Highlights|UPSC Exam Current Affairs 28-09-2019
Current Affairs and News (28-09-2019)- The following article contains all the updated events and news for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.
- SC order demolition of Maradu blocks violating CRZ regulations
- Madhya Pradesh miners demand treatment for Silicosis
- Citizenship Bill
- Air Pollution and health risks
- 10-year sanitation plan
- Tiger Conservation
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UPSC Exam Current Affairs 28-09-2019 are followed in the part below:
UPSC Exam Current Affairs and News Analysis (28-09-2019)
SC order demolition of Maradu blocks violating CRZ regulations
Part of: GS Prelim sand Mains GS-III – Environmental Conservation
In News
- The beach front land up to 500m from the High Tide Line (HTL) and a phase of 100m along banks of brooks, estuaries, backwater and waterways subject to tidal vacillations, is known as the Coastal Regulation Zone(CRZ).
- CRZ Notification 2018 depends on the suggestions of Shailesh Nayak committeeand have been given under Section 3 of the Environment Protection Act, 1986.
- CRZ along the nation has been put in four classes, which are as per the following
- CRZ I – Ecologically Sensitive Areas.
- They lie among low and elevated tide line.
- Investigation of gaseous petrol and extraction of salt are allowed
- no development is permitted with the exception of exercises for nuclear power plants, safeguard.
- CRZ II – Shore Line Areas
- The zones that have been created up to or near the shoreline.
- Unapproved structures are not permitted to develop in this zone.
- CRZ III – Undisturbed Area
- Provincial (CRZ IIIA and CRZ IIIB) and Urban territories which fall outside I and II.
- Just certain exercises identified with horticulture even some open offices are permitted in this zone.
- CRZ IV – Territorial Area
- A territory secured between Low Tide Line and 12 Nautical Miles toward the ocean.
- Angling and unified exercises are allowed in this zone.
- Strong waste ought to be let off in this zone.
Madhya Pradesh miners demand treatment for Silicosis
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS-II- Health
About Silicosis
- Silicosis is a lung ailment brought about by taking in minor bits of silica, a mineral that is a piece of sand, rock, and mineral metals, for example, quartz.
- It for the most part influences laborers presented to silica dust in occupations such mining, glass assembling, foundry and building development ventures.
- After some time, introduction to silica particles causes scarring in the lungs, which causes wicked hacking and windedness.
- Silicosis is serious, thus clinical administration incorporates expelling the specialist from the business and giving symptomatic treatment
Do You Know?
- Jodhpur’sRaju Devi, who, after her better half’s demise because of silicosis, sorted out around 25,000 diggers and protected their privileges as to working conditions and sufficient medical coverage advantages to manage Silicosis.
- Manufacturing plant Act of India (1948) commands a very much ventilated workplace, arrangements for assurance from dust, decrease of congestion and arrangement of fundamental word related social insurance.
- The principle challenge of wiping out silicosis in India is in the casual, unregulated segments of industry which don’t fall under the influence of the Factory Act of India.
Citizenship Bill
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS-II – Federalism
In News
- NGOs over the northeastern States have arranged fights against the Union government’s offered to reintroduce the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill.
- Gatherings in Assam feel the bill conflicts with the NRC and the Assam Accord, bunches in Mizoram fears a higher inundation of Chakmas while other Northeastern states dread flood of pariahs may prompt changes in demography of their states.
About Citizenship(Amendment) Bill
- The Bill looks to alter the Citizenship Act of 1955 and award citizenship to individuals from minority networks — Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis and Christians — from Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan following six years of remain in India regardless of whether they don’t have any appropriate record.
- The present prerequisite is 12 years of remain.
- The proposed enactment was cleared by the Lok Sabha in January yet not postponed in the Rajya Sabha.
Other Criticism of the bill
- The bill has no arrangement for Shias or Ahmadiyas in Pakistan who are aggrieved minorities there. By permitting non-Muslim transients to guarantee citizenship, the bill conflicts with to Article 14 of the Constitution that ensures right to equity.
Air Pollution and health risks
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS-II – Health
In News
- Beforehand, air contamination was solely connected uniquely to respiratory sicknesses.
- In any case, as of late, numerous clinical investigations have demonstrated the job of air contamination in causing cardiovascular infections
- The investigation says that out of one lakh Indians, around 200 individuals are inclined to heart infections because of air contamination.
- An investigation additionally found that roughly 35% of patients with no regular hazard factors experienced cardiovascular sicknesses (CAD) because of air contamination.
