Highlights |UPSC Exam Current Affairs 25-11-2019
UPSC exam current affairs 25-11-2019- The following article contains all the updated events and news for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.
- NSO survey debunks Swachh Bharat ODF claims
- Ken-Betwa interlinking
- Chhattisgarh panchayats to have a disabled quota
- Bougainville
- Wages Act, 2019
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UPSC Exam Current Affairs 25-11-2019 are followed in the part below:
UPSC Exam Current Affairs and News Analysis (25-11-2019)
NSO survey debunks Swachh Bharat ODF claims
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-II – Sanitation
In News
- In the principal seven day stretch of October 2018, the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (Grameen) said 25 States and Union Territories had been proclaimed ODF, while latrine access the nation over contacted 95%. As a general rule, the NSO has said 28.7% of country family units had no latrine access at the time.
- The 71% access to toilets was as yet a noteworthy improvement over the circumstance during the last study time frame in 2012 when just 40% of the rustic families approached toilets.
- The NSO review was completed among July and December 2018, with a reference date of October 1.
- Enormous States which had been pronounced ODF — that is, 100% access to toilets and 100% utilization — even before the overview started included Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Rajasthan.
- As indicated by the NSO, practically 42% of the rustic family units in Jharkhand had no entrance to a latrine around then. In Tamil Nadu, the hole was 37%, trailed by 34% in Rajasthan.
- In Gujarat, which was probably the most punctual state announced ODF, back in October 2017, just about a fourth of every single rustic family unit had no latrine get to, the NSO information appeared.
A possible reason for the divergence in survey results:
- There might be a respondent inclination in the detailing of access to the lavatory as a question on benefits got by the family units from government plans was asked before the inquiry on the access of families to the restroom.
Do You Know?
- Notwithstanding, 95% of individuals with access to toilets in rustic India utilized them consistently, demonstrating that the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’s endeavours to change conduct had borne natural product.
Ken-Betwa interlinking
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-II – Federalism
In News
- Association government is pushing Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh to gain ground on the Ken-Betwa stream interlinking undertaking.
- The task includes moving surplus water from Ken waterway in Madhya Pradesh to the Betwa in Uttar Pradesh and inundates 3.64 lakh hectares in the Bundelkhand area of the two States.
- The task includes building a 77-meter-tall and a 2 km wide Dhaudhan dam and a 230 km trench. Initially, this stage imagined inundating 6,35,661 hectares yearly (3,69,881 ha in M.P. what’s more, 2,65,780 ha in U.P.)
- Likewise, the undertaking was to give 49 million cubic meters to drinking water supply in transit.
- The ₹18,000 crore venture has been buried in a few contentions. The latest one is a difference between the States on the portion of water.
- While there is a 2005 understanding between the two States on how water would be shared, Madhya Pradesh says these suspicions are never again substantial and the best way to meet the expanded water necessities is incorporating neighbourhood the board ventures — the Kotha flood, Lower Orr and Bina complex that were visualized in the second period of the task — in the principal stage.
- Other than contrasts between the States, there are extraordinary ecological checks as well.
Chhattisgarh panchayats to have a disabled quota
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains II – Polity
In News
- The Chhattisgarh Cabinet has affirmed the assignment of at any rate one contrastingly abled part to every panchayat, if not chose, making it the main State to have such individuals in all panchayat
- Each panchayat will presently have diversely abled individuals, either chose or named.
- On the off chance that distinctively abled individuals are not chosen through the discretionary procedure, at that point one part, either male or female, would be designated as a panch.
- What’s more, with respect to jaw cushions and Zilla panchayats, the State government would choose two such individuals, one male and one female, to them.
- This implies the State would have 11,000 individuals with extraordinary needs as individuals from panchayats
- In an unexpected way abled individuals comprise 6% of the number of inhabitants in Chhattisgarh.
- The Cabinet additionally chose to drop the instructive capabilities qualification standard for challenging panchayat races.
- In the three-level Panchayati raj framework, just being educated would be sufficient to challenge races.
- In any case, it is obligatory for a candidate for the situation of a panch to be at any rate a Class V pass or more than Class VIII pass.
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-III – Environment
In News
- Association government has endorsed setting up of six plastic stops in various pieces of the nation.
