Highlights |UPSC Exam Current Affairs 25-12-2019
Current Affairs and News (25-12-2019)- The following article contains all the updated events and news for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.
- Chief of Defence Staff (CDS): Union Cabinet gives approval
- Solar Eclipse
- Rohtang Pass: Strategic tunnel under it
- Hypersonic Weapons: Russia becomes the first country to deploy it
- Indian Railway Management Service (IRMS): Railway Board Restructuring
- Brexit :Withdrawal Agreement Bill (WAB)
- National Population Register (NPR) : Census will be conducted in 2021
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UPSC Exam Current Affairs 25-12-2019 are followed in the part below:
UPSC Exam Current Affairs and News Analysis (25-12-2019)
Chief of Defence Staff (CDS): Union Cabinet gives approval
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-III- Security
In News
- Compact discs will work as the Principal Military Adviser to the Defense Minister and furthermore as the Permanent Chairman, Chiefs of Staff Committee (COSC)
- The CDS will likewise head the Department of Military Affairs (DMA), to be made in the Ministry of Defense, and capacity as its Secretary. The military will be brought under the DMA
- The CDS will care for the jointness in activities, coordinations, transport, preparing, bolster administrations, correspondences, fixes and support and so forth of the three Services, inside three years of the principal CDS accepting office.
- Discs will be individual from Defense Acquisition Council led by RakshaMantri and Defense Planning Committee led by NSA.
- Cd will likewise work as the Military Adviser to the Nuclear Command Authoritychaired by the Prime Minister
- Discs will be a position of a four-star General, with compensation and perquisites identical to an assistance boss.
- Discs won’t practice any military order, including over the three Service Chiefs, to have the option to give unbiased counsel to the political administration.
- Discs would come in the ambit of ‘Right to Information Act’, as per the arrangements of the RTI Act, 2005.
- Discs would likewise assess plans “for ‘Out of Area Contingencies’, too different possibilities, for example, Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR).
Solar Eclipse
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains I- Geography
In News
- On 26th December, the annular sun oriented shroud will be unmistakable in spots, for example, India, Australia, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, and Singapore – when the Moon will overshadows the Sun to frame a “ring of fire” in the sky.
What is annual Solar eclipse?
- For the most part, when the new Moon crosses the light of the Sun, it expedites an all out sun oriented obscuration Earth.
- Yet, it won’t be the situation this time as the Moon is directly very more remote than normal from Earth and once it will cross the Sun, a “negative shadow” or what in fact called the antumbra will get unmistakable as the ring of fire. This is known as an annular overshadowing.
- Ophthalmologists caution against review the marvel with the unaided eye or taking pictures utilizing cell phones or cameras.

Rohtang Pass: Strategic tunnel under it
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains I- Geography
In News
- The Union Cabinet has chosen to name the Strategic Tunnel under Rohtang Pass after previous Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee.
- Rohtang Pass is a high mountain pass on the eastern PirPanjal Range of the Himalayas. It associates the Kullu Valley with the Lahaul and Spiti Valleys of Himachal Pradesh.
- The 8.8-kilometer long passage is the world’s longest passage over an elevation of 3,000 meters. It will lessen the separation among Manali and Leh by 46 kilometers.
- It will give all climate availability to remote outskirt regions of Himachal Pradesh and Ladakh which generally stayed cut off from the remainder of the nation for around a half year during winters.
- The choice to build burrow was taken during A.B.Vajpayee’s time and it is approaching fulfillment.
Hypersonic Weapons: Russia becomes the first country to deploy it
Part of: GS Prelims and GS-III- Security, GS-II- International Affairs
In News
- President Vladimir Putin said that Russia is the main nation on the planet that has hypersonic weapons-weapons that movement quicker than Mach5 (~6174kmph) and have the ability to move during the whole flight.
- The principal unit outfitted with the Avangard hypersonic coast vehicle is set to go on obligation by Dec 2019, while that the air-propelled Kinzhal hypersonic rockets as of now have entered administration.
- Avangardhas an intercontinental range and can fly in the climate at a speed multiple times the speed of sound. Its capacity to change the two its course and its elevation on the way to an objective makes it insusceptible to interference by the adversary.
- The Kinzhal, which is conveyed by MiG-31 warrior planes, entered administration with the Russian aviation based armed forces a year ago. The rocket flies multiple times quicker than the speed of sound, has a scope of in excess of 2,000 kilometers (1,250 miles) and can convey an atomic or an ordinary warhead. It is fit for hitting both land targets and naval force ships.