- Organizations associated with study: Sri Jayadeva Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences and Research, and NIMHANS Bengaluru.
National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)
- Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act enables Central Pollution Control Board to set gauges for the nature of air.
- Current NAAQS were advised by CPCB in the year 2009.
- Toxins secured under NAAQS are Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), Particulate Matter (PM 10, PM 2.5), Ozone (O3), Lead (Pb), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Ammonia (NH3), Benzene (C6H6), Benzo(a)Pyrene (BaP), Arsenic(As), Nickel (Ni).
National Air Quality Index
- NAQI, propelled by CPCB, is a number used to convey to the general population how contaminated the air as of now is or how dirtied it is determined to turn into.
- The arrangements of air quality are a piece of a 6 evaluation, shading coded considering 8 toxin levels.
- These poisons estimated in this list are: Ground-level Ozone (O3), Particulate Matter (ash and residue) – PM 2.5 and PM 10, Carbon Monoxide (CO), Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) and Ammonia (NH3).
10-year sanitation plan
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS-II – Health and Sanitation
In News
- With India set to be totally open crap free (ODF) by second October 2019, the Center has propelled a 10-year sanitation system to keep up these additions
- The center would now move to strong and fluid waste administration in rustic territories of the nation.
- In any case, the principal need is to support the additions of ODF, to anticipate slipbacks and proceed with conduct change.
About Swachh Bharat Abhiyan
- Propelled in 2014, it plans to quicken the endeavors to accomplish all inclusive sanitation inclusion in the nation.
- Around 110 million toilets have been worked in recent years.
- At present, 98% of Indian towns have country sanitation inclusion rather than 38% four years back.
- Swachh Bharat (country) is actualized by Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation; and Swachh Bharat (urban)by Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs.
Tiger Conservation
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS-III – Environmental Conservation
In News
- India, Nepal, Bhutan to include tigers in high heights
- Potential high height tiger scenes incorporate the
- Valmiki-Chitwan-Annapurna (India-Nepal),
- Manas-Royal Manas-Jigme Dorji (India-Bhutan);
- Neora Valley-Torsa-Buxa-Phibsu (India-Bhutan);
- Askot-Pithoragarh-Nandhaur-Suklaphanta (India-Nepal); and
- Arunachal-Sikkim-circumscribing Bhutan (India-Bhutan).
- Recording the nearness of tigers in high heights is imperative to pass judgment on the wellbeing of the species, as poaching and divided territory are not kidding difficulties to their populace development.
Do You Know?
- India is home to the most number of tigers on the planet, the vast majority of them are focussed in Central India and the Western Ghats.
- The most recent tiger study, made open not long ago assessed 2,967 tigers all over India.
TOPIC: General Studies 2 :
- India and its neighbourhood- relations.
- Notice of comprehension (MoU) was marked by the NCP(Nepal socialist gathering) with the Communist Party of China .
- President Xi Jinping is visiting Nepal in October 2019
Background about Nepal:

- Nepal is a landlocked nation in South Asia.
- It outskirts China in the north and India in the south, east
- Hinduism is the transcendent religion of the nation
- The Constitution of Nepal, embraced in 2015, certifies Nepal as a mainstream government parliamentary republic partitioned into seven regions.
- Kinship settlements were marked with India in 1950 and the People’s Republic of China in 1960.
- Individual from South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), Non Aligned Movement(NAM) and the Bay of Bengal Initiative.
India – Nepal relations:
- The 1950 Indo-Nepal Treaty of Peace and Friendship
- settlement gives Nepalese, indistinguishable monetary and instructive open doors from Indian residents in India, while representing particular treatment to Indian residents and organizations contrasted with different nationalities in Nepal
- The Indo-Nepal outskirt is open; Nepalese and Indian nationals may move unreservedly over the fringe without identifications or visas and may live and work in either nation
- since late 2015, political issues and fringe debates have stressed relations between the two nations with hostile to Indian conclusion developing among the legislature and individuals of Nepal
- No outskirt understanding between two nations.
Recent developments in India – Nepal relations:
- In August 2014, when the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi had visited and number of sops were declared.
- At the point when a major seismic tremor struck Nepal, India rushed to react with assistance and help materials.
- India’s inability to finish past undertakings on time has made disappointments.
- In 2015 India protested Nepal’s constitution and applied weight for Nepal to suit the voices of Madhesi individuals prompted bar this encroached the relations.
