Highlights |UPSC Exam Current Affairs 06-09-2019
UPSC exam current affairs 06-09-2019- The following article contains all the updated events and news for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.
- Nuakhai
- Eat Right India Movement
- Centralised Technology Vertical (CTV)
- Act the Far East
- Controlling the hepatitis B virus calls for universal vaccination of newborns
- Chief of Defence Staff: Going forward
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UPSC Exam Current Affairs 06-09-2019 are followed in the part below:
UPSC Exam Current Affairs and News Analysis (06-09-2019)
Part of: GS Prelims
In News
- Nuakhai is a significant social celebration of Western Odisha and abutting regions of Simdega in Jharkhand.
- It is seen on the fifth day of the lunar fortnight of the long stretch of Bhadrapada (August–September), the day after the Ganesh Chaturthi celebration.
- It is a rural celebration which is seen to respect the new rice of the period. The word nua implies new and khai implies nourishment.
- During this celebration, individuals offer the recently reaped yield called Nabanha to their separate managing divinities and relish various sorts of luxuries arranged from the recently collected harvest.
- The Nuakhai Juhar is a significant custom of the celebration. It is a trade of welcome with companions, family members and well-wishers.
- Womenfolk leave bed ahead of schedule to play out the Nukhai ceremonies with embellishing the house with bright rangoli.
Eat Right India Movement
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS-II – Issues relating to Health
In News
- What is Eat Right India development? It is a pivotal preventive medicinal services measure to trigger social and conduct change
- Approach: Through a wise blend of administrative measures, joined with delicate mediations for guaranteeing mindfulness and limit the working of nourishment organizations and residents the same.
- Why it is required? – Due to the expanding weight of non-transferable maladies including diabetes, hypertension and heart sicknesses, far-reaching insufficiencies of nutrients and minerals and wild nourishment borne ailments.
- This development is lined up with the administration’s lead general wellbeing projects, for example, POSHAN Abhiyaan, Anemia Mukt Bharat, Ayushman Bharat Yojana and Swachh Bharat Mission.
- As a component of the battle, the focal nourishment controller – Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has prepared over 1.7 lakh sanitation managers who will spread mindfulness and sharpen individuals and nourishment merchants on sanitation.
- FSSAI has likewise set up strong administrative measures under three significant columns: Eat Safe, Eat Health and Eat Sustainably for the program.
- For instance, FSSAI has recommended the farthest point for Total Polar Compounds (TPC) at 25% in cooking oil to keep away from the unsafe impacts of reused cooking oil.
Do You Know?
- Under the Re-Purposed Used Cooking Oil (RUCO) activity that FSSAI has embraced with the service of oil and gaseous petrol, utilized cooking oil is being changed over to bio-diesel.
- India has liberated an objective of 2022 to be of modern trans-fats, a year in front of the worldwide objective set by the WHO.
- POSHAN represents Prime Minister’s Overreaching Scheme for Holistic Nourishment – is India’s lead program to improve wholesome results for kids, young people, pregnant ladies and lactating moms by utilizing innovation, a focused on approach and intermingling.
- Association Government is praising the whole month of September as “Rashtriya Poshan Maah” (National Nutrition Month) to underline the requirement for sound sustenance. The subject is Complementary sustaining.
Centralised Technology Vertical (CTV)
Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III- Cyber Security
In News
- The administration reported that the new Centralized Technology Vertical (CTV) would be set up under the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) at an expense of ₹99 crores.
- The declaration was made during the first National Conference on digital wrongdoing examination and crime scene investigation sorted out by the CBI.
- The goal of CTV: To encourage continuous data imparting to agents the nation over.
- It will get operational one year from now, which would reinforce the hands of specialists to handle the developing hazard of cybercrimes.
Do You Know?
- Association Bank of India’s SWIFT (a financial informing administration for universal exchanges) was focused by programmers who redirected USD 171 million utilizing it in 2016 – considered as India’s greatest worldwide hack.
- CBI who is by and by researching the case has seen that the wrongdoing is spread more than seven nations.
- As far as greatness, the UBI digital heist overwhelmed the hacking of the Bangladesh Central Bank, where USD 81 million were taken by programmers
Act the Far East
Part of: GS Prelims and Mains GS-II – International Affairs
In News
- PM Modi disclosed the ‘Demonstration Far East’ strategy for Russia and reported that India will give a credit extension worth USD 1 billion for the asset-rich area of Russia’s far east.
- PM Modi is on a two-day visit to went to the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) at Vladivostok – the first by an Indian executive.
- Among the members of the Summit are India, Malaysia, Japan, Australia, and South Korea.
- EEF was built up by pronouncement of President Putin in 2015 to help the financial advancement of Russia’s Far East and to grow universal participation in the Asia-Pacific area.
- Vladivostok is the biggest port on Russia’s Pacific coast, and home to the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy.
- India is the principal nation that opened its department in Vladivostok.
- MoU was marked among India and Russia to open an undeniable sea course between Russia’s eastern port city Vladivostok and Chennai which will help in the upscaling of exchange relations between the two countries.