- These parks will have a biological system with foundation constructing and empowering the normal office to combine and synergize the limits of the residential downstream plastic handling industry.
- These parks are situated in Assam, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Jharkhand and Tamil Nadu. Out of them, the plastic park at Tamot in Madhya Pradesh is useful.
- Four new plastic parks have likewise been given on a basic level endorsement for the foundation in West Bengal, Haryana, Uttarakhand and Chhattisgarh.
- Under the plan, the Union government gives award financing up to 50 percent of the task cost. The rest of the venture cost is to be subsidized by State Government recipient businesses and by an advance from budgetary organizations
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS-III- International Affairs
In News
- South Korea has chosen to proceed with a 2016 military knowledge offering consent to Japan that it recently said it would end in the midst of progressing strains over wartime history and exchange.
- Already, South Korea had chosen to cease the insight settlement GSOMIA by November 22, except if Japan chose to audit its fare control measures.
- The requirement for GSOMIA was felt in the midst of a developing danger from North Korea, particularly when it began leading atomic tests and creating ballistic rockets. The understanding was in the long run marked in November 2016.
- The US’ enthusiasm for this understanding stems from its need to manufacture coalitions in the upper east to have the option to break down and react to any dangers from North Korea.
- Altogether, it might be China’s discernment that GSOMIA is an endeavour by the US-Japan-South Korea trilateral coalition to contain Beijing, along these lines keeping up a level of resistance between this trilateral collusion and that of China-North Korea-Russia.
- As of late, the connection between South Korea and Japan has disintegrated, given the regional disagreement regarding the Dokdo islands — known as Takeshima in Japan. While South Korea controls them, the islands are guaranteed by Japan.
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III – International Relations
In News
- Australia could before long have another country directly on its doorstep, as the individuals of Bougainville begin to cast their votes in a submission on whether they should look for freedom from Papua New Guinea.
- Between 1988-1998, political groups in Bougainville were engaged with an equipped clash with the legislature of Papua New Guinea, trying to drive Papua New Guinea to strip control of the asset-rich island.
- The contention in Bougainville and the craving of Bougainvillean individuals for freedom is established in the notable loot of the asset-rich island that has enormous stores of copper and the inconsistent dissemination of riches that followed.
- Strategically, Bougainville is at present a self-sufficient district inside Papua New Guinea. This independence was a key piece of the 2001 harmony understanding marked after the contention.
- Individuals casting a ballot in the submission will be given two alternatives to browse: more noteworthy self-rule from Papua New Guinea or complete freedom
- In any case, the choice isn’t official would, in any case, must be passed by the Government and the Parliament of Papua New Guinea, in meeting with the Autonomous Bougainville Government.

General Studies 2:
- Welfare plans for powerless segments of the populace by the Center and States and the exhibition of these plans; instruments, laws, foundations and Bodies established for the security and improvement of these helpless areas.
General Studies 3:
- Indian Economy and issues identifying with arranging, activation of assets, development, improvement and business.
- Comprehensive development and issues emerging from it.
Wages Act, 2019
The central government has proposed the rules to the Labour Code on Wages Act 2019
- Wages had consistently been the focal worry of labourers. The arrangements of the Minimum Wages Act and the Payment of Wages Act don’t cover a considerable number of labourers, as the appropriateness of both these Acts is limited to the Scheduled Employments/Establishments.
- Then again, the greatest issues looked by managers in India is the number of laws overseeing the business representative relationship. This issue has been on the administration’s radar for a significant stretch of time.
- The legislature has therefore presented four codes that would subsume 44 work laws, which are (I) modern relations, (ii) compensation, (iii) government managed savings, (iv) security, welfare and working conditions. This would likewise consider consistency in the inclusion of different work laws that are in power.
- Strikingly, the Center began telling a uniform national floor-level the lowest pay permitted by law from 1996, which is non-authoritative on states.
- The national floor level was last overhauled by 10% to Rs 176 every day in July 2017.
Features of the Labour code of Wages Act, 2019
- The Code unites, subsumes and changes four focal work laws identifying with compensation, to be specific: (a) the Equal Remuneration Act, 1976; (b) the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 (“MWA”); (c) the Payment of Wages Act, 1936 (“PWA”); and (d) the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 (“PBA”)
- Prior there were 12 meanings of wages in different work laws, prompting prosecution other than trouble in its usage. Under the Code, the definition has been improved.