China- Nepal relations:
- The Sino-Nepal Treaty of Peace and Friendship marked in 1960.
- From 1975 forward, Nepal has kept up an arrangement of adjusting the contending impact of China and India
- China has been attempting to pick up passage into SAARC, and, Nepal has ceaselessly sponsored and upheld the proposition to remember China as a part for the territorial gathering
- China being the biggest wellspring of FDI, (while India still stays one of the significant wellspring of settlement to Nepal)
- The Nepal and China endorsed the outskirt understanding arrangement 1960.
Recent development in China – Nepal relations:
- Nepali pioneers played the patriotism card to connect with China (after blocked).
- With the declaration of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), trades and associations between the two nations developed.
- Nepal consented to arrangements with China to guarantee it was not “India bolted”, thusly opening travel and exchange openings through its northern outskirt.
Problems with the Nepal:
- Nepal’s commitment with the outside world have been a greater amount of showy behavior, discourses and little activity.
- Nepal has never been tied in with looking for ventures and get into an organization model, for example, what Bangladesh has had the option to do effectively with both China and India.
- With a solid male centric and primitive culture installed in Hinduism, ceremonies rule Nepali life, there is a lot of accentuation on customs as opposed to a comprehension of the more profound issues.
Communism in Nepal Vs China:
The ongoing ascent of the Nepali socialist has been because of the sympathy of and support from the Communist gatherings of India that were a piece of the United Progressive Alliance(UPA). The Maoists, while underground, got unsaid help. With the socialist gatherings in India in chaos now, the Nepali socialist pioneers are searching for choices.
- Socialism to Nepal came through Calcutta and not directly from China. In this way, what we find in Nepal is the West Bengal rendition of socialism as opposed to a Chinese one.
- The socialist development in the two India and Nepal has been about lease looking for on positions and selling talk and deception. As opposed to the Chinese cultural model of difficult work and empowering enterprising interests.
- Nepali socialists, particularly the previous agitators, still discussion about Mao and the Maoist philosophy. In China, Mao is a word best stayed away from and is jolting for the present key initiative.
- In China, throughout the years, when a greater part bunch inside the gathering settles on an issue, individuals with restricting perspectives acknowledge the choice and don’t challenge them later on. Nepali socialism has been about consistent infighting and making fiefdoms as opposed to tolerating a person’s administration.
China- India-Nepal Trilateral:
- China needs to put resources into enormous availability extends in Nepal however wants to bring India, on board. In any case, India have not demonstrated a lot of intrigue.
- Chinese commitment in Nepal is strongly expanding, making India awkward. India sees Nepal as its conventional authoritative reach, and needs to contain Chinese impact. In this way India is dismissing the proposition for trilateral collaboration
- Nepal needs to change the old example of a substantial financial reliance on India by extending huge scale ties with China.
- China, in the mean time, is quick to expand its monetary, military, and key impact in Nepal without face to face encounter with India.
- Continuous Trade and travel understanding of Chinese and Nepal governments. When it is finished, Nepal, a land-bolted nation, could utilize Chinese ports and oceans for the fare and imports of products .Currently, Nepal utilizes Indian ports and urban communities for fares and imports.( The outskirt bar of 2015 showed Nepal the exercise)
- China is seen as a confided in neighbor, understandings, settlements, and shows. India is welcomed with doubt..
- China’s strategic distance approach appears to have assumed an essential job in making positive popular assessment toward China.
- On the other hand, there are broad discernments that India meddles in Nepal’s legislative issues.
Ex : In 2015, India protested Nepal’s constitution and applied weight for Nepal to suit the voices of Madhesi individuals, China respected the declaration of the constitution in Nepal, praising it as a noteworthy advancement.
How far is the progress of China – Nepal relation?
- China-financed ventures, for example, building Pokhara International Airport and the Kathmandu Ring Road extension are in progress.
- Chinese interest in different divisions is expanding.
- Chinese visitors have additionally observably expanded in actuality outperformed Indian voyagers in 2018
- Nepal Army and People’s Liberation Army of China is on the ascent, after their first joint military exercise a year ago
- Nepal and China consented to a system arrangement on the BRI and now the onus lies on Nepal to choose the ventures under the BRI framework(2017)
- Nepal is requesting that China open more fringe intersections. Despite the fact that the two nations are discussing more extensive network, China has opened not many fringe focuses.
- China and Nepal are likewise investigating the plausibility of an unhindered commerce understanding (FTA).