- The two sides consented to different arrangements in the fields of military and specialized collaboration, vitality and science, LNG Business and LNG supplies, and flammable gas

Topic: General studies 2
- Issues relating to the development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to Health, Education, Human Resources.
- Issues relating to poverty and hunger
Controlling the hepatitis B virus calls for universal vaccination of newborns
- On September 3, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal and Thailand turned into the initial four nations in the World Health Organization’s Southeast Asia district to have effectively controlled hepatitis B.
- In spite of the presentation of hepatitis B antibody in the Universal Immunization Program in 2002 and scaling-up across the country in 2011, around one million individuals in India become constantly contaminated with the infection consistently.
- As per the Health Ministry, as of February 2019, an expected 40 million individuals in India were tainted.
About hepatitis:
- Hepatitis is an ailment where there happens aggravation of liver cells and its intricacies differ with sort of contamination.
- There are 5 sorts of hepatitis viz. A, B, C, D and E. Each type is brought about by alternate hepatitis infection.
- Hepatitis infections are one of the regular reason for liver harm.
- Hepatitis B and C are the most destructive. These two kinds are for the most part liable for liver harm.
- Hepatitis infections B, C and D spread by contact with defiled blood or body liquids.
- Hepatitis An and E spread through risky nourishment and drink.
- Manifestations incorporate yellowing of the skin and eyes, stomach torment and growing, yellow pee, pale or dull stools, interminable weariness, queasiness and loss of hunger.
- WHO has delegated Amitabh Bachchan as its generosity Ambassador for Hepatitis in the South-East Asia Region.
Prevalence of the disease;
- Hepatitis B contamination at a youthful age turns constant, causing more than 1,00,000 unexpected losses every year from liver cirrhosis or liver malignant growth.
- An examination distributed in 2013 discovered lower inclusion of hepatitis B antibody in eight of the 10 locales studied.
- As per the WHO, the inclusion of hepatitis B third portion had arrived at 86% in 2015.
- Nonetheless, in spite of the high inoculation inclusion, sickness pervasiveness in youngsters matured under five years has not dipped under 1%.
Reasons for increasing numbers:
- One reason for this is the imperfect inclusion of birth portion in all newborn children inside 24 hours of birth.
- The impulse to build the birth portion to cut vertical transmission emerges from two significant reasons — around 70-90% babies tainted along these lines become interminable transporters of hepatitis B, and around 20-30% bearers in India are because of vertical transmission.
- Be that as it may, even seven years after the Health Ministry endorsed the birth portion in 2008, its inclusion stayed low — 45% in 2015 and 60% in 2016.
- On account of institutional conveyance, the birth portion immunization inclusion is low — 76.36% in 2017. One reason for the low inclusion is the dread of wastage of immunization when a 10-portion vial is utilized.
- Tragically, medicinal services labourers are all the time unconscious of the WHO proposal that permits hepatitis B open-vial arrangement.( Opened vials of hepatitis B immunization can be kept for a most extreme length of 28 days for use in other youngsters if the antibody meets certain conditions)
National Viral Hepatitis Control Program
- The National Action Plan was created by specialists from the nation over, in accordance with India’s dedication and remembering the worldwide viewpoint.
- The Plan gives a key structure, in view of which the National Viral Hepatitis Control Program was confined and propelled in July 2018 under National Health Mission by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
- This program is additionally in accordance with our worldwide duty towards accomplishing Sustainable Improvement Goal (SDG) 3.3. India has confirmed this responsibility at the 69th World Health Assembly.
- The point of the program is to battle hepatitis and accomplish countrywide disposal of Hepatitis C by 2030, accomplish a noteworthy decrease in the contaminated populace, dismalness and mortality related with Hepatitis B and C viz. Cirrhosis and Hepatocellular carcinoma (liver malignant growth) and Hepatitis An and E.
- A National Steering Committee was framed to detail the National Action Plan for Viral Hepatitis in January 2017. Different working gatherings were framed which took a gander at different topical territories. The Plan was shaped in the conference with almost 110 specialists, program supervisors, state authorities and network individuals.
- The Technical Guidelines is proposed to fill in as a source of a perspective archive for rehearsing doctors and give state-administered testing and treatment conventions to guarantee consistency in diagnosing and treatment of the illness, in the experimentally generally proper and financially savvy way. This will be brought down to the most minimal degree of human services through the Ayushman Bharat program.
- The preventive, promotive and remedial intercessions need to meet up, particularly since side effects for Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C regularly stay lethargic for long.
- Immunization against Hepatitis B to the social insurance labourers and high-chance populace will likewise be started under this program. No kid ought to experience the ill effects of Hepatitis B.
- Utilization of online networking and field exceed through versatile vans of the Ministry of I&B to improve open mindfulness on the ailment.
- India is one of only a handful hardly any nations on the planet to reveal the administration of Hepatitis B and hepatitis C in a general wellbeing approach and offer free diagnostics and medications long-lasting to its recipients.
- Incorporating the mediations inside the current wellbeing frameworks structure under National Health Mission is further supplementing the endeavours of expanding access to testing and the board of viral hepatitis.