Do You Know?
- Mach Number is the proportion of the speed of the body to the speed of sound in the undisturbed medium through which the body is voyaging. For example On the off chance that the body is flying at Mach 3, at that point its speed is thrice the speed of sound in air (which is 332 m/s or 1195 km/hr).
- It is named to pay tribute to Ernst Mach (1838-1916), a physicist from Austria.
- Kinds of Aircrafts/rockets dependent on Mach Number:
- Subsonic (M < 1)
- Transonic (M = 1)
- Supersonic (1 < M < 3)
- High Supersonic (3 < M < 5)
- Hypersonic (M > 5)
- High Hypersonic (M ~ 25)
Indian Railway Management Service (IRMS): Railway Board Restructuring
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III – Infrastructure; GS Mains II- Governance
In News
- Association Cabinet affirmed the rebuilding of the Railway Board, remembering a decrease for its quality just as the merger of the various units into a focal help called the Indian Railway Management Service (IRMS).
- The Railway Board began in 1905, and over some stretch of time, it has partitioned the administration into a few storehouses
- The Board by and by comprises of eight individuals, including the Chairman, from various assistance divisions, for example, traffic, common, mechanical, electrical and signal and telecom
- The recently constitutedBoard will from now on comprise of five individuals – Chairman, who will go about as a CEO, alongside four individuals answerable for foundation, tasks and business advancement, moving stock and money.
- There will likewise be a DG (HR) under the Chairman. The Board will likewise have some autonomous individuals, who will be exceptionally recognized experts.
- Rebuilding of the board would help end “departmentalism”, while guaranteeing smooth working of the Railways and facilitating the basic leadership process.
TOPIC: General Studies 2:
- Respective, provincial and worldwide groupings and understandings including India as well as influencing India’s inclinations
- Impact of strategies and governmental issues of created and creating nations on India’s inclinations, Indian Diaspora
Brexit :Withdrawal Agreement Bill (WAB)
- Furnished with its new dominant part, the Britain government has distributed a changed rendition of its Withdrawal Agreement Bill (WAB) to guarantee that it can remove the UK from the EU on 31 January.
- The House of Commons casted a ballot 358-234 for the Withdrawal Agreement Bill.
Key changes :
- Initial, another provision prohibits an expansion to the halt change time frame that would lapse on December 31, 2020. Following the declaration, the pound slid 1.1% against the dollar comparative with the additions after the political decision results, restoring market tension. Other than the £33 billion settlement contained in the withdrawal bargain, any augmentation after next December would involve moreover about €10 billion per year.
- The bill gets rid of the requirement for parliamentary endorsement, for the administration’s arranging command just as the last concession to the nation’s future association with the coalition .The arrangement dangers evading typical law based channels for ventures and worker’s guilds to impact the state of their future exchanging relations with the EU, worth an expected £90 billion.
- Bill ensures on work rights recently remembered for the withdrawal bill have been expelled. This vindicates doubters’ apprehensions about a float to a low-charge low-guideline U.K. economy after Brexit. Brussels is careful about giving these concessions to a significant economy, for example, Britain.
Challenges ahead :
- Northern Ireland will keep on staying inside the EU purview after Brexit.
- The legislature will implement customs checks for merchandise exchanged over the Irish Sea to the remainder of the U.K., expanding costs for the majority of little ventures.
- The administrative disparity inside U.K. domain is the trade off London has surrendered to ensure the EU’s single market.
- The course of action would keep up the current delicate outskirt between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, which has supported the locale’s dubious harmony since the 1998 Good Friday Agreement
Impact on India:
- Direct effect on money as it will debilitate against dollar
- Indian-based organizations and interests in UK will endure direct negative effect.
- Portal to Europe being shut, colossal exchange expenses to be happened in managing EU independently.
- Lower item costs, unrefined petroleum costs may help narrowing CAD
- More speculations done in safe alternatives like gold. This has expanded money outpouring and flooded costs of gold
- Diminishing in FIIs
- Very little effect on pharma industry as US is the greater market
Be that as it may, India isn’t relied upon to be an excessive amount of affected because of its profound remote trade saves, a high development rate, to some degree controlled expansion, a not critical current record shortfall and financial order support.
