on singular phony news things rather than the bigger account.
Connecting the dots:
- Will de-anonymising every social medium records by the legislature will guarantee dispersal of phony news?
- Talk about why the administration and the political entertainers have put resources into disinformation crusades?
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in comment section)
Q.1) Consider the following statements
- India’s first National Anti-microbial Resistance Hub is establised in Kolkata by the ICMR in association with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
- The centre would be hub for research on antibiotic resistance not only for the country but for the entire South Asia.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.2) Consider the following statements
- Mega Shopping festivals in India on the lines of Dubai shopping festival can be used as a measure to reverse a deepening economic downturn.
- However, to withstand the competition from existing such events, the festival must offer a mix of global and indigenous products, instead of sticking solely to products made in India.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
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