- The working code on compensation has an arrangement for the lowest pay permitted by law. Consequently, it brings a uniform way of life the nation over. It is required to treat provisional work comparable to the customer representative to have a stately life. The compensation states of untalented labourers will likewise improve.
- The Code presents another idea of “floor compensation”, which rates will be fixed by the Central Government considering the base expectations for everyday comforts of a labourer. When the Code is instituted, the base paces of wages fixed by the State Government can’t be as much as floor compensation as dictated by the Central Government.
- A tripartite panel involving agents of worker’s organizations, managers and the state government would fix floor compensation for labourers all through the nation.
- It would likewise guarantee that there is no segregation among people just as transgenders in getting compensation.
- Likewise, the base wages the nation over would be just connected to components of aptitudes and topographical locales, while the remainder of the variables has been expelled.
- Bill gives an arrangement of a Facilitator to do investigations and data to managers and representatives for better consistency.
- The review will be done based on an examination conspire, which will incorporate an online investigation plan. The examination plan will be chosen by the focal or state governments.
Merits of the Act
- The demonstration is required to profit more than 50 crores workers the nation over.
- An improved meaning of work is relied upon to decrease case and furthermore diminish consistence cost for businesses.
- The Act would be a ‘distinct advantage’ to business as usual to the extent the lives of labourers in the casual area are concerned. It was accepted that casual labourers represent 93% of the complete working populace and add to over 60% of India’s GDP
- The demonstration would restore the emergency of the current financial lull, as the law proposes to build salary limit and the obtaining intensity of the casual labourers.
- The demonstration advances digitization which will likewise prompt formalization of the economy.
- Variety of laws are expelled which consequently encourages simpler consistency by foundations.
Criticism of the rules proposed under the Act
- The floor compensation in actuality would imply that “starvation compensation” which right now ensures just ₹178 every day, will keep on existing. Rather States ought to have been boosted to observe uniform measures crosswise over India.
- ‘Need-Based Minimum Wage’ (covering nourishment, medicinal services, training, lodging and arrangements for mature age too) ought to have been treated as an essential sacred appropriate for each resident of India, in the draft rules.
- Another tremendous worry with the law is in its arrangement of a subjective finding of wages (up to half of the month to month compensation) in light of execution, harm or misfortune, propels, and so forth.
- Draft controls additionally don’t explain the administration and institutional structure for the “work examination framework” in the law.
- The International Labor Organization’s Labor Inspection Convention of 1947 (Convention C081) — it has been sanctioned by India — accommodates a well-resourced and autonomous inspectorate with arrangements to enable exhaustive investigations and free access to work environments. Disregarding these arrangements, the draft rules propose another specially appointed and misty component called the “examination conspire”
- Likewise, since the demonstration impacts the lives of a huge number of labourers, the demonstration ought to have been talked about in detail in Parliament, be that as it may, it was passed in scurry absent a lot of dialogues.
Connecting the dots:
- Critically examine the provisions of the Labour Code of Wages Act, 2019.
TOPIC: General Studies 2:
- Indian Constitution-verifiable underpinnings, advancement, highlights, changes, huge arrangements and fundamental structure.
Illegal non-citizens
- The Home Minister Amit Shah’s had declared in the RajyaSabha recently that a National Register of Citizens (NRC) will be actualized crosswise over India, and rehashed in Assam.
- It has touched off enthusiasm for the current legitimate structure in India for unlawful transients.
- The main authorization made for managing outsiders was the Foreigners Act, 1864, which accommodated the ejection of outsiders and their capture, confinement pending expulsion, and for a restriction on their entrance into India after evacuation.
Do you know?
NRC: The National Register of Citizens (NRC) is a register kept up by the Government of India containing names and certain pertinent data for recognizable proof of Indian residents First began in Assam territory of India.
Who are illegal migrants?
Relocation of individuals into a nation disregarding the immigration laws of that nation or the proceeded with the living arrangement of individuals without the legitimate right to live in that nation.
What is the Passport Act?
- The Passport (Entry into India) Act, 1920, was one of the early set of rules made against illegal migrants,
- It empowered the government to make rules requiring persons entering India to be in possession of passports.