Way forward:
- Longstanding individuals to-individuals ties and social interface.
- India should concentrate on fructifying the capability of hydropower collaboration, which has stayed undiscovered generally due to varying recognitions.
- Opportune fulfillment of ventures
- India ought to keep up the strategy of avoiding inner issues of Nepal.
- President Xi’s visit will be indeed be one made by a “well disposed neighbor or cousin”, who brings a few presents, trades merriments and afterward proceeds onward.
- With its monstrous key pertinence in the Indian setting as Indian security concern, steady and verify Nepal is one imperative which India can’t bear to neglect.
TOPIC: General Studies 2 :
- India and its neighbourhood- relations.
- Bilateral, regional and global groupings and agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests
- Effect of policies and politics of developed and developing countries on India’s interests, Indian Diaspora.
The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
- Voiced concern over the human rights situation in Kashmir.
- Examined the correspondence confinements set up in Kashmir.
- The gathering requested that India “repeal” its activities in Kashmir and emphasize its pledge to comply with the important UN Security Council goals.
- It said India ought to enable access to Jammu and Kashmir to human rights associations and worldwide media to discover and give an account of the circumstance there.
India answered that the annulment of Article 370 is its “inward issue”.
- Established in 1969, 57 part states, 53 nations being Muslim-larger part nations.
- The association expresses that it is “the aggregate voice of the Muslim world” and attempts to “defend and ensure the interests of the Muslim world in the soul of advancing universal harmony and concordance”.
- The Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States (PUOICM) was built up in Iran in 1999,. Just OIC individuals are qualified for participation in the association
- The OIC bolsters a two-state answer for the Israeli–Palestinian clash.
- The OIC has called for blacklist of Israeli items in exertion to pressure Israel into completion the control of the Palestinian domains.
- denounced the human rights infringement against the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar.
- raised the issue of China’s Xinjiang re-instruction camps and human rights maltreatment against the Uyghur Muslim minority in 2018.
India – OIC Relation:
- India’s association with Pakistan has consistently been tense and directly affects India-OIC relations, with Pakistan being an establishing individual from the OIC. India has pushed for the OIC to acknowledge India as a part, Pakistan restricts India’s entrance into the OIC
- Without precedent for five decades, the United Arab Emirates welcomed outside clergyman of India Sushma Swaraj to go to the debut whole 46th gathering of OIC remote clergymen. (Pakistan boycotted the meet)
- From the mid-1990s, when this Contact Group was framed, it has given a few articulations for the benefit of Pakistan (on Kashmir issue)
- The United Arab Emirates, for example, gave the Order of “Zayed”, its most elevated non military personnel grant on Prime Minister Narendra Modi, over seven days after New Delhi’s proceeds onward Article 370, and announced that Kashmir was India’s inside issue.
Way forward:
- Requesting that Pakistan change its state approach on fear mongering.
- Imran Khan guarantee that Pakistan renounces backing to Kashmir-driven gatherings, for example, the Jaish-e-Mohammed and the Lashkar-e-Taiba
- The OIC would improve on the off chance that it improved the part of its individuals or intervene between warring Saudi Arabia and Yemen, for example.
- The association, established on strict lines, however looking to satisfy geopolitical interests, needs changes from inside.
- The OIC’s record of compromise with regards to issues between OIC part states is poor and must be improved
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in comment section)
Q.1)Consider the following statements about Manas National Park
- It is Tiger reserve, Elephant reserve, UNESCO World Heritage Site(Natural) and Biosphere Reserve under Man & Biosphere Programme of UNESCO
- It is located in Sikkim State of India bordering Bhutan
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.2)Consider the following statements about Citizenship(Amendment) bill recently in news
- It has provisions to grant citizenship to people from minority communities — Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis and Christians — from SAARC countries
- It has reduced the time period of stay in India from previous 12 years to 6 years so as to be eligible to grant Citizenship
- The bill is being opposed in Assam as the above provisions goes against the NRC and the Assam Accord
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 and 2 only
- 2 and 3 only
- 1 and 3 only
- 1,2 and 3
Q.3)Consider the following statements about Silicosis
- It is a skin disease which is not curable
- It mostly affects workers exposed to silica dust in occupations such mining, glass manufacturing, foundry and building construction industries.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.4)Consider the following statements about Coastal Regulation Zones(2018)
- It is based on the recommendations of Shailesh Nayak committee
- They have been issued under provisions of Environment Protection Act, 1986.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
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