Connecting the dots:
- Has Brexit influenced India ?
- By what method should India see Brexit?
TOPIC: General Studies 2:
- Indian Constitution-recorded underpinnings, development, highlights, revisions, critical arrangements and fundamental structure.
- Government approaches and intercessions for improvement in different areas and issues emerging out of their structure and usage
National Population Register (NPR) : Census will be conducted in 2021
- The Union Cabinet endorsed a proposition to direct Census 2021 and update the National Population Register (NPR). While the Census will be led in 2021, the NPR update will happen from April to September 2020 in every one of the States/UTs with the exception of Assam.
- As indicated by the sources, the Union Cabinet has endorsed a proposition of the Home Ministry to spend Rs 8,754 crore for the Census 2021 and Rs 3,941 crore for refreshing the NPR.
- The NPR is a register of common inhabitants of the nation.
- It is required for each typical inhabitant of India to enlist in the NPR.
- It incorporates both Indian residents just as a remote resident.
- To make a far reaching personality database of each standard inhabitant in the nation.
- The primary National Population Register was set up in 2010 and refreshing this information was finished during 2015 by leading way to entryway study.
- The following update of the NPR will happen one year from now from April to September with the House posting period of the Census 2021.
- It is being set up at the nearby (Village/sub-Town), sub-District, District, State and National level under arrangements of the Citizenship Act 1955 and the Citizenship (Registration of Citizens and issue of National Identity Cards) Rules, 2003.
Usual resident
- As indicated by the Citizenship (Registration of Citizens and issue of National Identity Cards) Rules, 2003, a typical inhabitant is an individual who has lived in a neighborhood the previous a half year or more or an individual who expects to dwell around there for the following a half year or more.
- The Census is the identification of the number of inhabitants in the nation It is being directed at an interim of 10 years.
- Statistics 2021 will be sixteenth registration in the nation since the principal enumeration occurred in 1872
- Just because, the Census 2021 will utilize the Mobile App for information assortment. It will likewise give an office to people in general for self-specification.
NPR connected to NRC?
- The Citizenship Act enables the administration to necessarily enroll each resident and keep up a National Register of Indian Citizens.
- An across the country NRC — whenever attempted — would stream out of NPR.
- This doesn’t really imply that a NRC must follow NPR — no such register was accumulated after the past NPR in 2010.
- After a rundown of inhabitants is made, an across the country NRC — on the off chance that it occurs — could approach confirming the residents from that rundown.

- Another discussion has been about security.
- The NPR plans to gather numerous subtleties of individual information on inhabitants.
- The administration position depends on two grounds. One is that each nation must have a complete character database of its occupants with segment subtleties.
- Generally to legitimize the assortment of information, for example, driving permit, voter ID and PAN, is that it will facilitate the life of those living in India by cutting formality
Concerns in West Bengal and Kerala:
- These Opposition-governed states are making a political point. Citizenship, outsiders and naturalization are topics recorded in List 1 of the Seventh Schedule that fall solely under the space of Parliament.
- Lawfully, the states have nothing to do with executing or precluding NPR. Nonetheless, given that the labor is drawn from the states, the resistance might bring about a confrontation.
Connecting the dots:
- Do you think NPR and NRC can make alarm among the residents?
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in comment section)
Q.1) Consider the following statements with regard Kinzhal missile system
- It is developed by India in collaboration with Russia
- The missile can fly10times faster than the speed of sound and can carry a nuclear or a conventional warhead
Which of the above statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.2) Consider the following statements about Rohtang Pass
- It is a high mountain pass on the eastern PirPanjal Range of the Himalayas.
- It connects the Kullu Valley with the Lahaul and Spiti Valleys of Himachal Pradesh.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.3) Consider the following statements about Chief of Defence Staff(CDS)
- CDS will exercise any military command, including over the three Service Chiefs, so as to be enable quick decision making
- CDS would come in the ambit of ‘Right to Information Act’, in accordance with the provisions of the RTI Act, 2005.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.4) Mach Number often seen in news deals with which of the following?
- Intensity of earthquakes
- Elasticity of material
- Speed of an object
- None of the above
Q.5) Consider the following statements about Restructuring of Railway Board
- It will merge the different cadres within Railways into a central service called the Indian Railway Management Service (IRMS).
- The newly constituted Board will also have some independent members, who will be highly distinguished professionals
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
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