- It also granted the government the power to remove from India any person who entered without a passport.
- The concept of “burden of proof” was introduced in Foreigners Act, 1940.
- Section 7 of the Act provided that whenever a question arose with regard to the nationality of a person, the onus of proving that he was not a foreigner lay upon the person.
When was the Foreigners Act made more stringent?
- The legislature enacted the Foreigners Act, 1946, by repealing the 1940 Act.
- It conferred wide powers to deal with all foreigners.
- It empowered the government to make provisions for prohibiting, regulating or restricting the entry of foreigners into India.
- It also restricted the rights enjoyed by foreigners in terms of their stay in the country if any such orders are passed by the authority.
- The 1946 Act empowered the government to take such steps as are necessary, including the use of force for securing compliance with such directions.
- The ‘burden of proof’ lies with the person, and not with the authorities is still applicable in all States and Union Territories.
- This has been upheld by a Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court.
What about the Foreigners (Tribunals) Order?
- In 1964the Foreigners (Tribunals) Order was brought in.
- The tribunal has the authority to decide whether a person is a foreigner within the ambit of the Foreigners Act, 1946.
- The tribunal has powers similar to those of a civil court.
- It gives a reasonable opportunity to the person alleged to be a foreigner to produce evidence in support of his case, before passing its order.
- In June this year, the Home Ministry made certain amendments in the Foreigners (Tribunals) Order, 1964.
- It was to empower district magistrates in all States and Union Territories to set up tribunals to decide whether a person staying illegally in India is a foreigner or not.
Why did the IMDT Act fail?
- The Illegal Migrants (Determination by Tribunals) Act, 1983, was also referred to as the IMDT Act.
- It was introduced for the detection and deportation of illegal migrants who had entered India on or after March 25, 1971.
- It was unsuccessful.
- One factor for its failure was that it did not contain any provision on ‘burden of proof’ similar to the Foreigners Act, 1946.
- This put a very heavy burden upon the authorities to establish whether a person is an illegal migrant.
- The result of the IMDT Act was that a number of non-Indians who may have entered Assam after March 25, 1971, without possession of valid documents, continue to reside in Assam.
- In the Supreme Court landmark verdict on a petition by SarbanandaSonowal (now the Chief Minister of Assam), challenging the IMDT Act in 2005 the top court quashed the IMDT Act.
- The verdict also closed all tribunals in Assam functioning under the Act.
- It transferred all pending cases at the IMDT tribunals to the Foreigners Tribunals constituted under the Foreigners (Tribunals) Order, 1964.
- Any person excluded from the National Register of Citizens (NRC) recently concluded in Assam can approach The Foreigners Tribunals, established only in Assam, within 120 days of receiving a certified copy of rejection.
- In other States, a person suspected to be a foreigner is produced before a local court under the Passport Act, 1920, or the Foreigners Act, 1946.
Connecting the dots:
- The NRC mess in Assam should serve as a cautionary tale for a nationwide exercise. Comment.
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in the comment section)
Q.1) Consider the following statements about Swachh Bharat Abhiyan
- It is being implemented directly by the Prime Minister’s Office so as to enable better monitoring and quick implementation of the scheme.
- Only 40% of people with access to toilets in rural India used them regularly, indicating that the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’s efforts to change behaviour was a failure.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.2) Bougainville island often seen in the news is located in which ocean?
- Pacific Ocean
- Atlantic Ocean
- Indian Ocean
- Antarctic Ocean
Q.3) Consider the following statements about the Ken-Betwa river linking project
- The project involves transferring surplus water from Ken river in Madhya Pradesh (MP) to the Betwa in Uttar Pradesh (UP)
- The aim of the project is to provide irrigation and drinking water facilities to the Malwa region in both these (MP & UP) states
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.4) Consider the following statements about Plastic Parks
- These parks will have an ecosystem with infrastructure building and enabling the common facility to consolidate and synergize the capacities of the domestic downstream plastic processing industry.
- Union government would provide grant funding up to 90 per cent of the project cost. The remaining project cost is to be funded by State Government &beneficiary industries
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.5) Which state has approved the nomination of at least one differently-abled member to each panchayat (if not elected), making it the first state to have such a policy?
- Jharkhand
- Bihar
- Chhattisgarh
- Uttar Pradesh
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