- Coordination and cooperation with other national projects and plans to give a promotive, preventive and remedial bundle of administrations will additionally enlarge the legislature of India’s resolved endeavours towards accomplishing the objective.
Connecting the dots:
- “Just sound individuals can assemble a solid and prosperous country”. Remark.
- Could Ayushman Bharat demonstrate to be a distinct advantage? Talk about.
TOPIC: General studies 3:
- Various Security forces and agencies and their mandate.
- Role of external state and non-state actors (extremists) in creating challenges to internal security.
- Security challenges and their management in border areas
Chief of Defence Staff: Going forward
In news:
- The ongoing choice to designate a Chief of Defense Staff (CDS), or Permanent Chief of the Chiefs of Staff Committee, fulfils a long-standing interest of the vital network in India.
- Post the declaration of the choice, a powerful board has been set up by the legislature under the National Security Advisor (NSA) to draw up the contract of obligations of the CDS and to execute the choice.
- The outline for its operationalisation would require escalated consideration to ensure that no part of its usage is left unaddressed.
- The three assistance boss are relied upon to hold the operational job, yet they would be responsible to the CDS, who is well on the way to have direct authority over the tri-administrations key, space, digital and uncommon powers directions.
- He is additionally expected to lead military strategy. Basically, he would be answerable for by and large resistance readiness and capacity as the single-direct military counsellor toward the legislature.
Way forward:
- For CDS to be able to discharge all, or even some of, these functions, several structural and functional changes will have to be made. To begin with, he will need an organisational setup. A lean and thin organisation, with officer-oriented work culture, is needed as it will be less prone to bureaucratic lethargy.
- The functions to be carried out by the CDS will need to be specified unambiguously. It will be a challenge to strike the right balance between empowering the CDS sufficiently enough to discharge the functions assigned to him and overloading him with an unmanageable charter.
Depending on what roles are finally assigned, a number of functions presently being performed by the Ministry of Defence (MoD) will have to be transferred to his jurisdiction. The modality of their transfer will need to be worked out to prevent disruption in work. - The question of whether the manpower handling such functions in the MoD should also be transferred will need careful consideration.
It may not be desirable to transfer en masse the civilian staff and officers – some of them on deputation from various civil services – who for long have been accused of lack of professional knowledge, expertise and empathy required for carrying out the functions assigned to them. This is not going to change merely by bringing them under the administrative control of the CDS. - The CDS would require to interact not only with MoD but also with several other ministries, including External Affairs and Finance, and also with functionaries like the Cabinet Secretary, Defence Secretary, and the National Security Advisor.
It would be desirable to lay down protocols and standard operating procedures for such interactions to ensure smooth functioning of the new dispensation under a non-obtrusive system of checks and balances, and to pre-empt contretemps over status, authority and responsibility of various functionaries and organisations. - Since one of the most important functions of the CDS would be to build up the capability of the armed forces, the existing capital procurement system will need to be re-engineered.
- CDS would undoubtedly require financial powers for carrying out whatever other functions are assigned to him. The present system of stratified delegation of financial powers under the revenue segment to the armed forces down the line, while retaining some powers in the MoD, is flawed.
Full financial powers must be delegated to the CDS and other functionaries in the armed forces. - The CDS is likely to face severe constraints in resource allocation as the need for funds projected by the armed forces has routinely been far higher than the budgetary allocations.
The scheme for implementation must require the Ministry of Finance to indicate long-term availability of funds and the CDS to draw up defence plans within the indicated financial parameters. This could well be the biggest challenge for the CDS as he will have to withstand the pressure from the Service Chiefs, as operational commanders, for higher allocation to meet their service-specific requirement.
The CDS can’t be a panacea for all issues looked by the protection foundation. Be that as it may, successful execution of the diagram of the arrangement by the board will help Indian guard framework to experience truly necessary and hotly anticipated change.
Connecting the dots:
- The ongoing choice to name a Chief of Defense Staff (CDS) fulfils a long-standing interest of the key network in India. Fundamentally dissect.
Model questions: (You can now post your answers in the comment section)
Q.1) Consider the following statements about Eastern Economic Forum
- EEF is an international forum established by Russia in 1991 to support the economic development of Russia’s the Far East
- The Russian Far East comprises the eastern Russian territory between Lake Baikal in eastern Siberia and the Pacific Ocean
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
Q.2) Nuakhai festival is observed in which part of India?
- Western Odisha
- Nagaland
- Punjab
- None of the above
Q.3) Consider the following statements
- CBI derives power to investigate from the Delhi Special Police Establishment Act, 1946.
- Director of CBI has been provided security of two-year tenure in CBI by the CVC Act, 2003
- The CVC Act also provides a mechanism for selection of Director of CBI and other officers of the rank of SP and above in CBI.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 and 2 only
- 2 and 3 only
- 1 and 3 only
- 1,2 and 3
Q.4) Consider the following statements
- The Ministry of Women and Child Development (MWCD) is implementing POSHAN Abhiyaan
- Union Government is celebrating the entire month of September as “Rashtriya Poshan Maah” to emphasise the need for healthy nutrition.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
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